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Opened silica gel packet on a wood countertop, ready for someone to find another use for them.
These little silica beads have a lot more uses than you may think. multifacetedgirl / Pixabay

Reduce plastic waste while keeping your prized possessions safe from moisture damage.

The post 6 clever ways to reuse silica gel packets appeared first on Popular Science.

Opened silica gel packet on a wood countertop, ready for someone to find another use for them.
These little silica beads have a lot more uses than you may think. multifacetedgirl / Pixabay

If you’ve bought shoes, torn into beef jerky, or taken certain medication recently, you have likely handled at least one tiny silica gel packet. After briefly wondering why your new backpack contained a squishy little warning-labeled pillow, you probably chucked it into the garbage with the rest of the packaging.

Yet those little packets are as useful as they are ubiquitous, and you can find plenty of uses for silica gel around your home. It’s better to give them a second, third, or fourth life instead of sending them directly to the landfill

What is silica gel?

Before we get into alternative uses, it helps to understand why these silicone dioxide-based packets are in so many products. The jewelry-like silica gel beads are a desiccant, a category of materials used to keep products dry by attracting water to their surface (meaning they adsorb, not absorb, moisture). Their moisture-wicking power makes silica gel packets immensely appealing to manufacturers, preventing water damage to products in transit or sitting on store shelves.

Although silica beads are not gems, the porous mineral does come from the ground. Silica is harvested through a “straightforward” mining process using open pits or dredging, according to Robert Goodin, a mineral commodity specialist with the US Geological Survey’s National Minerals Information Center. He says this usually removes vegetation and disturbs the ground’s top layer, and adds that explosive charges will occasionally be used to break apart the rock.

[Related: Which expiration dates actually matter?]

“These little silica gel packets, they’re in everything, but [use in desiccation is] actually a very small percentage of what this industrial sand is used for,” Goodin explains. “It’s less than 1 percent of the eventual end use.” He estimates that over 60 percent of silica sand—similar to regular sand but with much more silica—goes to the oil and gas industry for fracking and other needs. Glass production uses up another roughly 10 percent.

“Recently, [the US has] been the top producer, a major exporter and self-sustaining in a lot of these end-uses for silica, so we have a strong silica—or industrial sand—mining industry” in this country,” Goodin says.

What happens if you eat silica gel?

Despite their ominous, all-caps warnings about consumption, silica gel packets are generally considered non-toxic. The real concern is the size of the beads—it’s pretty easy for a child to choke on the packet or the beads within it, although some beads are large enough for adults to choke on, too. Swallowing silica gel can also lead to dehydration, which could irritate your throat and nose, and cause stomach pains, vomiting, constipation, or nausea.

Even so, spending a lot of time up close with silica can lead to health problems. According to Goodin, industrial workers exposed to silica dust may develop respiratory illnesses if inhaled.

And Britta Baechler, senior manager of ocean plastics research at Ocean Conservancy, notes that some silica gel packets feature a color-changing moisture indication. These aren’t supposed to be used near food and contain a compound known as cobalt chloride, which several chemical manufacturers list as an irritant and a carcinogen.

“Overall it seems that when they do not contain cobalt chloride, silica gel packets are relatively safe to use,” Baechler says. Nevertheless, you should avoid reusing these packets for any food-adjacent uses, just in case.

How to use silica gel around your home

Even if you shouldn’t use silica gel packets around food, there are still plenty of ways to safely reuse the desiccant, but you’ll have to reactivate the packets first.

Keep meaningful papery goods safe

Passports, birth certificates, and insurance papers are all easier to use when they aren’t soaking wet. While they may survive a round in the washing machine or dryer, keeping them as dry as possible makes the most sense. Silica gel packets can do just the trick for your box of important papers.

Paper-based heirlooms—think old books, Gramma’s wedding photo album or your children’s handmade holiday decorations—are also frequently threatened by insidious moisture, leaks, or humidity. Tuck some silica packets into your memory box and breathe a little easier.

Protect—or revive—electronics

You’ll need quite a few to be effective, but keeping silica gel packets packed away with cameras, film, smartphones, video tapes, laptops, and other water-sensitive electronics and accessories can keep them safe until subsequent use. Dropped your phone or tablet in the bath? Try using a slew of silica gel packets to adsorb the water and bring the device back from its watery doom.

Keep moisture-prone areas dry

Your bathroom, basement and attic, are all places that can accumulate moisture easily. Adding silica gel packets near areas that might fog up, like windows and mirrors, can help prevent that slightly-annoying or even damaging condensation and slow down the growth of mold.

Abate rust and tarnish concerns

Metal tools, razors, or materials risk rusting if exposed to moisture. Add some silica gel packets to your toolbox, for example, to reduce that chance of exposure. You can also use the packets to mitigate tarnish or corrosion of metals, so stick some in your jewelry box, silverware drawer, or tackle box.

Dry out your travel gear

The ickiest part about swimming is figuring out how to bring home a soggy bathing suit. But storing the suit with silica gel packets can help wick that moisture away and make it easier to transport. That goes for other travel gear, too; tents, sleeping bags, and luggage can all benefit from a little less wetness.

[Related: The right way to wash your waterproof clothes]

Preserve unique, special-purpose, or expensive materials

Leather and sports gear might be fine in a bit of rain, but prolonged exposure to moisture can ruin, stain or mildew different specialty fabrics. And any boxes of seasonal clothing or items you only use once a year (think: holiday sweaters and decor) might get wet long before you open them up and realize it. Silica gel packets tucked into pockets and between layers of fabrics can adsorb water before anything is ruined. Other water-sensitive materials such as seed packets can benefit from nearby silica gel packs, and you can even speed up drying flowers with silica. 

What happens to silica beads in the environment?

For most silica gel packets, a single use is all they’re likely going to get. Still, the packets that encase the silica gel beads are a relatively understudied source of single-use plastic pollution, Baechler explains.

“By function, [silica gel packets are] a desiccant,” Baechler says. “So if these packets are being dumped into waterways, or even onto land, it can dry out whatever environment ends up in, which can be problematic.”

[Related: How to go zero-waste at the grocery store]

Additionally, silica works as an insecticide for indoor and outdoor uses in powdered form on “stored grain, other food, feed and ornamentals; in food handling areas; and on pets and their living/sleeping quarters,” according to a US Environmental Protection Agency fact sheet.

“That means it’s being applied in an environmental setting,” Baechler adds. “I would surmise that if silica is used in this way and released into the environment, especially in large quantities that could have some impacts in terms of water retention in ecosystems and, perhaps, impacts on [animal and plant life] as well.” 

For now, at least, the environmental effects of silica gel are uncertain, but we think it’s better to be safe than sorry.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on July 27, 2022.

The post 6 clever ways to reuse silica gel packets appeared first on Popular Science.

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11 hot Firefox tips and tricks that might finally convince you to switch browsers Mon, 18 Mar 2019 21:21:13 +0000
The Mozilla Firefox office building.
Switching to a new browser can be as refreshing as taking a nice walk around the block. Depositphotos.

Try out these tips, add-ons, and tricks for Mozilla's browser.

The post 11 hot Firefox tips and tricks that might finally convince you to switch browsers appeared first on Popular Science.

The Mozilla Firefox office building.
Switching to a new browser can be as refreshing as taking a nice walk around the block. Depositphotos.

No matter your operating system, Mozilla Firefox makes a great default browser. The free program is quick, intuitive, and packed with features. And you can customize it in all kinds of ways, from tweaking the look of the software to changing the appearances of individual websites.

Once you dig past the surface-level options, you’ll find you can do even more with this privacy-focused browser. These features include app troubleshooting, expert tab management, and entirely new ways of surfing the web. Check out the tips below to ensure you’re taking advantage of all Firefox has to offer.

1. See tabs on your other devices

If you’re using Firefox on multiple devices—maybe a laptop, a desktop, and a phone—and you’re signed into the same Firefox account on all of them, you can see open tabs across all of them through a feature called Firefox View.

First, click the three horizontal lines (top right), then Settings and Sync to make sure you’re signed in. As long as you’re signed in on at least one other device, you can click the Firefox icon on the far left end of the tab bar to see the tabs you’ve got open elsewhere.

2. Customize your address bar

You can turn the Firefox navigation bar into a search powerhouse. That way, when you type keywords (rather than URLs) into the address bar, you’ll be searching for those terms across the web. First, choose the search engine you prefer, whether that’s Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, or something else. Then set it as Firefox’s default, so search terms in the navigation bar will yield results from that search engine. To do so, open the application menu (click the three horizontal lines on the top right of the page), then choose Settings and Search to set the default.

The address bar can act as more than a standard search engine, too. By typing in special keywords, you can launch custom searches within pretty much any site you like, including Wikipedia, IMDb, Amazon, and more. To set this up, navigate to the site you want to search and find its search box. Right-click inside the box and choose Add a Keyword for this Search. A dialog box will pop up. Next, type something short but unusual in the keyword box. This is the term that will trigger your site-specific search when you type it in the Firefox address bar, so you don’t want it to resemble any normal keywords you might search for on a regular basis. For example, you might choose to trigger an IMDb search with the term “imdb”, because you’re not likely to run a general search for that word.

Click Save, and you can then search within that site by entering your keyword, followed by your search terms, in the address bar at the top of the browser. To stick with our previous example, type “imdb Tom Cruise” into the navigation bar to search the IMDb website for Tom Cruise.

3. Watch videos in picture-in-picture mode

Mozilla Firefox's picture-in-picture mode.
Picture-in-picture lets you watch videos outside of Firefox. David Nield for Popular Science

When you’re watching a video in Firefox, you’ll see a small overlay button that looks like two rectangles with an arrow pointing from one to the other. Click on this, and your video will pop out of Firefox. Then, you can carry on browsing while the video continues to play.

Click and drag the pop-up window to move it, and drag in (or out) from its edges to resize it. Click the X to close the picture-in-picture video, or the back to tab button (an arrow pointing to a box) to continue playback inside Firefox again.

4. Delete browsing data when Firefox is closed

Keeping on top of cookies and other browsing data saved by the sites you visit in Firefox can be tricky. This data saves information such as your location and your settings for particular sites, and while it can streamline your browsing experience, you may not feel comfortable with websites knowing this much about you.

If you’d like to stay a little more private, click the three horizontal lines (top right) in Firefox, then choose Settings and Privacy & Security. There, you can check the box labeled Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed. Every time you shut down the browser, these files will be automatically wiped, so you won’t need to worry about them.

5. Turn on mouse gestures

Mouse gesture depictions in the Firefox Gesturefy extension.
Gesturefy has plenty of gestures to pick from. David Nield for Popular Science

Clicking and scrolling is fine, but Firefox lets you supercharge your online navigation with mouse gestures that allow you to trigger specific actions by moving your mouse a certain way. Give it a trial run, with the help of the Gesturefy add-on, and there’s a good chance you’ll never look back.

First, install the extension inside Firefox and restart your browser. To explore the available gestures, open the main menu (the three horizontal lines in the top right) and choose Add-ons and themes. Find Gesturefy, click the three dots next to it, then Options, and you’ll find the configuration panel.

Under the Settings tab, you can set the trigger button, which is a button you need to hold down while making a mouse gesture. Gesturefy’s default trigger is the right mouse button, but you can change it if you’d like. Switch to the Gestures tab to see some of the gestures already in place. For example, dragging the mouse quickly to the right, then the left (with the right mouse button held down) closes the current tab. You can add more gestures to the extension’s repertoire here, too.

It may take you some time to get the hang of these gestures, but once you do, you may find that a quick hand movement feels much more intuitive than fishing around for toolbar buttons or scrolling through menus.

6. Manage your tabs

Tabs make up the core of your browsing experience—but you don’t have to settle for the default options Firefox gives you. Check out the Tree Style Tab extension, for example, which introduces a new tab panel on the left and lets you organize your open tabs into hierarchies, almost like a family tree.

Then there’s Tab Stash: This extension lets you save batches of tabs together as bookmarks inside Firefox. If you’re researching a particular topic, for example, and want to come back to it later, you can quickly save all your open tabs as a group that you can open up again later.

You should also check out Simple Tab Groups. This extension does exactly what its name suggests, enabling you to organize open Firefox tabs into color-coded groups in—you could have one group for work stuff and another for personal stuff, or whatever you like.

7. Take screenshots of webpages

A Firefox window open on a computer, with the screenshot tool active.
Taking screenshots of Firefox pages is easy. David Nield for Popular Science

There are all kinds of reasons you might want to take screenshots—for posterity, or maybe to refer to in a separate document—and this is really easy to do in Firefox. Just right-click on a blank part of a page, then choose Take Screenshot. You can either click on an element (like an image) to grab it, click and drag across a region to capture, click Save full page to screenshot the entire page, or click Save visible to just capture what you can currently see on screen.

8. Snooze tabs for later

You might be familiar with snoozing your alarm—hitting a button to postpone your wakeup call and sleep for a few extra minutes. Now you can do the same with Firefox tabs, thanks to a third-party extension called Snooze Tabs.

The extension is pretty simple to use: Click the extension button on the toolbar (it looks like a jigsaw piece), then pick Snooze Tabs. You can send the tab you’re currently viewing, or all your Firefox tabs away until a later time and date—choose a preset option like Tomorrow morning or specify your own with Custom time.

9. Search through your tabs

Browser tabs seem to multiply like magic, and you likely have dozens of them open at any one time. That can make navigation tricky, but there is a tab search trick that can help: Click inside the address bar at the top of the Firefox interface, then type the percentage symbol (%)and a space. You’ll then be able to search through the titles of the tabs that you currently have open.

10. Refresh Firefox

The refresh function in Firefox.
Firefox’s refresh function can get the browser running smoothly again. David Nield for Popular Science

If you find your software bogged down with a bunch of extensions, or behaving sluggishly for no specific reason, most programs require that you uninstall and reinstall them to restore their factory settings. Firefox offers a built-in refresh feature that easily resets the browser back to its factory settings and gets it running as good as new. As Mozilla explains, a refresh will return most Firefox settings back to their default state, but it won’t affect your saved bookmarks, stored passwords, browsing history, or even open windows. What it does scrub are third-party extensions, website permissions, modified user preferences, and any customizations you’ve made to the Firefox toolbar.

To access the refresh feature, type “about:support” into the address bar and hit Enter. This takes you to the master troubleshooting page. Click the Refresh Firefox button on the right, and instructions will guide you through the short process.

If you’re really having problems with Firefox, you may not be able to start it at all, which will prevent you from performing a refresh. So try running it in Troubleshoot Mode, which disables everything except the core Firefox program. To open the browser in Troubleshoot Mode, hold down the Shift button (Windows) or the Option button (macOS) while clicking or double-clicking the program icon. As Firefox starts, you’ll see the Troubleshoot Mode window appear. You can continue to browse in Troubleshoot Mode, or go ahead and run that refresh right away.

11. Switch to dark mode

Firefox comes with its own dark mode, which you may prefer. Click the three horizontal lines in the top right, then pick Settings. Open the General tab, and you’ll find Dark under the Web site appearance heading. This will be applied to Firefox’s own settings and new tab screens, but will only darken a website if the site has been coded to respond to a dark mode request from the browser.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on September 11, 2017.

The post 11 hot Firefox tips and tricks that might finally convince you to switch browsers appeared first on Popular Science.

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The best way to relieve sore muscles after a brutal workout Thu, 01 Jun 2023 13:00:00 +0000
White-skinned person pouring ice cubes into bath with a dark-skinned person recovering after a workout. Illustrated in orange, white, and black.
Ice might numb the pain after a workout, but it won't fix what's causing it. Julia Bernhard

Put down the massage gun and step away from the treadmill.

The post The best way to relieve sore muscles after a brutal workout appeared first on Popular Science.

White-skinned person pouring ice cubes into bath with a dark-skinned person recovering after a workout. Illustrated in orange, white, and black.
Ice might numb the pain after a workout, but it won't fix what's causing it. Julia Bernhard

BEING SORE SUCKS. Anyone who’s exercised to an extent can probably complain about the stiffness, pains, or—worse—injuries the next day. But as annoying as the achiness gets, it’s a critical part of the recovery process

Under your skin, the all-important muscle fibers that push and pull bones to move you around tear slightly during a workout—a phenomenon called microtrauma. Combined with inflammation, these tiny ruptures may cause soreness, which your body alleviates by replacing the cells around the wound.

There are actually two kinds of muscular soreness that you feel after a workout, and they come from different sources. The microtrauma-based discomfort is known as DOMS, short for delayed-onset muscle soreness. You might feel it most between 24 and 48 hours after the workout—and for as long as three to five days. The other type, acute muscle pain, happens after you overwork your body. These pangs go away in about a day or two, just in time for the DOMS to peak. 

So are there surefire ways to get rid of your soreness? Not exactly. The problem is that to ease the aches, your body has to heal the microtears, which isn’t a process you can speed up. There is some good news, though: A solid post-workout ritual could have a placebo-like effect on your mind, blunting some of the pain you feel. And there could be other perks too.

For example, stretching does not lead to faster recovery, but it does make you more flexible and less prone to injury in the future, especially during high-intensity workouts. And while warm-ups don’t help with the healing process either, they do raise your heart rate, preparing you for the sudden jump in activity. 

Then there are the various salves, tools, and self-care schemes people try. A few studies show that proper use of compression gear could confer some benefits for blood flow and enzyme production. Some gymgoers pregame the pain with anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen, though they have no proven power against soreness. Elite swimmers might tolerate the bruises that come with cupping therapy—without any science to confirm the benefits of the practice. Even ice baths and far-infrared saunas (featuring high heat and low humidity) have minor, inconsistent results, according to researchers.

In general, getting a massage a day or two after a workout offers short-term relief for muscle tenderness. You will likely feel a little worse with a pair of hands or a percussive therapy device kneading into you, but as soon as it’s done, your pain will be more manageable for the next few hours. In certain circumstances, massages might even help reduce inflammation and DOMS.

There are three surefire things you can do, however, to soothe your soreness a bit. The first is to rest. Your body needs time to rebuild your muscle fibers, so getting a good night’s sleep and using the sore body parts less when you’re awake will help you recover faster. Weightlifters know this well and will work a different muscle group each session. If you’re a regular at the gym, commit to triceps one day and focus on a different group (biceps, maybe) the next.

The second is to make sure you’re eating well. Your body requires nutrients like proteins and carbohydrates to patch up your muscles, so enjoy a big bowl of pasta or a tall glass of chocolate milk a few hours after training. 

The third thing you can do is keep at it. DOMS hits harder when you try a new form of exercise because your body is not used to the strenuous activity. The first time will always be the most painful. But if you set a schedule and habit around the workouts you like best, it should hurt less after you crush all your reps. 

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Why you should sleep naked tonight, according to science Thu, 01 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000
Baby sleeping naked in a white hammock
The secret to more youthful skin? Skip the pj's. Deposit Photos

Rest easy in your birthday suit.

The post Why you should sleep naked tonight, according to science appeared first on Popular Science.

Baby sleeping naked in a white hammock
The secret to more youthful skin? Skip the pj's. Deposit Photos

Love it or hate it, sleeping naked hits different. Not only is it less laundry to wash, but taking off those pajamas can do wonders for your health. While you may feel self-conscious at first, the openness of resting in the nude can actually boost your confidence and help you look your best self. 

There’s no right or wrong way to get ready for bed—it’s all a matter of preference. And while nakedness won’t miraculously cure all your sleep problems, experts say there are some modest benefits to going au naturel.

1. Younger-looking skin 

James Walker, a medical advisor for the healthcare platform Welzo, says sleeping without clothes gives your skin an opportunity to breathe, allowing for better airflow. He explains that clothes, especially tight-fitting ones, can restrict blood circulation, making it harder for your skin to receive vitamins and minerals needed for collagen production. Certain materials also might add to your discomfort in bed. Aditya Kashyap Mishra, a sex educator and relationship expert for Lustyboy, says synthetic fibers like spandex and nylon trap moisture in your skin—the added heat can make it hard to fall asleep. Other synthetic fabrics and pajamas with dyed cotton may cause skin irritation and acne from the fabric rubbing against you.

[Related: 5 surprising beauty benefits of running]

Tossing and turning from wearing the wrong clothing can affect your quality of sleep and your skin. The body makes collagen during sleep, which is essential for supple and younger-looking skin. Research shows that getting less than the recommended seven hours of sleep for adults increases skin aging and slows down recovery from sun damage.

2. A cooldown for your body

As you might expect, sleeping with your skin exposed helps regulate your temperature at night, says Walker. The drop in body temperature can prevent overheating—a real concern in summer and in places where winter is virtually non-existent. Research shows that feeling extremely hot at night increases wakefulness. Even if you manage to land some shut-eye, it will likely be less restorative with shorter cycles of slow-wave sleep and REM sleep. 

Feeling colder, on the other hand, can also help you fall asleep faster. Your body temperature is synced up with the light-dark cycles outside; it normally falls when the sun goes down. A lower body temperature from sleeping nude tells your biological clock it’s time to shut down.

3. Fewer fungal infections

Fungi and bacteria thrive in warm and damp areas like your nether regions. Mishra explains that trapped sweat from moisture-wicking clothing increases the risk of microorganisms building up, resulting in yeast infections and jock itch. Jock itch can also come from constant friction from clothes. Stripping down to nothing will allow more air circulation and keep your intimate parts from getting overheated.

4. Better emotional intimacy

Skin-to-skin contact between partners can strengthen your relationship. Research shows touching among consenting adults releases the “love hormone” called oxytocin. This chemical reduces stress and encourages openness and social bonding with others. One US marketing poll of more than 1,000 adults found that 57 percent of couples who regularly snoozed in the nude were happy in their relationship compared to 48 percent of pajama wearers. Getting used to baring it all in front of a partner can counteract self-consciousness of how you look in bed. Mishra says this openness is a huge stress reliever, and the added relaxation can help you sleep better.

What if you want to sleep in clothes?

If you’re still not convinced about sleeping naked, there are other ways to improve your slumber. Avoid tight or constricting apparel that would restrict your movement, irritate your skin, or otherwise cause discomfort. Walker recommends going to bed in loose-fitting and breathable fabrics like cotton or bamboo, or one simple layer like an oversized T-shirt and shorts to avoid overheating.

[Related: 11 ways to sleep better in unbearable heat]

There’s nothing wrong with slipping on a pair of socks before bed, Walker adds. Some people find it comforting and helpful in keeping their feet warm, especially during colder seasons. However, he warns against sleeping in socks that are too tight as they could restrict circulation. 

Whether you go to bed nude or in clothes, you should always remove your makeup and any heavy jewelry. Snoozing with makeup on can clog pores and lead to future breakouts. “It’s best to cleanse the face thoroughly before sleeping to allow the skin to breathe and regenerate,” advises Walker. Additionally, laying down in chunky necklaces, bangles, and other jewelry can be painful and might even leave abrasions on the skin.

“Ultimately, the key is to prioritize comfort and choose sleepwear that allows for optimal relaxation,” Walker says. “It’s always a good idea to listen to your body and make choices that help you feel comfortable and at ease during sleep.”

The post Why you should sleep naked tonight, according to science appeared first on Popular Science.

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The easiest ways to share your WiFi password Mon, 28 Feb 2022 22:16:24 +0000
A hand holding a phone showing a QR code for sharing WiFi.
A QR code is an easy way to share your WiFi password, if you know how to make one. Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

You don't even have to learn your own password.

The post The easiest ways to share your WiFi password appeared first on Popular Science.

A hand holding a phone showing a QR code for sharing WiFi.
A QR code is an easy way to share your WiFi password, if you know how to make one. Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

When a friend asks you to share your WiFi password, how long is your explanation? Saying “Oh, it’s a mess of letters and numbers taped to the router behind the refrigerator in the rental unit upstairs” doesn’t make things easy for them. 

There are better ways to share your WiFi. And sure, each of these tips requires some minimal hoop-jumping, but it’s a heck of a lot easier than trying to dictate a password like “dD^#i16HJ9vD” to someone while they fumble with the password field.

It’s also worth noting that if you often find yourself needing to share your WiFi password, you should set up a guest network to allow people to access your internet while keeping other devices in your home safe. We’ll explain how below, but for now let’s satisfy your immediate needs.

How to share your WiFi password on Android

Google’s operating system allows you to share WiFi passwords via scannable QR codes, so you won’t have to watch your friends hunt and peck on their phone keyboards. 

  1. Unlock your phone and open the Quick Settings menu—swipe down with two fingers from the top of the screen.
  2. Long-press Internet to open the menu, and then tap the cog icon next to the WiFi network you’re connected to.
  3. Tap Share.
  4. Your phone will ask you to verify your identity with a biometric or a passcode. Once you provide it, it’ll generate a QR code with your home network’s info.

If your guests are Android users, you can share the info via Nearby, Google’s version of Apple’s AirDrop. To do this, tap the Nearby button below the QR code and wait until your device finds your guests so they can hop online.

If your friends wield iPhones or iPads running iOS 11 or later, they should be able to scan the QR code with their regular camera app and instantly join the network. 

How to share your WiFi password on iOS, MacOS, and iPadOS

Sharing a WiFi password between Apple devices is even easier—at least if you’ve done some work beforehand. Specifically, both people need to have the email address associated with their Apple ID saved in the other person’s contacts, and you need to be signed into iCloud. For WiFi sharing to work, both devices also need to have WiFi and Bluetooth on, and personal hotspot off.

Unlock the device sharing the password. Have your friend tap the network on their device. A prompt should appear on the one that’s already connected—tap Share Password, then Done.

You’ll need to be somewhat near their device, and in my experience, the process can be a little finicky, but it’s something to consider. If the prompt doesn’t come up, you can always create a dedicated WiFi QR code.

If all else fails, generate your own network QR code

If you find the options above are not working or you have a lot of people coming over and don’t want to share your password with each one, you can print (or cross-stitch, if you’re ambitious) a QR code they can scan. There are plenty of tools out there that will help with this task, but I like It’s incredibly straightforward: 

  1. Type in your network’s name in the box under SSID.
  2. Select the encryption type. If you’re not sure, check your router’s administration page.
  3. Type the network’s password under Key.
  4. Click the Generate button, then choose Print or Export for a copy you can stick just about anywhere. 

QiFi does the heavy lifting offline, too, so you won’t have to worry about giving a random website your WiFi information.

Create a guest network before you share your WiFi password again

Ideally, you don’t want to give people access to your main WiFi network. This will give their laptop or phone access to all the devices in your home, which means they—or any malware installed on their system—can compromise your data. You can avoid this by creating a guest network, as we noted above. Most routers have this ability built in. 

[Related: Device won’t connect to WiFi? Here’s what to do first.]

1. Head to your router’s administrator page by typing into your address bar. This is a private IP address some internet service providers use as a gateway to access their routers’ settings. If that one doesn’t work for you, there are other numbers you can try. You can also check the sticker on the bottom of your router or find its user manual. 

2. Look for an option in the settings called Guest Network and set it up with a WPA2 password, if you can. 

  • Note: Some routers only allow open guest networks, which I’d recommend against since they allow good-for-nothing rogues to snoop on your guests’ traffic. If you have the ability to do so, you should also make sure to block guest access to local network devices and prevent them from accessing your router’s settings.

3. Give your guest network an easy-to-remember name and at least a somewhat easy-to-remember password. Note that simpler passwords are inherently less secure, but for this specific use case, I’d argue the popular “four random words” method is secure enough. You can use a generator like Correct Horse Battery Staple to make one for you. That way, you can easily remember the password, and your grandma will have no problem typing it in when she visits.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on June 17, 2019.

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Don’t feed ducks bread. Here’s what to give them instead. Thu, 15 Jul 2021 01:03:00 +0000
A male and a female mallard duck in some green grass by some bushes.
They look hungry. Nikolay Tchaouchev / Unsplash

Don't give crackers to the quackers.

The post Don’t feed ducks bread. Here’s what to give them instead. appeared first on Popular Science.

A male and a female mallard duck in some green grass by some bushes.
They look hungry. Nikolay Tchaouchev / Unsplash

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Countless movies, TV shows, and even comics depict the age-old tradition of feeding bread products to ducks at the park. But don’t be fooled: this stereotype is actually an unhealthy practice that could lead to malnourishment and other health problems for these epicurean waterfowl.

But if you’re an animal lover determined to feed your local park’s residents, there are several healthy alternatives. Before you go stock up on snacks, though, always make sure you’re allowed to feed the critters in question—some areas’ rules are more lenient than others.

What to feed ducks (and other waterfowl)

The best advice we can give about feeding ducks (or other types of park fowl like swans and geese) is to imitate the types of food they naturally eat in the ponds and fields they call home. This means vegetables and nutritious grains work well, while processed “human” foods do not. Even though bread is typically made from grains, the breadmaking process renders it very filling with a relatively low amount of nutrients, two factors that can lead to malnourished ducks. Instead, try to stick with snacks that haven’t been highly processed.

For vegetables, the most important consideration is making sure that the bits and pieces you offer are small enough for waterfowl to handle. Ducks and their relatives aren’t great at chewing—while their bills help break down food, they don’t have teeth, at least in the traditional sense. Cut salad greens, vegetable peels, nuts, grapes, and other produce into small pieces before you toss them to these birds.

[Related: Why do ducks have orange feet?]

A bag of frozen mixed peas, corn niblets, and carrot pieces is one of the best options for waterfowl: these veggies are nutritious, affordable, and small enough for ducks to eat whole. Grains like oats, rice, and seeds make good waterfowl chow for the same reason. Even better, many of these little morsels will float on your local pond, keeping them easily accessible to ducks. Big chunks of food that sink to the bottom aren’t as useful.

If you’re looking to get fancy, you can also drop a couple more dollars on a bag of specially formulated waterfowl food. These pellets, available online or at your local pet store, are typically fed to pet birds and farm animals. These bite-size bits may not float on water, though, so test a few handfuls near the water’s edge before you start a feeding frenzy. This designer food may be best served up on the banks.

Other tips for feeding ducks

No matter how eager they are for a human-provided snack, your local park’s resident fowl are almost certainly not going to go hungry without you. Most ducks are perfectly capable of foraging for insects, plant life, and other nutrition sources on their own. That means you don’t need to feel bad if some of them miss out on the feast. In fact, overfeeding waterfowl can cause a host of problems, from teaching them to rely on human handouts to throwing off their natural nutritional balance. When in doubt, it’s better to stop feeding the birds sooner than you’d like than it is to feed them too much.

If you suspect a particular duck, goose, or swan may be unable to feed itself after you leave, it’s time to call in professional help. Waterfowl that live in parks are susceptible to a host of dangers from the human world, ranging from vehicle strikes to lead poisoning. Feeding them may be a temporary kindness, but it’s not a sustainable solution. If you see a bird having difficulty moving around or visibly in distress, contact your local wildlife specialists right away.

What to leave at home

If you grew up feeding bread to ducks at the park, don’t worry—it didn’t kill them. Bread is a lot like candy: it tastes good and provides some short-term energy, but it doesn’t contain many nutrients and too much of it can lead to poor health. It’s best to avoid these other food groups, too, as some are not safe to feed ducks and other waterfowl:

  • Bread products like stale donuts, crackers, and breadcrumbs—these simply aren’t healthy.
  • Any dairy products like cheese cubes or ice cream—ducks cannot digest these properly.
  • Any plants or foods from the nightshade family—this includes eggplants, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, and some types of flowers and foliage. Parts of these plants can be highly toxic to ducks.
  • Salty or sugary snacks—stay away from all junk food and highly processed foods.
  • Citrus fruits or spinach—these foods can hinder calcium absorption in ducks and may affect the health of their eggs.
  • Any spoiled foods—mold can be poisonous and may also damage the surrounding environment.
  • Any food packaging or non-edible items—litter not only ruins the appearance of your park, but it can also harm the animals who call it home. Be sure to properly dispose of everything you bring with you to keep your feathered friends safe and happy.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on July 14, 2021.

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How to improve your handwriting Sat, 13 Aug 2022 15:00:00 +0000
Hand writing on notebook
Is that an A or a G?. Hannah Olinger / Unsplash

Practice will help you write pretty again.

The post How to improve your handwriting appeared first on Popular Science.

Hand writing on notebook
Is that an A or a G?. Hannah Olinger / Unsplash

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With most of today’s written communication typed out on clackity keys or tapped out on a smudgy screen, you may not see much of a reason to improve your handwriting. But from time to time, you still need to fill out ye olde paper form, which is exactly the moment you realize your script looks, well, not great. 

It’s never too late to get better handwriting. We don’t mean calligraphy level, which would make your doctor’s office check-in forms look like royal decrees from the 1500s. We mean legible and consistent, regardless of whether you use print or cursive. 

Just like most aspects of life, you can improve your handwriting with practice. Repetition will help you gradually change your style, and you’ll eventually reach a point where letters flow naturally and beautifully from pen to paper. We can’t promise the words will make sense, but at least they’ll look pretty. 

1. Find a space and comfort

If you’ve ever struggled to sign a paper or write a note with no table or clipboard in sight, you know that comfort is of the essence when you want to jot down legible words. Start by giving yourself a fighting chance and sit down at a stable, spacious table or desk where you can write at your leisure. 

[Related: Eight great pens to match your writing style]

Keep lamps, mugs, and any decorations far from you: You want to be able to move freely without fear of knocking something down. 

2. Keep things flat

When it comes to the actual paper, it’s a good idea to keep things as flat as possible, so a loose sheet is better than a notebook. But if you hate the hassle of having random pieces of paper all over the place, the right notebook will work too. 

Avoid thick or spiral notebooks and instead opt for one with a flexible binding that you can open flat. This will prevent the heavier side of your book from trying to pull the whole thing closed, and eliminate any wrist discomfort a thick spiral may create as you approach the end of each line. Thinner notebooks will also keep your hand from losing support as you write the final lines on a page. 

3. Make the paper adapt to you

Speaking of lines, you should use some kind of guideline at this stage—it could be lines, a grid, or dots, whatever your handwriting-focused heart desires. This will help you gauge the direction of your script and the size and consistency of your letters, so we strongly recommend forgoing blank pages until you’re more comfortable with your new and improved penmanship. If you’re using loose paper instead of a notebook, you can buy lined, gridded, or dotted paper—or you can download and print your own from one of several free online resources

Next, find a paper layout angle that suits your writing. Don’t fall for the notion that the only correct setup is vertical, as that can force your hand and wrist to adopt an unnatural writing position, which could lead to pain and even injury. There’s absolutely no shame in positioning your sheet of paper or notebook at a 45-degree angle or even a totally horizontal alignment. The best way to find out what angle works for you is to start with your paper laid vertically and then rotate it to the left (if you’re right-handed) or the right (if you’re left-handed) until you’re comfortable. This is why having a spacious surface to write on matters, as you won’t want to knock down any desk trinkets while you play around with your paper. 

Take as much time as you need to ensure your setup is to your liking. You’ll find this will not only help you improve your handwriting but it will also be relaxing. You’re welcome. 

4. Find the right tool 

Now, to the fun part: get a pen you like. If you’re a leftie, stay away from broad-nibbed fountain pens that might dispense a lot of ink with each stroke—you’ll likely end up with smudged words all over your page as your hand crosses your freshly printed letters. Gel pens and ballpoint pens are usually quick-drying, so starting there is a good idea. Righties don’t have to think about anything—the world is built for you. 

The best way to know if a pen is right for you is to try it. If you can, go to a stationery store and take your time sampling the pens there—write a couple words on the provided pads and see how each pen feels. Maybe buy two or three to keep testing at home. If you have no idea where to start, you can always give some fan favorites a test drive. 

Many people swear by the Pilot G-2, for example. It comes in several formats, but the tried-and-tested version has a built-in grip, is retractable, uses quick-drying gel ink, and comes in myriad colors. If you want to go with a classic, try BIC’s Cristal or Round Stic pens. You’ve probably written with these a million times before, and they’re a staple because of how comfortable and reliable they are. Some more ideas: Uniball’s Signo, Pentel’s RSVP, Sakura’s Pigma Micron, or any gel pen at Muji. These are all inexpensive writing tools with their own fan bases, so you should be able to find something that works among them. 

If you want to try your hand at fountain pens, start with something designed for beginners that—hopefully—is compatible with disposable ink cartridges, or even comes pre-loaded with ink. This will prevent you from having to buy a bottle of ink and a refillable cartridge, unless you’d really like to. Pilot’s Kakuno or Schneider’s Ray fountain pens are solid, inexpensive choices—they’re light and comfortable, and can prepare you to move on to more serious fountain pens in the future. 

5. Calibrate your pace and grip

You’ve got your tools and your setup—it’s time to write. Start by filling between a half and a whole page with fresh handwriting. It can be anything: a story, your train of thought, or the transcription of a song you like. 

When you write, do it at a normal pace (not too fast, not too slow) and mind your hold on the pen. If your nails are white from the force you’re exerting, your grip is too strong—relax your hand and try again. This is important because an excessively strong grip will lead to pain and discomfort, which can result in hand and wrist cramping, as well as injury. On top of that, pain will also affect the consistency of your handwriting and eventually deter you from putting pen to paper at all, rendering this whole process useless. 

Once you have a comfortable grip, check it every few minutes and correct it if you need to. If you’re having trouble controlling your pen, you can always change your tool or try a pen grip—one of those small rubber tubes that slip right onto your pen or pencil for better control. 

6. Analyze your writing

When you’re done writing your practice page, take a look at your handwriting and analyze it. Pay attention to spacing, the slant of your letters, their height, their form, and where they are in relation to the guidelines you used. The most important element you’re looking for is consistency and legibility, so go through your lines and highlight which words and letters differ most from the rest, and which could be misread. 

