Latest AI Stories
Can Benedict Cumberbatch’s Imitations Fool A Computer?
Reuters built a bot that can identify real news on Twitter
How Facebook’s New Machine Brain Will Learn All About You From Your Photos
Can A Human Fall In Love With A Computer?
Everything big tech knows about a baby by the time it’s born
Artificial intelligence now powers all of Facebook’s translation
“That’s What She Said” Software Recognizes Pervy Double Entendres Automatically
Efficient New Object Recognition Software Uses Smarter Piece-By-Piece Approach
Computer Algorithm Can Recognize Sarcasm (Which Is Just Soooo Cool)
Supercomputer Takes 40 Minutes To Create Super-Detailed Model Of 1 Second Of Brain Activity
Meet A Woman Who Trains Robots For A Living
The first ‘robots’ were made of flesh and bone
You Can Play Jeopardy Against Watson, IBM’s Trivia-Master Supercomputer
Tracking Software Uses Reasoning to Figure Out Who and Where You Are
This Valentine’s Day, Elon Musk wants you to know that machines will take over the world and make you obsolete
Rethinking The Turing Test
Audio engineering is making call center robots more ‘human’ and less annoying
There are two kinds of AI, and the difference is important
Robot Learns To Grab Objects By Asking The Internet
Toshiba’s Automated Checkout Cam Can Distinguish Different Varieties of Apple
This bot-maker wants to make a thousand interconnected AIs out of your documents
Tech-savvy fashion forecasters already know what you’ll be wearing in two years
A Rogue Robot that Smashes Entire Cities (and Box Office Records)
Is A Simulated Brain Conscious?
Can A Robot Give A TED Talk? TED Hopes So
Live Tweeting Now: Ken Jennings vs. Watson, the Jeopardy!-Playing Supercomputer
Pentagon Wants Artificial Intelligence In Future Fighters
This week in tech: Triumph of AlphaGo, new Surface Pro, and a bacteria shirt
AI and deep learning can now help you be more popular on Twitter
Samsung’s new digital assistant, Bixby, tries to push past voice recognition toward true AI
Military Research Teaches Robots How to Deceive Each Other
Google Assistant won’t replace Siri on the iPhone, but you should download it anyway
An Essay-Writing Machine Made To Fool Other Machines
IBM’s Watson Helps Run Your Business Meetings
IBM’s TriviaBot Watson to Take on Ken Jennings in Man Vs. Machine Episode of Jeopardy
Google is using AI to help humans and computers communicate through art
How DARPA Is Making a Machine Mind out of Memristors
Facebook created a faster, more accurate translation system using artificial intelligence
Facebook’s new Camera Effects Platform wants to augment your entire reality
Facebook is hiring 3000 new content monitors for a job AI cannot do
Language is training artificial intelligence to replicate human bias
AI Tweets “Little Beetles Is An Arthropod,” and Other Facts About The World, As It Learns Them
Intellitar’s “Digital Clones” Creepily Preserve Your Legacy For Future Generations
Will Our First Alien Visitors Come in Peace?
Photoshop’s new Super Resolution feature makes images bigger, not blurrier
How Google Aims To Dominate Artificial Intelligence
AI can help predict March Madness upsets, but it’s far from perfect
A.I. Will Eliminate 6 Percent Of Jobs By 2021
Watson A.I. Diagnoses Rare Form Of Leukemia In Japan, Saving A Life
New Tech Startup Is Poised To Disrupt The Personal Assistant Market
Creative A.I. Dreams Up 3D-Printed Objects