These are the elements you’ll need to focus on to improve your handwriting. No matter if you do cursive, print, or a combination of the two, you want a style that anybody can read clearly, is mostly the same across the page, and has letters that look more or less consistent. This doesn’t mean your handwriting should be perfect or resemble words on a screen (let alone calligraphy)—your handwriting is unique to you and you should embrace it as such. 

If there are aesthetic elements you want to change, or if you want to alter the way you write altogether, draw inspiration from others. A quick web search will turn up thousands of handwriting enthusiasts sharing their own pristine note pages. Take a look at them, find what you like (loose elements or entire styles), mimic it, and make it yours. 

7. Practice, practice, practice

You knew it would come to this. Repetition is key to learning, and only writing, writing, and more writing will get your body used to the changes you want to make to your personal script. 

A helpful way to practice is by making your exercises a part of your everyday life. You can do this by taking up a hobby like journaling or meditative writing. This will give you the opportunity to sit down for a couple of minutes each day and put your growing skills to good use. 

If you’re not into journaling, you can just set aside some time to practice every day. Find books, poems, and songs you like, and transcribe them. You can also write down your own train of thought if you can keep up with it. Your writing doesn’t have to be good, or even make sense—the point is to write, and as long as you’re putting words together, you’re getting some practice. 

On top of that, take every opportunity you have to write instead of typing. Keep notepads and pens around your desk and home, and pick them up to write reminders, and lists. If time is not an issue, forgo emails and opt for writing a letter or sending a postcard instead. It’s not only extra practice, but it’s a nice, old-fashioned thing to do and people love it.

A reminder: take your time and be patient. Speed will come once your hand learns the movements you’re teaching it. The more you write, the faster and more organically your lines will come. In the meantime, focus on form and consistency. From time to time, take a moment to analyze your handwriting to see how much you’ve progressed and what you still need to improve. Don’t forget about your grip, either, and check on it often to see if you need to loosen up. 

8. Get some help

If you’re having trouble analyzing your own handwriting or what exactly you need to change, there are people who will do that for you. There are many courses (online and otherwise) that can teach you how to improve your handwriting and where to start. 

[Related: Turn your handwritten documents into searchable digital notes]

For the more independent learners, there’s also a lot of practicing material online, like worksheets and guides, that you can download at a cost or even for free. Some of them have slanted lines that can help you keep your angles consistent, and some of them have full instructions on the best ways to join letters and use spacing. 

It bears repeating: handwriting is not calligraphy, and it’s as unique to you as your fingerprints. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it doesn’t have to look like someone else’s, so make embracing the chaos part of your process. 

Also, you should enjoy this—keep it fun and relaxing. If at any point it’s not, you can change it. Or you can try to find pleasure in filling out terribly formatted forms on your phone. Whatever works for you.

This post has been updated. It was originally published on August 13, 2022.

The post How to improve your handwriting appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to make hand sanitizer Wed, 22 Apr 2020 16:37:33 +0000
Hand sanitizer bottle and hands.
Making your own hand sanitizer is easy. But if you want to fight COVID-19, no, you can't use vodka. Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

We’ve got liquid and gel for all your germ-killing needs.

The post How to make hand sanitizer appeared first on Popular Science.

Hand sanitizer bottle and hands.
Making your own hand sanitizer is easy. But if you want to fight COVID-19, no, you can't use vodka. Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

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Most people probably haven’t thought much about how to make hand sanitizer. Stores sell it for cheap, in a variety of scents and styles, and it’s basically as good as it can be. But if you want to earn some DIY bragging rights, clean your paws using a particular scent, or prepare for a future health crisis, you can easily make your own with supplies you can find at a drugstore or may already have at home.

But before you start, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you craft homemade hand sanitizer. First, it’s crucial that you understand that proper hand washing will always be better than simply rubbing your digits with hand sanitizer. Using the right amount of alcohol-based disinfectant (3 milliliters) for 25 to 30 seconds is fine in a pinch, but soap, water, and a good scrub are the absolute best way to protect yourself against contagious diseases.

Knowing how to make hand sanitizer is useful if you ever find yourself in the middle of a health emergency like the COVID-19 pandemic. But these and other DIY recipes are only for extreme cases when hand washing is not an option and supplies are low. Professionals use these formulations in underserviced healthcare settings, and if at some point hand sanitizer is not available at local stores, you can use them too.

Lastly, your homemade hand sanitizer won’t last forever. The main active ingredient in the recipes below is isopropyl alcohol, a volatile compound that will evaporate over time and compromise the effectiveness of your hand sanitizer. When alcohol concentration drops below 60%, your hand sanitizer won’t be able to kill COVID-19 or influenza, for example. The shelf life of store-bought hand sanitizers can vary—the industry standard is three years, but it can go up to five. How long your DIY hand sanitizer lasts will depend on the type and size of the container you use and how often you open it, along with room temperature and humidity. Unfortunately, all of these factors make it hard to predict exactly how long your hand sanitizer will be good for, so proceed with caution. 

How to make hand sanitizer

There are two main formulas for homemade hand sanitizer: one, recommended by the World Health Organization, is closer to liquid than gel and is harder on your hands, while the other will be gentler on your skin and closely resembles the feel of store-bought hand sanitizer. Which one you make depends on your personal preference.


  • Time: literally 2 minutes
  • Estimated ingredient cost: $15 (makes 3.5 cups, or 15 of those little two-ounce bottles)
  • Difficulty: easy


Recipe No. 1: the WHO hand sanitizer formulation


The WHO has a comprehensive guide on how to make hand sanitizer—the only problem is that if you follow their instructions, you’ll end up with a lot of it. Like, exactly 2.6 gallons of it. If you want to make enough to last you, your family, and all your friends through a zombie apocalypse, you definitely can. But if you want to keep things on a smaller scale, we’ve adapted the measurements for you.

1. Pour the alcohol into a medium-sized container with a pouring spout. The percentages on the labels of isopropyl alcohol refer to the alcohol concentration in them. You’re dealing with almost pure alcohol if you’ve got 99.8%, whereas 70% means the bottle is only a little more than two-thirds alcohol, and the rest is water.

2. Add the hydrogen peroxide.

3. Add the glycerin and stir. This ingredient is thicker than both alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, so it’ll take some stirring to combine everything. You can use a clean spoon for this or, if your container has a lid, you can put that on and shake it well.

4. Measure and pour in the water. Measure a ¼-cup of distilled or boiled cold water and add it to your mix. Stir.

[Related: Is hand sanitizer bad for my microbiome?]

5. Sanitize your spray bottles and pour in your hand sanitizer. Spray some of your leftover alcohol into your bottles and let them sit until the alcohol has evaporated. Then pour in your sanitizer.

6. Label your bottles. Hand sanitizers pose a real risk of involuntary alcohol poisoning, especially among children, who were largely affected by it during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic. You don’t want anyone to accidentally ingest your newly made hand sanitizer. Take the time to label your bottles with their contents and the date, and keep them away from unsupervised kids.

Recipe No. 2: hand sanitizer gel


1. Pour the alcohol into a medium container with a pouring spout. Some recipes online use vodka instead of isopropyl alcohol, but they’re not interchangeable. Most vodkas and other spirits don’t contain a high enough percentage of alcohol to be effective.

  • Warning: Using isopropyl alcohol diluted beyond 91% will result in a weaker hand sanitizer that doesn’t meet the CDC’s 60% benchmark for killing the COVID-19 virus and influenza.

2. Measure and pour the aloe vera gel. Alcohol can be hard on your skin, so using aloe is a good way to counteract that effect and keep your hands smooth. If you want to keep things natural, you can use aloe vera gel straight from the plant without worrying about it going bad—the alcohol will act as a preservative.

[Related: Five tips for taking care of your over-washed hands]

However, you will need to keep in mind that natural aloe gel is thicker than its store-bought counterpart and will affect the final product differently—it will make your hand sanitizer more sticky, which means you’ll need to rub your hands more times for it to fully absorb.

3. Add the essential oil. Tea tree oil is naturally antibacterial, so it makes sense to use it here. But if you’re not a fan of its smell, you can use another type of essential oil, like lavender, lemongrass, or eucalyptus.

4. Whisk. To fully mix all ingredients, stirring won’t be enough. Get a whisk and beat that hand sanitizer into a homogeneous gel.

5. Sanitize your spray bottles and pour in your hand sanitizer. Spray some of your leftover alcohol into your bottles and let them sit until the alcohol has evaporated. Pour in your sanitizer.

6. Label your containers. Hand sanitizers pose a real risk of involuntary alcohol poisoning, especially among children, who were largely affected by it during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic. You don’t want anyone to accidentally ingest your newly made hand sanitizer. Take the time to label your bottles with their contents and the date, and keep them away from unsupervised kids.

Updated March 7, 2020, at 1 p.m.: This story has been updated to more accurately reflect which concentrations of alcohol will result in hand sanitizer that’s at least 60% alcohol.

Updated March 23, 2020, at 6 p.m.: This story has been updated to more accurately reflect the amount of water in the WHO formulation. The original story resulted in hand sanitizer that was 71% alcohol, and the updated version is now at 75%.

This post has been updated. It was originally published on March 5, 2020.

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The 6 essential parts of an effective workout Tue, 30 May 2023 13:00:00 +0000
Person with dark skin and short hair jumps rope while pregnant person with light skin and hair in a bun squats and lifts dumbells. Illustrated in orange, black, and gray.
Working out and winning. Julia Bernhard

Cardio or lifting? Why not both?

The post The 6 essential parts of an effective workout appeared first on Popular Science.

Person with dark skin and short hair jumps rope while pregnant person with light skin and hair in a bun squats and lifts dumbells. Illustrated in orange, black, and gray.
Working out and winning. Julia Bernhard

MOST PEOPLE have a certain mindset when it comes to working out: They tend to stick to a familiar plan and will push their bodies to the brink to achieve their fitness goals. But a healthy exercise routine has several building blocks—and a surprising number of them depend on what you do outside your regular sweat sessions. 


Activities that prepare you for your main fitness practice can serve two primary purposes: reducing injury and improving performance. Warm-ups hit those marks by increasing blood flow, ramping up muscle and core temperatures, and disrupting the temporary connective tissue bonds that can make you feel tight and sore. This leads to performance-enhancing benefits like faster muscle contraction, better reaction time, greater muscle strength, lower muscle resistance, and more oxygen for your cells. Warm-ups should last at least 5 minutes and top out at 15 minutes, depending on the length and difficulty of your routine: They usually include stretching and a slow increase in exertion.


Frequent exercise that raises your heart rate to your target zone has been shown to benefit cardiac health (though there is some evidence that consistent physical effort at this level, like during marathon training, could have negative effects). It can decrease the risk of developing and dying from heart conditions. Not only that, but cardio workouts are also associated with lower blood pressure and the suppression of atherogenesis, the buildup of fatty plaque in blood vessels that can lead to coronary artery heart disease.

Strength training

Weightlifting isn’t just for people who want to get ripped: It has more significant benefits, particularly as you age. For one, targeted muscle building can reinforce joints like knees, ankles, and hips. That offers better support for your body, which helps lower the chances of falls and injuries. Contrary to popular belief, strength training also promotes greater mobility and flexibility; plus it boosts brain health and cognitive abilities like processing speed, memory, and executive functioning.


You have to stay hydrated before, during, and after your workout. Exercise depletes the body’s fluids, particularly as you sweat. Dehydration degrades your performance and can also impair certain cognitive functions, including short-term memory and attention. Hydrating sometimes alleviates fatigue and increases reaction time. Overall, drinking water when you feel a need, rather than on a fixed schedule, can improve performance measures like duration and speed. It’s possible to drink too much water (a potentially fatal situation known as hyponatremia), so take small sips rather than chugging a bottle all at once.


Just as you don’t want to dive straight into your routine, you don’t want to end it abruptly. Build in some time to slow your roll and bookend your warm-up. An active cooldown in which you do something similar to your workout but at a lower intensity, like a light jog after a long run, can solidify the results from exercising and prep you for your next routine. Bonuses include accelerated recovery of lactate in blood, partial prevention of immune system depression, and faster recovery of the cardio­vascular and respiratory systems.

Rest days

Taking days off between workouts is a crucial part of any fitness routine. Studies indicate that rest is necessary for the body to recover: When exercise and exertion sap your energy stores and fluids, relaxation gives you time to replenish them. You need at least 24 hours to fully replace the carbohydrates in your muscles, which are important for maintaining an adequate level of glycogen and stabilizing blood sugar. Rest days help prevent overtraining syndrome too. The illness mostly comes up in competitive runners and elite athletes, with symptoms like fatigue, sleep loss, and depression. 

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5 ways to ensure your cat actually likes playtime Tue, 30 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Tabby cat on hardwood floors playing with a fabric toy resembling a mouse
Good kitties deserve some prey at the end of every play session. cottonbro studio / Pexels

These science tips can help you find and make toys your furry friend will enjoy.

The post 5 ways to ensure your cat actually likes playtime appeared first on Popular Science.

Tabby cat on hardwood floors playing with a fabric toy resembling a mouse
Good kitties deserve some prey at the end of every play session. cottonbro studio / Pexels

Play is crucial for the social, physical, and cognitive development of many species, and even though cats are largely solitary creatures, they still need plenty of it. But people who are new to felines might not know what playtime actually looks like for these furry fellows.

Learning how to keep your cat properly stimulated is an essential part of sharing your home with them, and science can provide a couple of clues on where to start. Everyone in your household will benefit from it.

Your cat is a natural-born killer

“​​Let’s keep in mind one thing: playing for cats is very similar to predation,” says Carlo Siracusa, cat owner and associate professor of clinical behavioral medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. 

[Related: Outdoor cats are deadly—and not just for birds and squirrels]

He explains that despite their size and cuteness, cats are deadly hunters who would naturally kill 15 to 20 prey in a day. That’s why it’s important to stimulate them with activities that mimic predation.

Use toys like a string wand with a fake mouse three to four times a day in brief intervals, Siracusa says, and make sure to end every play session by letting your cat put something in their mouth. It will be a satisfying outcome for all their efforts. 

Offer predatory puzzles 

An important lesson all predators learn is figuring out how to get prey out of their burrows. This process, just like putting a puzzle together, stimulates your cat’s brain and keeps them happy and healthy. Siracusa recommends toys like these mice-shaped treat dispensers you can hide around the house. 

You can achieve a similar puzzle-solving effect by cutting out holes in an old plastic container, or a shoe or cardboard box, and filling it with toys. Cats can then reach in and figure out how to get their treats out through the openings. 

Watch TV and play videogames with your cat

Your cat also likes their screen time, so make sure you give it to them. It doesn’t need to be special-made cat TV: online videos showing birds flying around a forest can prove quite entertaining. 

If you have a tablet, there are apps specially designed for cats that you can download in lieu of a physical toy. For example, Cat Fishing 2 (available for Android and iOS) will turn the screen on your device into a pond with one, two or three fish that will disappear as your cat taps them with their paws. There are many apps out there that do the same with mice and birds if the fish aren’t alluring enough.

Trying and failing to catch intangible prey, like fish in a digital pond or a bright red dot on the wall, can be furr-straiting for your kitten, so be sure to reward them with a few treats or some wet food on a spoon.

Give your cat some safe space to climb on

Cats sometimes jump up on the counter, knocking off potentially delicate items as they do so. But try not to be mad—it’s their natural instinct. 

“Cats tend to go high because they are prey, and observing the world from a vantage point makes them feel safer,” Siracusa explains. The floor of a busy household also brings with it the possibility of being stepped on, so allowing cats some height can be comforting. A cat tree, a cheap bookshelf, or a similarly safe place to perch will do the job. 

And if even after getting them their own observation deck your chronic climber keeps breaking your expensive porcelain collectibles, don’t punish them. It sure must be annoying to say goodbye to every fragile belonging you own, but Siracusa warns against disciplining your cat for something that’s natural to them—it can lead to aggressive behavior toward you.

You have a cat toy store right at home

Experienced cat owners know that nearly anything can be a toy for their fur babies. From cardboard boxes or crumpled papers, felines can find fun in the most mundane objects. So before you spend your paycheck at the pet store, here are some items that your cat will love and you probably already have at home. 

Toilet paper rolls

Before throwing them into the recycling bin, let your cat play with your old used-up toilet paper rolls. You can decorate them with large pom poms to make them interesting, but make sure they’re big enough so that your feline friend can’t swallow them.

Knotted up t-shirts

Cut up an old t-shirt into squares and tie a knot in the middle of each one to make them look like bowties. Throw them around and watch your cat chase them, or hide them in a box with holes so they can try to get them out. To make things more interesting, you can also pack the fabric with some catnip before knotting it.

Crumpled paper and ping-pong balls

Place crumpled paper or ping-pong balls in a shoebox with holes to make a puzzle toy. If you want, you can also throw them around the house and let your cat chase them down.

Think like a cat

To understand how to best interact with your cat, remember that they have a unique personality, and like to socialize on their own terms. 

“​​I would remind people that cats are what we call a ‘non-obligate’ social species,” says Siracusa. This means they can have a social life and share it with humans and other animals, but they’ve only evolved to learn how to do so recently. Their ancestors were solitary creatures, he explains. 

[Related: We’re surprisingly bad at reading cats’ facial expressions]

For a cat, an ideal environment is one where there’s always the option to engage socially and playfully, but where they can also abstain if they want to. Attempting to force a cat to play or preventing this type of activity when needed, may lead to adverse behavior, such as seclusion and aggression.

Keep you and your cat safe

Just as you would do with dogs and babies, don’t give your cats anything they could choke on. Swallowing something they shouldn’t could lead them to unnecessary surgery or even death. 

“If your cat has the tendency to chew on fabric or any other type of fiber or strings, then keep this stuff out of sight,” Siracusa says. That means behind closed doors. Remember—cats can jump. 

Contrary to popular belief, loose strings and yarn can also be dangerous to cats, especially kittens: they can get caught in it or potentially ingest it and asphyxiate. Keep yarn wrapped up tightly when using it as a cat toy, and if your furry buddy is on the younger side, always keep an eye on them during playtime.

But your cat is not the only one you should be careful with. Don’t use your body as a toy when playing with cats. It goes without saying that their sharp claws and teeth can scratch your skin, and those cuts mixed with cat saliva can lead to infection. 

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A scientific guide to clouds, even the ones that look like udders Mon, 29 May 2023 23:00:00 +0000
Mammatus types of clouds over a lighthouse and rocky coast
Mammatus clouds over St Mary's Lighthouse in England. Moo. Owen Humphreys/PA Images via Getty Images

Some clouds have weird names and funny features. You should learn them.

The post A scientific guide to clouds, even the ones that look like udders appeared first on Popular Science.

Mammatus types of clouds over a lighthouse and rocky coast
Mammatus clouds over St Mary's Lighthouse in England. Moo. Owen Humphreys/PA Images via Getty Images

When you look up at the clouds, what do you see? A blob, a wisp, perhaps an elephant-shaped clump. It’s fun to get creative with the descriptions, but scientists have a formal classification system that can be useful to the everyday cloud watcher, too. We’ve made a field guide to types of clouds, so next time you’re enjoying a day outside, you can put your newfound knowledge of the skies to work.

What’s in clouds and their names?

Clouds are made up of droplets of water or tiny ice crystals floating in the planet’s atmosphere. They hold clues about the weather—like if it’s going to rain, snow, or worse—and the interesting physical and chemical cycles churning through the air.

“They are such an amazing feature of Earth that are simply fun to look at and study,” says Vanessa Maciel, an atmospheric scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles. Clouds are shaped by the many changing characteristics of the atmosphere: temperature, moisture, winds, and more. 

[Related: Make your own weather station with recycled materials]

Just like animal species, climate scientists have a system for naming clouds with genera, plus smaller subdivisions of species and varieties. These designations are based on their shape, appearance, and how high they are in the atmosphere. Each genus of clouds can be described as one of four main shapes, first categorized in 1803: cirro-form, cumulo-form, strato-form, and nimbo-form. Cirro-type clouds are the thin wisps; cumulo-type clouds are huge and fluffy; strato-type clouds are wide and flat layers; and nimbo-type clouds are the quintessential gray rain clouds. 

The astonishing diversity of clouds might seem overwhelming to a beginning cloud-gazer, but Maciel has advice on where to start. “A great way to narrow down the type of cloud you are seeing is to first try to estimate whether it is in the lower, middle, or high atmosphere,” she says.

Cumulus types of clouds over Florida seen from space
On January 25, 2023, NOAA satellites captured an unusually long and long-lived rope cloud produced by a cold front over the Gulf of Mexico. A rope cloud is a very long, narrow band of cumulus cloud formations. NOAA

High clouds

The highest clouds are the wispiest: cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus. They generally form above 20,000 feet, and typically indicate a coming change in the winds or weather. In certain regions of the tropics, they can even indicate that hurricanes are on the way. Generally, the air gets colder higher up in Earth’s atmosphere, so cirrus and friends are made up of ice crystals that are stretched and spread by the winds, giving them their thin, strand-like shapes.

Cirrus are the thinnest wisps, whereas cirrocumulus appear more like a thin, rippled white sheet. Cirrostratus are a more homogenous sheer veil. If you see a bright halo forming around the sun, that might be the cirrostratus. When cirrus clouds stack together like ridges, almost like a rack of ribs, the variety is called vertebratus.

Nacreous types of clouds
Nacreous clouds are one of the few types of iridescent clouds. NOAA

Maciel’s favorite cloud looks a bit like a cirrus cloud, but is actually something quite different. Nacreous clouds, also known as mother-of-pearl or ice polar stratospheric clouds, are made of very cold ice. When the sun goes down they catch the light and reflect brilliant colors. “These colors occur only during sunrise and sunset, and are created by the interaction between sunlight and the cloud’s ice crystals, which are smaller than that of a standard ice cloud,” says Maciel. “They are also pretty rare as they only occur at high atmospheric altitudes and high latitudes.” Your best bet of seeing them is near the planet’s poles.

Altostratus and cirrocumulus types of clouds
Cirrocumulus and altostratus clouds at sunset near Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky, Wild Horizons/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Mid-level clouds

In the middle of the atmosphere, we start to see more clumps: altostratus and altocumulus. They can be found 6,500 to 20,000 feet up, and tell very different tales when it comes to weather—altocumulus often mean you’ve got a pleasant day ahead, but altostratus indicate a long bout of rain or snow. 

Altostratus appear as large, flat sheets that aren’t quite thick enough to block out the sun entirely. Altocumulus, on the other hand, look like a horde of little cotton balls scattered in the sky. You’ve likely seen a few different species and varieties of altostratus and altocumulus before, particularly cavum. This variety is a continuous sheet of cloud with a big chunk missing. Stratiformis is another common species of altocumulus, where high clouds appear like a patchy, ridged sheet. Similarly, if there are layers of cloud that cover the sun entirely, they may be a variety known as opacus.

Nimbostratus types of clouds
Nimbostratus clouds portend stormy weather. NOAA’s National Weather Service Collection

Low clouds

Many kinds of clouds start close to the ground—6,500 feet or below—and extend high into the atmosphere. These clouds are called nimbostratus, stratus, stratocumulus, cumulus, and cumulonimbus. These clouds are made up of water droplets from the surrounding warm air, creating their quintessential fluffy look.

Nimbostratus are the gray gloomy clouds that indicate rain. Stratus clouds also create gloomy days as they cover the sky in a low sheet of dingy white. Stratocumulus are somewhat similar to altocumulus, but they have a darker shadow and don’t appear quite as bright white as their higher altitude counterparts. 

Cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds are the behemoths of the bunch. Cumulus are huge white clouds reaching high up into the sky—the classic cotton balls. Cumulonimbus, on the other hand, are imposing and a bit foreboding, with a high, flat top and a promise of rain storms.

[Related on PopSci+: Cloudy with a chance of cooling the planet]

Low clouds come with some of the oddest and most interesting varieties and features. This is where tubes or vortexes appear from clouds, called tuba. They can also show—for a brief moment, anyway—a feature that looks like a set of perfect crashing waves, known as fluctus. Although the fluctus pattern looks almost too good to be true, it’s a somewhat common consequence of the physics of fluid motions. Stratocumulus clouds can also put on a cow costume: That is, they can grow little nubs on their undersides that almost look like udders, known as mamma. Cumulus clouds can even put on a hat, an accessory cloud called pileus that pops up at the top of one of these huge cloud formations.

Pileus types of clouds
The formation of a rare pileus cloud capping a common cumulus cloud is an indication that the lower cloud is expanding upward and might well develop into a storm. Jiaqi Sun/NASA

What clouds to look for now

This summer, you can expect all the fair weather clouds, plus some of the weirder ones that pop up with summer storms like pileus. “Summer usually has clear skies, unlike the overcasts typical of winter,” adds Maciel. “But as summer also has a lot of convection due to the warm surface temperature, you can expect to see cumulus clouds, which are your iconic fluffy and bright white clouds.”

Clouds are just as complex as their classifications, and they’re changing not just with the seasons, but also with the climate. As Earth’s temperature warms, the varieties we see might change, too. “In spite of their ubiquity, there is still a lot about clouds that we don’t know,” says Maciel. For now, though, see how many you can spot—and enjoy the beautiful views provided by our planet’s magnificent atmosphere.

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Pro tips for teaching a kid how to ride a bike Sun, 28 May 2023 13:00:00 +0000
An elderly person with short gray hair, wearing a pink shirt and jeans, with their hands on the shoulders of a kid they're teaching how to ride a bike. The child is wearing a red helmet and using a balance bike on a park path.
This kid's got a balance bike and their teacher has the right idea. Kampus Production / Pexels

This advice should make learning to ride a bike easier for you and your fledgling rider.

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An elderly person with short gray hair, wearing a pink shirt and jeans, with their hands on the shoulders of a kid they're teaching how to ride a bike. The child is wearing a red helmet and using a balance bike on a park path.
This kid's got a balance bike and their teacher has the right idea. Kampus Production / Pexels

Learning to ride a bike is a rite of passage in many families and communities, and that means the ability to teach someone how to ride a bike is an equally important skill. The first few tries can be scary for kids, but finding the right balance, and coordination will be easier if they have a confident teacher guiding them. That’s where you come in. 

Now, it’s not entirely natural to perch atop a pair of wheels, and falling is a near-certainty until a child has found their bike legs. Challenges are part of the process, but there are a number of ways that you can help the kid you’re teaching get comfortable on two wheels with limited trouble.

Ditch the training wheels—balance bikes are best

If you’re in your 20s or older, you probably remember learning to ride a bike with clunky training wheels bolted to the back wheel. These two extra wheels got us up on the bike and learning how to pedal. But they do a terrible job teaching the hardest and most important part of riding a bike, which is balance, according to Phil Yip, a certified cycling instructor with the League of American Bicyclists who teaches with Bike East Bay and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. The far superior alternative, he says, is to start on a balance bike. 

Balance bikes are simple. They’re just like small regular bikes, except without pedals. Riders propel themselves forward by pushing with their feet on the ground, essentially running with the bike beneath them. New riders can walk as slow as they want while seated on the bike, and as they get comfortable, start to move faster until they naturally lift their feet and glide farther and farther. Once they’ve mastered staying upright with their feet off the ground and can turn with a combination of the handlebars and leaning, it’s easy enough for them to hop up on a regular bike and learn the nuances of pedaling, starting, and stopping. There’s often no need for training wheels at all. One study found that children who started on a balance bike learned to ride a pedal bike around 4 years old on average, while those who started on a bike with training wheels didn’t learn until they were closer to 6. 

[Related: The best bikes for kids]

I started my kids on balance bikes when they were about 2 (they’re twins), and in a couple of weeks they were zooming and gliding faster than I could keep up with on walks around our neighborhood. When we introduced pedal bikes a few months before their fifth birthday, they got the hang of riding in two short driveway practice sessions and could easily start on their own without a push a few days later. They used training wheels for a total of 30 minutes, and that was only because we bought the bikes fully assembled and they refused to wait for me to take them off before hopping on.   

Even if your kids are older, or you’re trying to teach yourself as an adult, balance bikes are a great way to start. If you can’t find a larger balance bike or don’t want to buy one, Yip suggests removing the pedals from a regular bike and lowering the seat so the rider’s feet rest flat on the ground.

Create a fun, safe space for learning

Riding can be scary at first, so it’s important that kids start off in a comfortable environment. “Start in a flat, traffic-free area, such as a park or a quiet cul-de-sac, where your child can practice without distractions or dangers,” says Peter Ballin, a former international mountain bike racer, UCI Mountain Bike World Cup mechanic, and bicycle coach out of Morzine, France. “Ideally, start them on grass so it’s softer if they fall.” They shouldn’t have to worry about navigating around dangers or running out of space. Let them focus solely on riding.

It’s also important to remember that learning new skills is uncomfortable, so don’t push kids too hard, Yip says. After all, riding a bike should be fun. If the kids aren’t enjoying it, or are getting stressed from too much pressure, they’re going to have a harder time learning. “It’s better to let the child learn at their own pace,” he says. There’s no set amount of time that it should take. In Yip’s classes, students sometimes move from a balance bike to a pedal bike in a single day, but others might take weeks or months to get comfortable with the transition—and that’s OK.  

Ballin adds that as your child improves, giving them little challenges can be a fun way to keep them engaged and pushing themselves without undue pressure. He recommends setting up simple obstacle courses for your kid to navigate, or racing against a clock to keep them motivated and excited to learn.

Don’t forget to teach safe riding habits, too

Teaching a kid to ride a bike isn’t only about guiding them through balance and pedaling. They also have to learn about safety. First is the importance of wearing a helmet anytime they’re out riding. One analysis found that wearing a helmet could reduce the risk of head injuries by 45 percent, brain injuries by 33 percent, facial injuries by 27 percent, and deaths by 29 percent. I’ve seen the value of a helmet in action—one of my kids took a pretty bad balance bike spill and landed on the road on his face. The rim of the helmet saved him from no more than a split lip. Without the helmet, I’m sure it would have been a trip to the hospital instead. 

[Related: Essential bike maintenance tips everyone should know]

Helmets are most effective when they fit properly. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has a clear and detailed document on how to adjust a helmet to an adult’s or child’s head. Basically, you want the helmet level on the head, low on the forehead, the “V” of the straps tight under the ears, and the chin strap snug enough that only a finger or two can fit under it. If a helmet is too loose, or in the wrong position, it may not do its job.  

The other important safety lesson kids need to learn are the rules of the road, both Yip and Ballin say. Make sure to teach them that they should always ride with the flow of traffic rather than against, why we stop at intersections, what stop lights and road signs mean, and who has the right of way in what situations. Even if they’re years away from being old enough to ride alone, it’s good to drill that knowledge into their heads from the start.  

Learning in a group can help kids get over their fear

If your child is struggling, or too afraid to hop on the bike, getting more people involved might be helpful, Yip says. If they have a friend, neighbor, or relative who can already ride a bike, try to get them together so your child can mimic what they’re doing. Sometimes seeing someone close to their age doing a feared activity can be all the motivation a kid needs to try something new.  

Classes are another option. In addition to providing people for your child to watch, sometimes kids need to learn from someone other than a parent or caretaker, particularly if you find yourselves getting frustrated by a lack of progress. Classes can also be a validating experience for kids who might be embarrassed that they don’t know how to ride yet, Yip says. They’ll see people of all ages who are also learning to ride, and realize that there’s no shame in not having mastered the skill yet.

And once your child is up and running on their bike, so to speak, biking groups and classes are a great way to expand their, and your, knowledge about cycling. Whether it’s getting more comfortable with street riding and racing, diving into the exciting world of BMX, or heading up into the hills for some mountain biking, there are a ton of ways to expand their skills and keep them in the saddle.

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How to get rid of the giant ads blocking your favorite websites Sat, 27 May 2023 15:00:00 +0000
Person in a suit and tie sitting outside in front of their computer, looking frustrated.
If you've ever spent more time than you wanted trying to find that "close" button, you know how he feels. Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

You'll never have to look for that elusive "X" again.

The post How to get rid of the giant ads blocking your favorite websites appeared first on Popular Science.

Person in a suit and tie sitting outside in front of their computer, looking frustrated.
If you've ever spent more time than you wanted trying to find that "close" button, you know how he feels. Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

In ancient times (i.e. the early 2000s) scammy websites would automatically open multiple windows with ads, which you then had to close one by one. It was obnoxious, which is why now every major browser stops sites from opening new windows by default. But websites found a workaround to show you ads or get you to sign to their newsletter: the overlay.

You’ve surely seen them, even if you never had a word for it before. Overlays cover up what you’re trying to read, watch, or access, generally asking you for an email address or some other piece of personal information. Most times their purpose is relatively harmless, but sometimes these boxes have dark patterns: deliberately confusing design that manipulates users to collect their personal information.

Fortunately, you can remove overlays by editing the HTML code of a webpage. You can do this manually in your browser if you want, but it’s a lot easier to use an extension especially designed for the job.

The single-click option: BehindTheOverlay

BehindTheOverlay is free and works on Firefox and Google Chrome, which should also allow Edge and Opera users to download and install it. The extension is extremely easy to use: just click its icon whenever you see an overlay and it should disappear. 

[Related: 5 browser extensions that will keep you from drowning in tabs]

If you prefer, you can also use the app’s keyboard shortcut to trigger the extension: Ctrl + Shift + X on Windows, or Cmd + Shift + X on MacOS. If you’re a Chrome user, you can ditch the default key combo and set up your own. Head over to the extension settings page by clicking on the puzzle piece icon in the top right corner of the interface and choosing Manage extensions, or by typing Chrome://Extensions into the address bar. Click the three-line menu in the top-left corner of the screen and in the emerging sidebar, choose Keyboard shortcuts. Find the BehindTheOverlay extension and click the pen icon under it to edit the shortcut. 

This is a minimalistic tool but this level of simplicity has its downsides. There’s no way to automatically remove overlays, and if the extension doesn’t work on a particular site there’s not a lot you can do. Still, BehindTheOverlay works in most cases, which is why it’s worth trying out first.

The automated but finicky option: PopUpOff

PopUpOff is also free and works on Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Firefox. It requires more configuration than BehindTheOverlay, but rewards you by automatically disabling these obnoxious layers. This extension also allows you to set a default approach for every website you visit: Aggressive, Moderate, or Dormant.

The Aggressive mode will remove basically anything that follows you as you scroll. In some cases, this could even remove page elements such as headers, which is why there’s also a Moderate option. This is the extension’s default and tries to only remove the annoying layovers. Finally, there’s Dormant mode, which does nothing and it’s useful when the extension seems to be breaking the website you’re looking at.

PopUpOff is certainly the kind of tool you’ll need to spend some time tweaking, but once you’re done overlays will be a thing of the past and you won’t even think about them anymore.

Reading mode or Postlight Reader

Most modern browsers have some sort of reader mode: Firefox, for example, offers Reader View, while Microsoft Edge offers Immersive Reader, and Safari has Reader. This feature extracts the article from whatever website you’re looking at, allowing you to read without seeing any advertisements, sidebars, or other distractions. That includes overlays, meaning that reader modes are an overall great tool for avoiding them.

[Related: 7 things Safari can do that Google Chrome can’t]

Google, an advertising company, does not offer a reader mode in Chrome—at least, not without doing some digging through hidden settings. If you use the Big G’s browser, the Postlight Reader extension can add a reader mode to Chrome and even allow you to configure the font and text size of the article you’re reading.

The post How to get rid of the giant ads blocking your favorite websites appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to get through to your aging parents without arguing Fri, 26 May 2023 01:00:00 +0000
Senior man and woman in wheelchair
'You don’t want to rub their nose into their incapacity.'. DepositPhotos

Empathy and a respect for autonomy are needed to care for older loved ones.

The post How to get through to your aging parents without arguing appeared first on Popular Science.

Senior man and woman in wheelchair
'You don’t want to rub their nose into their incapacity.'. DepositPhotos

This article was originally featured on KFF Health News.

It was a regrettable mistake. But Kim Sylvester thought she was doing the right thing at the time.

Her 80-year-old mother, Harriet Burkel, had fallen at her home in Raleigh, North Carolina, fractured her pelvis, and gone to a rehabilitation center to recover. It was only days after the death of Burkel’s 82-year-old husband, who’d moved into a memory care facility three years before.

With growing distress, Sylvester had watched her mother, who had emphysema and peripheral artery disease, become increasingly frail and isolated. “I would say, ‘Can I help you?’ And my mother would say, ‘No, I can do this myself. I don’t need anything. I can handle it,’” Sylvester told me.

Now, Sylvester had a chance to get some more information. She let herself into her mother’s home and went through all the paperwork she could find. “It was a shambles — completely disorganized, bills everywhere,” she said. “It was clear things were out of control.”

Sylvester sprang into action, terminating her mother’s orders for anti-aging supplements, canceling two car warranty insurance policies (Burkel wasn’t driving at that point), ending a yearlong contract for knee injections with a chiropractor, and throwing out donation requests from dozens of organizations. When her mother found out, she was furious.

“I was trying to save my mother, but I became someone she couldn’t trust — the enemy. I really messed up,” Sylvester said.

Dealing with an older parent who stubbornly resists offers of help isn’t easy. But the solution isn’t to make an older person feel like you’re steamrolling them and taking over their affairs. What’s needed instead are respect, empathy, and appreciation of the older person’s autonomy.

“It’s hard when you see an older person making poor choices and decisions. But if that person is cognitively intact, you can’t force them to do what you think they should do,” said Anne Sansevero, president of the board of directors of the Aging Life Care Association, a national organization of care managers who work with older adults and their families. “They have a right to make choices for themselves.”

That doesn’t mean adult children concerned about an older parent should step aside or agree to everything the parent proposes. Rather, a different set of skills is needed.

Cheryl Woodson, an author and retired physician based in the Chicago area, learned this firsthand when her mother — whom Woodson described as a “very powerful” woman — developed mild cognitive impairment. She started getting lost while driving and would buy things she didn’t need then give them away.

Chastising her mother wasn’t going to work. “You can’t push people like my mother or try to take control,” Woodson told me. “You don’t tell them, ‘No, you’re wrong,’ because they changed your diapers and they’ll always be your mom.”

Instead, Woodson learned to appeal to her mother’s pride in being the family matriarch. “Whenever she got upset, I’d ask her, ‘Mother, what year was it that Aunt Terri got married?’ or ‘Mother, I don’t remember how to make macaroni. How much cheese do you put in?’ And she’d forget what she was worked up about and we’d just go on from there.”

Woodson, author of “To Survive Caregiving: A Daughter’s Experience, a Doctor’s Advice,” also learned to apply a “does it really matter to safety or health?” standard to her mother’s behavior. It helped Woodson let go of her sometimes unreasonable expectations. One example she related: “My mother used to shake hot sauce on pancakes. It would drive my brother nuts, but she was eating, and that was good.”

“You don’t want to rub their nose into their incapacity,” said Woodson, whose mother died in 2003.

Barry Jacobs, a clinical psychologist and family therapist, sounded similar themes in describing a psychiatrist in his late 70s who didn’t like to bend to authority. After his wife died, the older man stopped shaving and changing his clothes regularly. Though he had diabetes, he didn’t want to see a physician and instead prescribed medicine for himself. Even after several strokes compromised his vision, he insisted on driving.

Jacobs’ take: “You don’t want to go toe-to-toe with someone like this, because you will lose. They’re almost daring you to tell them what to do so they can show you they won’t follow your advice.”

What’s the alternative? “I would employ empathy and appeal to this person’s pride as a basis for handling adversity or change,” Jacobs said. “I might say something along the lines of, ‘I know you don’t want to stop driving and that this will be very painful for you. But I know you have faced difficult, painful changes before and you’ll find your way through this.’”

“You’re appealing to their ideal self rather than treating them as if they don’t have the right to make their own decisions anymore,” he explained. In the older psychiatrist’s case, conflict with his four children was constant, but he eventually stopped driving.

Another strategy that can be useful: “Show up, but do it in a way that’s face-saving,” Jacobs said. Instead of asking your father if you can check in on him, “Go to his house and say, ‘The kids really wanted to see you. I hope you don’t mind.’ Or, ‘We made too much food. I hope you don’t mind my bringing it over.’ Or, ‘I wanted to stop by. I hope you can give me some advice about this issue that’s on my mind.’”

This psychiatrist didn’t have any cognitive problems, though he wasn’t as sharp as he used to be. But encroaching cognitive impairment often colors difficult family interactions.

If you think this might be a factor with your parent, instead of trying to persuade them to accept more help at home, try to get them medically evaluated, said Leslie Kernisan, author of “When Your Aging Parent Needs Help: A Geriatrician’s Step-by-Step Guide to Memory Loss, Resistance, Safety Worries, and More.”

“Decreased brain function can affect an older adult’s insight and judgment and ability to understand the risks of certain actions or situations, while also making people suspicious and defensive,” she noted.

This doesn’t mean you should give up on talking to an older parent with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage dementia, however. “You always want to give the older adult a chance to weigh in and talk about what’s important to them and their feelings and concerns,” Kernisan said.

“If you frame your suggestions as a way of helping your parent achieve a goal they’ve said was important, they tend to be much more receptive to it,” she said.

A turning point for Sylvester and her mother came when the older woman, who developed dementia, went to a nursing home at the end of 2021. Her mother, who at first didn’t realize the move was permanent, was furious, and Sylvester waited two months before visiting. When she finally walked into Burkel’s room, bearing a Valentine’s Day wreath, Burkel hugged her and said, “I’m so glad to see you,” before pulling away. “But I’m so mad at my other daughter.”

Sylvester, who doesn’t have a sister, responded, “I know, Mom. She meant well, but she didn’t handle things properly.” She learned the value of what she calls a “therapeutic fiblet” from Kernisan, who ran a family caregiver group Sylvester attended between 2019 and 2021.

After that visit, Sylvester saw her mother often, and all was well between the two women up until Burkel’s death. “If something was upsetting my mother, I would just go, ‘Interesting,’ or, ‘That’s a thought.’ You have to give yourself time to remember this is not the person you used to know and create the person you need to be your parent, who’s changed so much.”

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at KFF—an independent source of health policy research, polling, and journalism. Learn more about KFF.

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The Opt Out: 10 rules for better internet etiquette Thu, 25 May 2023 13:00:00 +0000
split screen showing phone with halo on one side, phone with horns on the other
If only good vs. bad were always this clear. Laura Pusateri for Popular Science

When it comes to privacy, sharing is not always caring.

The post The Opt Out: 10 rules for better internet etiquette appeared first on Popular Science.

split screen showing phone with halo on one side, phone with horns on the other
If only good vs. bad were always this clear. Laura Pusateri for Popular Science

THE INTERNET is vast, and we all have our own ideas about how we want to interact with it: Some livestream their every move, while others keep their daily activities to themselves. This would be perfectly fine if we all lived on our own isolated virtual islands, but we most definitely don’t.

When we share something about ourselves online, we’re also revealing details about those around us—just ask the victims of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, or the incredibly private people who’ve had their real identities revealed by TikTok sleuths. It’s beyond time we started looking at online privacy not as a personal decision, but as a collective issue.

To keep this conversation going, the Opt Out has created a code of conduct everyone could abide by. Of course, we can’t actually control what you do online, but we can help you understand that your actions on the internet have offline consequences, often for people other than you. 

So read these rules, take what applies to your life, and share it with your friends. The more people think about how everyone’s data and personal information is connected via the web, the more attainable privacy will be for all of us. 

Consent is crucial to respecting people’s boundaries. Before you share a photo, a video, a personal story, or anything that depicts or describes someone else, ask them if they’re comfortable with you posting it. 

This includes images in which they’re featured prominently, as well as those where they’re visible only in the background, so be careful when you pan your camera—you might be unwittingly outing a secret relationship people have been speculating about for months. But it’s not only about images: You should also ask for permission when sharing written posts that include a person’s name or details that might identify them. You’ll want to be especially careful with information people might use to contact the person mentioned in your post, like their email address, phone number, location, and place of employment. You don’t want to inadvertently help stalkers get closer to their victims.  

[Related on PopSci+: When you should and shouldn’t accept a website’s cookies]

Content involving children is particularly sensitive. If you’re not the parent or guardian, make sure you ask the person who is before you hit publish. Even if they agree, consider hiding the kids’ faces as much as possible. 

Finally, just don’t post about someone who’s intoxicated, asleep, unconscious, or unable to provide clear consent. In fact, don’t take any pictures or videos of them at all—that’s just creepy.

2. Think carefully about filming or recording random people on the street

Listen, we agree with you: It’s not OK to be mean to people. And as much as you might enjoy the occasional Karen video, you should know that filming people like that is also not OK.

There can be truly good intentions behind such footage, and videos of rude people have probably made some viewers reconsider how they treat others. But once a video is online, you lose control over it. TikTok users have built followings by finding anyone they believe deserves comeuppance and calling their employer to get them fired or reprimanded. Others go even further and dox them, resulting in disproportionate consequences for them and their loved ones, including stalking, harassment, and even assault. Social media rarely makes the distinction between a truly awful person and someone who’s just making a huge mistake. 

That said, there are exceptions. Sometimes whipping out your phone and hitting record could help bring justice to a victim of assault, a hit-and-run, or even murder. Use your judgment to gauge whether you’re in an extreme situation like that and stop to think about the best way you can help—it may be filming at your own personal risk, but it may also be calling 911 or attracting the attention of other bystanders. 

And if you choose to hit that red square on your screen, you’ll have to figure out what to do with the video once you have it. In the great majority of cases, you shouldn’t publish it to social media. The harm you cause when the video leaves your control may be magnitudes greater than whatever clout, following, or emotional boost you gained by posting it. The rare exceptions include when you want to help someone but can’t contact them because they were arrested or removed in an ambulance. Even then, you may want to take some time to see if you can track them down and hand the material over personally.

Keep in mind that even in a court of law, your footage will take on a life of its own once it leaves your hands. Despite your best intentions, your video may not have the effect or result you intended it to.  

3. Don’t share one-to-one messages

As a general rule, treat all texts, photos, and videos you get through one-on-one chats and private message groups with the same care an international spy treats confidential orders from their handler. The people sending those messages meant for you alone to see them, so you shouldn’t send or show them to anybody else. The best example of this is nudes: If you get one, you can save or delete it, but that’s all.

4. Share contact information only when it’s consensual or public

A lot of people have their contact information on websites or their social media accounts. For example, you can email a PopSci writer by clicking the letter icon in their bio at the bottom of a story. This allows readers to send us comments and questions.

But that doesn’t mean other contact information is also public. If you need to disclose someone’s contact information, share only what’s publicly available on their official channels. If they have none listed, always ask them before you share their contact information: Tell them what you plan on sharing and with whom, and proceed only once they say they’re OK with it.  

5. Avoid revealing more information than you need to 

Sometimes we share more information than we think we’re sharing. Without realizing it, your long-awaited unboxing might have given all your followers your home address, and an innocent photo with your colleagues taken during lunch might have revealed your place of employment just because one person forgot to take off their badge.  

This is bad enough when it comes to your own information, let alone when it involves others. So be careful with what you share and look out for details about yourself and the people around you that reveal more than you’d like. 

Be careful with pictures featuring packing labels, official documents, license plates, and boarding passes—if you must share them, blur or cover sensitive information. Don’t forget the background—you’d be amazed at how much you can learn about someone by pausing a video and peeking at their corkboard. You should also take a good look at screenshots before posting, as they may include location data or even a rogue notification you didn’t notice popped up at just the wrong time. When taking photos near windows or outside, pay attention to landmarks, street signs, and anything else that might make your location evident. If you want to go the extra mile, consider erasing the metadata from image files before posting or sharing them online.

Finally, mind the words you use and avoid those that describe a direct affiliation with someone. Going back to that lunch with your colleagues, a sweet post about how much you like them might reveal a lot more than your appreciation for them. Just calling them colleagues reveals everyone’s place of employment (remember that one who didn’t take off their badge?) and if you mention how happy they’ve all made you for the past three years, viewers now have an approximate period of employment. It might not be a lot of information, but it accumulates with every post. 

6. It’s OK not to share your passwords with your partner. It’s also OK if you do. 

You have the right to privacy, and you don’t owe your partner unlimited access to your accounts. Lots of couples share their credentials for the sake of transparency and practicality, but that’s not necessarily a sign of a good and healthy relationship.

[Related on PopSci+: Stop choosing bad passwords, already]

Whether you share your passwords and passcodes with your significant other is your decision and yours alone. If you feel comfortable doing it and think it might make the relationship better, go for it. Just know that you should be able to keep your own space and say no if your partner asks you to open that door.

7. You’re the only one responsible for setting your boundaries

You may have someone in your life who’s very much online—the one who takes a picture of everything and posts multiple updates on social media throughout the day. So the next time you go out with this person and they whip out their phone to take a group picture, don’t just hide from the lens—take some time to have a conversation about what you’re OK with when it comes to being featured in someone else’s online posts. 

They may not understand or agree with your stance at first, and you might have to have the same conversation more than once. But you cannot expect to be comfortable going out with them if they don’t know what you want. Setting boundaries will make it easier for your friend to respect your needs and for you to enforce them. 

8.  Post about what you’re doing but not whom you’re with 

We understand if you don’t feel like having a conversation about online privacy as your food is making its way to your table. It’s a bit boring and certainly not the reason you and your friends got together. So if you haven’t had a conversation about expectations and boundaries when it comes to social presence, you should feel free to post about whatever you’re doing—just as long as you don’t disclose whom you are with.  

The idea is to include only you, the one person definitely providing consent to appear on social media. If someone else also consents, you may include them as well, but be mindful of those who opt out—don’t include them in group photos, and don’t tag or mention them. Be careful to leave out any identifying details, such as tattoos, cars, or anything that might hint at whom you’re out and about with.

Some people may be comfortable with appearing in your posts but not with you including a link to their social media account or accounts. Again, just ask them what they feel comfortable with. 

This rule also applies to other situations like contests, promotions, friends’ posts, and even using hashtags. Most social media platforms group hashtags and generally make identically tagged content easily accessible to people who may or may not be directly connected to us. For someone who wants to keep to themselves, this can be an unwanted reservoir of information about them.

Your friend’s priorities regarding privacy may have changed since the last time you saw them. Even if they frequently post to Instagram and you think they’ll have no problem with you sharing a photo, don’t assume, and always ask them before you post. 

[Related: Everything you need to cure your smartphone addiction]

Tell them what you plan to write as a caption, if you’re planning to mention them, and make them feel comfortable by showing them the picture or post before hitting publish. Give them veto power and options.

And if you’re going to make assumptions about how someone feels about popping up on your timeline, it’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution. Assume the person beside you is private and doesn’t want anything about them online, until you learn otherwise. 

Read more PopSci+ stories.

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Prove your writing is not AI-generated by tracking changes in your docs Thu, 25 May 2023 12:16:45 +0000
hands typing on laptop keyboard
Tracking changes is a simple way to show that a document is all your own work. (Kaitlyn Baker / Unsplash)

Showing your work is not just for math problems anymore.

The post Prove your writing is not AI-generated by tracking changes in your docs appeared first on Popular Science.

hands typing on laptop keyboard
Tracking changes is a simple way to show that a document is all your own work. (Kaitlyn Baker / Unsplash)

AI chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google Bard have now reached a level where they can write emails, essays, and entire books. There’s an ongoing debate on how good that content actually is, but these platforms can certainly give a passable impression of a human being when it comes to creating copy.

That’s a problem when it comes to proving you wrote a particular document, whether you’re submitting a college essay or entering a short story competition. Right now, we don’t have a reliable way of detecting AI-generated text (ChatGPT can’t tell if ChatGPT has written something), but there are some options you can explore.

One is to track the changes to your document as you create it in your program of choice. It’s not a foolproof option, as you could still manually type out any output from ChatGPT or Bard, but it does at least show whoever’s reading your document how it came together, if they ever want to check.

Google Docs

Every document you create on Google Docs tracks changes by default, and you can’t turn this feature off. The idea is that previous versions of the file are always available to you, should you need to go back. Click the version history button in the top right corner (an arrow around a pair of clock hands) to see previous edits and revert back to them if needed.

Via File, Version history, and Name current version you’re able to manually set a point in the version history and give it a name—you might want to do this after the end of every chapter in a novel, or every day in a report, for example. Google Docs labels unnamed versions only with the time and date, so this makes previous versions easier to find.

[Related: OpenAI’s newest ChatGPT update can still spread conspiracy theories]

When it comes to passing on your work to someone else, you need to use the built-in Google Docs sharing feature: Click Share on the right to grant access or to get a link you can copy and paste into an email or chat box. If you save your work as a Word document or a PDF, the version history won’t be transferred over to the file.

Note that whoever you’re sharing your document with will have to log into a Google account to access it, and you’ll have to give them Editor permissions too. If the other person opens the document anonymously via a link, or only has Viewer or Commenter permissions, then won’t have access to the version history, and won’t be able to see that the document is all your own work.

Microsoft Word

There are two ways to approach change tracking in Word, depending on how you’re sharing your file. The more traditional option is where you’re emailing a Word document to someone else: open the Review tab on the ribbon menu and click Track Changes, which then highlights every change that you make to the document.

By default, the software will underline new text and color it red, but you can change this by clicking All Markup on the Review tab: Choose Simple Markup to have edits highlighted in the margin rather than in the body of the text, or No Markup to turn off highlighting altogether. Whether the highlights are visible or not, you can click Reviewing Pane (or Reviewing on macOS) on the Review tab to see all the document revisions. The person reading your work will be able to see all of the edits you made to the document in the same way, demonstrating it’s your own work.

The second option is to save your Word file to your OneDrive account and share it via a link, which is the more modern, Google Docs-style approach. While the Track Changes option is still available, you can also click the name of the document at the top of the window, then Version History, to view (and revert to) previous versions of the document.

Go to File, then Share, and you can generate a link for the file to pass on: Make sure the recipient has editing privileges and can sign in with their own Microsoft account. They’ll then be able to access the version history of a document by clicking on its title, whether they open it on the web or in Word for desktop. As long as the file is in your OneDrive account, version history will be available.

Apple Pages

Those using Apple Pages for their documents have the same options as with Word. To turn on the track changes feature, choose Edit and Track Changes. This introduces a new toolbar—you can use the options on it to set how Pages highlights changes and review edits.

When you share the document via File and Share, as long as you keep the file in the native Apple Pages format, the recipient will be able to see the same track changes information. If they have editing privileges, they’ll also be able to accept or reject the changes you’ve made.

[Related: Become a better writer with these online tools]

Version history is perhaps an easier option to show your work, but there are caveats. You have to save your file to your iCloud account so it’s available on the web, and the person you’re sharing it with will only be able to see versions created after you’ve shared the file. In other words, you want to share the file—via File and Share—as soon as you create it, so the other person is able to see all of the versions that build up.

If you’re using Pages on a Mac, open the File menu then Revert To and Browse All Versions to see previous versions of the document (and revert back to them if needed). If you’re using Pages on iCloud on the web, click the three dots (top right) and then Browse All Versions. Anyone you’re sharing the document with has the same options available to them, as long as you’ve granted them editing privileges.

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Here’s what really happens when you pull a muscle Wed, 11 Aug 2021 12:11:00 +0000
A person wearing running shorts holding their thigh on a beach, potentially wondering what happens when you pull a muscle, because they probably just did.
Treatments for minor pulls include ice packs and elevation at home, but full tears might require surgery. Depositphotos

Stretching can prevent muscle strains, and rest helps them heal.

The post Here’s what really happens when you pull a muscle appeared first on Popular Science.

A person wearing running shorts holding their thigh on a beach, potentially wondering what happens when you pull a muscle, because they probably just did.
Treatments for minor pulls include ice packs and elevation at home, but full tears might require surgery. Depositphotos

Joel Cramer was at the pool with his kids when another dad, competing in a big splash contest, got up onto the diving board. He bounced up once, and when he landed on the board for the second time, his quadriceps muscle tore. “It rolled up his leg and balled up near the top of his thigh,” says Cramer, a professor of exercise physiology at the University of Nebraska. “[It was] like rolling up a window shade.”

That’s an extreme (and extremely rare) example of a muscle strain, a common injury that happens to high school soccer stars, recreational runners, and middle-aged racquetball players alike. “Strain” is the medical term for the condition, though it’s colloquially known as a pulled muscle. The term is a catch-all that covers everything from a small twinge to a full-on rupture.

What is a pulled muscle?

The human body contains three different types of muscles: cardiac, skeletal, and visceral (or smooth). Of those, skeletal are the only ones that we have control over—and thus, the ones that we can injure. Skeletal muscles are made of thousands—in some cases, millions—of muscle fibers. These fibers are all bundled together and wrapped in a sheath of connective tissues. A strained muscle means, in a nutshell, that some number of the fibers that make up one of your muscles tore. This ripping can happen if you pull them too hard or too fast.

What we call a “tear” and what we coin a “pull or strain” all boil down to the same type of injury: A rip to some part of the muscle. But some are worse than others. A mild or “grade one” strain—what many people call a “pulled muscle”—happens when you tear about 5 percent of the fibers in a particular muscle. This typically feels like an uncomfortable twinge that may force you off the court for a few weeks. A moderate sprain involves a higher percentage of fibers, and might sideline you for a month or more. A full rupture severs the muscle entirely, and usually requires surgery to repair.

[Related: Why do my muscles ache the day after a big workout?]

Okay, but how exactly do these tears occur? And why do some instances result in more muscle fiber damage than others? Cramer says three major factors contribute to this muscle busting. Muscles that cover two joints, like the hamstring which extends across the hip and knee joints, are at the highest risk. That’s because having both joints moving and stretching the muscle simultaneously adds tension, which can lead to strains.

Muscles are also more likely to strain while they are contracting. At this point, muscles are shortening and lengthening at the same time. During a dumbbell curl, for example, raising the weight up towards the shoulder compresses the bicep, and lowering it back down stretches it back out again. The muscle can create and sustain much more force during the lengthening portion of the activity, says Cramer, which makes it easier for it to strain.

Finally, muscles that have a higher proportion of fast-twitch to slow-twitch fibers strain more readily. Fast-twitch fibers contract quickly and generate more power, says Cramer. For that reason, they are the ones recruited for explosive tasks like sprinting. “It’s relatively uncommon for slow twitch [muscles] to strain,” he says. “They’re used to being active all the time.”

Technically, Cramer says, it’s possible to strain any of the skeletal muscles in your body. “For some, it’s not physiologically impossible, just very highly unlikely,” he says. “You’re probably not going to strain deep muscles with very specific functions.” The muscles in the finger, for example, are probably not going to cause much trouble, since they only have one task and don’t do much heavy lifting.

[Related: How to get muscle gains: A beginner’s guide to becoming buff]

Low flexibility and range of motion are major factors at risk for muscle strain, says Cramer. Despite the popular belief that larger muscles are tighter, Cramer says greater muscle mass is actually associated with greater give. “There’s evidence to suggest that weight training done with a good range of motion increases flexibility,” he says. And even though it may not seem like it when you’re struggling to touch your toes, Cramer says most people can teach their body to be springy enough to do the splits. So, to help keep your muscle fibers intact—pick up the weights and don’t skip your stretching routine, no matter how tedious it is.

How does a pulled muscle heal?

For at-home ways to treat to minor strains, clinicians often recommend what’s known by the acronym R.I.C.E.: resting the pulled muscle; icing it for about 30 minutes; compressing it with an elastic bandage; and elevating it above your heart. While ice packs can reduce pain and swelling, some recent physiology studies suggest regular baths in chilly water might hinder recovery. (A small amount of inflammation, which encourages the flow of blood and nutrients, can actually help muscles restore their strength.) What clearly works is rest: You don’t need to completely avoid all physical activities, but taking it easy—and getting plenty of sleep at night—gives your body the opportunity it needs to heal itself.

This post has been updated. It was originally published on September 28, 2017. It was also previously updated to reflect the fact that stretching in general—not at any specific time—can help to prevent low flexibility, a risk factor for muscle strains.

The post Here’s what really happens when you pull a muscle appeared first on Popular Science.

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What to know about Apple’s new Rapid Security Response updates Wed, 24 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Person outdoors holding a white iPhone on their hands.
Rapid Security Response updates are designed to keep your devices safe in a timely manner. Malte Helmhold / Unsplash

These updates ensure your Apple devices are safe from attacks.

The post What to know about Apple’s new Rapid Security Response updates appeared first on Popular Science.

Person outdoors holding a white iPhone on their hands.
Rapid Security Response updates are designed to keep your devices safe in a timely manner. Malte Helmhold / Unsplash

Software updates are crucial to the health of your various gadgets and it’s generally in your best interest to install them as soon as they’re available. Apple knows this so they introduced a different type of software update called Rapid Security Response. These patches run separately from the usual iOS or macOS updates and work in a slightly different way.

If you see a Rapid Security Response notification on one of your Apple devices, don’t panic—it’s there to keep your device safe and secure.

What is a Rapid Security Response update?

We’re all now well used to Apple’s software update schedule: Big updates for iPhones, Macs, and other devices roll out once a year, with several smaller point releases spread out in between.

[Related: It’s time to update the firmware on your Apple devices]

Behind the more showy, user-facing upgrades, these updates also do a lot of important work under the hood in improving security and stability. The problem is that sometimes significant security issues come to light and need to be addressed immediately rather than in a few weeks or months.

That’s where Rapid Security Responses come in. Apple can send out these patches whenever they need to so that security vulnerabilities don’t stay vulnerable for long. The company says these responses could help “mitigate some security issues more quickly,” particularly those that pose a current risk. The company is now sending these updates to iPhones, iPads, and Macs running iOS 16.4.1, iPadOS 16.4.1, or macOS 13.3.1 or later. If you haven’t already, make sure to update your operating system to receive them.

How to apply Rapid Security Response updates

Rapid Security Responses are so important that Apple’s operating systems will apply them automatically by default, and unlike regular updates, you won’t get the option to snooze them. You may not even notice the installation process is happening in the background, but you’ll know it once it’s done, as your device might prompt a restart to apply the updates.

For the good health of your Apple gadget, we strongly recommend you authorize these automatic updates, but if you feel strongly about preventing software from installing without your consent, you can stop Rapid Security Responses. To go about it, open the Settings on your iPhone or iPad and choose General, Software Update, and Automatic Updates. Once there, toggle off the Security Responses & System Files option. On a Mac computer, open the Apple menu, then select System Settings, General, and Software Update. Click the info button next to Automatic updates to find the Install Security Responses and system files option and toggle it off.

When your Apple device installs a Rapid Security Response, the iOS, iPadOS, or macOS version number will have a lowercase letter after it—so “macOS Ventura Version 13.3.1 (a)” for example. To check this, go to Settings on an iPhone or iPad, or to System Settings on a Mac, and choose General, and then About. You’ll notice that, unlike normal software updates, these special security patches don’t come with any details about what they’ve fixed, presumably in the interests of speed and security.

[Related: Smart ways to manage software updates on Windows and macOS]

If you’ve disabled these automatic updates, you can still manually check for Rapid Security Responses in the same way as you would for any other update: Just go to General and Software Update in the settings on your Apple device. Any Rapid Security Responses your device doesn’t apply immediately will be rolled into the next standard software update, but we strongly advise you to protect your device by installing them as soon as they appear.

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A guide to the muscles you forget to exercise Tue, 23 May 2023 13:31:04 +0000
Person on yoga mat doing bridge exercise to work out muscles in core, neck, and back. Illustrated in red, black, white, and gray.
Find exercises that benefit multiple key muscles. Julia Bernhard

Add “tendon day” to your gym routine.

The post A guide to the muscles you forget to exercise appeared first on Popular Science.

Person on yoga mat doing bridge exercise to work out muscles in core, neck, and back. Illustrated in red, black, white, and gray.
Find exercises that benefit multiple key muscles. Julia Bernhard

TO MAINTAIN a healthy level of physical fitness, everyone should commit to at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or strength training a day. That’s easier said than done. With running errands, working a desk job, and fulfilling family obligations, the modern lifestyle does not leave much time for regular exercise. If you do prioritize working out, you might still be neglecting key muscle groups that support posture, movement, and overall health. Keep reading for a list of the most ignored ones, exercises to strengthen them, and the reasons you might need more variety in your routine

Healthy fitness goals

Before you start switching up your workouts, Christopher Geiser, an exercise science professor, physical therapist, and trainer at Marquette University, has a few important reminders.

First, “If you’re having trouble, don’t wait too long to get help,” he warns. Physical therapists and trainers can design a regimen specific to your needs. Everybody’s built a little differently, and unique personal histories make it difficult to give general advice. Working out various areas of the body with different types of activities is a surefire way to improve health. Remember to start off slow and careful if you haven’t exercised in a while—too much too soon might backfire on your muscles. 

Second, it’s important to know the difference between exercising for overall health and exercising for performance. “If you wanna be healthy, then you’re trying to get as variable activity with a nice even distribution of the loading across different areas as you can,” Geiser says. 

In contrast, “If you’re trying to run the Boston Marathon, you’ve got a really specific something that you’re working on and [your exercise regimen] is going to focus on that,” he explains. “And it isn’t always the most healthy for you.”

In other words, don’t sacrifice your wellbeing for better performance. “You want a balance across all of the conditioning exercises that you’re doing,” Geiser says. “And that variability across your system is probably what’s gonna give you the most bang for your buck healthwise.”

Target muscle area no. 1: Rotator cuffs

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their connected tendons that attach the shoulder blade to the upper arm, stabilizing the shoulder and allowing 360-degree movement. Strengthening the area can prevent shoulder injuries, some of which can lead to permanent loss of function. 

If you already have shoulder pain or a rotator cuff injury, however, you could exacerbate it by exercising those muscles. See a medical professional for treatment instead.

Recommended exercises:

  • Doorway stretches
  • Reverse flies with dumbbells
  • Wall angels 

Target muscle area no. 2: Abdominal core and back

In addition to helping you avoid accidents from, say, moving furniture, having a strong core boosts posture, balance, and movement. Each abdominal muscle has to work in harmony to control your back and pelvis, although “you don’t necessarily need them to do a lot of your everyday activities,” Geiser says. “But when you do need them, they’re not always in shape and ready to go.” 

Recommended exercises:

  • Planks
  • Bridges
  • Deadlifts

Target muscle area no. 3: Neck flexors

These deep muscle groups rest in the front of the neck and are responsible for holding its position, contributing to posture. “We abuse the flexors when we stare at computer screens with our head forward all the time,” Geiser says. “They are notoriously weak because we haven’t built them up.” 

If you’re experiencing neck pain after staring down at a phone or laptop for a long period, it might be worth it to train these muscles. And at the same time, remind yourself to straighten out your posture while doom-scrolling on the couch or working at a desk.

Recommended exercises:

  • Supine neck retractions
  • Active assisted neck flexions
  • Supine cervical flexions

Target muscle area no. 4: Glutes

Though they get a lot of attention, the muscles underlying your butt are often improperly exercised. Strengthening your glutes helps with proper body alignment, movement, and athletic edge. Weak glutes can cause other areas of the body, such as the lower back or knees, to overcompensate when you’re walking, running, or climbing stairs. A stronger set also corrects posture and spinal alignment, reducing the risk of back pain and injuries.  

Recommended exercises:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Bridges

Target muscle area no. 5: Tendons

Most casual gymgoers don’t think of flexing these parts. Tendons aren’t muscles: They’re connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones, controlling movement of the skeleton. While they’re strong and flexible, injuries can occur from overuse, repetitive strain, or aging. Tendon-specific training can improve joint health, reduce pain and stiffness, and promote speed and agility. Use two different types of exercises to strengthen them—prolonged weight holds and quick, fast contractions—but not in the same workout. Vary your routine daily to keep from overloading these crucial parts, and be sure to take at least one day off from working out each week.

Recommended exercises:

  • Eccentric movements
  • Isometric movements
  • Plyometric movements

Read more PopSci+ stories.

The post A guide to the muscles you forget to exercise appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to use science to remove sticker residue Tue, 23 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Wall covered in ripped posters and stickers.
Don't let your home look like a sticker cemetery. cottonbro studio / Pexels

Choose your sticker-removing fighter.

The post How to use science to remove sticker residue appeared first on Popular Science.

Wall covered in ripped posters and stickers.
Don't let your home look like a sticker cemetery. cottonbro studio / Pexels

If you’re reading this, you’ve either encountered several pages claiming they know exactly how to remove sticker residue, or this is your first one. Either way, we don’t think you’ll have to look further. 

There are a lot of options for getting sticker residue off of surfaces, but all of them fall under one of three types of approaches: mechanical, chemical, or thermal. Understanding how each of these works will provide you with the best chance at vanquishing your sticky enemy.

A warning before we begin: there’s no one type of adhesive you’ll find behind a sticker, so results may vary. Also, all of the following methods have caveats, and you may risk damaging the surface underneath the sticker. Use your judgment to determine the best approach in your specific case, and always do a small test in an inconspicuous area to make sure you’re not damaging the underlying material.

Pure force: the mechanical approach

What it’s good for

  • Glass
  • Metal
  • Ceramics
  • Stoneware


  • Dull plastic knife
  • Hard plastic spatula
  • Rubber eraser

Avoid using on 

  • Painted, coated, or enameled surfaces
  • Wood

You can’t always apply brute force to scratch off tacky adhesive, but sometimes you can. This is the mechanical approach. All you’ll need is elbow grease and a tool you can use to literally scrape off the sticker and most of the residue it leaves behind.

You might be tempted to use your nails, but we advise against it, as they might break or get pulled back, and you definitely don’t want that. You also shouldn’t use a tool made out of metal, like a sharp kitchen knife. Not only is it dangerous, but you could damage the surface under the sticker.

[Related: The five smells Americans hate most (and how to get rid of them)]

Instead, opt for a less abrasive tool like a dull plastic knife or a hard plastic spatula. If your sticker is paper, a rubber eraser can be incredibly useful. And before you go to town with it, try your scraper in a small, inconspicuous area. Start gently and use incremental force to see if there’s any damage to the surface beneath. The moment you notice you’re scratching more than you’d like, stop and try another approach.

Scratching is a good idea if you’re trying to get sticker residue off glass, metal, or another hard, sturdy surface. But continue to be careful, as you always risk removing way more than adhesive gunk: paint, enamel, or even a functional coating like Teflon may go with it. 

This approach is usually a great place to start, but it often won’t be enough to complete the job—especially if you reach a point where you’re not able to push that stickiness away. 

Try some molecular action: the chemical approach

When you’re dealing with a more delicate surface, you don’t want to risk damaging it. This is when you might consider the chemical approach, where you neutralize the gunky glue with a solvent—an adhesive remover. The good news is that you likely have a bunch of those in your home right now. 


What it’s good for
  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • Treated wood
  • Ceramic
  • Glass
  • Stoneware
  • Peanut butter
  • Mayonnaise
  • Cooking oil
  • WD-40
Avoid using on
  • Textiles
  • Porous materials

The first type of solvent you can try is oil. Water is a common enemy of paper and stickers, so manufacturers often use water-resistant adhesives to make sure stickers actually, well, stick to a given surface. Compounds and materials with water-resistant or hydrophobic characteristics are usually also lipophilic, which means that they are attracted to fats and combine with them beautifully. That means oily substances like peanut butter, mayonnaise, and cooking oils like canola, olive, or coconut, can act as solvents and neutralize the sticker glue. 

To use oil to remove sticker residue, choose one of the substances mentioned above and soak the surface in it, if possible. Peanut butter and mayonnaise have the added benefit of being able to hold their shape, so a dollop of either will be able to stay in place for longer, giving you more control over the affected area. If you don’t have any of these foods at home, you can also use WD-40. It’s not an oil, but the product specializes in water displacement (that’s what the “WD” is for!), so it’ll dissolve water-repellent adhesives. If gravity is working against you, use a rag or sponge to dab some oil on the sticker residue until it’s saturated. Let it sit for a couple of minutes, then use a clean rag, paper towel, or sponge with some water and dish soap to rub the residue off. The detergent will trap the fatty gunk, and the area will become squeaky clean as you rinse. 

Oils work better on non-porous surfaces because there’s nothing to absorb them, and you should absolutely not use them if you want to get sticker residue off clothes—they will definitely leave a stain. 

Alcohol, acetone, and nail polish remover

What it’s good for
  • Plastic
  • Untreated wood
  • Metal
  • Ceramic
  • Glass
  • Some textiles
  • Alcohol
  • Non-acetone-based nail polish remover
  • Acetone-based nail polish remover
  • Pure acetone
Avoid using on
  • Acetate fabrics 
  • Treated wood
  • Delicate plastics
  • Screens

But fatty substances are not the only household solvents—you might also have alcohol, non-acetone nail polish remover, or pure acetone. You can even use spirits with high alcohol percentages, like vodka or gin, though you’ll risk the area smelling like a distillery for a while. These compounds will all be able to dissolve adhesives manufacturers commonly apply to the backside of stickers. To use them to remove sticker residue, dab the area to saturate it, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and then start scrubbing. Depending on the surface, you could also use a scraping tool, should you need it. 

A word of warning though: alcohol (no matter its concentration) and acetone are powerful solvents and can be corrosive, especially on plastics and treated woods. There’s a reason specialists don’t recommend using alcohol to clean your gadgets’ screens, and if acetone can help remove an ever-resistant gel manicure, you can be sure it’ll remove a whole lot of other things, too. Finally, be careful when removing stickers from electronics, as rubbing alcohol has water in it. 

If you want to make sure you won’t destroy the surface you’ll be working on, make sure you do a patch test in an inconspicuous place. Apply the liquid you’re using with a cotton swab and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Look at the surface and touch it with your fingers to make sure there’s no noticeable damage. Keep in mind there can always be damage you can’t see or feel, so if you’re dealing with a delicate material or something that might be expensive to fix, it’s better to abstain.  

White vinegar

What it’s good for
  • Plastic
  • Ceramic
  • Glass
  • Textiles
  • White vinegar
Avoid using on
  • Cast iron
  • Waxed wood
  • Aluminum
  • Stoneware
  • Marble

A gentler option in your pantry is white vinegar. Around 5 percent of this kitchen staple is acetic acid (incredibly corrosive in its pure form) and with a pH level of 2 to 3, it is a natural solvent able to dissolve a wide range of substances and materials. This is what makes it a great cleaner. Again, using vinegar to remove sticker residue uses more or less the same mechanism as the solvents above: soak a rag or paper towel with white vinegar, apply it to the sticky area, let it sit for 5 minutes or more depending on the amount of residue, and scrape off. 

But the fact that vinegar is natural doesn’t mean there are no caveats. Acetic acid is perfectly capable of damaging surfaces, so avoid using it on cast iron, waxed wood, aluminum, stoneware, or marble. That being said, if you’re working with ceramic or glass surfaces, white vinegar may be all you need to say goodbye to sticker gunk.

Vinegar is also the best way to remove sticker residue from clothes and other textiles: Saturate the area and let it sit for a few minutes, then use a toothbrush or a scraping tool to get rid of the loose adhesive. Repeat the process as necessary. If that doesn’t work, you can also try this technique with nail polish remover. Don’t use acetone, though: this strong chemical won’t just stain your clothes, it might burn a hole through them, depending on the fabric they’re made of. Some nail polish removers can stain and bleach fabrics, but it’ll depend on which one you use and the type of textile you’re dealing with. To be safe, do a patch test to make sure the solution is not worse than the problem. 

You can always burn it: the thermal approach

What it’s good for

  • Some plastics
  • Treated wood
  • Metal
  • Heat-resistant ceramics
  • Heat-resistant glass


  • Hair dryer
  • Hot water

Avoid using on

  • Electronics
  • Delicate plastics
  • Untreated wood

The thermal approach, which uses heat to neutralize sticker adhesive, is not necessarily the last option you have when everything else has failed. Instead, consider it an alternative to using solvents. Depending on the glue, heat can make an adhesive bond more prone to sliding or breaking. It can also make it weaker and easily removable by triggering a crystallization process.

When it comes to removing sticker residue, you can use temperature to your favor by submerging or carefully exposing the material to boiled water for a few minutes. Protect your hands to prevent burning them, remove the item from the water, and use the scratchy side of a sponge with some dish soap to remove the remnants. Repeat the process if necessary. 

You can also use a hair dryer: Set it to high, keep it 2 inches away, and aim it directly at the affected area for 30 seconds. Turn off the appliance and carefully try removing the remaining gunk—it’ll be hot. If you can safely touch it, use your fingers, or grab a scraping tool if it won’t damage the underlying surface. If the sticker residue won’t budge or if there’s still some left, repeat the process. 

[Related: Use citric acid to clean your dishwasher and other gross household items]

As with all the approaches mentioned above, heat has its caveats, too. For example, if you’re removing sticker residue from a metal surface, make sure to protect yourself and handle the item carefully, as it might get dangerously hot during the process. If you’re lifting adhesive gunk from glass or ceramics, make sure they’re heat-resistant, as pouring hot water on them might break them. Needless to say, hot water is not the best approach when dealing with electronics, but then again, neither is dry heat. Normally, hair dryers shouldn’t produce enough heat at a 2-inch distance to damage hard plastic surfaces, but that will depend on which one you have. To be on the safe side, keep an eye on your work and stop immediately if you see any lifting, warping, or bubbling.

The post How to use science to remove sticker residue appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to remove malware from your suffering computer Sat, 28 Aug 2021 19:00:00 +0000
A person sitting in front of a laptop that has a skull and crossbones in green code on the screen, indicating that it may have been infected with malware that they'll now need to remove.
All is not lost if you've been hit by malware. Alejandro Escamilla / Unsplash; Geralt / Pixabay

Getting rid of malicious software isn't as difficult as it may seem.

The post How to remove malware from your suffering computer appeared first on Popular Science.

A person sitting in front of a laptop that has a skull and crossbones in green code on the screen, indicating that it may have been infected with malware that they'll now need to remove.
All is not lost if you've been hit by malware. Alejandro Escamilla / Unsplash; Geralt / Pixabay

Disaster has struck—a nasty piece of malware has taken root on your computer, and you need to remove it. Viruses can cause serious damage, but you might be able to get your computer back on its feet without too much difficulty, thanks to an array of helpful tools.

We’re using the term malware to refer to all kinds of malicious programs, whether they’re viruses, ransomware, adware, or something else. Each of these threats has its own definition, but the terms are often used interchangeably and can mean different things to different people. So for simplicity’s sake, when we say malware, we mean everything you don’t want on your computer, from a virus that tries to delete your files to an adware program that’s tracking your web browsing.

With so many types of malware and so many different system setups out there, we can’t cover every scenario. Still, we can give you some general malware removal pointers that should help you get the assistance you need.

First, identify the problem

When malware hits, you sometimes get a threatening error message—but sometimes you don’t. So keep an eye out for red flags, such as an uncharacteristically slow computer, a web browser inundated by endless pop-ups, and applications that just keep crashing.

Most machines have some kind of antivirus security protection, even if it’s just the Windows Defender tool built into Windows 10 or 11. Extra security software isn’t as essential on macOS—its integrated defenses are very effective—but that doesn’t mean a clever bit of malware can’t get access.

Windows Defender, an antivirus program that will help you remove malware from Windows computers.
Windows Defender offers competent basic malware protection for Windows 10 and 11. David Nield for Popular Science

If you do have a security tool installed, make sure you keep it up to date. Then, when you suspect you’ve been hit, run a thorough system scan—the app itself should have instructions for how to do so. This is always the first step in weeding out unwanted programs.

[Related: How to make sure no one is spying on your computer]

You might find that your installed security software spots the problem and effectively removes the malware it on its own. In that case, you can get on with watching Netflix or checking your email without further interference. Unfortunately, if your antivirus software of choice doesn’t see anything wrong or can’t deal with what it’s found, you have more work to do.

Deal with specific threats

If your computer is displaying specific symptoms—such as a message with a particular error code or a threatening ransomware alert—run a web search to get more information. And if you suspect your main machine is infected and potentially causing problems with your web browser, you should search for answers on your phone or another computer.

Telling you to search online for help may seem like we’re trying to pass the buck, but this is often the best way to deal with the biggest and newest threats. To remove malware that has overwhelmed your computer’s built-in virus protections, you’ll probably need to follow specific instructions. Otherwise, you could inadvertently make the situation worse.

As soon as new threats are identified, security firms are quick to publish fixes and tools. This means it’s important to stay in touch with the latest tech news as it happens. If your existing antivirus program is coming up blank, check online to see if companies have released bespoke repair tools that you can use to deal with whatever problem you’re having.

Finally, based on what your research and antivirus scans tell you, consider disconnecting your computer from the internet to stop any bugs from spreading, or shutting down your machine completely to protect against file damage.

Try on-demand tools that will remove tricky malware

At this point, you’ve scanned your computer for malware using your normal security software and done some research into what might be happening. If you’ve still got a problem or your searches are coming up blank, you can find on-demand malware scanners online. These programs don’t require much in the way of installation, and they can act as useful “second opinions” to your existing anti-malware apps.

Tools such as Microsoft Safety Scanner, Spybot Search and Destroy, Bitdefender Virus Scanner (also for macOS), Kaspersky Security Scan, Avira PC Cleaner, Malwarebytes, and others can parachute onto your system for extra support. There, they’ll troubleshoot problems and give your existing security tools a helping hand.

Microsoft Safety Scanner, an antivirus program that will help you remove malware.
On-demand scanners, like Microsoft Safety Scanner, will take another pass at your applications and files and likely get rid of any malware that’s particularly troublesome. David Nield for Popular Science

Another reason to use extra software is that whatever nasty code has taken root on your system might be stopping your regular security tools from working properly. It could even be blocking your access to the web. In the latter case, you should use another computer to download one of these on-demand programs onto a USB stick, then transfer the software over to the machine you’re having problems with.

[Related: How to safely find out what’s on a mysterious USB device]

All of the apps listed above will do a thorough job of scanning your computer and removing any malware they find. To make extra sure, you can always run scans from a couple of different tools. If your computer has been infected, these apps will most likely be able to spot the problem and deal with it, or at least give you further instructions.

Once your existing security tools and an on-demand scanner or two have given your system a clean bill of health, you’re probably (though not definitely) in the clear. That means that any continued errors or crashes could be due to other factors—anything from a badly installed update to a failing hard drive.

Delete apps and consider resetting your system

Once you’ve exhausted the security-software solutions, you still have a couple of other options. One possibility: Hunt through your installed apps and browser extensions and uninstall any you don’t recognize or need. The problem with this method is that you could accidentally delete a piece of software that turns out to be vital. So, if you go down this route, make sure to do extra research online to figure out whether or not the apps and add-ons you’re looking at seem trustworthy.

A more drastic—but extremely effective—course of action is to wipe your computer, reinstall your operating system, and start again from scratch. Although this will delete all your personal files, it should hopefully remove malware and other unwanted programs at the same time. Before you take this step, make sure all your important files and folders are backed up somewhere else, and ensure that you’ll be able to download all your applications again.

The options for reinstalling Windows 10.
Resetting and reinstalling your operating system is always an option, but it could erase your files along with any malware if you don’t prepare properly. David Nield for Popular Science

Reinstalling the operating system and getting your computer back to its factory condition is actually much easier than it used to be. We have our own guide for resetting Windows 10 and 11, and Apple has instructions for macOS. If you need more pointers, you can find plenty of extra information online.

That’s it! Through a combination of bespoke removal methods, existing security software, on-demand scanners, and (if necessary) a system wipe, you should now have effectively removed whatever malware had taken root on your system. At this point, if you’re still struggling, it’s time to call in the experts. IT repair specialists in your area may be able to lend a hand.

How to prevent future problems

Proactively protecting your computer against malware is a whole ‘nother story, but here’s a quick run-down of the basics. Be careful with the links and attachments you open and the files you allow on your computer. Remember that most viruses and malware will find their way to your computer through your email or web browser, so make sure you use some common sense and are cautious about what you click on and download. You should also take care to keep your online accounts safe and secure.

Next, install a solid security tool you can trust. For Windows 10 and 11, the built-in Windows Defender program is a competent antivirus tool even if you don’t add anything else. That said, you can opt to bolster your machine’s defenses by paying for extra software from the likes of Norton, Avast, and many others. While the number of shady programs targeting Apple computers is on the rise, they’re still more secure than Windows machines. The general consensus is that macOS is mostly safe from harm, provided you only install programs through the App Store and apply plenty of common sense. That means you should avoid following shady links or plugging in strange USB drives you’ve found lying in the street.

Finally, make sure your software is always patched and up to date. Most browsers and operating systems will update automatically in the background, but you can check for pending patches on Windows 10 by opening Settings and clicking Update & security (on Windows 11 it’s Settings > Windows Update). If you have a macOS computer, just open up the App Store and switch to the Updates tab to see if anything is available that you haven’t downloaded.

It’s difficult to give a prescriptive setup for every system and every user, but you should always remember that 100 percent effective protection is hard to guarantee. Always stay on your guard.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on May 17, 2017.

The post How to remove malware from your suffering computer appeared first on Popular Science.

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9 native grasses that will revitalize your sad, water-wasting lawn Mon, 22 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
Pink feathery muhly grass are one the many native types of grass you plant in the US.
Native types of grass, like this colorful muhly grass, can make your lawn more colorful, sustainable, and welcoming to wildlife. Zen Rial / Getty Images

Turn your yard into a living fireworks show while saving money, time, and nature.

The post 9 native grasses that will revitalize your sad, water-wasting lawn appeared first on Popular Science.

Pink feathery muhly grass are one the many native types of grass you plant in the US.
Native types of grass, like this colorful muhly grass, can make your lawn more colorful, sustainable, and welcoming to wildlife. Zen Rial / Getty Images

The most irrigated crop in the US isn’t a particularly tasty one. Nationwide, lawn grass takes up a total area bigger than the size of Georgia, and requires more than 300 gallons of watering per household a day. “These turf grasses have really short roots, so they require nearly a constant input of water,” says Becky Barak, a conservation scientist at the Chicago Botanic Garden and leader of the Rethinking Lawns Project.

The traditional American lawn, which often holds non-native species from Africa, Asia, and Europe, can be great for kids and dogs to run around on. But there are tons of native plantings that decrease water and pesticide use, reduce time and energy spent on mowing, absorb stormwater, and provide real habitat for wildlife. Not to mention, they make an incredible backdrop in the process. “Some native grasses can be mowed to look more like traditional turf grasses,” Barak says. “But then there are others that are beautiful and can add so much visual appeal and a totally different look.”

[Related: What to consider before ripping out your lawn]

When it comes to choosing types of grass, there are thousands of choices. “They can be all different colors of the rainbow,” Barak says. That might sound overwhelming, but don’t worry—you can narrow down the list by browsing local native nurseries and regional university guides. (Remember to check the soil type in your yard and find plants that match.) Once you have some options that work for your space, no matter how tiny, you’ll be well on your way to creating the native landscape of your dreams. Here are nine beloved varieties to get you started.

Prairie dropseed grass among other native plantings
Prairie dropseed germinates slowly in small patches. NPS

Short grasses

Buffalo grass (Bouteloua dactyloides)

  • Native range: Central US
  • Height: 3 to 10 inches
  • Light: full sun
  • Water use: low to medium

If you’re looking for a native grass that still keeps the lawn feel, look no further than buffalo grass. Named after the American bison that once grazed all over the Great Plains, this drought-tolerant turf grass is a popular choice for lawns for its sod-forming abilities. You can mow it infrequently or never if you prefer the slightly taller look. Although buffalo grass can survive without irrigation, it may lose some of its color in periods of drought and dormancy. Mix the seeds with other low-growing options for sustained greenery, or consider using a buffalo grass cultivar that’s bred for more consistent color.

Curly mesquite grass (Hilaria belangeri)

  • Native range: Southwestern US
  • Height: 4 to 12 inches
  • Light: full sun
  • Water use: low

Another popular turf grass for drought tolerance, this species is the perfect choice for desert and desert-like environments. It’s considered to be one of the best lawn options out of native grasses in the US, though its range is limited to Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Curly mesquite grass can grow in a variety of well-drained soils but works best in clay loam.

Pennsylvania sedge (Carex pensylvanica)

  • Native range: Eastern and Midwestern US
  • Height: 6 to 12 inches
  • Light: part to full shade
  • Water use: low to medium

Although Pennsylvania sedge isn’t technically a grass, its grass-like appearance makes it a great choice for homeowners looking to make their yard more native without losing the lush carpeted look. The plant offers good ground cover, spreads well, and deters deer from grazing. In the fall, this delicate, windswept-looking sedge turns from vibrant green to tan.

Blue grama closeup
The “eyelashes” on blue grama double as seed-bearing structures. NPS

Medium grasses

Purple lovegrass (Eragrostis spectabilis)

  • Native range: along the East Coast from Maine to Florida, west to Arizona
  • Height: 8 to 18 inches
  • Light: full sun
  • Water use: low

Purple lovegrass, one of Barak’s favorites, adds the perfect pop of color to your lawn. The heat-tolerant plant really starts to shine in August, when it forms an inflorescence of purple-red flowers that seemingly float on the grass like a cloud of color. Though it can be damaged by heavy foot traffic, the grass stays relatively short, only needs to be mowed a few times throughout the year, and is deer-resistant.

[Related: This lawn-mowing robot can save part of your yard for pollinators]

“Hatchita” blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis)

  • Native range: Western and Central US
  • Height: 8 to 20 inches
  • Light: full sun
  • Water use: low to medium

Along with buffalo grass and curly mesquite grass, this type of grass completes the trifecta of popular native turf choices in the US, but is even more drought tolerant than the other two members of the big three. It’s also both cold and heat tolerant, can grow in most soils except overly wet ones, and hosts different kinds of skipper butterflies during their breeding season. In the summer, the plant displays an inflorescence of purple flowers; in fall, it turns beautiful hues like orange and red. For fuller coverage, consider combining blue grama with buffalo grass and various native wildflowers in your yard.

Muhly grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris)

  • Native range: Southeastern US and the East Coast
  • Height: 2 to 3 feet
  • Light: full sun
  • Water use: low to medium

Planting muhly grass is like setting off living fireworks on your lawn. Each fall, it blooms with feathery pink inflorescences In winter, the grass fades into a rich tan. Beyond that, it retains a gorgeous dark-green color. The plant is easy to grow and germinate and is highly deer resistant.

Prairie dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)

  • Native range: Great Plains
  • Height: 2 to 3 feet
  • Light: full sun
  • Water use: low to medium

Another one of Barak’s favorites, prairie dropseed’s flowing green clumps make it the perfect accent or border grass—but that’s not the only fun part. When it begins to pop around June, the grass produces small pink and brown flowers that smell like coriander, licorice, or popcorn. It maintains its shape outside of the warmer seasons, even when blanketed by snow. This slow-growing type of grass is also a great choice if you’re looking to make your yard more pollinator-friendly, as they provide nesting materials for native bees.

Switchgrass closeup with icy droplets
Switchgrass can handle the toughest winters. Laura Hubers/USFWS

Tall grasses

Little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)

  • Native range: everywhere in the US except the West Coast
  • Height: 2 to 7 feet
  • Light: full sun
  • Water use: low to medium

Despite its name, this drought-resistant grass is rather tall, making it a great choice to add dimension to a yard or garden. Little bluestem also boasts, you guessed it, a beautiful blue hue in summer before turning copper in the fall. Loved by homeowners (including Barak) and animals alike, this grass attracts birds and butterflies and provides nesting materials for native bees. On the flip side, you might catch a few deer visiting your new bluestem buffet.

[Related: How to build a butterfly watering area]

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum)

  • Native range: everywhere in the continental US except California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
  • Height: 3 to 10 feet
  • Light: full sun to part shade
  • Water use: medium

If you want to make your home feel like the little house on the prairie, or if you’re just looking for some privacy, this one’s for you. Switchgrass, known for its natural presence in American tallgrass prairie, paints a bright green swath across the landscape. The tall plant produces airy pinkish masses of flowers in summer before transforming to bright yellow in fall. This grass is also highly deer resistant and is an essential host for several species of butterflies and their young.

Correction (May 23, 2023): Due to an editing error, the caption for the blue grama photo was originally mislabeled as little bluestem.

The post 9 native grasses that will revitalize your sad, water-wasting lawn appeared first on Popular Science.

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Customize your Minecraft experience by installing a creeper-load of mods Sat, 20 May 2023 15:00:20 +0000
A Minecraft world with multiple mods installed, and a tiger in the foreground.
How many mods is too many? That's up to your computer. Jamie Dickman for Popular Science

There are plenty of modding platforms, but for Minecraft we like CurseForge best.

The post Customize your Minecraft experience by installing a creeper-load of mods appeared first on Popular Science.

A Minecraft world with multiple mods installed, and a tiger in the foreground.
How many mods is too many? That's up to your computer. Jamie Dickman for Popular Science

You’ve been developing your Minecraft world for a while. You have a full set of diamond armor, a field rife with pumpkins and melons next to your lakefront mansion, and you just defeated the Ender dragon. But reaching the End doesn’t need to be the end. If you want to spice up your crafting and maximize your gameplay experience, you can easily add a few, or a few dozen, modifications.

Veterans of the game might recall how hard it was to add mods to Minecraft in the early days. The process was manual and time-consuming. I, for one, lost days, if not weeks, of my teen years seeking out the latest versions of obscure mods online, waiting for downloads, and rooting around in config folders. Today, thanks to modern modding platforms, everything is automated.

Whether you’re trying to figure out how to install Minecraft mods for the first time or just need a refresher, this guide will help you snag the best user-created additions or alterations for this beloved sandbox game. If you encounter a warden in the deep dark, though, you’re on your own.

Install CurseForge

The modpack browsing interface on CurseForge, a platform that hosts mods for Minecraft and other video games.
Get used to the CurseForge mod-browsing interface. Jamie Dickman for Popular Science

There are many modding platforms out there, such as Technic Launcher and Feed The Beast, but I prefer CurseForge. It’s one of the easiest to use, and features a diverse array of mods and modpacks suited to your wildest gameplay dreams. CurseForge is free for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and you can install it directly from your browser.

Once installed, CurseForge will prompt you to choose a game for modding and add-ons. Right now you want Minecraft, but the platform includes modding options for other popular games such as The Sims 4, World of Warcraft, and Elder Scrolls

Make your own modpack, or install one to play

Modpacks are just what they sound like: packs of multiple mods. When video game mods came out, players didn’t want to limit themselves to using just one at a time, so they started using multiple at once. CurseForge offers thousands of premade modpacks for quick installation, and you can browse modpacks and their descriptions in the Browse Modpacks section. There, you can search for specific modpacks using keywords, or filter by game version and categories such as magic, sci-fi, or tech. If you really only want to play with one mod, that’s an option as well. Just search for it in the Browse Modpacks section or make a single-mod modpack by following the steps below.

To make your own modpack with a unique combination of mods, hit Create Custom Profile in the top right of the CurseForge window. The Profile Name is the name of your modpack. Once you set that, you will need to select the game version. Keep in mind that user-developed mods take a while to catch up with the latest Minecraft version. As of writing, most mods are updated to at least version 1.12.2. If you have a specific mod or mods in mind, you can look up its latest version online or in the CurseForge desktop app and choose the Minecraft version that suits your needs.

Then, CurseForge will ask for the Modloader version—select the latest Forge version. Click the orange Create button.

[Related: Why researchers are teaching AI to play Minecraft]

After you’ve created your modpack, it’s time to add some mods. Click the three vertical dots next to the orange Play button and select the puzzle piece labeled Add More Content in the dropdown menu. The puzzle piece icon to the right will take you to the same page. Here, you’ll be able to search for mods by name, and sort by update version and category. When you find one you want to add, click the Install button. Keep installing mods until you’re happy with the lineup.

Be careful not to add more than your computer can handle. A computer designed for gaming might be able to handle hundreds, but an older or lighter laptop might only be able to run 15 to 20 at a time without crashing. 

You can also add resource and texture packs in the Add More Content panel under Resource Packs. These alter the game’s graphics, including lighting and the appearance of blocks, items, and mobs. This is where you’ll find color-blind-friendly resource packs, and ones that make the game more realistic with alterations such as rounded logs, shadows, and clear windows.

A Minecraft modpack in CurseForge.
The CurseForge modpack we created for this story, ready to play. Jamie Dickman for Popular Science

When you’re finished adding mods and are ready to play, exit the Add More Content window and hit the orange Play button. This should open the Minecraft launcher. Make sure you’re on Java Edition. In the lower left corner where the Minecraft version is, you should see your modpack name. Hit the green Play button like usual. You should get a warning message saying that the mods may not support the latest safety features (such as parental controls, community guidelines, and chat moderation). If this isn’t a concern, go ahead and click Play

That’s it—you just made and launched your first modpack. Enjoy your game! If you want to play with friends, keep reading. 

Share your modpack with friends

If you want to play modded Minecraft with friends on multiplayer, they will need to install your modpack on their own CurseForge. You can easily send the modpack for them to download and install by following the instructions below. 

To export your modpack, click the three vertical dots next to the orange Play button in CurseForge, then select Export Profile.

You’ll end up in an export window where you can change the name of the file, name the version (optional) and select which files to include (the preset should work fine). Then, click the orange Export button and it will save to whichever file location you choose.

Your modpack will save as a ZIP file, which you can send to friends over email, as a link to a cloud drive, in an iMessage if you both have macOS, or via any other file-sharing method.  

If your is an exceptionally large file, or if you have a slow internet connection, it might be most efficient to stash it, old-school, on a USB stick, or recreate it on your friend’s CurseForge account by repeating the steps in the previous section.

[Related: 4 smart reasons to keep an old USB drive around]

While you were in the Create Custom Profile window naming your modpack and selecting the game version, you may have noticed an option titled, Or import a previously created profile at the top. Once your friend has the ZIP file, they can click import inside that phrase and upload the ZIP file from their computer. This will create a duplicate version on their CurseForge, which they can use to play on their own or on a modded multiplayer server. 

Just know that if you’re playing multiplayer, all players must have the same mods running. If one player adds or removes mods from their pack, the game will prevent players from joining the server due to incompatibility. You don’t want to miss out on traversing new dimensions with your friends because one of you is missing a mod.

The post Customize your Minecraft experience by installing a creeper-load of mods appeared first on Popular Science.

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Social media posts are better with music. Here’s how to add your favorite tunes. Fri, 19 May 2023 16:22:49 +0000
Seemingly happy person listening to music on earbuds
Share your musical taste with all of your followers. Oyemike Princewill / Unsplash

Spread some tunes out to your friends and family.

The post Social media posts are better with music. Here’s how to add your favorite tunes. appeared first on Popular Science.

Seemingly happy person listening to music on earbuds
Share your musical taste with all of your followers. Oyemike Princewill / Unsplash

The era of recording mixtapes and burning CDs for friends and family has passed by, so you’ll have to get creative if you want to share the latest track or artist you’re excited about.

One of your options is social media. You can share music on Instagram or have your pick from the TikTok music selection with only a few taps.


When it comes to how to add music to your Instagram stories, create a new one by tapping the + (plus) button on the home screen and switching to the Story option. Once you’ve grabbed your photo or video, tap the sticker icon, and choose Music. You can pick a tune from the For you tab, which includes songs Instagram thinks you might like, or you can search by theme by tapping the Browse tab. If you still can’t find the perfect tune for your post, you can always use the search bar at the top of the interface—just type in the name of the song or the artist.

[Related: Instagram explains why it’s feeding you specific suggested posts]

When you select a song, Instagram will add it to your story as a sticker, and down at the bottom of the screen, you’ll be able to scroll through the track to pick a snippet of up to 15 seconds. You can also tap on the song’s icon to get more options: select a different sticker style, remove it completely, or use the album art instead. Tap Done to post the story.

If you want to add music to an Instagram post on your main feed, you can do so by tapping Add music on the final screen before publishing. You get a similar option when making a reel—just tap Audio on the left before or after you record your clip. 

Yet another way to share music on Instagram is by posting a link to Spotify or YouTube, for example. In a Story, choose your image or video, tap the sticker icon, and choose Link. You can also just paste a URL in a direct message conversation if you want to go for something more private.


To add music to TikTok, you can use the sharing tools that are built right into the app.  Start the process of creating a new video via the + (plus) button on the home screen, then tap Add sounds at the top.

The app will then take you to the music selection screen: Browse through the Recommended tab to find popular TikTok music suggested by the algorithm, or Favorites, where you’ll find the sounds you’ve tried in the past. Finally, if you want something completely new, you can tap the magnifying glass icon on the right and use the search box. When you tap on a track you’ll get a preview—if you’re OK with it, confirm your choice by tapping on the pink checkmark button, but if you want to make some edits, you can always hit the scissors icon.


Screenshot of Snapchat's music menu.
You can easily add music to your Snapchat post by hitting that musical note on the right of your screen. David Nield

Snapchat offers almost as many ways as Instagram for sharing music with friends and family. Let’s start with Snapchat stories. Tap the camera icon at the bottom of your screen to go into recording mode, and either before or after capturing an image or clip, tap the musical note symbol on the right.

You can browse through the music that Snapchat suggests (trending tracks and songs based on mood), as well as search for specific tunes via the box at the top. Tap on the small play button to preview a track, or on its title to add it to your story.

You can then drag across the song’s sound wave to pick a 10-second snippet to use. With that done, tap Next to post the image or video as a story or as a snap directly to one or more of your contacts.


The BeReal music options aren’t as comprehensive as they are on some other social media apps, but the platform added Spotify and Apple Music integration to allow you to share whatever you’re listening to at the time you’re taking your BeReal photo.

Tap your profile picture (top right), select the three dots, and go to Audio to connect your account to your favorite music service. If something is playing on Spotify or Apple Music when you capture a BeReal photo, you’ll see an icon down in the lower right corner of the image. Tap it and pick Shared so your friends can see the track and artist, or Private so only you can see what was playing when you took that picture.


Over time, Facebook has gradually picked up a lot of the same posting features as the more nimble social media apps. When it comes to how to add music to a Facebook story, for example, open the app and pick Create story. You can tap Music to overlay a song (and its lyrics, if you want) on top of a video or image, or tap Music on the first screen to create a story that’s just a song with its album art and a solid background.

[Related: You can now tell Facebook to stop feeding you posts you hate]

In both cases, you can search for specific tracks or pick one of the Facebook suggestions. After you add a song, tap on its icon on the right to pick which part of it to embed into your story, and change how the track details and lyrics display in your post.

Stories aren’t your only option. To add music to a Facebook post, for example, tap Music from the list of options that pop up underneath as you’re creating it. You can also link your Spotify and Facebook profiles so people can click through on: From the mobile app, tap your avatar on the left, then go to Edit profile, and next to Links choose Add. Continue by tapping  Add Social Link and then Spotify.


We’re including Twitter for the sake of completeness, but (at the moment at least) there aren’t any dedicated options for embedding tunes into your tweets. 

The best way to share music on Twitter is to just paste in a link from somewhere else, whether you’re internally sending a message to one person or broadcasting a tweet to the world. If you’re sharing from Spotify, tap the three dots next to a song while on the app, then choose Share and Copy link.

The post Social media posts are better with music. Here’s how to add your favorite tunes. appeared first on Popular Science.

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The best smoke detectors in 2023 Thu, 30 Jun 2022 17:00:00 +0000
best smoke detectors sliced header
Stan Horaczek

A smoke detector can be the difference between life and death.

The post The best smoke detectors in 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

best smoke detectors sliced header
Stan Horaczek

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn more ›

Best photoelectric First Alert SA511CN2-3ST is the best photoelectric smoke detector. First Alert SA511CN2-3ST

This smoke detector two-pack from First Alert packs a one-two punch.

Best ionization First Alert 9120B is the best ionization smoke detector. First Alert 9120B Smoke Detector

First Alert’s 9120B Smoke Detector brings quick protection to your home.

Best for smoke and carbon monoxide Kidde Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector is the best smoke and carbon monoxide detector. Kidde Smoke & Carbon Monoxide

Kidde’s combo smoke alarm also protects against carbon monoxide.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), around two-thirds of home fire deaths happen in spaces without a smoke detector. It takes minutes for a fire to fill your home with thick black smoke. The critical warning they provide can mean the difference between life and death. If your detectors are broken or very old, you should take the time to replace them. Luckily, even the best smoke detectors are affordable and easy to install.

How we chose the best smoke detectors

I’ve been renting an apartment with my wife (and dog) for nearly 10 years and, during that time, I replaced our old smoke detector with something new. I regularly test the detector to ensure it’s in working order, and I also monitor the condition of our major appliances, wall heater, and fireplace for potential fire risk. These are just a few small steps necessary in a more comprehensive fire safety plan, which also includes a fire extinguisher and escape route.

When I’m not obsessing over my family’s safety, I’m writing about gadgets and gear for publications like Popular Science, CNN Underscored, and TechnoBuffalo. To make these selections, I consulted fire safety guides from health and safety organizations, including,, and I also reviewed PopSci’s previous coverage of the best practices for fire safety and consulted expert reviews.

The best smoke detectors: Reviews & Recommendations

Smoke detectors are extremely important for every home. If you haven’t replaced yours in the past decade, buying a new set is time. The best detectors are affordable, reliable, and easy to install. More importantly, they’ll provide you and your family with fire protection and peace of mind.

Best photoelectric: First Alert SA511CN2-3ST



Why it made the cut: The First Alert SA511CN2-3ST packs powerful interconnectivity and voice alerts to let you know when there’s a fire.


  • Type: Battery-powered (AA x 2)
  • Sensor: Photoelectronic
  • Interconnectivity: Yes


  • Interconnectivity
  • Simple setup
  • Voice alert


  • Limited number of location presets

The First Alert SA511CN2-3ST hits all the basic marks we look for in a smoke detector. This UL-Listed photoelectric model features interconnectivity, so you can connect up to 18 smoke alarms across your home. You can also assign it with one of 11 pre-set home locations, so its voice alert can tell you where the smoke is coming from.

Since it is designed to work as part of a larger set, we’re recommending a two-pack of detectors to make it a little more affordable if you decide to replace a full set of smoke detectors. That said, you can always get an individual model as well.

Best ionization smoke detector: First Alert 9120B Smoke Detector



Why it made the cut: The First Alert 9210B Smoke Detector supports interconnectivity, an easily accessible test/mute button, and a 9-volt backup battery system.


  • Type: Hardwired (battery backup; 9-volt)
  • Sensor: Ionization
  • Interconnectivity: Yes


  • Battery backup
  • Interconnectivity
  • Easily accessible test/mute button


  • Hardwired means more difficult installation

The First Alert 9120B Smoke Detector is a hardwired ionization unit that features a single test/mute button and a 9-volt battery backup system. It can also act as part of an interconnected, multi-unit alarm system of up to 12 First Alert smoke detectors, so you have more comprehensive coverage in your home. The 9120B also features a dust cover to keep particles from getting in, a mounting bracket lock for tamper resistance, and smart technology designed to reduce false and “nuisance” alarms. 

Best for smoke and carbon monoxide: Kidde Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector



Why it made the cut: If you don’t already own a carbon monoxide detector, Kidde’s combination smoke/CO alarm has you covered.


  • Type: Battery-powered (9-volt)
  • Sensor: Photoelectric
  • Interconnectivity: No


  • Also offers a carbon monoxide detector
  • Voice alerts
  • Easy battery replacement


  • No interconnectivity

Kidde’s combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarm is an excellent option if you need to install both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. The battery-powered combination alarm constantly monitors your home for both smoke and gas, providing specific voice alerts if danger is present. (It also calls out “low battery” when it’s time to replace its 9-volt power source.) Kidde’s combination alarm also features a convenient hush/test button and a battery compartment on the front, making it easy to perform an annual battery change.

Best battery-powered: First Alert PR710 Slim Smoke Alarm



Why it made the cut: With a slim profile and long-lasting battery, the First Alert PR710 Slim is a great way to protect your home.


  • Type: Battery-powered (lithium-ion)
  • Sensor: Photoelectric
  • Interconnectivity: No


  • Long-lasting battery
  • Very little maintenance
  • Slim profile


  • No interconnectivity

If your home is too old for a hardwired smoke alarm, but you don’t want to ever change a battery, the First Alert PR710 Slim is a solid photoelectric smoke detector with a sealed lithium-ion battery guaranteed to last 10 years. Its thin, low-profile design is no-frills—just a single test/mute button, and that’s it. Unlike many of our other picks, it uses a classic siren, rather than voice alerts. It also cannot sync with other alarms. All in all, it’s a great option for apartments and other small spaces where you just need one smoke alarm, and you’d prefer to buy a new smoke detector every 10 years than replace a set of batteries every few months.

Best smart: Google Nest Protect



Why it made the cut: The Nest Protect by Google provides a multitude of smart features in addition to smoke and CO detection.


  • Type: Battery-powered or hardwired
  • Sensor: Split-spectrum
  • Interconnectivity: Yes


  • Smartphone notifications
  • Supports battery-powered and hardwired setups
  • Split-spectrum sensor
  • Advanced interconnectivity


  • Expensive

The Google Nest Protect offers traditional smoke and carbon monoxide monitoring, with several convenient smart features. Chief among them, you receive a direct alert through the Nest smartphone when it detects danger. You can also conveniently mute the alarm through that alert. The Protect features a specialized photoelectric “Split-Spectrum” sensor, which uses two LED lights to detect a wider range of smoke particles. According to Google, the Split-Spectrum Sensor adds all the benefits of Ionization smoke detectors, without drawbacks like false alarms (or buying two types of smoke detectors).

Of course, the downside here is that the Nest Protect costs a lot more than any other smoke detector. In many cases, you can buy three standard photoelectric detectors for the price of one Nest Protect. It may be a convenient upgrade if you already have Nest gear at home, but it’s paying a pretty penny for the privilege.

Best budget: Kidde Smoke Detector (i12060)



Why it made the cut: The Kidde Smoke Detector is simple, affordable, and offers powerful interconnectivity.


  • Type: Hardwired (battery backup; 9-volt)
  • Sensor: Ionization
  • Interconnectivity: Yes


  • Very affordable
  • Interconnectivity
  • Easily replaceable backup battery


  • Requires professional installation
  • Hardwired might work in all homes

If you’re already planning to get some electrical work done, this Kidde Smoke Detector is a very affordable hardwired smoke detector with a battery backup. It looks simple but can sync with up to 24 safety devices, including up to 18 smoke alarms. In addition to a hush/test button on the front, Kidde’s smoke detector also features a tamper-resistant locking pin, a low battery indicator, and a flashing LED, so you know it’s working. Conveniently, the unit also features a front-facing battery door, so you can easily replace the 9-volt battery. Small features like this can make a big difference, particularly if you’re in a space with multiple alarms.

Things to consider when buying the best smoke detectors

A smoke detector, or “smoke alarm,” senses the presence of smoke and blasts a loud alarm in response. While they vary in size and shape, household models typically feature plastic enclosures and are mounted high on a wall or ceiling.

Though smoke detectors seem ubiquitous and interchangeable, manufacturers use a couple of different methods to make them:

  • Photoelectric smoke detectors trigger an alarm when smoke enters a chamber and reflects light onto a sensor. They protect better against slow, smoldering fires than fast, raging fires. 
  • Ionization smoke detectors feature a sensor with a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates. When smoke enters the chamber, the flow of ions becomes disrupted, activating the alarm. Ionization-type detectors are generally better at identifying fast-burning flaming fires.

Both photoelectric- and ionization-style detectors have advantages and disadvantages, so there is no one obvious choice. For comprehensive coverage, the NFPA recommends using both kinds in your home. Some devices feature both technologies in a single device.

We recommend placing your smoke detectors based on their expertise. Use photoelectric detectors near stoves and outside of bathrooms, where smoke may accumulate over time from a small fire. Put ionization-style units in areas where fires are less likely to start so that they can catch fast-moving flames.

You shouldn’t have to think too much about your smoke detectors. A great one should be easy to install, take little effort to maintain, and accurately alert you when there’s an emergency. After installing a smoke detector, you shouldn’t even notice it’s there (unless it goes off). We considered dozens of options to find the best smoke detector. These factors separated the good detectors from the bad ones.

UL listing

The first and most important thing to look for in a smoke detector is a certification from Underwriters Laboratories, the safety science company that sets standards for equipment like smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. All smoke detector manufacturers must meet the company’s most recent standard for smoke alarms, ANSI/UL 217, to place a UL certification on their products. Essentially, the “UL Listed” seal of approval tells you that a detector has been tested to meet strict requirements and will work as advertised. 

Hardwired vs. battery-powered

In addition to sensor technology, smoke detectors vary based on how they receive power. Most detectors rely on disposable batteries but hardwired models that you wire into your home’s power are also an option.

Battery-powered smoke detectors—which usually rely on disposable 9-volt, AA, or lithium cells—offer flexible placement. You can easily install one in any room in your home at any time. They also require slightly more maintenance, as you need to replace their batteries annually to ensure they’re operational. It’s important to note that manufacturers advise against using rechargeable batteries in smoke detectors, as they lose their charge more quickly and have a shorter runtime than standard disposable batteries.

Alternatively, some battery-powered detectors come with sealed-in lithium batteries designed to last 10 years, making it so you never have to worry about replacing a battery. Some states, including California, require you to use this kind of detector to prevent people from taking the batteries out when the alarm goes off. Check your state and city ordinances for the best guidance on what’s required in your area.

Other smoke detectors are designed to get hardwired into your home’s electrical system. This makes it so you’ll never have to replace a battery to keep them operational. That said, installing them is a much more time-intensive process and includes working with electrical wiring. If you purchase a hardwired detector, make sure to buy one that features a backup battery, which will keep your detectors on if your house loses power.


If you need to protect a large home with multiple floors, it helps to buy a set of “interconnected” smoke detectors that can sync with each other so that if one detector senses smoke, all of your alarms will go off. In the event of a serious, fast-moving fire, this will ensure that everyone in your home knows to get outside as quickly as possible.

Smart features

Most smoke detectors are relatively basic devices, but there are some newer “smart” models with internet-enabled features. These detectors will often sync up with a mobile app, allowing you to check their status and mute them from your phone. The app also can give you a warning before the alarm goes off, giving you a small window to silence it if you’re cooking or already know it’s a false alarm. Some even offer voice alerts and can tell you which detector senses smoke.


Q: How often should I replace my smoke detector’s battery?

The U.S. Fire Administration and National Fire Protection Association recommend replacing the batteries in your smoke alarms at least once yearly. With a 10-year lithium battery, you should replace the detector when the battery gets low. In either case, you should test your alarms once monthly to ensure they’re working properly.

Q: How often should I replace my smoke detector?

You should consult the manufacturer’s instructions when replacing your smoke detector. In general, smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years. This will ensure you always have a unit that works properly and meets modern safety standards.

Q: How many smoke detectors should I install in my home?

It may sound like overkill, but the U.S. Fire Administration recommends you place a smoke detector inside and outside each bedroom and sleeping area. You should also have at least one smoke alarm on every level of your home to ensure every corner is covered. Remember, you only have a few minutes before conditions in your space become untenable from a raging fire, so it’s essential to have as early a warning as possible. An early warning could provide you with precious time to respond accordingly.

Q: What should I do if a smoke detector goes off while I’m cooking?

Everyone triggers a smoke alarm while cooking every once in a while. While “nuisance alarms” like these are annoying, so you shouldn’t take the battery out of your detector. When a smoky kitchen threatens to set off the detector, press the alarm’s hush button and open nearby doors or windows. Then wave a towel at the alarm to help clear the air. You can also temporarily move the alarm away from your kitchen, but remember to move it back when the smoke clears.

Final thoughts on the best smoke detectors

A house fire can spread quickly, so every second counts. An early warning from a smoke detector can be the difference between life and death. If your home isn’t properly outfitted with detectors, you should take the time to install them. Your safety depends on it.

Why trust us

Popular Science started writing about technology more than 150 years ago. There was no such thing as “gadget writing” when we published our first issue in 1872, but if there was, our mission to demystify the world of innovation for everyday readers means we would have been all over it. Here in the present, PopSci is fully committed to helping readers navigate the increasingly intimidating array of devices on the market right now.

Our writers and editors have combined decades of experience covering and reviewing consumer electronics. We each have our own obsessive specialties—from high-end audio to video games to cameras and beyond—but when we’re reviewing devices outside of our immediate wheelhouses, we do our best to seek out trustworthy voices and opinions to help guide people to the very best recommendations. We know we don’t know everything, but we’re excited to live through the analysis paralysis that internet shopping can spur so readers don’t have to.

The post The best smoke detectors in 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

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Make your own seed bombs to garden on the go Tue, 16 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000
A kitchen counter with a tray of drying seed bombs, a bowl with a mixture of powdered clay and potting mix, and two seed packets for rosemary and lavender.
If you don't want to make an entire arsenal of seed bombs, you can make a few and use the rest of the clay to pamper yourself with a face mask. Jamie Dickman

Spread precious greenery and biodiversity throughout your community.

The post Make your own seed bombs to garden on the go appeared first on Popular Science.

A kitchen counter with a tray of drying seed bombs, a bowl with a mixture of powdered clay and potting mix, and two seed packets for rosemary and lavender.
If you don't want to make an entire arsenal of seed bombs, you can make a few and use the rest of the clay to pamper yourself with a face mask. Jamie Dickman

The word “bomb” is not usually associated with positive things. Except in this case, where making seed bombs could help the ecological restoration of your neighborhood. 

These marble-sized balls have resurfaced on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, where guerrilla gardeners use them to promote urban biodiversity by adding vegetation in neglected areas.

Making seed bombs is an easy, cheap, and fun way to help restore your local greenery, as long as you’re tossing them in the right areas and aren’t breaking any laws. Here’s how to go about it.

How to make seed bombs

Clay powder may be the hardest ingredient to find for this project, but a pound of it will be enough to make a few dozen seed bombs. You can easily find soil and seeds at your local hardware store, but you can also source them from mother nature.


  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Material cost: Around $25 for 15 to 20 seed bombs. 
  • Difficulty: Easy.



  • Large bowl
  • (Optional) Mixing spoon 
  • (Optional) Tray


1. Mix the clay and potting mix. In the bowl, pour the clay and potting mix in a 2:1 ratio. 

The powdered clay acts as a binder and protects the seeds from direct sunlight, insects, and birds. We used green calcium bentonite clay (which doubles as a face mask), but you can use any kind you find at your local store or have at home. If you want seed bombs that look more natural and blend into the soil, you can use red clay powder.

Kitchen counter with a glass of water and a bowl with clay and potting soil in it
Add the water slowly and mix well to prevent your mix from turning into goo. Jaime Dickman

Meanwhile, the potting mix will provide essential nutrients for seed germination and early plant growth, giving your bomb the best chance to thrive. Any kind will do, but the finer it is the easier it will mix with the clay. If you have a coarser mix at home, sift it out in a strainer before you use it.

  • Pro tip: If you can’t find clay or just don’t want to buy some, you can replace it with the same amount of flour or wet, shredded paper. These alternatives will also act as a binding agent, but they will not be as strong as clay when dried. 

2. Add water. Slowly pour enough water to turn the dry mix into a dough—it should feel like putty in your hands. The amount you use to reach this consistency will depend on the absorbency of your chosen clay and soil.

If you think you added too much water, you can add more clay and potting mix to compensate for the added moisture. Just keep the ratio of the dry ingredients constant: for every extra part of potting mix, add two parts of clay. 

[Related: Save the world by saving your plants’ seeds]

3. Add the seeds. Pour in your seeds in a ratio of 3:1 in relation to the clay mix and combine with your hands or a mixing spoon. You may change this proportion depending on how dense you want plants to grow, but 3:1 is ideal to work in enough seeds.

  • Pro tip: You can put multiple types of seeds into your bombs, but be careful how you mix and match: sun-loving plants will thrive in a spot where a shade-loving one will die, while fast-growing greenery might out-perform and suffocate another. Only combine seeds with similar qualities or habitat preferences, or plants that are known to grow well together.

4. Knead and roll the mix into small balls. Use the palms of your hands to shape your bombs. Keep them around half an inch (approximately one centimeter) in diameter. As you finish each one, place them on a tray with enough room between them so they’re not touching—once they dry, it’ll be difficult to break them apart. 

Kitchen counter with a bowl of seed bomb mix, a plate with drying bombs, and a hand holding an unfinished bomb.
Is it chaotic? A bit, yeah, but remember there was a time when you loved playing with mud. Jaime Dickman
  • Pro tip: As you shape your bombs, your clay mix might start drying, making it hard to work with. Keep a bowl of water at hand and add it to the mix in small amounts to bring the desired texture back.

5. Let the seed bombs dry and harden. Leave your tray of seed bombs to rest for a couple of days until they’re fully dry and hard. If you want to speed up the process, place them in direct sunlight, and if you’re leaving them outside, make sure they’re covered in case it rains.

6. Start bombing. Once all of your seed bombs are dry, you can plant them in indoor or outdoor pots, your yard, or in neglected patches of soil you’re allowed to access. You can push them slightly into the soil, leaving the tops uncovered in a sunny spot, but if you prefer to toss them like true bombs, soak them in water for 5 to 10 minutes before bombardment. 

Pick and plant your seeds wisely

There are two important considerations to keep in mind when using your seed bombs. The first is location: spread your greenery grenades only where you’re allowed to do so. If it’s a public space, talk to whoever’s managing the land to ensure your seed bombs won’t disrupt the existing ecosystem. If you want to plant in a private space or need to enter one to drop your bombs, get the explicit permission of the property owner. You want to make sure you’re not breaking any trespassing laws.

Second, think about the seeds you’ll be using and make sure they’re from native plants. Native seeds are most likely to thrive in your home environment and will provide habitat and sustenance for local fauna.

“Native species have not only relationships with themselves and humans but also lots of the wildlife that is native to this region. By planting native species, you’re able to continue to support all of these relationships and networks,” says Andrea Kramer, director of restoration ecology and conservation scientist at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

[Related: These 142-year-old seeds sprouted after spending more than a century underground]

Finding seeds native to your area is easy. You can follow our guide and collect seeds from the plants around you, or you can get them at your local hardware store or nursery. To know what to get, check out the National Wildlife Federation’s Native Plant Finder, which will show you a list of plants and shrubs local to your specific zip code.  

If you’re having trouble finding vendors, you can use the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation’s Native Plant, Seed and Services Directory. After providing information such as your state and some details about the area you want to cover, the site will tell you where you might find the seeds you need for your bombs. If you have any questions, remember to contact your local environmental organizations and ask for their help.

Update, May 18, 2023: This story has been updated to emphasize that readers should not plant seed bombs in spaces they’re not authorized to access. 

The post Make your own seed bombs to garden on the go appeared first on Popular Science.

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You should use your iPad as a second screen Thu, 18 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000
A MacBook sitting next to an iPad used as a second screen.
With your iPad you'll always have a second screen to make more space for your work. Justin Pot

Take your an extra display everywhere you go.

The post You should use your iPad as a second screen appeared first on Popular Science.

A MacBook sitting next to an iPad used as a second screen.
With your iPad you'll always have a second screen to make more space for your work. Justin Pot

When you get used to multiple monitors it feels impossible to work without them. But these devices are not as portable as your trusty MacBook, so you should probably learn how to use your iPad as a second screen.

Thanks to a feature called Sidecar, iPads can mirror your laptop’s screen or act as an extension of it. And even if they’re not as big as your desktop monitor, Apple’s tablets are a lot easier to pack, so you can seamlessly take your work wherever you go.

How to use an iPad as a second screen for your Mac

The ability to use an iPad as an extra display is built into macOS and iPadOS, and it works completely wirelessly. This means you don’t need a cable to connect your devices, though plugging your tablet into a power outlet might be a good idea if you’re planning on using it for a long time.

[Related: Apple iPad Air (2022) review]

First, make sure both devices are signed into the same iCloud account. Then, open the System Settings app on your Mac, which you can find by clicking the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen and then clicking System Settings. On the sidebar on the left, head to Displays, and if your iPad is nearby and turned on, it should show up here automatically. If it doesn’t, click the + (plus) button to the right of the display icons.

On the drop-down menu, under Mirror or extend to, choose your iPad’s name and then Extended display. This will effectively turn your tablet into an extension of your Mac’s screen, meaning you can just drag your windows on your computer over to your iPad.

Screenshot of the System Preference app with the Display menu options
If your iPad is on and in range, it should automatically show as a display option. Justin Pot

Physically position your iPad where it’s most comfortable for you and click the Arrange button in the settings menu to make sure your virtual space reflects the device’s physical location in relation to your computer. Drag and drop the icons representing your devices into position if you need to make changes.

By default there will be a bar on the side and at the bottom of your iPad screen. The bar on the left that make it easier to control Mac apps using the touchscreen, while the bar at the bottom is a recreation of the interactive touch bar as seen on the MacBook Pro. If you prefer, you can turn both off by disabling the Show sidebar and Show Touch Bar options—you’ll get fewer on-screen functionalities, but gain more workspace, which is what it’s all about.

How to use an iPad as a second screen for Windows

Windows can’t use your iPad as an extra display out-of-the-box, but there are a few third-party apps you can use as a workaround. 

Among the free ones, our favorite is Splashtop Wired XDisplay, but as you’d imagine, setting things up is not as simple as on a Mac computer. First, download the app both on your iPad and your Windows device and open them. Continue by plugging your iPad into your computer and on your iPad, tap Trust to tell your tablet it’s OK to let Windows access your data.

[Related: MacBook Air vs. Pro: Which Apple laptop is right for you?]

Your iPad will immediately turn into a second display for your PC. If the display looks tiny make sure to use the rotation button, in the bottom-right corner of the screen—it looks like a square with a curved arrow on one of its corners. You can also configure your iPad’s screen resolution from Windows’ Display settings—you’ll find a shortcut in the Splashtop Wired XDisplay app.

This isn’t nearly as slick as Apple’s integration for the Mac, if only because it requires a cable, but it works well enough for simple things like note-taking. 

If you’re willing to pay Duet Display (starting at $4 a month) you’ll find it has a better framerate and it’s easier to use, but for most people, a free app works well enough. 

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5 AI tools in Adobe Lightroom Classic to boost your photo editing Wed, 17 May 2023 15:00:00 +0000
Screenshot of photo editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Adobe Lightroom Classic will paint a selection red to mask it. David Nield

Let AI help you edit your photos like a pro.

The post 5 AI tools in Adobe Lightroom Classic to boost your photo editing appeared first on Popular Science.

Screenshot of photo editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Adobe Lightroom Classic will paint a selection red to mask it. David Nield

Adobe has been building artificial intelligence into applications like Photoshop for several years now. But Lightroom Classic, another of the company’s image editing programs, also features AI tools to quickly improve the look of your photos.

Underpinning it all is Adobe’s mighty AI muscle, trained on huge libraries of stock and publicly available images to generate new pictures. This means Lightroom Classic knows what a sky or a person looks like in a photo, and can make changes accordingly.

1. Select Background, Subject, Sky, and Object

Lightroom Classic mainly uses AI to detect the outline of people and objects against the background. This gives the software the ability to automatically select elements inside a photo to remove or edit them separately, saving you from wasting your time making pixel-by-pixel selections.

[Related: How AI is helping you edit photos]

You can now use AI to pick out backgrounds, subjects, skies, and objects: Just click the Masking icon on the right (it looks like a circle inside a dash-lined square) and pick Subject, Sky, Background, or Objects. You’ll also be able to choose Brush for more precise control over where your selection goes.

The program will shade the new masked selection in red and you’ll be able to manipulate it as needed. For example, if you selected the sky, you’ll be able to tweak the brightness and contrast to make your photo appear sunnier. The Masks window, which will pop up on the right of your screen when you select something,  is where you can switch between your masks, create new ones, and delete them. Just click the three dots next to each item to see a full set of options.

2. Content-Aware Remove

In Lightroom Classic you can use AI to quickly remove objects from your image. Click the Healing tool (the bandage icon), and then the Content-Aware Remove tool (it looks like the eraser on a pencil). 

Use the sliders that pop up underneath the tool when you click it to change the size and opacity of the brush, and paint over the object you’d like to remove. Once you finish your selection, the program will get to work. Lightroom Classic automatically chooses which parts of the background to sample to replace the deleted object, but you can use Ctrl+click (Windows) or Cmd+click (macOS) to specify a particular area, such as a blue sky.

3. Curves

Another AI enhancement you’ll find in Lightroom Classic is the ability to tweak the curves on masks, bringing the application closer to Photoshop in terms of capabilities. With a mask already selected, open up the Curve panel on the right, and play around with the interface.

This works just like the Tone Curve tool, but it only applies to the area of the picture under the mask. Along the top of the panel you’ll see selectors for the red, green, and blue channels—use them for more precise adjustments.

4. Denoise

The Denoise tool removes graininess or unwanted variations in the tone or luminance of a picture while keeping the important details. The only caveat is that this feature only works on Bayer or X-Trans RAW images.

Choose PhotoEnhance, and then check the Denoise option so that the AI can work its magic. The slider underneath the tool’s icon lets you control how aggressive it is—you can check the preview panel on the left to see the difference before you commit any changes. When you’re happy with the level of denoising, click Enhance to confirm your choice.

5. Adaptive Presets

The presets in Adobe Lightroom Classic work like filters in that they let you easily apply a look or effect to an entire image. But Adaptive Presets use the power of AI to transform specific areas of a photo. 

[Related: 5 apps to edit photos right in your browser]

To find them, go to the Presets dialog box on the left and click on the small arrows right next to it to see the full list of Adaptive Presets. For example, you can select Storm Clouds to add a bit of drama to the sky or Enhance Eyes to highlight the peers in a portrait.

Open up the Masks window via Tools and Masking to see the mask that Lightroom Classic’s AI created to apply the effect. You can edit this mask as any other, allowing you to use the brush tool to change the outline of the selection the program has come up with, for example.

The post 5 AI tools in Adobe Lightroom Classic to boost your photo editing appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to reset Windows 10 or 11 without losing everything Wed, 17 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000
A Windows 10 laptop on a desk under a desk lamp, with the Windows desktop on the screen.
You'll probably have to leave your computer alone for a while for the reset to run its course. Arnav Singhal / Unsplash

Know when to choose a factory reset over a custom refresh.

The post How to reset Windows 10 or 11 without losing everything appeared first on Popular Science.

A Windows 10 laptop on a desk under a desk lamp, with the Windows desktop on the screen.
You'll probably have to leave your computer alone for a while for the reset to run its course. Arnav Singhal / Unsplash

It’s easy to run a full factory reset on a Windows 10 or 11 computer, but the risk of losing all your files is viscerally real. To avoid devastating data loss, you’ll need to prepare ahead of time and choose the right options before you give your device a fresh start.

The two best reasons to completely reset a laptop or desktop are to fix catastrophic performance issues or wipe it as clean as possible before selling, donating, or otherwise disposing of the device. If you’re considering a factory reset as a method of repair, make sure you’ve exhausted your troubleshooting options, especially if there are no other problems with your computer other than it being slow and/or hot.

It’s also worth noting that while a factory reset is the most dramatic version of a reset you can do, you’re not required to go that far. When you reset a computer to its factory settings, you’re essentially installing a clean version of the operating system—everything will disappear except for the files and apps your PC’s manufacturer preinstalled on the device. Windows, however, offers a number of options that allow you to keep personal data, settings, and apps intact throughout the reset. It’s a custom process, so make sure you use the settings that best suit your needs.

First, back up your files

Although a reset won’t necessarily clear everything off your laptop or desktop, it’s best to back up everything you want to keep before you proceed. Everyone has their own preferred file storage methods, but if you’re looking for tips, you can start with our basic backup guide.

[Related: Rip out your computer’s guts and craft an external hard drive]

If you’re using OneDrive with Windows 10 or 11, many of your files may already be backed up to the cloud. You’re also probably in a good spot if you’re syncing files to a third-party cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox. Even so, you should still take a quick spin around your hard drive to make sure you’ve grabbed everything.

One important piece of advice: If you know or suspect your computer has been infected with malware, be very careful about what you back up. Don’t just snag all the folders you can see—take some time to ensure you actually recognize the files. You wouldn’t want to back up a virus and reinfect your newly reset device.

Back up your apps if you can

Not every computer program can be backed up or synced with a cloud storage service, but some can. Go through whatever apps you want to keep and see if you can save their data. Even if you can’t, make sure you have all the files, purchase details, and login information necessary before you proceed with a factory reset or any other type of system refresh—you can use a password manager or just jot down the information on a piece of paper. You may have to redownload some or all of your apps and set them up from scratch once your computer reboots, and you don’t want to lose access to something you already paid for.

How to reset Windows 10 or 11

The steps to reset a Windows 10 or 11 computer are substantially the same, but the paths and menus may differ. This guide uses Windows 10 (the most popular of the two) as a baseline, with specific notes for where Windows 11 deviates. Also, if you’ve encrypted your laptop or desktop, you’ll need your BitLocker key to reset it. Microsoft can help you find that key if you’re not sure where or what it is.

Finally, make sure your computer is plugged in—Windows won’t reset if it’s running on battery power.

1. Open the reset options. The easiest way to find these is to click the Windows 10 Start menu, go to Settings (the cog icon), and select Update & Security followed by Recovery. Once you’re there, find Reset this PC and hit Get Started.

  • On Windows 11, the steps are slightly different: Start menu > Settings (cog icon) > System > Recovery > Reset this PC > Reset PC.
  • On versions of Windows 10 prior to version 2004 (released in 2020), you’ll need to follow these steps: Start > Settings > Update & security > Windows Defender > Device performance & health > Fresh Start > Additional info > Get Started.

If for some reason you can’t access your computer settings, you can also reset a laptop or desktop from its sign-in screen. To force your Windows 10 or 11 computer to display the login screen, press Win+L to lock your computer. Then click the power button icon in the bottom right corner of the screen (not your computer’s physical power button), hold Shift, and click Restart on the emerging menu. This will open the Windows Recovery Environment. From the Choose an option screen, pick Troubleshoot and Reset this PC.

[Related: When to repair your computer and when to replace it]

2. Decide how much you want to keep or remove. The next screen will offer you two options: to keep or remove your files, apps, and settings. No matter which one you pick, you may also need to choose whether Windows reinstalls from the cloud (Cloud download) or your device (Local reinstall).

  • Keep my files. If Windows asks, choose whether you want your files to be saved in the cloud or on your local drive. By default, this option will restore all apps and settings that came with the PC when it was brand new—a complete factory reset. To avoid that and keep only what you had most recently, hit Change settings and turn the toggle switch under Restore preinstalled apps? to No, then hit Confirm. If you don’t see those additional options, your computer didn’t have any preinstalled apps.
  • Remove everything. As you may have guessed, this will reinstall Windows 10 or 11 and remove your personal files, apps you and your PC manufacturer installed, and reset any changes you made to your computer’s settings.
    • Once you select this, you can also hit the Change settings link to decide exactly how clean you want your device to be (there’s a Yes/No toggle switch under a Clean data? heading—choose one and hit Confirm to lock it in). Cleaning the drive could take a couple hours but Microsoft recommends it if you plan to get rid of your PC—doing so will make it harder for people to recover anything. Otherwise, you can opt not to clean your data, which will be faster but less secure. The company also notes that this type of data erasure is aimed at consumers and doesn’t meet government or industry standards, so someone with enough expertise and resources might still be able to restore some of your data.

3. Check what will be reset. No matter which one you pick, you’ll have to hit Next to proceed. Windows will tell you it’s ready to reset your PC, and list everything that the reset will do. You can click View apps that will be removed to see exactly what will be trashed.

4. Reset your PC. Once you’ve confirmed everything, hit Reset to start the process. There’s no standard for how long this will take on Windows 10 or 11, factory reset or otherwise, but your screen could turn black for more than 15 minutes and your PC might restart multiple times. In all, you could be waiting a couple hours, so be patient—if you try to manually restart your computer while it’s working, the reset could fail.

The post How to reset Windows 10 or 11 without losing everything appeared first on Popular Science.

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The best 3D printers for cosplay in 2023, according to experts Tue, 16 May 2023 21:00:00 +0000
Best 3D printers for cosplay sliced header
Tony Ware

From raw beginner to content creator extraordinaire, you can bring your cosplay character to life with a 3D printer.

The post The best 3D printers for cosplay in 2023, according to experts appeared first on Popular Science.

Best 3D printers for cosplay sliced header
Tony Ware

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Best for beginners Flashforge Adventurer 3 best for beginners 3D printer for cosplay product image Flashforge Adventurer 3

This is a 3D printer that can be up and running in the space of an afternoon, not a weekend.

Best for pros Anycubic Kobra Max best for pros 3D printer for cosplay product image Anycubic Kobra Max

As a large 3D printer, it can print out pieces that the most dedicated cosplayers might want.

Best budget Ender 3 Max Neo best budget 3D printer for cosplay product image Ender 3 Max Neo

It has a large enough printing area to get decently sized pieces out without breaking the bank.

More and more, cosplay enthusiasts are looking to 3D printers for themed clothing and accouterments. Cosplay—embodying a fictional character through costume and makeup—is a hobby that can be done at any level, with any material. Want to be a robot? A cardboard box and tinfoil aren’t an awful place to start. But, as your performance art progresses, getting more precision cuts and customized looks becomes a top priority—especially if you’re attending big conventions and entering competitions. For that, having one of the best 3D printers can seriously help. Notches on sword sheaths, perfect polygon placement, and more can all be achieved with one of the best 3D printers for cosplay, and here are our top picks for the most accurate accessorizing.

How we chose the best 3D printers for cosplay

When we search for the best 3D printers, we look for 3D printers that could be used by a wide assortment of people and a wide number of use cases. Many of these printers will be great for cosplay as well. Others, not so much. To help us sort the list, we got pointers on the best 3D printers for cosplay directly from a cosplay artist before making our final picks.

Alex Norimaki, a content creator (Twitch/Instagram), engages with her audience by doing the things that young her would like. Whether showing her viewers an older game that she enjoyed as a child or by cosplaying as her favorite characters, she can share her love of creativity. And she shared her love of 3D printers with us to help inform our selections.

The best 3D printers for cosplay: Reviews & Recommendations

The following 3D printers for cosplay cover a wide range of required skill intensity, cost, and overall ability to accommodate the widest range of cosplayers possible. Whether this is your first time using a 3D printer for home designs or you’ve been in the hobby producing costume play props for some time, you should be able to find something to up your craftsmanship in the printers that follow.

Best overall: Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Combo 3D Printer

Bambu Lab


Why it made the cut: This is the “dream 3D printer for cosplay,” according to experts.


  • Speed: 500 mm/s
  • Filaments: 4 filament inputs (PLA, PETG, TPU, ABS, ASA, PVA, PET)
  • Size: 256 x 256 x 256 mm output
  • Auto-leveling beds: Dual Auto Bed Leveling
  • Enclosure: Yes


  • Four filament holders mean user efficiency and multi-color printing
  • Best out-of-the-box printer
  • Upgradeable frame
  • Advanced anti-fail detection systems


  • On the expensive side

The Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Combo 3D Printer has it all and is the best 3D printer for cosplay if you want to start with the best and get something that can scale with your prowess. In a large way, this is due to its most simple feature—the four filament feeders—but the accompanying tech that comes with the machine will help you tremendously. The fact that it is built to go fast and has a built-in enclosure obviously helps, too.

Still, the main reason why Alex and other cosplayers like her look at the Bambu Lab X1-Carbon is due to the filament threads you see at the top of the machine. They allow you to use multiple colors in your print, up to four with the base model but more with upgrades. While Alex is very forthright that 3D-printed cosplay pieces are quite easy to paint with acrylics, she still values multicolored printing due to time reduction. Plus, if you want sharp edges on your colors but don’t have painting skills, this is a great way to do so. The Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Combo 3D Printer can also use a wider range of materials than most 3D printers due to its advanced nozzle, drive, and cooling mechanics.

You’ll also have access to some more advanced anti-fail checks on the progress of your prints. Sometimes traditional 3D printers will output something that’s just a tad off-center. For cosplay, that’s not acceptable, as wearables and fan-favorite designs highlight these sorts of imperfections quickly, and judges look at accuracy. To counteract this issue, the Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Combo 3D Printer has AI-assisted bed leveling. Additional AI features include first-layer inspection and “spaghetti monster” (the term for stringy coatings on 3D prints that have suffered failures) detection so you can leave your printer alone and know that your time is being used with maximum efficiency.

Best for beginners: Flashforge Adventurer 3



Why it made the cut: The Flashforge Adventurer 3 will ease anyone into the world of 3D printing.


  • Speed: 10-100 mm/s
  • Filaments: PLA, ABS, PETG, etc.
  • Size: 150 x 150 x 150 mm output
  • Auto-leveling beds: No, but uses leveling-free design.
  • Enclosure: Yes


  • Leveling-free design, built-in enclosure with camera, quick snap nozzles, and Plug’n’Play nature make it very beginner-friendly
  • Quiet, 50dB operation
  • Lifetime technical assistance
  • Price point allows you to get started without breaking the bank


  • Internet connection can be spotty
  • Smaller size

Want to get started 3D printing right away? The Flashforge Adventurer 3 will take you on that adventure without a problem. According to the manufacturer, after you unbox the Flashforge Adventurer 3, you can plug it in, follow a few simple directions, and start printing within around five minutes. In reality, that claim seems to be a sort of speedrunners edition of the setup, which includes carefully removing pieces from the inside of the machine and a several-page startup guide. Still, even for absolute beginners, this is a 3D printer that can be up and running in the space of an afternoon, not a weekend.

Beyond its essentially plug-and-play nature, the Flashforge Adventurer 3 comes with many of the hassles of 3D printing eliminated from its setup. Its build plate is factory calibrated, easing the hassle of leveling, and the build area is already enclosed. Proper nozzle cleanup—which can cause a number of printing errors if neglected—is easy due to the “snapping” nature of the nozzle connection. If, like Alex, you want to take an excited peek at the emerging product, you won’t have to take any special precautions to do so, as the Flashforge Adventurer 3 has a built-in camera specifically for this purpose. Be patient for visual feedback, though, as the internet connection quality is one of the few common complaints about this otherwise super 3D printer for beginners.

Best for pros: Anycubic Kobra Max



Why it made the cut: Get the large pieces that the pros wear from the Anycubic Kobra Max.


  • Speed: 80-180 mm/s
  • Filaments: PLA, ABS, PETG, TPU
  • Size: 450 x 400 x 400 mm
  • Auto-leveling beds: Yes
  • Enclosure: No


  • Easy-to-use machine
  • Huge print volume for great gear
  • Advanced, 25-point auto-leveling functionality


  • Heavy device that requires some environmental planning

Anycubic’s Kobra Max is an easy-to-use 3D printer that can suit beginners, but that scales well for professional cosplayers. The reason is that, as a large 3D printer, it can print out pieces that the most dedicated cosplayers might want. At 17.7 inches in height, it can, for instance, print out a typical scimitar in just two pieces.

The Kobra Max uses the in-house LeviQ leveling function to ensure quality prints. This is a 25-point “inspection” for your 3D printer’s bed, which systematically double-checks and calibrates the machine’s leveling. There’s still a lot of room to demonstrate your skill when using the Kobra Max, though, as the machine is heavy, large, and doesn’t come with an enclosure. Be sure to plan around the environment of your home when using this device.

Best for prototypes and accessories: Flashforge Finder 3



Why it made the cut: The Flash Forge Finder 3 is a small 3D printer capable of getting precise cuts for small adornments.


  • Speed: Up to 180 mm/s
  • Filaments: PLA/ABS/HIPS/PETG/PETG PRO/TPU 95A, etc.
  • Size: 190 x 195 x 200 mm
  • Auto-leveling beds: No
  • Enclosure: Yes


  • Quick setup
  • Takes up less space than others on this list
  • Start/stop functionality (resume printing after power outage)
  • Easily removable build plate


  • Only works with Linux
  • Best for small objects only

While a lot of 3D printing for cosplay is going to be centered around printing out cool swords, impressive armor, and other large objects, the accessories are just as essential. For brooches, pendants, and other gaming objects, you should consider the Flash Forge Finder 3, which utilizes a smaller printing area well.

Bonus features included with the Flash Forge Finder 3 that make it excellent for cosplay include the easily removable build plate. This way, you can use your full hand to remove small, more delicate printed objects and not worry about knocking your valuable equipment for a loop while doing so. Additionally pleasant is the resume printing function, which allows for mid-printing stops without ruining the finished product.

Best budget: Ender 3 Max Neo



Why it made the cut: Large size, small price.


  • Speed: Up to 120 mm/s
  • Filaments: PLA, ABS, PETG, etc.
  • Size: 300 x 300 x 320
  • Auto-leveling beds: Yes
  • Enclosure: No


  • Great size-to-price ratio
  • Quick assembly time
  • Perfect for bracers, hilts, saber blades, and more
  • Multiple options available to match your needs


  • No enclosure

If you are looking for a value pick when getting a 3D printer for cosplay, consider the Ender 3 Max Neo. It has a large enough printing area to get decently sized pieces out without breaking the bank and tends to be amongst the best choices when you compare output size to price. The manufacturer also provides alternative models of the Ender 3 that bring that value up even higher.

But can you get gorgeous cosplay-tier prints out of a budget printer? Alex thinks so, citing this pick for cheapest 3D printer as the most similar in design and functionality to the printer she has used most frequently for home use. It has the room to grow with your hobby and is affordable to use for experimentation. As Alex says of learning moments, “Don’t be afraid of trial and error because it’s gonna happen.”

What to consider when selecting the best 3D printers for cosplay

Whether you pick a 3D printer for cosplay or to print miniatures, things like speed and cost will matter. But what matters most in the specific needs of the cosplay artist? In talking to Alex Norimaki, we found three things mentioned repeatedly in relation to 3D printing for cosplay: the printing environment, the printer’s size, and automatic leveling.

Peripherals photo
If only Link could print his own armor in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the KingdomAlex Norimaki

Printing environment

One of the first things to consider before buying a 3D printer is what kind of environment it will be placed in. Look for temperature fluctuations and air movements around the machine, which can all potentially warp the final product.

For her part, Alex says she prefers printing in her small closet to keep air flow to a minimum. That being said, she’ll still take small peaks to see how a print is coming along or to measure progress. “They’re not quite as needy as you might think they are,” she admitted after chuckling about her impatience.

Don’t have such an out-of-the-way space? That’s what an enclosure is for. Some 3D printers are already enclosed or include an enclosure attachment, and these are the best for beginners, but it really isn’t a requirement. If you discover you truly need one later, you can buy your own enclosure separately or improvise. As a result, Alex recommends not to worry too much about a 3D printer for cosplay not having an enclosure if you’re otherwise sold on the device.


To put it bluntly, size matters in the world of 3D printing for cosplay. To get a big sword, mystical crossbow, or magical greaves in the most efficient way possible, you’ll want the ability to print large, whole pieces out.

Still, Alex warns that you don’t have to buy the biggest 3D printer to start with. You can always assemble from several pre-printed parts. You might also just want to print out smaller accessories. The filament responds well to glues and is pretty hard, too, so you have several options when it comes to final assembly.

Auto-leveling beds

In 3D printing, leveling is important to keep the finished products properly aligned. Without it, things can get lopsided. With small miniatures, this isn’t always such a big deal or noticeable, but things get a bit different when cosplay gets thrown into the mix. Large wearables that are printed in a misaligned way can cause a cosplay performer to look off-balance. Iconic set pieces will look off.

Alex, who does not claim that balancing and leveling by eye are amongst her many skills, highly suggests getting auto-leveling beds if you can. Since she goes on stage with her printed works sometimes, she wants them always to look correct to the audience. It’s just one less piece to worry about in the 3D printing puzzle, improves print quality, and gives you increased peace of mind from before you tap that “start” key to when onlookers are appraising your final outfit.

Peripherals photo
3D printing assists cosplayer Alex Norimaki with her crowning achievements … Alex Norimaki


Q: How much does a 3D printer for cosplay cost?

A 3D printer for cosplay can cost from the mid-$300s to over $1,000. Several factors influence the final cost of the printer, including size, technology level, and brand. Also, be aware that the printing device isn’t the only cost factor. Filaments, and even electricity, are recurring costs associated with 3D printers that must also be considered before making a purchase.

Q: Are Resin printers good for cosplay?

Resin printers are typically not as good for cosplay as other printers. Why? Resin 3D printers specialize in making smaller things, like miniatures and figurines. If your primary cosplay 3D printing goals involve making small adornments to be attached to other materials, you can likely get away with a resin printer, but you should otherwise target a filament printer.

Q: Where can I find cosplay 3D printer files?

You can find cosplay 3D printer files in various places on the web. First, check websites like MyMiniFactory, which has a special cosplay STL files hub. Images of people holding the final product are displayed, so you can get a really good idea of how it should look. Next, try the associated software that comes with your machine for some basics that will work quickly. Finally, if you can’t find what you want, you can always try making the file yourself using a program like SelfCAD.

Final thoughts on the best 3D printers for cosplay

Getting the best 3D printer for cosplay, while not exactly cheap, isn’t as intimidating as it might once have been. With the technology becoming increasingly diversified, it is also becoming more accessible and cheaper. If you have the willpower and time, there is a 3D printer out there that can suit your cosplaying needs and match a reasonable budget.

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Save more than 45% on DeWalt power tools at Amazon right now Mon, 15 May 2023 14:15:00 +0000
DeWalt power tools arranged on a plain background
Stan Horaczek

Save on drills, drivers, saws, extra batteries, and more.

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DeWalt power tools arranged on a plain background
Stan Horaczek

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It’s DIY season, so it’s time to fill out your tool kit or replace those old hand-me-downs you’ve used since Seinfeld was airing new episodes. Right now, Amazon has a heap of DeWalt power tools on deep discount, including some truly essential bits of kit like extra batteries, reciprocating saws, and drivers.

DEWALT 20V Max Cordless Drill / Driver Kit, Compact $99 (Was $179)



Just about every project can benefit from a strong, reliable drill/driver, and this DeWalt one is only $99 at the moment. It relies on DeWalt’s flexible 20V Max battery system and comes with both a charger and a carry bag. The compact batteries are $40 by themselves, and this package includes two of them, so it’s like you’re paying $20 for the actual tool and bag. Plus, buying it at Amazon means you won’t get suckered into buying a $3 sports drink at the checkout of the big-box hardware store like you would if you went in person.

More Dewalt deals

Maybe you don’t need a drill. That’s OK. There are plenty of other Dewalt tools on sale at Amazon right now. Here are some of the standouts:

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How to get rid of mice and keep them away Mon, 07 Jan 2019 21:26:56 +0000
A mouse eating a morsel of food, a scene that would prompt many to wonder how to get rid of mice.
Good housemates don't chow down while completely naked. That's just one reason to learn how to get rid of mice. Sandy Millar / Unsplash

Protect your house from vermin.

The post How to get rid of mice and keep them away appeared first on Popular Science.

A mouse eating a morsel of food, a scene that would prompt many to wonder how to get rid of mice.
Good housemates don't chow down while completely naked. That's just one reason to learn how to get rid of mice. Sandy Millar / Unsplash

There’s a scritching sound in the darkened bedroom. Your eyes spring open, your breathing rapid and shallow, with every muscle tensed and ready to run… only to find that all is still and silent. You start to drift back to sleep.


Every nerve in your body is now on high alert, and you turn on the light just in time to see a flash of fur dart into the crack under your closet door. You scream an undignified “YEEAAARRGGEETTTOUTTTTT,” which, roughly translated from panicked shrieking, means: “Hello, you are a mouse. Please leave.”

Signs you have a mouse in your house

“Something I’ve noted over the years is that you know someone has a mouse when you hear the very distinct scream the person makes when they’ve seen a mouse,” jokes Michelle Niedermeier of Pennsylvania State University. “Male, female, old, young—it’s the same screech.”

Niedermeier works with the Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management Program, helping communities deal with pest problems. She says that often, for her, the first sign of a mouse is seeing the critter itself scurry across the floor.

But because mice are nocturnal and you’re unlikely to see them (or you may catch only catch a bleary-eyed glimpse in the middle of the night), there are other signs of an infestation you should be aware of. They may also be inhabiting areas you only visit infrequently, such as an attic or crawlspace.

One of the most obvious signs of a mouse infestation is feces. The poop of a typical house mouse is only a few millimeters long, black, and pellet-like. Mice poop a lot, and they poop just about everywhere, so seeing their droppings is usually a good sign that the rodents have taken up residence.

If an infestation goes on for long enough, you might start to notice a distinct and unpleasant smell, or even some strange markings on your walls.

“Where mice go, they leave scent, and they leave a grease trail too,” says Jeff Schalau, an extension agent with The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Near baseboards and along walls, this grease trail resembles the smudges from handprints on a painted surface. It appears when a mouse rubs against the wall, leaving behind dirt and oils from its fur. Mice tend to avoid open spaces, and will usually travel as close to the wall as possible, which makes their trails easy to predict.

The best way to get rid of mice

Unlike some other pests, a mouse infestation is one you can take care of yourself. There’s no need to call an exterminator—just screw your courage to the sticking place and get to work.

1. Make sure mice have nothing to eat

Start by making your home an unattractive crash pad for any tiny guests.

“It all boils down to food, water, and shelter,” Niedermeier says. Cut off those three things, and you’ll make your home a lot less attractive to mice.

The problem is that mice are resourceful. For water, they can take advantage of leaks that you might not even know exist, and for shelter, they can make use of just about any kind of clutter or hole. That makes food the most important factor to tackle. “Eliminating food is paramount to getting rid of a mouse problem,” Niedermeier says.

Mice will eat pretty much anything, too, so you’ll have to be thorough. Start by cleaning up any crumbs or food debris on surfaces and floors. When you cook, promptly clean dirty dishes instead of letting them sit out. Store food in places mice can’t reach, like the refrigerator, or inside containers they cannot nibble through, such as glass or sturdy plastic. And don’t forget about your pets’ supply. Only put out the amount of food a pet will eat in one sitting. While Fifi might like grazing on kibble throughout the day, so do mice.

2. Seal up any entry points

Now that you’ve made your home unfriendly to mice, it’s time to bar the door. Literally. Mice can enter the house through the same entrances you do, so add a door sweep or barrier to any exterior doors.

Then it’s time to block up all the unconventional entrance and exit points. If you happen to see a mouse, pay attention to where it runs, and stay on the lookout for any holes or cracks.

“If you can stick a regular old pencil in a hole, a mouse can get through,” Niedermeier says. She explains that the largest part of a mouse is its tiny skull, which is usually only the width of a pencil. “If their head can get through, the rest of their body can get through as well,” she adds.

Close up any holes you see, and even the holes you’ve helped put in. Holes around pipes or wiring are often overlooked, but can act as a mouse superhighway system through your home. Don’t forget to look up high—mice can climb walls as long as their claws can grab hold.

When you fill in holes, use high-quality materials that will last for years. In the end, it will save you a lot of work. Niedermeier recommends using silicone caulk or stainless steel or copper mesh—think a pot scrubber—to block any openings. Silicone lasts for a longer time than latex caulk, and unlike steel wool, copper and stainless steel don’t rust.

“You really only want to do this job once,” Niedermeier says. And if you do it well enough, your hard work will keep mice away as long as your home remains sealed-up.

3. Trap any remaining mice

So you’ve cleaned up, boxed up, and sealed up your home—but there are still some mice inside. Now, it’s time to get rid of the stalwarts that remain. It’s time to address the big question: Do you know how to catch a mouse?

For starters, as much as you might want to, you can’t just snatch them up and take them outside. Mice have excellent senses of direction, and even moving them some distance from your house isn’t enough to get rid of them. In experiments, they find their way home quickly, even heading through obstacles to get back to their residences. The best way to get rid of mice from your home, unfortunately, is to kill them.

[Related: How to fight an ant infestation]

The most effective method is a trap, baited with tasty morsels like peanut butter, oats, or dried fruit. Place them along baseboards and walls, where mice prefer to travel, with the bait directly in their path. Simple wood and wire snap traps are a classic for a reason. They work fast, they’re effective, they’re cheap, and they’re reusable. When in doubt, this is a good first option for any home with a mouse problem.

More modern plastic snap traps, which look something like a binder clip, are also effective. Like the wooden snap traps, the plastic ones are easy to set up and use. Between the two, it’s mostly a matter of personal preference.

If you have a pet, be sure to place the traps where your pet can’t reach. If this isn’t possible, Schalau recommends placing a sturdy box with a mouse-sized hole in it along the wall and over the trap. This will allow the mouse to reach the bait, while keeping your pet safe.

Another effective and humane option is an electric box trap, which can be baited just like a snap trap. The battery-powered machine has an opening that mice can run into to try and catch the bait. When a mouse enters the box, it steps on a plate that carries a current and is instantly electrocuted. Then, a small light begins flashing to indicate that the trap has caught a mouse and should be re-set. Electric box traps are good for getting rid of mice in homes with pets, because they are completely enclosed—no dog or cat can get to the charged plate. In addition, they leave very little mess, which makes them easy to clean. The downside is that you do need to make sure the batteries are regularly charged, and they cost considerably more than a snap trap.

Why you should care

All that may seem like a lot of work, but in addition to the unwanted gross-out factor, mice (at least in relation to humans) are not a healthy addition to a home.

“Mice are a health concern,” Niedermeier says. “They spread disease, they trigger asthma, and so having a mouse in your house is a real health issue.”

They also tend to carry foodborne diseases like salmonella. And since mice enjoy noshing on the same foods that people and pets do, they have the potential to spread diseases onto our food and meal preparation surfaces.

And that’s not the only illness these fuzzy creatures can spread. “Hantavirus is a serious issue out here in the west,” Schalau says. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, carried by rodents including mice, can be fatal.

So if you find a mouse, don’t try cohabiting. “As soon as you identify a problem, take action,” Schalau says. Otherwise, the infestation will only grow—and you’ll soon have to contend with multiple generations of rodents. “Their reproductive potential is off the charts,” Schalau says. “At the first sign of any mice inside your house, you need to get on it.”

What not to do when you’re getting rid of mice

A mouse between two dirt and stone walls. If you use mouse poison, it could die back there where you can't reach it.
Mouse poison is a bad idea. The only thing harder than getting mice out of your walls is getting dead mice out of your walls. Yunu Dinata / Unsplash

It’s not enough to know how to kill mice—you need to do it properly. Poison might sound good, but pest control experts do not recommend this option. While it will kill mice, poison can also kill any animals that might feed on mouse carcasses. It can also inadvertently poison pets.

And there’s another downside. Most poisons don’t work instantly, for good reason: Manufacturers don’t want mice to become gun-shy of poisoned bait. So what often happens is that a mouse eats a poison pellet, walks back to its nest, and only then dies. Unfortunately, mice like tiny holes and often take up residence in hard-to-reach places like walls.

Trust. You do not want to smell a dead mouse for months as it slowly decays inside your walls. Don’t do it.

Another popular option on the market is glue traps, which stick to the bodies of any mice that walk over the trap. Theoretically, this should immobilize the mouse. But starving to death while stuck to a piece of cardboard is not a great or humane way to go. And few people are willing to kill the mouse by hand. That is, if the trap actually works.

“The glue, though it’s sticky, is not sticky enough,” Niedermeier says. Older, stronger mice—which are more likely to be breeding and creating a mouse problem—can often pull themselves out of the glue traps, sometimes with a very gruesome effect. “They are ready, willing, and able to gnaw off their own arm to get out of it,” she explains. “It’s more humane to use a snap trap.”

Cleaning up after a mouse infestation

Once you’ve closed off access to your food, water, and shelter, sealed entrances and exits, and killed any interlopers unfortunate enough to remain in your domain, it’s time to clean up.

If you used traps, you should keep your hands covered while you dispose of mouse carcasses in the trash. Use disposable gloves, a plastic bag, or even sturdy leather work gloves to keep a safe distance between you and the mouse. Remember, mice can harbor diseases, so you’ll want to be cautious as you handle their bodies.

You can also take the bodies outside if you live in a rural area, but be sure to put the remains in an area far away from your house, where pets won’t be likely to bring them back in, and they won’t attract additional unwanted scavengers.

Also, take the opportunity to clean up any mouse urine or droppings, wearing a face mask if you are allergic or have asthma. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the safest way to clean up after mice is to wear gloves and spray the droppings with diluted bleach before wiping up the waste. Needless to say, washing any clothing or bedding that mice have pooped on is always a good idea. And don’t forget to wash your hands afterward.

Whew. You’re all set. Sleep the sleep of the content knowing that you have a mouse-free house.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on February 24, 2017.

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How to find your IP address whenever you need it Sat, 13 May 2023 15:19:56 +0000
Hands on laptop typing.
There are several ways to get to your device's IP address. Burst / Unsplash

You don’t have to memorize your IP address, but it’s useful to know where to find it. 

The post How to find your IP address whenever you need it appeared first on Popular Science.

Hands on laptop typing.
There are several ways to get to your device's IP address. Burst / Unsplash

Knowing how to find your IP address is a useful skill, even if you don’t know exactly what an IP address is or what it’s for. Whether you want to set up a new 3D printer or don’t want to sound ignorant while on the phone with your internet service provider, there are a couple of ways to easily get this information.

Get to know these methods in case you ever need them, and while you’re at it, maybe learn what this string of numbers is and why it’s important.

How to find your IP address on any device

Don’t get intimidated by your IP address. This set of digits should be readily available on your device, and if you can’t find it, you can always just Google it. 

[Related: The government won’t protect your internet privacy, so here’s how to do it yourself]

On macOS

  • Click on the WiFi icon in the top right area of the navigation bar. 
  • On the emerging menu, choose Wi-Fi Settings.
  • At the top of the menu, you’ll see the network your device is connected to. Click the Details button next to it. 
  • A window will pop up showing the IP address of your device and your router. 

On iOS and iPadOS

  • Open Settings and tap Wi-Fi.
  • Find the network you’re connected to—it’ll be the first on the list and have a blue checkmark beside it. 
  • Tap the information button on the right (a blue “i” inside a circle).  
  • You’ll find your IP address under IPV4 address

On Windows 11

  • Open the Start menu
  • Go to Settings, then Network & internet. 
  • Open the Wi-Fi settings and open the properties of the network your device is connected to—it should be the second item on the list.
  • Scroll down to find your IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

There’s a reason why Windows computers and some other devices have two IP addresses. Internet protocol version 4, also known as IPv4, is the original system invented back in 1980 to identify computers and other devices. But IPv4 only has 32 bits, which means there are only so many addresses available and not nearly enough for the hyperconnected future we live in today. Enter IPv6—the 64-bit solution that provides many more addresses to make space for all the new devices hitting the market every day. The problem is that the rollout of this 1998 protocol took a long time, and some older servers and programs are not compatible with it. This is why some devices use a workaround and have two IP addresses to bridge that gap and avoid any service interruptions. 

On Android

As always, keep in mind that Android varies depending on the make and model of your device, so the names on these instructions could be slightly different. This is what you’ll find on a Pixel phone: 

  • Swipe one finger down from the top of the screen and long press on the Internet tile to open the internet settings. 
  • Tap the cog icon next to the network you’re connected to. 
  • Scroll down and you’ll find your IP address under Network details.

If that seems a little confusing, you can always unlock your device and ask the Google Assistant: “Hey, Google, what’s my IP address?” The platform will instantly open the About phone menu, where you’ll find your IP address under Device identifiers.

Use Google 

You can always ask Google for your IP address but note that the engine will reveal your public address, not your private one. From any browser, type “What’s my IP address” into the big G’s search bar and the engine will show it to you at the very top of the results page. 

What an IP address is and why should you care about it

You can easily go through life without knowing the importance of IP addresses, but in the highly connected society we live in today, it’s better to at least have a notion of what they are. 

In general, an IP address is a unique series of numbers that identifies a device with the ability to connect to the internet. Every gadget has a private or internal IP address assigned by its manufacturer. If the internet were a town, this would be your home address. When you watch a movie on a streaming service, your device sends a request to whatever platform you’re using, which in turn knows where to send the reply (i.e. the movie) thanks to your IP address. This specific piece of data is very useful, which makes it very valuable. Treat it as your social security number and don’t disclose it.  

[Related: This free tool can reveal who is behind any internet domain]

But your router also has an IP address—it’s assigned by your internet service provider and is known as an external or public IP address. This one’s important because it provides certain details about your location, such as the city you live in and your ZIP code. This information may help hackers get to your private IP address, which they can use for all sorts of nefarious purposes, ranging from sending you spam and intercepting your information, to framing you for crimes. If you’re worried about this, you may want to consider getting a VPN or using one built into your device.

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5 AI-powered Photoshop tools to subtly—or dramatically—alter your images Fri, 12 May 2023 16:00:00 +0000
A person typing on a laptop and editing on photoshop.
Photoshop's Sky Replacement tool lets your swap background of outdoor images to give them a different ambiance. Bram Naus / Stephen Leonardi / Unsplash

You can make full use of Photoshop's AI-powered image editing tools.

The post 5 AI-powered Photoshop tools to subtly—or dramatically—alter your images appeared first on Popular Science.

A person typing on a laptop and editing on photoshop.
Photoshop's Sky Replacement tool lets your swap background of outdoor images to give them a different ambiance. Bram Naus / Stephen Leonardi / Unsplash

The swift rise of generative platforms such as ChatGPT and Dall-E mini has brought artificial intelligence to everyone’s attention in recent months. But programs such as Photoshop have been offering AI assistance of their own for quite some time now.

When it comes to Adobe’s image editing software, these capabilities are there to help select the outline of an object, fill in a picture’s background, or change the expression on someone’s face. Your AI-enhanced edits can be subtle or quite dramatic, and there’s plenty of room to experiment.

All of this machine-powered magic works in a similar way, no matter what Photoshop tool you’re using: developers have used vast amounts of stock and copyright-free images to train the program to be able to decide where a pixel should or shouldn’t go, or what color it should be.

Neural Filters

Filters typically work as an added, easily removable layer that manipulates the existing pixels in an image. But Photoshop’s Neural Filters take it up a notch by introducing new information into a photo. 

[Related: 10 free Photoshop and other alternative programs you need to try]

To use them, go to Filter in the main navigation bar and then click on Neural Filters. You’ll be able to choose from a wide range of actions, such as adding depth to your images and smoothing the skin on people’s faces. Each filter comes with its own set of options, so you can tweak them to make them more or less aggressive, depending on what you want your final photo to look like. You may notice some of the filters are still in beta. This means they’re works in progress, so keep that in mind if you use them, as the results might be less than perfect.

For example, click Smart Portrait and you’ll be able to use simple sliders to make people in the photo look happier, younger, or older, and even change the direction they’re looking in.

Intelligent Refine Edge

Selecting objects and picking them out from their background to edit them or remove them entirely used to be a painstaking task. Fortunately, it’s becoming easier thanks to Photoshop’s AI muscle. Select an object using the Quick Selection, Magic Wand, or Lasso tools, and pick Select and Mask on the toolbar to start refining.

Switch to Object Aware mode on the right menu to get Photoshop’s help in picking out edges, then use the Refine Edge Brush Tool to make cuts—select it by clicking the second icon from the top down in the left sidebar, or hitting the R key on your keyboard. It’s particularly good when you’re trying to trace around very faint edges, like someone’s hair.

Sky Replacement

The sky is a key element in many images and Photoshop has an AI tool dedicated to it, enabling you to change the weather, the mood, or the time of day.

Open an image, go to Edit, and then Sky Replacement to make alterations. You can drop in one of the program’s presets or load your own, as well as tweak the sky’s temperature and brightness, and make adjustments to the foreground to help it match the lighting.

Select Subject

Selecting an object in an image can be difficult, especially if its outline isn’t particularly clear. This is where Select Subject comes in. This tool uses AI processing to identify the main star of your photo (it can be a person, a tree, or a dog, for example) and automatically select it for you. Just go to Select and choose Subject to let Photoshop get to work. Even if it doesn’t pick out the subject exactly, it should give you a good starting point.

Content-Aware Fill

Photoshop can remove objects from your images using the information in it and a little AI magic to fill in the gaps. This tool doesn’t always get it perfectly, as the software doesn’t actually know what is behind the object you want to wipe out,  but the results can be impressive.

[Related: Photoshop’s new Super Resolution feature makes images bigger, not blurrier]

Select an object in your photo, go to Edit, and choose Content-Aware Fill. You’ll be able to refine your selection further and see a preview of how the fill is going to work. You can specify areas of the image Photoshop should use to fill in the background once it removes the object.

To do this even quicker trusting in Photoshop’s process and without any refinement options, select an object and press Shift+Backspace. Just make sure the Content-Aware option is selected in the dialog box that pops up, and click OK to apply the changes.

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Your guide to COVID testing for the unforeseeable future Thu, 11 May 2023 19:53:22 +0000
Box of iHealth COVID rapid tests being distributed at a school before the US COVID public health emergency ended
A school superintendent grabs boxes of COVID-19 at-home testing kits to pass out to families before school starts next week at Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley, California. San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images

Here's how to get COVID tests once the US stops giving them away.

The post Your guide to COVID testing for the unforeseeable future appeared first on Popular Science.

Box of iHealth COVID rapid tests being distributed at a school before the US COVID public health emergency ended
A school superintendent grabs boxes of COVID-19 at-home testing kits to pass out to families before school starts next week at Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley, California. San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images

COVID-19 is no longer a public health emergency in the US. The Biden administration’s deadline follows the World Health Organization’s announcement last week that removed COVID’s status as a global health crisis.

Infectious disease experts tell Popular Science that it’s an encouraging step and a sign that we are in a very different place than where we were in 2020. And while the recent decisions in no way mean the virus is gone—it’s expected to be endemic like the flu—access to COVID testing, treatments such as Paxlovid, and the vaccines have put the US in a position to coexist with it.

That said, managing your safety will come at a higher cost now. In one of the biggest changes from ending the federal emergency response, insurances are no longer required to cover the costs of COVID testing or reimburse people if they bought an over-the-counter home COVID-19 test. The federal government is also ending its free COVID-test program over the mail. 

As the financial burden of testing shifts to families and individuals, knowing where and when to get tested will keep you protected as the country transitions into this new stage of the pandemic. “We’re still seeing up to 1,000 deaths a week in the US from COVID for people that are older and at risk,” warns Del DeHart, a medical director of the infectious diseases department at the University of Michigan Health-West. “For those people, COVID is still not over and so testing for early treatment is going to be critical.”

Where to get COVID tests

There are still options for getting free COVID tests around the US The last day to order four free at-home COVID tests from the government is May 31, but local community clinics can give away free COVID tests or at a lower cost until supplies run out. 

Access to free testing might also depend on where you live. David Souleles, the director of the COVID-Response Team at the University of California, Irvine, says some state governments are taking measures to avoid financial barriers with COVID testing. California, for example, issued a mandate for health insurances to continue providing reimbursement for eight monthly at-home tests. Check your state government’s website to see what policies are in place following the end of the public health emergency.

If you are uninsured, the US government will continue to provide access to swabs through the Increasing Community Access to Testing Program. This government program partners with specific healthcare sites such as Walgreens and Quest Diagnostics to provide no-cost COVID tests with priority for people with a known exposure to the virus or who are showing symptoms.

[Related: An at-home test for both COVID-19 and the flu gains approval]

At-home rapid tests and PCR laboratory testing will still be available at your local pharmacies and doctor’s office, but it’s up to your insurance company if they want to bear the cost or require a copayment. What’s more, insurance companies may charge different prices for COVID tests; if they cover the cost, they may set limits on how many tests they will cover per individual. 

Prices for COVID test kits in stores like CVS range from $9.99 to $28.99, meaning testing can quickly get expensive. DeHart is concerned that the prices will create a financial barrier that will deter people from getting tested. If affordability becomes a question, it’s important to make every COVID test you take count.

When it’s still important to get tested for COVID

While most COVID mandates have lifted around the country, some employers and places might require you to get tested. For instance, healthcare workers employed in facilities like nursing homes will likely continue routine COVID testing. And as of now, many hospitals still require routine COVID testing for admitted patients, though it remains unclear whether the hospitals will cover the cost or if the test will be added to a person’s medical bill.

For voluntary testing, it’s important to evaluate your risk of having a severe COVID infection. DeHart says individuals above the age of 65 and those with immunosuppressive conditions should get tested regularly, along with loved ones in close contact with those that fall under this category. Souleles also recommends taking a test before visiting a relative in assisted living or anyone who is considered at high-risk of exposure. 

Other scenarios may apply, too, Souleles adds. “We would still encourage people to test before and after travel and before and after gatherings if they have the ability to do so. Anytime that you have the ability to test before you’re going to be around lots of people is great, and anytime you have the ability to test three to five days after being around a lot of people, that’s also a good thing.”

[Related: Long COVID recovery is finally getting the attention it deserves in the US]

If you have COVID-like symptoms, get tested before going out in public, even if the side effects seem mild. Testing early will give you more chances to get Paxlovid, which is most effective when taken within the first five days of seeing symptoms, and potentially avoid life-threatening complications. 

If you need to purchase a COVID test, treat it like you would any other over-the-counter goods. This includes checking the expiration dates to avoid a false positive or false negative result. You will also want to throw out any recalled COVID tests. If purchased for a later date, keep COVID tests at room temperature and away from the hands of pets and young children.

What to do if you test positive for COVID

If the test comes out positive, follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidelines. Stay home and isolate yourself from others in the household for five days. People experiencing moderate symptoms like difficulty breathing should isolate for 10 days. Monitor your condition and go to the hospital if there are any severe or life-threatening complications. 

If you must go outside, wear a high-quality mask and avoid going to places where you would have to take it off. Also contact your doctor to see if you are eligible for any COVID-19 treatments and start those as soon as possible.

You can stop isolating after five days if you have no symptoms. If you continue to show symptoms, the CDC says you should stay put until your symptoms improve or you are fever-free for 24 hours without using medication.

[Related: Getting COVID more than once might be even worse than we thought]

Keep in mind that COVID tests are only one of the many tools available to reduce your risk of severe infection and death. Both DeHart and Souleles strongly urge people to get vaccinated and get their booster shot when eligible. Insurers will still be expected to cover the bivalent COVID vaccine as a routine immunization, and the Biden administration’s Bridge Access Program for COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments will continue to provide vaccines free-of-charge to the uninsured.

“Stay up to date with your vaccines,” says Souleles. “It’s still the most important tool that we have right now.”

The post Your guide to COVID testing for the unforeseeable future appeared first on Popular Science.

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Use MusicBrainz Picard to organize your sloppy music collection Thu, 11 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Screenshot of MusicBrainz Picard sorting a music album.
Make sure you take MusicBrainz Picard in your trip down compilation CD memory lane. Justin Pot

Let Picard automatically tidy up and label that mess you call a music library.

The post Use MusicBrainz Picard to organize your sloppy music collection appeared first on Popular Science.

Screenshot of MusicBrainz Picard sorting a music album.
Make sure you take MusicBrainz Picard in your trip down compilation CD memory lane. Justin Pot

We’ve all got messy, unlabeled music files cluttering up our collections. You might have gotten them from questionable sources in the early 2000s, ripped them yourself but were too lazy to tag them, or just didn’t care for a neat library at the time. 

But instead of spending hours righting this wrong, you can use MusicBrainz Picard, a free and open-source application that will do all the track and album labeling for you. This program can identify any audio file—including MP3, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, and more—tag it accurately, and even rename it with just a couple of clicks. Picard identifies tunes in seconds using two methods: a sort of fingerprinting system for recorded music called AcoustID, and the developer’s own crowd-sourced database that includes track names, albums, and artists.

[Related: Clean up your computer’s embarrassingly messy desktop]

This gives MusicBrainz Picard a vast pool of information to draw from, but also some limitations, as its database mostly only includes music that’s seen a wide commercial release. As a result, the software won’t be able to properly identify a recording of your high school band performing songs from Les Misérables, or a CD of your mom singing reggae versions of Bob Dylan songs (but please send me that CD, it sounds amazing).

Get started with MusicBrainz Picard

Using MusicBrainz Picard couldn’t be easier. Just open the program and simply drag any folder of music that’s not properly tagged onto the interface: it doesn’t even matter if you’re not sure what the music is.

Your tracks will automatically show up in the left panel. Click the Scan button at the top of the interface and Picard will attempt to identify your music and download the appropriate metadata for it. After a few seconds, your files will appear on the right panel with the right labels indicating the track’s name and number, and the name of the album they belong to.

A color-coded bar to the left of each track shows you how confident Picard is about the information it found—green means you have a great match, while red indicates the software might have gotten it wrong. If everything looks fine you can click the Save button in the toolbar. This will edit your files’ metadata, adding the correct tags and even the album art to each one. All of the details should automatically show up in your music player of choice but if it doesn’t, you might need to refresh the library or reload the files.

Picard also lets you rename all files if you want to—just click Options in the toolbar and check the Rename Files option.

[Related: Organize your catastrophic digital photo library]

By default, this feature will replace file names with the track number of each song followed by its title, but you can customize this setting by choosing a different File naming script in the menu. This will allow you to include details such as the artist’s name and album if you like. If none of the scripts work quite the way you like, you can always write your own—just click Open file naming script editor.

MusicBrainz Picard can label any music CD

Did your friends burn CDs for you back in the 90s? Have you left them in your car since then, only to forget what they are? MusicBrainz can identify them for you, assuming you have an optical drive. Just insert the disc into your computer, open the program, and click the Lookup CD button in the toolbar. The software will look into the tracks on the disc and automatically identify them—it doesn’t matter if it’s a single album or a compilation.

The post Use MusicBrainz Picard to organize your sloppy music collection appeared first on Popular Science.

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Order free COVID tests right now—before it’s too late Wed, 18 May 2022 12:00:01 +0000
A US postal worker delivering packages to a tan residential building, with a USPS truck parked on the street in the foreground.
Your local post office will deliver your free COVID tests right to your door (or P.O. box). Sean Boyd / Unsplash

Every US household can still request four rapid antigen tests from the federal government.

The post Order free COVID tests right now—before it’s too late appeared first on Popular Science.

A US postal worker delivering packages to a tan residential building, with a USPS truck parked on the street in the foreground.
Your local post office will deliver your free COVID tests right to your door (or P.O. box). Sean Boyd / Unsplash

With the federal public health emergency for COVID-19 set to expire at the end of the day on May 11, take a few minutes today to order the handful of free at-home COVID-19 tests the US government is holding for you. Don’t procrastinate: guaranteed insurance coverage for tests ends with the emergency, so they might not be free starting on May 12.

For now, every residential address in the US, Puerto Rico and other US territories, as well as those linked to overseas military and diplomatic personnel, can request four free rapid antigen tests from the federal COVID tests website. Although coverage may change when the public health emergency ends, the US Department of Health and Human Services says the government will continue to distribute tests via that website through the end of May.

And if you still have tests you ordered at any point since the program launched in January 2022, don’t throw them out—use the Food and Drug Administration’s searchable at-home test database to see if their expiration dates have been extended. Studies have shown that repeat COVID-19 infections increase the risk of hospitalization and death, so it’s worth hanging onto as many usable tests as you can. It’ll help you avoid spreading it among your family, friends, and community.

What’s changing with insurance coverage for COVID tests

The end of the public health emergency also means private insurance is no longer required to cover COVID tests without cost-sharing. The Biden administration has encouraged health insurers to continue, but after May 11, you may have to pay for any tests you order or pick up. To understand exactly what to expect, you’ll need to check with your plan to see how it will handle COVID tests.

If you’re insured by a state Medicaid program, though, you’re in luck. These are required to cover COVID tests without cost-sharing until September 30, 2024, the HHS says. After that, coverage may vary by state.

Medicare coverage, meanwhile, is a mixed bag. Anyone with traditional Medicare can continue getting PCR and antigen tests with no cost-sharing when the lab tests are ordered by a doctor and some other health care providers. If you’re enrolled in Medicare Advantage, cost-sharing may change when the health emergency ends, so the HHS recommends you check with your plan after May 11.

Despite the end of the health emergency, the government may continue to distribute free tests from the national stockpile through states and communities. If you’re looking for a free COVID tests, you can check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s no-cost COVID-19 testing locator.

How to order free at-home COVID tests

Placing your order for tests is easy: Go to the special USPS website, enter your name, provide your shipping address (even if it’s a residential P.O. box), and hit Check Out Now under the order summary that confirms the delivery is entirely free. You can also provide an email address if you want to get shipment notifications, but you don’t have to.

Those living in multi-family, co-living, or other shared living spaces can place more than one order as long as the USPS knows the address houses multiple unrelated families, but may be unable to if the government doesn’t know several families live there. If that happens, you can file a service request or call the USPS help desk at 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777) to try to get it fixed.

If you need help placing an order, you can call 1-800-232-0233 Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, or between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the weekend, for assistance in English, Spanish, and more than 150 other languages. There’s also a teletype (TTY) or text telephone number at 1-888-720-7489 and the aforementioned USPS help desk.

People with disabilities can call the disability information and access line at 1-888-677-1199 between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday, or email

When to expect delivery

You should receive your order a couple days after ordering them. The White House has previously said most deliveries occurred within 48 hours, but you can contact the USPS if you have any issues with delivery. All tests sent to continental US addresses will ship with First Class Package Service (arriving in one to five days), and all other addresses will get them via Priority Mail (arriving in one to three days).

[Related: Why some long COVID clinics fail chronic illness patients]

If you provide an email address when you order, you will get shipping notifications and can track the package on the USPS website. You can’t pick the tests up anywhere, even your local post office—they will always come to the address you provided, the agency says.

When to take a rapid antigen test

When you receive your tests, the package will display an expiration date, but the FDA has extended most of these beyond what may appear on the label. As mentioned above, you can use the agency’s database to check your tests’ actual expiration dates.

As long as your tests haven’t expired, the government recommends you take them if you begin having COVID symptoms like a fever, sore throat, runny nose, or loss of taste or smell; at least five days after you are in close contact with someone who has since tested positive for COVID; or before you gather with a group, especially if that group includes people at risk of severe disease or who aren’t up to date on their vaccinations (keep in mind that you may not know who’s at risk, either).

It’s also worth noting that you should let your tests come to room temperature before using them—especially if they were delivered in freezing or blistering hot temperatures. Although the tests are built to survive a range of conditions, they might not work as well if they’re cold, the government says. Generally, rapid antigen tests are meant to be used in an environment that’s somewhere between 59 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 30 degrees Celsius), but your tests should come with specific instructions about this. The government recommends letting the unopened package sit indoors for at least two hours before opening and using any of the tests inside.

How to take a rapid antigen test

Each test kit comes with directions for how to use it, and they all involve swabbing the inside of your nose. You should get results within 30 minutes and you won’t have to leave your home. If you don’t follow the instructions, the result could be wrong. For visual learners, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a how-to video, and it also has one for people who use American Sign Language.

How to interpret COVID test results

Your test will also tell you how to interpret the results, and what to do afterward, but if you test positive you very likely have COVID. You should follow the CDC’s latest guidance, which suggests you isolate for at least five days, even from people in your home. You may also want to talk to your doctor, and definitely should if you have a weakened immune system, other health conditions like cancer and diabetes, or increased risk due to a factor like smoking or obesity, the government says.

[Related: The Postal Service helps keep millions of Americans alive and well]

If the results come out negative, the test didn’t find COVID in your body, and you might have a lower risk of spreading the disease. It’s worth noting that these at-home antigen tests generally aren’t as accurate as PCR tests, for example, which are processed by laboratories. So if you think you got a false negative, the government suggests testing again within a few days, leaving at least 24 hours between tests.

Again, for visual learners, the CDC has a video about how to interpret results, including individual ones in ASL for understanding positive and negative results.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on March 19, 2022.

The post Order free COVID tests right now—before it’s too late appeared first on Popular Science.

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14 crisp tips for your Apple TV box Mon, 18 Mar 2019 22:03:56 +0000
A black Apple TV 4K box on a black surface next to an Apple TV remote.
There's lots to explore with the Apple TV 4K. Omar Rodriguez / Unsplash

Use Apple's black box like an expert.

The post 14 crisp tips for your Apple TV box appeared first on Popular Science.

A black Apple TV 4K box on a black surface next to an Apple TV remote.
There's lots to explore with the Apple TV 4K. Omar Rodriguez / Unsplash

It might be hard to believe, but the Apple TV box—not the Apple TV app—has been with us since 2007. In that time, it’s gotten both smaller and smarter, and it has a few tricks up its sleeve that you might not know about.

While the Apple TV is designed to make it easy for you to sit back, relax, and get to your entertainment as quickly as possible, you can improve your viewing experience by digging into some of the settings and hardware features. Note that these tips work with all generations of the Apple TV 4K, whether you have the latest version and its Siri Remote (with a circular clickpad), or the older model and its Touch Remote.

1. Rearrange your home screen

There’s no need to settle for the default Apple TV app layout. As you add apps, you can move them around to access your favorites more easily. Using the top half of your Touch Remote or the clickpad on the Siri Remote, tap and hold on any app to move the icon somewhere else on screen. Tap again to confirm.

To delete an app from the home screen entirely, tap and hold on it, press Play/Pause, and select Delete to remove it. As on iOS, you can create folders too: press Play/Pause and choose New Folder to create one, and you’ll be able to drag app icons into it. To remove them, drag them out of the folder.

There are more options for changing your home screen’s appearance on the General menu within Settings, including switching between a light and a dark interface mode and choosing from a list of available screensavers.

2. Tame your notifications

If you install apps that support notifications—like the Apple TV app, which will alert you to new shows—you’ll see badges on the app icons when there’s a new alert. If you’d rather not have the extra clutter, go to Settings and open up Notifications, where you can turn these badges on or off for each app.

3. Make full use of the remote

The Touch Remote or Siri Remote that Apple bundles with its TV is more clever than it looks. With the right combination of flicks and gestures, you can reveal several hidden menus and screens, particularly within Apple’s own apps.

You can double-tap the Home button (which looks like a big TV display) to show all of your recent apps. Within an app, if you slide a finger left or right on the touch-sensitive top half of the Touch Remote or tap the left or right side of the clickpad ring on the Siri Remote, you’ll go backward or forward in videos and audio tracks.

A downward swipe (Touch Remote) or a tap on the bottom part of the clickpad ring (Siri Remote) brings up more options while you’re watching something. The options vary by app, but in the Netflix app, for example, it will bring up the subtitle and audio options.

If you find your remote too sensitive, or not sensitive enough, head to the Settings app, then choose Remotes and Devices to adjust it. You can check on the remote’s battery level at the same time.

4. Control the Apple TV 4K with your iPhone

The options for using your iPhone as an Apple TV remote.
You might want to bump the Apple TV remote function to the top of your iPhone’s Control Center for easy access. David Nield for Popular Science

You can use your iPhone to control your Apple TV 4K, and you may find that easier than the device’s remote. Setting this up is as simple as opening the Control Center (swipe down from the top right corner of your phone’s screen), then tapping on the remote button (which looks like your Apple TV 4K remote). If you can’t see the button, open iOS Settings and choose Control Center to add and position it.

[Related: All the ways to customize your iPhone lock screen]

5. Get info on your screensavers

The Apple TV 4K has some of the most gorgeous screensavers in the business. If you find yourself particularly taken with a scene and want to know where in the world it is, lightly touch the top half of the Touch Remote or the clickpad on the Siri Remote (without actually clicking) to see the location.

6. Add more users

You don’t necessarily want family members or housemates ruining your Disney Plus recommendations list or checking out your photos and videos, which is why the Apple TV 4K supports multiple user accounts. From Settings, pick Users and Accounts, then Add New User. This new user will need their own Apple ID, which grants them access to all their apps and services. You can swap between users from the same screen, or by pressing and holding the Home button (with the TV display icon on it).

7. Check how much space apps are using

The interface for checking how much space apps are using on an Apple TV, with app size and a trash can icon next to each for quick removal.
Those trash cans are for quick deletion. David Nield for Popular Science

You get a certain amount of on-board storage with the Apple TV 4K, but all those high-resolution movies can quickly eat up precious space, and you don’t want to run out of room. If you need to free up some storage, you can see which installed apps are the biggest data hogs by going to Settings and choosing General, followed by Manage Storage.

The next screen will show all the apps on your Apple TV 4K, with the bulkiest (perhaps a game of some sort) at the top. Handily enough, there’s a trash can right by each entry on the list—tap this icon once to delete the app and free up some space. The Apple TV 4K remembers your app purchases, so you can always download them again.

8. Do more with Bluetooth devices

Your Apple TV 4K has Bluetooth, so make the most of it. You might already know you can boost the audio capabilities of your box with Bluetooth speakers or your own headphones, but you can connect other devices as well. Up to two Bluetooth devices can be connected to your Apple TV 4K at any one time.

For example, tvOS now supports Bluetooth keyboards, which means you can save yourself the hassle of typing out movie titles and search requests—just swap the Touch Remote or Siri Remote for a keyboard.

Or, add an MFi Bluetooth game controller to give yourself more intuitive control over your big-screen games. From the Settings app, head to Remotes and Devices, then choose Bluetooth to pair devices or to remove one device and make room for another.

9. Make your Apple TV kid-friendly

The content restrictions for kids on an Apple TV.
Parental controls can help ensure your kids only watch age-appropriate content. David Nield for Popular Science

The Apple TV can entertain kids of all ages, but you don’t necessarily want your youngsters to access all available material or start spending your money on in-app purchases.

[Related: How to set parental controls on any phone or tablet]

That’s where the Restrictions menu under General inside Settings proves very useful. Turn restrictions on, and you can stop new purchases and rentals from being bought (helpful if your toddlers don’t know what they’re doing) and disable in-app purchases too. You can also block music, podcasts, TV shows, and movies by rating, as long as the content is correctly labeled.

On top of that, you can disable multiplayer gaming, screen recording, and even explicit language in Siri’s responses. All of these blocks and limits are protected by a PIN code, which must be entered to turn them off again.

10. Check your video resolution

Your Apple TV 4K can output video in 4K resolution—as long as the app and television you’re using both support it. When it comes to your TV, you can check its capabilities by going to Video and Audio in Settings and choosing Check HDMI Connection. From the same screen, choose Format to pick the video resolution you want the box to use wherever possible.

11. Load any kind of content on your Apple TV

It’s not always easy getting content up on your Apple TV. Watching Apple TV movies or Netflix shows is easy enough, but if there’s not an appropriate app for the media you want to view, it can be tricky to stream it over to the box. Certain apps can be a big help here, specifically Plex, which will stream audio, video, and photos from any computer on the same network straight to your Apple TV.

Just install Plex on your computer and install the Plex app on your Apple TV to get started. If you need a little more help, Plex has more information about setting up the app. VLC Media Player is also worth a mention here, as it’s one of the most versatile media players for computers and phones. On the Apple TV, it provides support for streaming almost anything from your local network.

12. Calibrate your TV picture

The interface for adjusting an Apple TV 4K's color balance on an iPhone.
Tweak the color balance on your Apple TV 4K using your iPhone. David Nield for Popular Science

The Apple TV 4K offers a rather smart color calibration feature, which you can use if you also have an iPhone. From Settings, choose Video and Audio, then Color Balance, and follow the instructions on screen. Note that you’ll need to turn your iPhone toward your TV to monitor and adjust the balance of colors. When the calibration is done, which only takes a few seconds, you’ll have the option to accept the new settings or go back to the original calibration.

13. Get help from Siri

Siri is available on the Apple TV, so make use of the voice-controlled assistant by pressing and holding on the Siri (microphone) button on the remote—it’s on the front on the Touch Remote and on the side on the Siri Remote.

Try asking, “What’s the weather forecast?” or saying, “Show me comedy movies from the 90s” (or whatever genre you’d prefer). The best part is, Siri’s results pop up at the bottom of the screen most of the time, so they won’t interrupt what you’re doing.

When watching movies and shows, you can say, “Forward 10 minutes” to jump around, or ask, “Who stars in this?” to get a list of cast members to appear on screen. Another good vocal trick is asking, “What did he (or she, or they) just say?” This prompts Siri to rewind whatever you’re watching by 15 seconds and temporarily turn subtitles on. Meanwhile, saying, “Reduce loud sounds” can make it easier to hear dialogue.

14. Use picture-in-picture

Anything beamed to your Apple TV 4K via AirPlay or played through the Apple TV app supports picture in picture: To enable it, swipe down on the Touch Remote or tap the bottom of the clickpad ring on the Siri Remote to bring up the playback controls, then pick the picture-in-picture button (it looks like two rectangles with an arrow between them).

This will shrink the current video down to the corner of your screen, and you can open up a different video in any app you like. To switch between the main window and the picture-in-picture window, tap the Home button (the TV symbol)—when you’re in the smaller window, you’ll get options for changing its position on screen, and going back to the full screen mode.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on March 22, 2017.

The post 14 crisp tips for your Apple TV box appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to make a QR code and share digital data with anyone, anywhere Thu, 27 May 2021 19:00:00 +0000
A hand holding a phone and scanning a QR code from a tablet.
Creating QR codes can help people discover new things from the comfort of their own devices. Proxyclick Visitor Management System / Unsplash

A DIY QR code can ensure you never have to spell out your WiFi password again.

The post How to make a QR code and share digital data with anyone, anywhere appeared first on Popular Science.

A hand holding a phone and scanning a QR code from a tablet.
Creating QR codes can help people discover new things from the comfort of their own devices. Proxyclick Visitor Management System / Unsplash

Quick Response (QR) codes were popular before the COVID-19 pandemic, but now they’re everywhere, from restaurant menus to billboards. These square codes are quick and easy to use, and anyone can scan them on their mobile device using its built-in camera, no special app or update necessary. 

If you’ve ever wondered how to make a QR code, know that it doesn’t require any great degree of technical know-how or a huge amount of time. You just need the right app and the content you want to encode.

How to make a QR code

Plenty of apps for computers and mobile devices will happily create a QR code for you. There are no major differences between most, so it doesn’t matter too much which one you choose. QR codes don’t expire, either, so you and anyone else will be able to use them as long as the underlying data still exists.

QR Code Monkey

QR Code Monkey is one of the slickest and most versatile options we’ve come across, supporting these patterns for websites, social media profiles, email addresses, WiFi codes, app store links, and more. 

1. To get started, use the navigation bar at the top of the interface to choose the type of content you want to embed into your QR code. You can choose a link (URL), contact information (VCard), or a Twitter account (Twitter), for example.

2. Put your data in the Enter content section

3. Click Create QR Code on the right sidebar to generate the graphic.

4. (Optional) Customize your code using one or all of the options below.

  • Click on the Set colors option to change the hues of the QR code. You’ll have to click Create QR Code to see any changes you apply. 
  • Go to the Add logo image section to put a company logo in the center of the QR code. This won’t affect the pattern’s readability. Use the slider underneath your DIY QR code on the right to choose how big the finished graphic will be.
  • Tweak the look of the barcode under the Customize design heading. 

5. Finish by clicking Download PNG to save it to your disk. You can then use the code wherever you like, for free.

[Related: QR codes are everywhere now. Here’s how to use them.]


Available for Android and iOS, QRbot is lightweight and simple to use. The app does double duty as an advanced scanner, and creating QR codes with it is simple.

1. Tap Create at the top of your screen and choose the type of QR code you want to make. 

2. The app will prompt you to add the required information like the website URL or contact details. 

3. Tap the checkmark in the top right corner of your screen and your QR code will appear. 

4. Tap PNG to save or share the code using the apps you already have on your device. 

This QR code generator is free to use, though you can pay a one-time $6 fee to remove ads inside the app and get extra features like an unlimited number of QR code scans.

Google Chrome

If you use Google’s browser on a computer, creating QR codes might be easier than you think. 

1. Visit the webpage you’d like to embed into your QR code. 

2. On the far right of the navigation bar, hit the Share button—it looks like a square with an upward arrow coming out of it. 

3. On the emerging menu, choose Create QR code.

4. Chrome will automatically generate a QR code for you, which you can save as a PNG file when you hit Download.

On mobile, the process is similar:

1. Open the Google Chrome app and go to the webpage you want to link with your QR code.

2. On Android devices, tap the three-dot menu in the top right corner of the screen and tap Share. On iPhones and iPads, tap the Share button (square with an upward arrow coming out of it) in the right of the address bar. 

3. Select QR Code (Android) or Create a QR Code (iOS). 

4. On Android, tap Download on the emerging window to save the code to your device. On iOS, tap Share and decide what you want to do with it. To download it to your iPhone or iPad, choose Save Image.

Chrome’s QR code generator is free and easy to use, but gives you little in terms of customization. If you create the code on an Android device or a computer, it will always have the Chrome dinosaur in the middle, but you can avoid that by using an Apple mobile device instead.

Other QR code generators to try

For serious commercial uses, you can find more advanced QR code makers, like QR Code Generator. You can use this platform for free or unlock advanced graphic design features and analytics starting at $29 a month. This might be a steep price to pay, but it might make sense if you’re running a highly digitized business.

You can also try The QR Code Generator, which has nearly the same name as the one we just mentioned. You can easily access this free platform from your browser, and you can start creating QR codes from the get-go. To enjoy features like the ability to add logos, make simpler patterns, or generate dynamic QR codes, you’ll have to create an account. But if you have basic needs, this site is intuitive and provides everything you’ll need.  

What you can do with QR codes

QR codes can store around 4,000 characters of text, which can be a plain message, a link to a website, a file to download, or pretty much any other information you can think of. You’re probably most familiar with their ability to store website URLs, whether that’s a portal to a company website on an advertisement or a shortcut to a bar’s drinks list.

[Related: How to easily share Wi-Fi passwords]

But these patterns can do more than that. You could, for example, encode your contact details within a QR code and print it on your business card. That way, every time someone scans it, your information will pop up in their default contacts app, ready to be saved.

Or if you’re running a live gig venue, you could have a QR code printed on the bottom of posters and flyers to direct people to the website where they can buy tickets.

On a more simple level, you might want to create a QR code with your home WiFi network’s login details. Guests could scan the code and immediately hop online without any need to search for a network name or type in a password.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on May 27, 2021. 

The post How to make a QR code and share digital data with anyone, anywhere appeared first on Popular Science.

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The best dash cams under $100 in 2023 Wed, 14 Sep 2022 17:00:00 +0000
Best dash cams under $100 sliced header
Tony Ware

We help you track who is aggressively braking in front of your car—without breaking your budget.

The post The best dash cams under $100 in 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

Best dash cams under $100 sliced header
Tony Ware

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn more ›

Best Overall HP F650 HP F660

Loop recording, a wide angle lens, and G-Shock sensor are just some of the features of this easily installed option.

Best 2-Channel Ssontong Dash Cam is the best 2-channel dash cam under $100. Ssontong Dash Cam

Including a backup cam with guidelines and a sensitive G-Sensor, this bundle (also available with four channels) offers a full value.

Best Parking Mode Vantrue N1 Pro is the best parking mode dash cam under $100. Vantrue N1 Pro

Superior night vision, quality collision and motion detection, plus battery protection help make sure your car is monitored even in the dark.

For years, dash cams for cars have been a great way to catch hit-and-run automobile accidents, staged pedestrian accident scams, and even Russian meteor showers. For a long time, having this ability to monitor what really happens on the exterior of your car, and being able to carefully review the data after the fact, has seemed like a luxury. It was something you might have appreciated but didn’t necessarily seem like something that’d be worth the extra buck to put in your car. But now, the year is 2022 and the best dash cams under $100 that we’ve collected are actually solid, working units ready to help you out in a pinch. 

How we selected the best dash cams under $100

Selecting budget products can always be a bit tricky due to manufacturer shortcuts, inferior hardware, and the possibility of outright fraud. Fortunately, for dash cams, there are still high-quality products in the budget range. To find the best of the best, we scoured dash cam reviews from critics and real-world users, combining these with peer suggestions to select dash cams that boasted good specs but also provided intensive value for the cost. Highlighting cams across the full price spectrum—from the REXING V1 at just under $100 before tax to the Angel Case Dash Cam sitting at under $40—was also made a priority. In the end, we were able to compile a list of dash cams that you will be able to select something from.

The best dash cams under $100: Reviews & Recommendations

The following dash cams provide quality in a variety of different situations for people of all budgets. While none are particularly specialized, it is quite incredible that we were able to find one that can handle many channels well, another one that handles parking mode and night vision well, and yet another one that can handle fairly extreme temperatures, all on one budget list. As a result, it is our firm belief that you’ll be able to find something worthy of both your dash and your wallet from the following selections.

Best overall: HP F650

Why it made the cut: This is a quick installation product that will get you started and dash cam ready within minutes.


  • Storage: 32GB MicroSD
  • Viewing angle: 150 degrees
  • Resolution: 1080P front


  • Warning system
  • Low effort installation
  • Loop recording with event highlights
  • Locks video clips when an accident occurs


  • No rear-facing camera

The F650 is a dash cam from your favorite laptop and printer maker, HP. It has a lot of features built-in that you will certainly want, but probably weren’t necessarily expecting to come together in one budget model. The F650 has simple, stick-on installation, and smart loop recording that locks files around the time of collisions. The dash cam’s 150 degree field of view means it’ll capture view of four lanes of traffic.

If you get into an accident, the F650’s G-Shock sensor will trigger, which will lock any video it records to prevent it from being overwritten. This is handy if you need to present evidence to the police several days after the incident occurs. This dash cam records video onto a MicroSD card, and while HP doesn’t include one in the box, you can get a 32GB card for well under $10.

It goes without saying that the HP F650 tops our list due to its insane value for the cost and its feature-packed nature. Like a lot of HP products, the F650 isn’t the best possible model out there but is instead an affordable product that tries its best to provide value to average customers. We wish it had a rear-facing camera to record video of what’s happening in your vehicle, but that isn’t a dealbreaker considering its sub $50 price.

Best 2-channel: Ssontong Dash Cam



Why it made the cut: The Ssontong Dash Cam comes with a fully featured backup cam, all for under $50.


  • Storage: 32GB SD
  • Angle of view: 170 degrees front / 140 degrees rear
  • Resolution: 1080P front / 720P rear


  • Includes backup cam with guidelines
  • Sensitive G-Sensor
  • Full value for price
  • Bundles available for four channels


  • Low angle of view rear cam

While the HP F660G has a second cam, the Ssontong’s second channel cam acts as a full backup camera with guidelines and everything. While the rear cam isn’t quite up to the standards of a backup cam proper (it has a low 140-degree angle of view), you are also getting it as part of a complete system for under $100. Note, too, that the Ssontong can become a four-channel system and has bundle deals available if you wish to expand the system to be larger.

The Ssontong comes alive when you aren’t driving quickly via the G-Sensor, which rapidly detects vibrations. Even small wiggles, such as from a shut trunk or when you go back into your car to retrieve the bag you left in the back, will trigger it into full recording mode.

Overall, the Ssontong takes the throne for low-budget multi-channel dash cams. Even if you upgrade to include more channels, which might take you over $100, you’re still getting discounts and good deals at every corner. Ultimately, the Ssontong is a solid choice worthy of its dollar value.

Best parking mode: Vantrue N1 Pro



Why it made the cut: The Vantrue N1 Pro works wonders at night, making its 24-hour parking mode worth every dollar.


  • Storage: Up to 256GB MicroSD (not included)
  • Angle of view: 160 degrees
  • Resolution: 1080P 


  • Superior night vision
  • Quality collision AND motion detection
  • Battery protection


  • Front cam only

The Vantrue N1 is a seemingly standard forward-facing dash cam but—much like vampires, werewolves, and teenagers—doesn’t begin to show its real power until night falls. Again, it’s not bad during the day with the standard 1080P resolution, relatively good 160-degree angle of view, and high storage capacity. You can even get GPS functionality for around $20 more if you buy the N1 Pro add-on, which will put the total purchase right around the $100 mark. However, what you really want to see is how it functions at night.

When engaged in parking mode, you have a couple of modes to explore. First, there is collision-detection mode, which requires no extra steps to use. When your car is hit during parking mode, your Vantrue N1 camera will come alive and take a quick 20-second video for you to review later. The other option is a slightly more complex motion-detection mode, which requires a bit of wiring so the cam has access to your car’s battery. Your battery is protected from draining completely even while this mode is engaged due to battery protection mechanisms.

All of these great parking features go hand-in-hand with the “SONY Sensor.” This night vision brand is well-received by customers and actually works pretty well in a variety of environments. Combined with the recording modes above, you’re likely to have a good parking-mode experience with Vantrue. If it only had an included rear cam, it’d be just about perfect.

Best heat handling: REXING V1



Why it made the cut: If you’ve ever worried about heat (or cold) affecting a dash cam, you can relax with the REXING V1.


  • Storage: Up to 256GB MicroSD (not included)
  • Temperature range: -20 degrees to 176 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Angle of view: 170 degrees


  • Best temperature range
  • Sharp, clear image
  • Phone support


  • Tax could take it over $100
  • Front cam only

As heat does affect cams to some degree, you’ll want some tough heat resistance if you are expecting to blast through yet another summer heat wave and possibly leave the cam in your car. With a 176 degree Fahrenheit max, way above the 117 degrees your car can become after an hour in 95-degree heat, the REXING V1 is a cam you can feel truly secure leaving in any conditions.

Furthermore, the REXING V1 can even function down at an extreme: -20 degrees Fahrenheit. Compare that to the Vantrue N1 Pro’s already ambitious -4 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit range and you’ll see that you’re gaining 28 degrees of flexibility with the REXING V1.

All of this comes with a high-quality cam that produces sharp, clear imagery. In addition to the typical loop recording, the REXING V1 is also capable of connecting with your phone and you can offload clips that way as well. If only it came with a rear camera that was just as capable, it’d be perfect.

The only other downside I can really see for this one is that it is on the higher side of product costs. If you encounter any sales tax, you’ll probably slide over $100. It’s a technicality, but worth mentioning!

Best budget: Angel Case Dash Cam



Why it made the cut: The Angel Case may not be easily pronounceable, but it is an ultra-low budget, legitimate dash cam with outstandingly good customer reviews.


  • Storage: Up to 32GB MicroSD (not included)
  • Angle of view: 170 degrees
  • Resolution: 1080P 


  • Quick installation
  • Fully featured
  • Incredible customer satisfaction


  • Cheap suction mount
  • Front cam only

For your super-budget needs, the ultra-affordable Angel Case is here for you. This cam is under $35 dollars and comes fully featured, making it our cheapest dash cam pick. It has the loop recording (with locks for special events), the parking modes and G-Sensors, and even the night vision you expect from higher models. Its installation is remarkably quick, too, though it does use an admittedly cheap suction-cup mechanism.

It’s worth noting that Angel Case has something special, in that it is one of the best-rated dash cams on Amazon. Not just in the best budget dash cams but in all of them, though the outrageously low price certainly is a contributing factor. Customers just love it and that certainly makes it something worth checking out.

Still, there are things to be desired coming from the Zhrmghg. In addition to somewhat more secure mounting, it’d be nice to see a rear cam, too. However, it is hard to expect too many extras when you’re getting sub-$50 quality. The Zhrmghg will serve you well and get you far beyond that bare minimum of peace of mind that you’re after.

Things to consider before buying dash cams under $100

Overall, selecting a dash cam under $100 isn’t too far off from buying other dash cams for your car. However, when looking at low-price products, different trends and problems will emerge. So, while things like resolution and screen type are still important, you may run into more important problems or have different concerns altogether as a budget customer. Here’s what we suggest you look at, specifically, when searching for the best dash cams under $100:

Recording time

How much time can a dash cam under $100 record for? It’s actually a pretty complex question, that won’t have the simple numeral answer you’re hoping for. At the most basic, you have to worry about power supply, but also the dash cam’s storage capacity. When you’re working within price limitations, there is a chance that either one of these factors will become the limiting one.

Manufacturers are, of course, aware of the difficulties of giving you something functional while keeping within tight production budgets. While not all companies will be dedicated enough to give you something functional, there are some pretty intelligent design features that make dash cams under $100 workable. Here are just a few of them I’ve seen quite a bit of:

Shake-on recording: You might be aware of systems that make a note of when activity is detected so you can come back and review the relevant footage later. Unfortunately, that mechanism won’t save battery and storage space. Instead, dash cams with shake-on recording come “alive” when the car is shook or jostled, recording what happens in these key moments.

This tech comes by many names, such as “collision detection” or “G-sensor,” but all of them work similarly. While the feature is fairly ubiquitous, more advanced units have settings that will let you determine the threshold for turning on. For example, if you park in a parking tower that vibrates a bit as cars drive by, you might not want just any bump setting off your dash cam. 

Loop recording: First-In-First-Out, or “FIFO,” is one of the first rules of the kitchen. It also appears as “loop recording” for dash cams and can make for a really good file storage system when you’re working on a budget. Instead of stopping future recordings when the system becomes full, dash cams with this style of recording start deleting your oldest files automatically to make room for new stuff.

This system has the advantage of making sure the latest information is taken into account but you do run the risk of losing something important if you don’t regularly backup your data. Many dash cams with shake-on recording will designate files taken around the time of a shaking incident as important and ‘lock’ them for later viewing.

All of the dash cams on our list use loop recording and it isn’t hard to figure out why—the system is a fantastic complement to the way dash cams operate. Still, if you’re planning on searching for your own budget dash cam, this is a keyword to look out for.

SD storage: Dash cams, and especially those under $100, typically store footage to an SD or MicroSD storage card. In many cases, a card will be provided with the purchase, but double-check to be sure.

This supplied card probably won’t have as much storage space as the ones we’ve detailed in our best MicroSD and SD card articles, considering the cost restrictions. If you are concerned about the storage space of the card given, be sure to check those articles out. Also, pay careful attention to which type of memory card your purchased dash cam uses, as MicroSD and SD are not the same!

Lastly, some of the dash cams on the list actually have a storage maximum. In other words, they aren’t designed to work with cards above a certain value. So, getting the best MicroSD or SD card isn’t necessarily going to be the best decision for your dash cam experience.

Viewing angle

Viewing angle becomes very important when you’re trying to get as much information as possible. Having too narrow of a view angle, and subsequently completely missing out on an accident that you should have been able to capture, completely misses the point of having a dash cam in the first place. On the other hand, if your viewing angle is too wide you could encounter other problems, such as barrel distortion, which causes straight lines to appear awkwardly bent. A viewing angle between 150 degrees and 170 degrees will be best in most cases.

Night-vision quality

If you’re wanting to know what goes bump in the night, or at least what bumps into your car at night, then you’ll need some degree of night vision. There is a lot of technical jargon, mixed with some company labeling, so expect to see a lot of different claims out there. Examples include technical explanation, such as using f/2.8 aperture lenses, or more vague gestures that reference the brand name’s “special” night-vision formula.

Luckily, you don’t really need to look at numbers or technical stats to understand night-vision quality—you need to look at pictures or at least get a sense of what you’ll be able to see. In reality, when it comes to night vision quality, your best friend is going to be user reviews, image stills, and word of mouth.


Q: How much does a dash cam under $100 cost?

A dash cam under $100 will cost you around $30 at the very lowest. On the high end, you might, somewhat paradoxically, expect to go to around $120 if you decide to buy all of the add-ons, attachments, or extras. All of the dash cams presented in this article are under $100 and will stand as relatively decent quality dash cams even without possible extras. Depending on your local laws, some sales taxes may apply and push the price over $100 as well. In any event, there are decent, fully working dash cams available at the $50 price point.

Q: How much should I spend on a dash cam?

You should spend what you can afford on a dash cam. In most cases, a dash cam is a nice extra to avoid any additional “he said, she said” in the event of a car accident. If you’re concerned about this, something is better than nothing and you don’t really have to have top-of-the-line equipment to get an okay picture. For average people looking for peace of mind, or people like Uber drivers that spend a lot of time on the road but don’t want to spend too much money, any of our best dash cams under $100 should reduce your nerves and give you that extra bit of security you’re after.

Q: Do I need a rear-facing dash cam?

You don’t absolutely need a rear-facing dash cam, or any dash cam for that matter. However, if you want to catch detailed footage of any accidents you will need them. Since getting rear-ended by drivers not paying attention is possible, a rear-facing dash cam is quite beneficial. However, some people are not as interested in them as front-facing dash cams due to license plates always being in the. Note that some states, such as Maryland, require front and rear license plates and therefore get the most out of rear-facing dash cams.

Final thoughts on the best dash cams under $100

By now you should have a good idea of what dash cam you want for your car, depending on your needs. Additionally, you’ll have a firm idea of what the best dash cams under $100 have to offer in case you decide to do some further digging. In any event, while your package is on its way, be sure to check out the easiest way to install a dash cam so you’re 100% ready when it arrives!

Why trust us

Popular Science started writing about technology more than 150 years ago. There was no such thing as “gadget writing” when we published our first issue in 1872, but if there was, our mission to demystify the world of innovation for everyday readers means we would have been all over it. Here in the present, PopSci is fully committed to helping readers navigate the increasingly intimidating array of devices on the market right now.

Our writers and editors have combined decades of experience covering and reviewing consumer electronics. We each have our own obsessive specialties—from high-end audio to video games to cameras and beyond—but when we’re reviewing devices outside of our immediate wheelhouses, we do our best to seek out trustworthy voices and opinions to help guide people to the very best recommendations. We know we don’t know everything, but we’re excited to live through the analysis paralysis that internet shopping can spur so readers don’t have to.

The post The best dash cams under $100 in 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

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For a better hike, try swapping clunky boots for barefoot shoes Mon, 08 May 2023 13:30:06 +0000
A person wearing barefoot shoes that form around their toes, sitting on a rock overlooking a body of water.
As close to bare feet as you can get with shoes. roussien / Depositphotos

Where you're going, you won't need bulky boots.

The post For a better hike, try swapping clunky boots for barefoot shoes appeared first on Popular Science.

A person wearing barefoot shoes that form around their toes, sitting on a rock overlooking a body of water.
As close to bare feet as you can get with shoes. roussien / Depositphotos

When most people go hiking, they reach for stiff, heavy, boots with high-rise ankle support and thick soles. But others choose to go in the exact opposite direction and instead grab breathable, lightweight, flexible footwear that allows for more organic movement.

The concept of barefoot shoes is something of an oxymoron, but proponents of this style rave about the footwear’s ability to strengthen your feet and allow you to enjoy a more holistic experience outdoors. But hitting the trail in minimalist shoes requires some knowhow, lest you end up hobbling home with supremely sore feet–or worse.

What are barefoot shoes?

Many brands now offer barefoot or minimalist shoes, and most options look similar to their more conventional counterparts.

The differences, however, are easy to spot if you know what to look for. Most barefoot shoes feature little to no cushioning, a thinner, more flexible sole, a wide toe box, and minimal arch support, if any. This design is based on foot anatomy and aims to allow more natural foot movement, feeling, and balance.

Barefoot shoes forgo some of the classic characteristics that pop to mind when you think of boots made for the outdoors, like narrow toe boxes and aggressive stabilization elements such as heel cups. But these minimalist hiking shoes can still offer features like high ankles, deep treads, and durable materials—after all, they’re still made for hiking.

Why barefoot shoes might be better for hiking

Most people don’t actually need any of the built-up features in conventional footwear, says Emily Splichal of the Center for Functional and Regenerative Podiatric Medicine in Chandler, Arizona. She is a functional podiatrist, human movement specialist, and educator on natural foot function. In fact, all that cushioning and support may be doing more harm than good.

Splichal explains that shodding your feet in footwear that highly restricts your range of motion can result in your feet becoming weaker from lack of use over time.

[Related: Walking correctly takes work—here’s how to improve every step]

Barefoot shoes, on the other hand, especially when combined with foot exercises like the ones Splichal recommends to her patients, do the opposite. A 2019 study from Brigham Young University in Utah showed that walking in minimalist shoes increases foot muscle size and strength. Plus, strengthening bones, muscles and tendons “can offer benefits all the way up your spine,” Splichal states. 

Other studies, plus anecdotal and anthropological evidence, also suggest that providing a wider range of motion to the feet (like barefoot shoes do) results in stronger, more stable muscles.

After all, our ancestors didn’t have super cushioning foam insoles or rigid arch support, and they got around just fine.

Potential health benefits of barefoot shoes

Most research on the matter has looked into the positive effects of barefoot shoes for running and walking, but don’t assume rough terrain is an exception. Splichal explains that the freedom of motion provided by barefoot-style shoes help train your body to move and respond to irregular surfaces–like trails covered in rocks and roots.

Less structured footwear can also help with balance, as allowing your feet to move and flex more naturally can unlock a natural stabilization response, Splichal explains.

So, if you step on an angled rock, a stronger foot and ankle, paired with a flexible shoe, can help keep you centered and upright and better able to react to uneven surfaces.

Hitting the trail with little between your skin and the ground also brings cognitive benefits. The slim sole on barefoot shoes will allow you to feel the earth beneath you, which a 2015 study from the University of North Florida, can help with memory retention. Plus, feeling the changes in terrain and the heat or coolness of the ground will provide a delightful boost in sensory stimulation.

What to know if you’re struggling

If you’ve hiked in overbuilt boots your entire life, don’t be surprised if the transition to barefoot shoes is a bit rocky. 

For starters, while Splichal advocates for this type of footwear for most people, she mentions there are certain foot types that can’t control the freedom of motion a barefoot shoe offers and may not be able to wear them for long periods of time or may never be able to fully transition. 

[Related: How to save your feet from painful blisters]

This includes people with flat feet or feet that are overpronated due to ligament laxity. People with high-arched rigid feet may also struggle with barefoot shoes, as they often need the cushioning of conventional footwear to help absorb impact when walking for long periods of time. Foot injuries or plantar fasciitis can also make wearing minimalist shoes difficult, at first, but a slow transition can make things easier and more comfortable.

If you think you might have one of these conditions but are not entirely sure, a podiatrist like Splichal can help you make the determination. She even has instructional videos online about how to assess your feet.

How to start using barefoot shoes

If you decide to ditch your heavy boots and give barefoot shoes a try, you should do so slowly and with caution, as your feet won’t be used to the higher stress and load they’ll be experiencing. After all, you wouldn’t hit the gym after years of inactivity, lift the heaviest weights you can manage, and not expect to be sore the next morning.

So if you don’t have a foot type or condition that prevents wearing barefoot shoes, Splichal recommends transitioning by hiking on smooth terrain at first, which will help build strength, awareness and stabilization. And since your feet will be working harder than usual in the beginning, do the same thing you’d do after a strenuous workout: balance it with recovery.

Use a golf ball, small cork ball, or—Splichal’s favorite—a Neuro Ball, but instead of rolling it under your feet, stand on it. This will create pressure, which will result in a sort of deep-tissue massage to five points on the bottom of your feet: where your heel meets your mid-foot, the middle of your foot, the ball of your foot, the center of your arch, and the outside edge of your foot.

Then, work on strengthening your feet, which you can do while cooking dinner or watching TV. Splichal recommends an exercise called “short foot,” where you stand up straight, lift your toes, spread them out wide, and place them back on the floor. Inhale through the nose and as you exhale, push the tips of the toes down into the ground. Splichal says to use 20 percent of your maximum strength while engaging your core. Hold your toes down for the full length of your exhalation, then relax, inhale and repeat five times.

Another good way to strengthen foot muscles is to stand on one leg while you’re brushing your teeth or at a standing desk.

As for how far and how fast to go while you’re transitioning, start slow with shorter hikes at a pace that’s comfortable for you. And listen to your body—as long as you’re not feeling foot fatigue or lateral ankle pain, Splichal to keep going and enjoy the journey.

The post For a better hike, try swapping clunky boots for barefoot shoes appeared first on Popular Science.

Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made.

This DIY laptop stand will help keep your computer cool Sun, 07 May 2023 13:03:01 +0000
A man wearing a black sweatshirt using a laptop on a DIY wooden laptop stand on a wooden table.
A DIY laptop stand for all seasons. Courtesy of Jean Levasseur

Hot computer: bad. Cool laptop stand: good.

The post This DIY laptop stand will help keep your computer cool appeared first on Popular Science.

A man wearing a black sweatshirt using a laptop on a DIY wooden laptop stand on a wooden table.
A DIY laptop stand for all seasons. Courtesy of Jean Levasseur

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A laptop stand is a nice way to keep your computer elevated off the surface of your desk, which is good for your eyes and the long-term health of your laptop. Sure, you could buy one, but building your own allows you to customize it to your heart’s content. And by using wood—as I did here—you’ll end up with a stand that has a unique, homemade look.

If the thought of friends, family, and coworkers admiring your custom laptop stand isn’t enough to get you picking out wood, let’s circle back to those benefits. By elevating your computer, you raise the screen, which can help reduce eye and neck strain while you’re working. Ideally, the top of your display should be at or just below eye level, so you’re looking down slightly while using it, according to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Much better than craning your neck up or down to see what you’re doing.  

A good laptop stand will also help your computer stay cool. The central processing unit (CPU), memory, and WiFi card are typically the three biggest heat producers in a laptop, says Gregor Angus Berkowitz, a computer engineer and managing partner at GBA, a technical management consultancy in California. This heat comes from the electrical resistance in those units as they consume power to perform their processing functions.  

“It’s kind of a runaway scenario where as they get hotter they become more inefficient and use more power and battery,” Berkowitz says. “If you can keep your CPU and memory cooler, it uses less power.”

Although it’s difficult to damage your computer these days by letting it overheat, your laptop’s internal temperature measurement devices will throttle the CPU and eventually shut down the device before anything catastrophic happens, Berkowitz explains. Still, a hot computer will make your life harder.

The laptop stand I designed has a rail-mounted approach, and includes holes in its side panels to ensure that air can move beneath the laptop from any direction to dissipate heat. It’s also easy to make from scrap wood, and you can modify the design to match any wood you have on hand. I didn’t actually design anything up front—I just stared at the boards I wanted to use until the final vision came to me. I’ll save you that trouble though, and you can just copy mine.

Warning: DIY projects can be dangerous, even for the most experienced makers. Before proceeding with this or any other project on our site, ensure you have all necessary safety gear and know how to use it properly. At minimum, that may include safety glasses, a face mask, and/or ear protection. If you’re using power tools, you must know how to use them safely and correctly. If you do not, or are otherwise uncomfortable with anything described here, don’t attempt this project.

How to build a wooden laptop stand

To see this DIY laptop stand come together, watch this video. Jean Levasseur / NineRings WoodCraft


  • Time: 2 to 4 hours
  • Material cost: $5 to $20
  • Difficulty: moderate


  • 1 (2- to 3-foot-long) piece of 1-by-6 board
  • 5 (1- to 2-inch wide) boards 12 to 13 inches long
  • Wood glue



1. Choose the dimensions and angle for your laptop stand. These measurements should be based on a few factors. The first is the size of the bottom of your laptop. The stand should be an inch or two narrower than your laptop, left to right, and an inch or so larger than it, front to back. You’ll also want to consider whether it will be dedicated to one laptop, or if multiple people might use it. I made mine 13 inches deep instead of the 11.5 it actually needed to be, for example, so the family member who requested it could keep using it if they got a larger computer in the future.

The second consideration is the height of the stand. Based on the idea that the top of the screen should be at or just below eye level when you’re sitting at your desk, calculate the height needed to raise your laptop that tall. I designed my stand to be about 5 inches tall in the back, which raises the top of the monitor about 15 inches above the desk top.

  • Pro tip: Even if you don’t follow my design, Berkowitz cautions that DIY laptop stands should be fairly skeletal, leaving as much of the computer exposed as possible. Placing the laptop on a solid sheet of plywood, for instance, would be adding insulation below, preventing effective heat dissipation.

2. Mill your boards to their final dimensions. This is a project where well-milled boards are important, because there are some precise sizes and joinery involved. I wrote a guide on how to mill wood at home if you need more details, but the steps are pretty straightforward. First, use a jointer to flatten one face and edge of each board so they are at a perfect right angle to one another. Next, run the wood through the planer to its final thickness, in this case around half an inch. Then cut them to their final width on your table saw. If you don’t have a jointer, you can flatten the faces of the boards with a hand plane, or a jointer sled in your planer, and square the edge on your table saw with the help of a level

When you’re done milling, you should have seven boards, all about half an inch thick. Adjust these dimensions as needed to fit your computer: 

  • 2 (12-by-5-inch) boards for the two side panels
  • 4 (12-by-1-inch) pieces for the top and rear braces and the legs
  • 1 (12-by-½-inch) piece for the front brace (the computer stop)

3. Cut the angle for the top of the stand. I didn’t precisely measure my angle, but I decided to settle between 15 and 20 degrees after looking at some pictures and doing some testing with my laptop. To find the right slope, I put my laptop down on the desk, then raised the back up with some scrap boards until I found a comfortable typing angle. I measured that with my angle gauge and transferred that slope to the side panels.

To cut the angle easily, and to make sure both were exactly the same, I used a tapering jig. You can buy a fancy one, but it’s easy enough to build your own simple jig with some leftover plywood. 

[Related: The surprising woodworking tools you already have around the house]

Mark the line of your angle on the side panels, then position that line along the edge of the tapering jig. Run both boards through your table saw one at a time, and you’ll end up with perfectly matched angles for the laptop to sit on.  

4. Plan to cut rabbets into the side panels to hold the legs, braces, and computer stop. Rabbets are slots cut into the edges of boards to hold wood together more securely than butting them together. Because one board is inset into another, this kind of joint has both mechanical strength and increased surface area for glue to adhere to.

The easiest way to cut rabbets consistently is with a table saw and a crosscut sled. Measure and mark the positions and depths of each rabbet carefully. I use my wheel marking gauge for this because it’s the most accurate and consistent, but you can use a sharp pencil as well.

Each side panel should have five rabbets, and it may help if you imagine the boards standing on edge, as they will in the final project:

  • 2 on the bottom edge to hold the leg pieces
  • 1 at the front of the top edge (the lowest part of the angle) to hold the computer stop
  • 1 at the back of the top edge to hold the top brace
  • 1 in the center of the back edge to hold the rear brace
A DIY wooden laptop stand on a wooden table in a dining room, with a laptop on it. The rabbet joints in the side panels are visible.
Here you can see the rabbets: one on the back edge, two on the top edge, and two on the bottom edge. As mentioned below, the ones for the legs and computer stop will be shallower. Jean Leavasseur for Popular Science

While the rabbets for the top and rear braces should be as deep as those pieces are thick—so they fit within the original shape of each side panel—the rabbets for the computer stop and legs should be about half the width of those pieces. This means they’ll sit a quarter inch or so higher than the edge of the side panels. Check the photo above if you need a visual guide.

  • Note: You may want to test a few board thicknesses for the computer stop—it should rise above the side panel enough that the front of the laptop catches on it, which will vary based on the model you have. 

5. Cut the rabbets. To ensure that the cuts remained consistent across both side boards, I taped the two together with painter’s tape, keeping the edges perfectly flush, and cut them at the same time. Use a flat grind blade on your table saw if you have one, and use multiple passes to cut out each rabbet.

6. Drill ventilation holes in the side boards. When most laptops get too hot, internal fans kick on to circulate the air and move the heat away from delicate electrical components and out the back or bottom of the computer. Some laptops have passive cooling devices like heat pipes—small pipes filled with water or another coolant under a slight vacuum—that carry energy to a fan or radiator at the back of the computer. Whatever the case, if your stand simply traps that heat underneath the device, you’re not doing it any favors.

In order to keep the air flowing beneath my laptop stand, I added openings in the side panels. The easiest way to do this is to drill some holes with a 1.5- to 2-inch Forstner bit, or route out some slots. I decided to get fancy with mine, however, and drilled a series of holes, decreasing in size from 2 inches down to half an inch. These approximately follow the angle of the taper, creating a cool effect that didn’t take a ton of time… OK, that’s a lie—it took over an hour, between planning exactly which bits I wanted to use, how far apart to space the holes, and then drilling. Not to mention the increased sanding time. But I think the end result was worth it.

7. Round over all the exposed corners. This step takes some planning. You’ll want to round over all the outside edges of all the pieces, but not the edges that will be inside a rabbet. Otherwise you’ll get an awkward gap in the corners of the rabbets.

[Related: A beginner’s guide to Shapr3D]

Mark the edges you want to round over, as well as the ones you don’t, and try not to talk yourself into adding more roundovers in the heat of the moment when the router is in your hand. I did a few too many, and while the stand is structurally fine, the little gaps just mock me every time I look at them.

Use a router and whatever size roundover bit you have that makes sense with the aesthetic you’re going for. A router table is even better for this, if you have access to one.  

8. Sand. Sanding small projects like this gets tricky once they’re assembled, especially the interior parts. That’s why it’s a good practice to sand all of your pieces before assembly, even if you know you’ll have to do a bit more sanding later to clean up the seams. I’m lucky enough to have access to a drum sander at my local makerspace, so I used 120-grit sandpaper in that and finished this step in no time, with no hand cramping. Those of you without access to a drum sander, pick up that orbital sander and get cracking.

9. Laptop stand, assemble! I spent a lot longer than I’ll care to admit thinking about the best way to clamp this project together so it would remain square. My concern was that it would twist into a parallelogram instead of a proper rectangle when looking from the top down, losing the nice 90-degree corners. This honestly wouldn’t have been the end of the world, but I feel like I’m better than that at this point.

Debatable, but I wanted to do it right. 

Ultimately, I decided to assemble the stand in two stages. The first stage was to get the three support boards glued into place, and then I would attach the legs once those were dry. I glued and clamped the rear brace first, using the computer stop as a reference to keep the front from folding in. Then I glued the top brace and computer stop into place, and adjusted everything so the diagonals from corner to corner of the stand were all the same length—that’s the best way to know that a box is actually square.

Once the supports were dry, I glued and clamped the legs in place.

I’m sure there’s a jig you can build to make this clamping process easier if you’re making a lot of laptop stands, but when the glue dried, I was only a sixteenth-inch off corner to corner, which is well within tolerances for this project.  

10. Clean up any glue squeeze-out or residue. No matter how diligent you are with cleaning up glue while it’s wet, there will probably be some stains left over. Clean those up in whatever way works best for you. Sandpaper is the most accessible, but a chisel can be useful to get into those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies. I’m also partial to using a card scraper, though that takes quite a bit of practice to learn to use well—I’m still not great with one.

11. Apply your favorite finish. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the bottle. I like spray-on polyurethane or shellac for a project like this, because it’s fast, easy, and the spray can get into those hard-to-reach areas better than brushes typically can. If you use a spray-on finish, be careful not to linger in one place—this will help you avoid getting runs or drips that you have to sand off. For a perfectly smooth finish, rub the final coat down with a piece of brown paper bag.  

Once the finish is shined up to your liking, you’re done. Plop it down on your desk, elevate that laptop, and listen to the far quieter hum of a laptop fan that isn’t constantly on the verge of overheating. Your ears will thank you, your patience will thank you as you avoid annoying computer slowdowns, and your newly comfortable computer components will thank you too.

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3 ways to prevent ChatGPT from using you as training data Sat, 06 May 2023 15:00:00 +0000
Screen showing the ChatGPT welcome screen
ChatGPT might reply like a human, but the you should never give the chatbot sensitive information. Jonathan Kemper / Unsplash

Control how your data is being used.

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Screen showing the ChatGPT welcome screen
ChatGPT might reply like a human, but the you should never give the chatbot sensitive information. Jonathan Kemper / Unsplash

It’s a sign of the times that most new technology brings with it new privacy and security issues, and OpenAI’s ChatGPT is no exception. The text generator is truly impressive (at least to some), but it also raises questions about how it collects and processes our data.

ChatGPT’s developers trained the large language model on vast amounts of publicly available text on the web. But the chatbot also uses your conversations with it to learn, so if you want to protect your privacy, you’ll need to know what your options are. 

Activate incognito mode on ChatGPT

By default, OpenAI will use the messages you send to ChatGPT to “train and improve” its models. But users have the power to stop this from happening by using the platforms’ incognito mode. To activate it, open ChatGPT in your browser, click your username on the left, go to Settings, and next to Data Controls click Show. Once there, turn off the Chat History & Training toggle switch. 

From that point on, every time you close the browser tab, your conversation log with ChatGPT will disappear from your account. But that doesn’t mean it’s entirely gone—behind the scenes OpenAI hangs on to your chat history for 30 days to “monitor for abuse” before permanently deleting it.

Back on the Data Controls menu, there’s an Export data option. This won’t affect how OpenAI uses your information or delete what it has already collected, but it gives you a better idea of what OpenAI has on you. It might include chats you haven’t erased and the feedback you’ve given to ChatGPT’s responses. 

If there’s anything in there you’re not comfortable with, you can manually wipe your chat history. Back on the ChatGPT interface, click your username and then Clear conversations to get rid of your entire log all at once, or click the trash can icon next to any specific chat to wipe it out. ChatGPT won’t be able to use deleted conversations for training, but depending on how long your chat history has been there, the chatbot might have gotten to it before you did. To prevent that from happening in the future, or just in case someone gets access to your computer and wants to take a peek at your conversations, it’s a good idea to tidy your chat log up every now and again.

Finally, if you no longer want to talk to ChatGPT, you always have the option to delete your account, which you can do from the Data Controls panel.

Be careful with what you tell ChatGPT

ChatGPT may output text in a natural and life-like way, but don’t go trusting it as a friend or advisor. The platform’s official support documentation tells users not to share any sensitive information with the chatbot—and that’s not least because it’s difficult to be sure exactly how your data will be used and analyzed later.

The chatbot’s privacy policy says OpenAI logs data such as your conversations and the features you engage with, and may share “aggregated information” such as user statistics with third parties. As a response to legal requests from law enforcement, for example, the company may also share users’ personal information, such as email addresses and location data, with “affiliates.” But the document is vague and doesn’t specify who these affiliates might be exactly. 

Screenshot of the form you need to fill out if you don't want ChatGPT from learning about you.
You have no control over what ChatGPT learns about you, but you can try and stop it from learning about you altogether. David Nield

It’s a standard privacy policy, but the rule is clearly the same as with most platforms online: the less you’re sharing about yourself, the better. That won’t only protect you from questionable privacy practices OpenAI might have in the future, but also from bugs and hacks. For example, a recent ChatGPT outage resulted in people seeing titles from other active user’s chat history

If there’s public information about you on the internet, ChatGPT might be able to tell other users about you—and if that’s not scary enough, think about what could happen if it gets things wrong. If you want to correct inaccuracies or just stop ChatGPT from learning about you, you can fill out this form or get in touch with OpenAI via You can learn more about the data ChatGPT is trained on in the platform’s support page.

Be extra cautious with ChatGPT third-party apps

We’ve covered what you need to know when using the ChatGPT platform, but that’s not the only place you’ll run into the chatbot. This tool is popping up all over the place as OpenAI is allowing third-party apps and plug-ins to build on top of it. And if you’re using any of them, then there’s a whole new set of privacy and security issues you’ll need to think about.

When it comes to using an app or browser extension built on top of ChatGPT, you’ll need to apply the same caution you would with any other third party tool: check the permissions it requires, read through the privacy policy and terms and conditions, and find out about any associated costs, whether it’s subscription fees or in-app payments. 

As soon as something becomes as popular as ChatGPT, scammers and hackers also want in on it, so we’d also recommend researching the background of the developer behind any ChatGPT tool you use. 

The most trustworthy apps will have privacy and security settings of their own you can configure. When it comes to the ChatGPT-powered Bing AI chatbot run by Microsoft, for example, click the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the Bing interface, then choose Search history to see the chats that you’ve had with the AI and to clear these results if needed.

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Ditch your Google password and set up a passkey instead Fri, 05 May 2023 16:00:00 +0000
Laptop with google account screen showing how to set up passkeys
Enable passkeys and you'll be glad you forgot your password. Austin Distel / Unsplash

The big G now provides a passwordless alternative to access your data.

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Laptop with google account screen showing how to set up passkeys
Enable passkeys and you'll be glad you forgot your password. Austin Distel / Unsplash

Password haters across the land—rejoice. Following the efforts of Apple and Microsoft, Google is now a step closer to being password-free after making passkeys available to all individual account users

Of course, having the option doesn’t matter if you’re not sure what to do with it. Google’s new feature allows you to sign into your account from your devices with only a PIN or a biometric, like your face or fingerprint, so you can forget your ever-inconvenient password once and for all. If that sounds great to you, continue reading to activate passkeys for your Google account. 

How to set up a passkey for your Google account

Remember that at the moment, passkeys are only available for individual users, so you won’t find them on any Google Workspace account. To see what all the fuss is about, go to your Google Account page, look to the left-hand sidebar, and go to Security.

Under How to sign in to Google, click on Passkeys, and provide your password before you make any changes—this may be the last time you use it. On the next screen, you’ll notice a blue button that says Start with passkeys. Click on it and you’re done: Google will create the necessary passkeys and automatically save your private one to your device. The next time you log in, you’ll need to provide one of the authentication methods you’ve already set up for your computer or phone: your face, your fingerprint, or a personal identification number (PIN). 

[Related: How to secure your Google account]

If you have Android devices signed into your account, you’ll see them listed on the passkey menu as well. Google will automatically create those passkeys for you, so you’ll be able to seamlessly access your information on those devices. 

You can also use passkeys as backups to authenticate a login on another computer or smartphone. If you’re signing into your account on a borrowed laptop, for example, you can validate that new session by choosing your phone from the list that pops up when you choose passkeys as your authentication method. Then just follow the prompts on your phone, and you’ll be good to go. 

Now, a word of caution

In general, your Google passkey should work smoothly, but you may experience some hiccups as tech companies adapt to this relatively new form of security. Passkeys use a standard called WebAuthentication that creates a set of two related keys: one stays in the hands of the service you’re trying to log into (in this case, Google), while the other, a private one, is stored locally on your device. 

The dual nature of a passkey makes this sign-in method extremely secure because the service never sees your private key—it just needs to know you have it. But if you have multiple devices running different operating systems, the fact that your piece of the passkey puzzle lives locally can cause some issues.

Apple-exclusive environments have it easy. The Cupertino company syncs users’ passkeys using the iCloud keychain, so your private keys will all live simultaneously on your MacBook, iPhone, and iPad, as long as you’re signed into the same iCloud account. Add a Windows computer or an Android phone to the mix and things start to get messy—you may need to use a second device to verify your identity. This is when the backup devices mentioned above may come in handy. 

[Related: Keep your online accounts safe by logging out today]

The hope is that eventually, integration between operating systems will be complete and you’ll be able to log into all of your accounts no matter the make and OS of your device. In the meantime, you can try passkeys out and see if they’re right for you. Worst-case scenario, you set them aside and instead outsource the task of remembering your credentials to a password manager.

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You can now use Android’s Nearby Share on PC Thu, 04 May 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Windows computer showing the Nearby Share app from Android.
Swapping files between Windows and Android devices has never been simpler. Windows / Unsplash

Instantly swap files with the people’s AirDrop.

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Windows computer showing the Nearby Share app from Android.
Swapping files between Windows and Android devices has never been simpler. Windows / Unsplash

Android users are proud of our devices’ versatility, but many of us have been low-key jealous of Apple’s AirDrop, which allows iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers to seamlessly swap files within a certain physical distance. Google, naturally, came up with its own version of the feature—Nearby Share—but until recently it was only available on the company’s operating system.

Thanks to a new beta app, anyone with an Android device can now also share photos and documents with Windows 10 and 11 computers. Consider this your sign to get your PC and your Google-powered phone closer than ever.  

Download the Nearby Share app on your Windows computer

Since Google introduced Nearby Share on Android Marshmallow in 2020, the feature has been built right into all devices running the mobile operating system. In short: you won’t need to download an app to your phone.

You will, however, need to have the right app on your PC. You can download it by going to Android’s official website and clicking on Get started with Beta. As you might have noticed from the site, the Nearby Share link between Android and Windows is only a beta program at the moment. This means you might find some bugs, and things might change a bit between now and the moment the feature officially launches. Don’t be scared though, as beta programs are common and the fact they’re open to the public means you shouldn’t run into too many serious problems.

[Related: 5 security questions to ask before installing any app]

Once the app is installed, it will prompt you to sign into your Google account. If you have multiple, using a different account from the one on your phone won’t prevent you from sharing files, but it will add a few steps. When you’re using the same account on your phone and PC, Nearby Share will assume you’re sending files to yourself so the process will happen automatically. 

Set up the Nearby Share app on your PC

As soon as the installation is complete and you’ve signed into your Google account, you’ll need to tweak some options within the Nearby Share app. First, you’ll have the ability to change your PC’s name, which by default will be the same one you use on Windows. 

Keep in mind that this name will appear on the devices of the people you’re sharing files with, so if your personal computer is named something like “HELL_RAISER_PC,” you might want to opt for a neutral one if you plan to share stuff with professional contacts. 

Next, you’ll be able to set the visibility of your device by clicking the Receive from drop-down menu. It’ll be set by default to your contacts, meaning only people you’ve saved to your phone will be able to send you things. You can also opt to receive files from everyone, which will allow you to connect with all non-Apple phones and computers around you, or from your devices, which will make your PC visible only to gadgets signed into your Google account. Your last option is the more secure Device is hidden, which means you’ll have to manually change this setting every time you want to share anything through Nearby Share. 

Click the cog icon on the top right of the app’s interface to find more options. Under Save received files to you’ll be able to change the folder where Nearby Share items go—it’ll be set to your Downloads folder by default. Lastly, if you want to keep some privacy, toggle off the switch next to Send usage & diagnostics data, which will prevent Google from getting information on how you use this feature. 

How to send files between Windows and Android devices via Nearby Share

After adjusting those settings, make sure all the devices involved in sharing are unlocked and have Bluetooth on, and you’ll be ready to send and receive files.

From your PC, just drop a document into the open app or click on the Select files or Select folder links at the bottom of the interface. Once you do that, Nearby Share will list all eligible devices around you—pick the one you want to start the connection. If you’re sending and receiving from the same Google account, the process will be automatic, and you’ll get a notification on your phone to open the file either in Google Photos (if it’s an image) or in your phone’s Downloads folder. If the accounts don’t match, the same notification will prompt you to accept or reject the document.

[Related: Wireless sharing with Apple, Android, and Windows devices made easy]

Sending files from your phone to your PC is equally easy. Open a file in any app on your handheld device, tap Share or the share icon (a less-than symbol with circles on all points), and select Nearby. As long as your PC is unlocked, you’ll see its name on the screen—tap it and the transfer will begin either automatically or after you accept the emerging prompt on your computer screen. 

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The best Brother sewing machines of 2023 Thu, 16 Jun 2022 13:00:00 +0000
The best Brother sewing machines
Stan Horaczek

The best equipment yields the best results, and Brother sewing machines are well-known in the world of sewing, quilting, and crafting for their quality and innovative features.

The post The best Brother sewing machines of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

The best Brother sewing machines
Stan Horaczek

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Best Overall Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine is the best overall. Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine

This model is a solid, mechanical sewing machine that offers automated functioning for multiple sewing purposes.

Best Budget Brother LX3817 Sewing Machine is the best for the budget. Brother LX3817 Sewing Machine

Here’s a mechanical model that won’t stress the wallet while it offers versatile functioning and ease of use.

Best Computerized Brother XR9550 Sewing and Quilting Machine is the best computerized. Brother XR9550 Sewing and Quilting Machine

A computerized machine with 165 built-in stitch options along with push-button stitch selection and automated functions.

A great Brother sewing machine meet the needs of the user and provide years of dependable service. Brother Industries Ltd. (the company that manufactures Brother sewing machines) traces its history back more than 100 years. In 1908, Kanekichi Yasui founded the Yasui Sewing Machine company, working at his home in Nagoya, Japan. He repaired industrial sewing machines and manufactured machine parts for local use. When Yasui’s sons inherited his company, they changed the name to Yasui Brothers’ Sewing Machine Company, and the company title eventually shortened to Brother.

Throughout its 114-year history, Brother Industries has developed into a global leader in the design, innovation, and manufacturing of sewing machines. Currently, the company offers one of the most advanced line-ups of innovative machinery for home-sewing pursuits. Its models include reliable sewing machines for basic projects, as well as state-of-the-art, computerized models designed for advanced embroidery, quilting, and crafting. Consumers rely on the best Brother sewing machines to provide quality, value, and features for both utilitarian and creative purposes. Here are our picks of the best Brother sewing machines the company’s impressive line-up.

How we chose the best Brother sewing machines

In the process of selecting six Brother sewing machines for our list of recommendations, we drew on personal experience, peer suggestions, and public opinion. We then narrowed it down to 11 different models and accessed the in-depth product details and specifications available on the Brother-USA company website. Then, we selected Brother products that are easily available and read the product descriptions, user impressions, and FAQs on retailer sites. Knowing that various readers bring an array of needs, preferences, and monetary resources to the search, we tried to assemble a diverse assortment of Brother sewing machines for our list.

We considered both computerized and mechanical sewing machines. Although the computerized models exhibit advanced, technological features, many users prefer the simple operating procedures and easy maintenance of the mechanical machines. Additionally, we looked for both computerized and mechanical models that provide automated processes such as needle threading and buttonhole making, as these features make sewing easier and more pleasurable. As a guiding principle, we searched for Brother sewing machines to meet the needs of beginning sewers and those who engage in basic sewing projects, as well as those with more advanced skills and experience in quilting, crafting, and fashion design. We endeavored to present Brother machines that meet the requirements of these various types of sewists. 

The best Brother sewing machines: Reviews & Recommendations

Best overall: Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine



Why it made the cut: The Brother XM2701 sewing machine offers versatility as it provides automated features and numerous built-in stitches for advanced sewists along with ease of operation for beginners. 


  • Weight: 12.6 pounds
  • Product dimensions: 12.1 x 5.9 x 15.3 inches
  • Number of built-in stitches: 27


  • Automatic buttonhole function
  • Automatic needle threader
  • Both decorative and straight built-in stitches
  • 6 interchangeable feet included


  • Not computerized

The Brother XM2701 sewing machine is easy to operate, making it a viable choice for beginners. On the other hand, it boasts a wide array of stitch options as well as automated features that appeal to experienced sewing enthusiasts. Stitch options include multiple decorative and quilting stitches along with basic, straight stitches for seams and basting. With 27 built-in stitches and 63 stitch functions, users can create crafts, fashions, home decor items, and quilts. 

Although it is not a computerized machine, the XM2701 offers several automated features to make sewing projects go more smoothly and quickly. For example, the automatic needle threader eliminates the frustration and eye strain that come with threading the needle by hand. An automatic, 1-step buttonhole function saves time and ensures consistent, professional-looking results. Additionally, the task of winding the bobbin is an automatic process.

Several convenient features make the XM2701 a popular and versatile sewing machine. The jam-resistant, drop-in bobbin is located on the top of the machine to speed up the sewing process. The work area is brightly lit by an LED light. Additionally, the free arm feature makes it easy to manipulate the fabric when sewing cuffs, sleeves, and pants. 

The XM2701 model includes six interchangeable feet to accomplish multiple sewing tasks, including: Buttonhole foot; Zipper foot; Zigzag foot; Narrow hemmer; Blind stitch; and Button-sewing foot.

Best computerized: Brother XR9550 Sewing and Quilting Machine



Why it made the cut: With computerized, push-button stitch selection and automatic functioning, the Brother XR9550 sewing machine offers advanced features for quilters, crafters, and hobbyists as well as sewing artists. 


  • Weight: 10.14 pounds
  • Product dimensions: 20 x 13.5 x 17.9 inches 
  • Number of built-in stitches: 165


  • Extra-wide sewing surface for large projects
  • Push-button stitch selection, including decorative stitches and alphanumeric fonts
  • Automatic needle threader
  • Protective hard case included


  • Not the best choice for beginners

For the avid sewist who is ready to take their craft to a more sophisticated level, the Brother XR 9550 computerized sewing machine provides numerous features to spark the imagination and facilitate creative success. The machine offers 165 built-in stitches. These include utilitarian and decorative stitches along with heirloom stitches. Choose from among eight different buttonhole styles and the machine will automatically sew a tailored buttonhole around any button. For monogramming and personalizing projects, a selection of 55 alphanumeric stitches facilitates automatically sewing letters, numbers, and symbols onto fabrics. 

Numerous features of this machine provide ease of operation, taking the stress and frustration out of sewing. The built-in stitches are clearly marked on the front of the machine. Simply push a button for the computerized stitch-selection function and a backlit LCD display shows the appropriate choice. Additionally, this machine includes an automatic needle threader and a jam-resistant, top drop-in bobbin.

Quilters appreciate the drop-feed feature that facilitates free-sewing for quilting. The work surface is illuminated with a bright LED light and the extra-wide table allows quilters to handle bulky fabrics and large projects. Alternatively, sewists can use the free arm to sew sleeves, cuffs, and trouser legs.

The XR9550 includes seven interchangeable sewing feet along with accessories, including: Zigzag foot; Buttonhole foot; Button-sewing foot; Overcasting foot; Blind stitch foot; Monogramming foot; Quilting foot; Protective, hard cover; and an Instructional DVD.

Best for embroidery: Brother SE1900 Sewing and Embroidery Machine



Why it made the cut: Sewists can achieve artist-quality results in creative DIY projects by choosing from among 138 built-in embroidery designs included in the Brother SE1900 sewing and embroidery machine.


  • Weight: 22.1 pounds
  • Product dimensions: 23.19 x 11.54 x 13.43 inches 
  • Number of built-in stitches: 138 embroidery designs + 240 built-in stitches


  • Large number of built-in embroidery designs and stitches
  • Built-in memory for imported embroidery designs
  • Built-in memory for personal, custom-designed stitches
  • LCD touchscreen display


  • Not the best choice for beginners

Take your sewing and crafting projects to the artist level with the Brother SE1900 computerized sewing and embroidery machine. Select from among 138 built-in embroidery designs and see them displayed on the large-size, full-color, LCD touchscreen. Alternatively, users can import new designs and save them to the machine. Additionally, the machine is capable of combining designs and storing them in its memory. Measuring 5 inches by 7 inches, the embroidery field provides ample versatility for creative sewists. A hoop is included to facilitate larger embroidery designs, so users are limited only by their imaginations.  

The 240 built-in stitches inspire customizing a plethora of crafting, quilting, and garment-making activities. Among the stitch options, the SE1900 offers 11 built-in fonts for monogramming and personalizing the original projects. Additionally, 10 styles of buttonhole stitches facilitate automatic sewing of precisely sized buttonholes.

Several convenient features of this computerized machine take the effort and frustration out of sewing pursuits. The advanced, automatic needle threader eliminates threading the needle by hand. Instead, the thread inserts precisely through the eye of the needle with a simple press of a lever. The jam-resistant feature facilitates a consistent feed of thread from the top drop-in bobbin, preventing the work delays that come with tangled threads. With a maximum speed of 850 stitches per minute along with labor-saving features for smooth operation, sewing on the SE1900 is an enjoyable and inspiring experience.

To facilitate a broad array of sewing tasks, this machine includes eight interchangeable sewing feet, including: Blind stitch foot; Buttonhole foot; Button fitting foot; Zipper foot; Zigzag foot; Monogramming foot; and Overcasting foot.

Best for beginners: Brother CP60X Computerized Sewing Machine



Why it made the cut: The easy-to-use Brother CP60X computerized sewing machine is a top choice for beginners to embark on a learning adventure in the world of sewing, quilting, and crafting.


  • Weight: 14 pounds
  • Product dimensions: 16.26 x 6.65 x 12.21 inches 
  • Number of built-in stitches: 60


  • Utilitarian and decorative stitches built in
  • Automatic needle threader
  • Durable metal frame
  • Capable of sewing denim and thick fabrics


  • Not capable of monogramming

Use the Brother CP60X computerized sewing machine to embark on a lifelong hobby of sewing, crafting, and quilting. It offers straightforward, easy-to-use operating procedures, suitable for beginning sewers. An array of 60 built-in stitch options is prominently displayed on the front of the machine. Make a choice by simply pressing a button and the information shows up on the clearly visible LCD screen. In addition to decorative and heirloom stitches, the machine offers a selection of seven auto-size, buttonhole stitches. 

With a fixed needle bar, this machine is particularly well-suited for beginning sewers. The needle remains fixed in place to ensure clean stitching and even seam lines. Additionally, the 2-step, automatic needle threader accurately pushes the thread through the eye of the needle. It saves time and frustration so that beginners can enjoy their sewing activities. 

The CP60X is a versatile sewing machine for multiple purposes. With its heavy-duty frame and exceptionally smooth feed system, the machine handles denim and other thick fabrics without snagging. A favorite feature of quilters, the drop-feed system allows free-motion sewing. Additionally, the machine facilitates free-arm sewing for constructing shirts, cuffs, and trousers. 

This CP60X provides an ample collection of accessories to get started with a sewing hobby. These include a 3-piece needle set, bobbins and a bobbin cover, a quilt guide, and a bilingual instruction manual. The included supply of seven interchangeable feet facilitates multiple types of sewing tasks, including: Blind stitch foot; Zigzag foot; Buttonhole foot; Button sewing foot; Overcasting foot; Zipper foot; and Monogramming foot (used for decorative stitches only).

Best for quilting: Brother XR3774 Sewing and Quilting Machine



Why it made the cut: With built-in stitches for both utilitarian and decorative applications along with automatic features and an extra-wide table that accommodates quilts, the Brother XR3774 is a standout machine for quilters.


  • Weight: 15.87 pounds
  • Product dimensions: 15.3 x 5.8 x 12 inches 
  • Number of built-in stitches: 37


  • Wide work surface for bulky quilts and large sewing projects
  • One-step buttonhole function
  • Automatic needle threader
  • Jam-resistant, drop-in bobbin


  • Not computerized

Here’s a mechanical sewing machine with automated features and a large workspace for bulky projects. The large throat area and the extra-wide work table make the Brother XR3774 sewing and quilting machine a viable choice for quilters. For projects other than quilts, sewists may utilize the free arm. This feature facilitates sewing sleeves, cuffs, trousers, and skinny jeans. 

In addition to providing ample space for quilting, this machine offers ease-of-use through several automated functions. The 1-step buttonhole stitch automatically turns out perfectly sized buttonholes. An automatic needle threading system eliminates the frustrating task of threading the needle by hand. Simply press a lever on the side of the machine and the thread inserts precisely through the eye of the needle. Additionally, the top drop-in bobbin winds automatically, and it’s jam-resistant to ensure a smooth, continuous feed of thread. 

The XR3774 includes 37 built-in stitches that produce 74 stitch functions when applied to various sewing tasks. These include both utilitarian and decorative stitch options for multiple sewing and quilting purposes. The 37 pre-set stitches are prominently displayed on the front of the machine. Select a unique stitch pattern by simply turning a dial to the appropriate number. 

This machine includes an ample supply of accessories to facilitate varied sewing and quilting activities, including: Walking foot; Blind stitch foot; Zigzag foot; Zipper foot; Buttonhole foot; Button sewing foot; Spring-action quilting foot; Narrow hem foot; Wide table, detachable work surface; Hard cover to protect the machine when not in use; and an Instructional DVD. Here are more of our picks for the best sewing machines for quilting.

Best budget: Brother LX3817 Sewing Machine



Why it made the cut: The Brother LX3817 is an affordable machine for the sewing hobbyist, offering ease of operation along with versatile features for basic sewing tasks as well as creative projects.


  • Weight: 10.36 pounds
  • Product dimensions: 17x 7 x 14 inches 
  • Number of built-in stitches: 17


  • 17 built-in stitches
  • 4-step buttonhole function
  • LED light for well-lit workspace
  • Jam resistant bobbin


  • Not computerized
  • Not as many built-in stitches as other machines

Available at a budget-friendly price, the LX3817 sewing machine provides an array of features to suit the needs of beginners, as well as experienced sewing hobbyists. It’s a full-size machine with 17 built-in stitch options. These include straight stitches, zigzag stitches, blind hem stitch, and couching stitches. The stitch choices are clearly marked on the selection dial, located on the front of the machine. Simply turn the dial to choose the desired stitch patterns for constructing garments, sewing crafts, and embellishing home decor creations. 

In addition to the 17 stitch options, the LX3817 provides a 4-step buttonhole function. With a quick turn of the dial, users may select the appropriate stitches to produce consistent, auto-size buttonholes, lending a professional look to finished projects. 

Several features make this machine a pleasure to use. The work area is well-lit with an LED light and the bobbin cover is transparent for visually monitoring the thread supply. The jam-resistant feature means that the thread on the drop-in bobbin does not become entangled. A convenient control dial lets users adjust the upper tension to avoid loose stitches or fabric puckering. Additionally, the machine’s design facilitates free-arm sewing for cuffs, sleeves, and trouser legs. 

This machine includes four interchangeable feet: Zigzag foot; Zipper foot; Buttonhole foot; and Button-sewing foot. The LX3817 includes all necessary parts to ensure success on multiple sewing and crafting projects, including: Darning plate; Bobbin cover; Bobbins; Set of 3 needles; and an Instructional DVD.

What to consider when buying the best Brother sewing machines

With a large number of options to choose from, it can be daunting for any consumer to select the most appropriate Brother sewing machine for their purposes. Here are several factors to consider before making a selection:

Computerized or mechanical?

Brother Industries manufactures both mechanical and computerized sewing machines. The mechanical models tend to be easier to operate and maintain. They’re durable and reliable, offering basic sewing features for beginners and hobbyists. As an added bonus, many of the mechanical models include automatic functions for ease of use. On the other hand, some sewists prefer the advanced, technological capabilities of computerized sewing machines. Especially for embroidery, crafting, and quilting projects, the computerized machines can’t be beat.

Built-in stitches

As a standard feature, all Brother sewing machines include varying arrays of built-in stitches. These range in style from straight, utilitarian designs for basting and sewing seams to complex, decorative stitches for the artistic embellishment of garments, quilts, home decor, and crafts. The built-in stitches offered by the Brother sewing machines reviewed here range from as few as 17 to as many as 240 options. Advanced, computerized machines include alphanumeric fonts among their built-in stitches to facilitate monogramming and customization of sewing projects. Additionally, the Brother sewing-and-embroidery machines include built-in embroidery designs with memory capability for importing or creating additional options. 

Automatic features

In addition to computerized and mechanical operating systems, shoppers might consider the availability of automatic functions on various Brother sewing machines. These features make the machines easier to use and increase the enjoyment of sewing as a pleasurable activity. Many of the Brother machines offer automatic needle threading. This function saves time, frustration, and eye strain as it eliminates the need to thread the needle by hand. Additionally, the inclusion of a 4-step or 1-step buttonhole function is a time-saver for sewists as it tailors a buttonhole of the precise size and shape for every button.


Q: How do you thread a Brother sewing machine?

You thread a Brother sewing machine by following the steps in the instruction manual. First, turn off the machine. Then raise both the presser foot and the needle. Pull up the spool pin on top of the machine and place a spool of thread on it. Pass the thread toward you in the groove on the thread guide, and a spring will catch the thread. Pass it through the take-up lever from right to left. Bring the thread behind the guide above the needle. Thread the needle from front to back.

Q: Are Brother sewing machines good for beginners?

Several models of Brother sewing machines are good for beginners. A beginner might enjoy learning to sew on the XM2701, the LX3817, or the CP60X models. These machines offer versatile features with easy-to-use operating procedures. Prefer another brand? Check out the best Singer sewing machines.

Q: How do you use a Brother sewing machine?

A Brother sewing machine may be used for sewing garments and home decor items from original designs or from commercial patterns. Alternatively, it can be used for creating and embellishing craft projects or making quilts. Select a Brother sewing machine that exhibits the qualities to meet your needs, Then, simply follow the directions in the instruction manual or DVD that comes with the machine. 

Q: How do you set up a Brother sewing machine?

You set up a Brother sewing machine by following the steps in the instruction manual or DVD that comes with the machine. It’s a good idea to read the manual or watch the DVD before setting up the machine. To get started, place the sewing machine on a clean, flat work surface. Attach the power cord and the foot-pedal cord. Place a spool of thread on the thread pin and follow the markings for the thread path, culminating in threading the needle automatically or by hand. Wind thread onto the bobbin, and drop the bobbin into its case. 

Q: What’s the easiest sewing machine to use?

The easiest sewing machine to use is a mechanical model with clearly marked stitches, thread guides, and stitch-selector dial. Computerized models with numerous stitch options and advanced, automatic features may be more complex in their operating procedures.

Q: How do I choose a good sewing machine?

You can choose a good sewing machine by deciding the type of sewing projects you wish to undertake. Perhaps you’re a beginner who wants to learn basic sewing techniques. On the other hand, you might be an experienced quilter or crafter who needs a more advanced machine. After determining your needs, research sewing machines on the manufacturers’ websites. Investigate options at a local dealer’s store, if possible. Additionally, it helps to read consumer reviews and ratings.

Q: How much does a Brother sewing machine cost?

Brother sewing machines vary in cost from approximately $130.00 for a basic, mechanical machine to $900.00 for an advanced, computerized sewing machine that creates colorful, artistic designs on fabric. Computerized machines that provide versatile features for sewing, crafting, and quilting range in price from approximately $200.00 to $400.00.

Final thoughts on the best Brother sewing machines

Many sewists appreciate the straightforward operating procedures and simplified maintenance of a non-computerized sewing machine such as the Brother XM2701 model. It’s a popular, mechanical machine that provides an ample selection of built-in stitches along with automatic needle threading and buttonhole making. Overall, the XM2701 offers value and versatility for multiple sewing and crafting activities.

Why trust us

Popular Science started writing about technology more than 150 years ago. There was no such thing as “gadget writing” when we published our first issue in 1872, but if there was, our mission to demystify the world of innovation for everyday readers means we would have been all over it. Here in the present, PopSci is fully committed to helping readers navigate the increasingly intimidating array of devices on the market right now.

Our writers and editors have combined decades of experience covering and reviewing consumer electronics. We each have our own obsessive specialties—from high-end audio to video games to cameras and beyond—but when we’re reviewing devices outside of our immediate wheelhouses, we do our best to seek out trustworthy voices and opinions to help guide people to the very best recommendations. We know we don’t know everything, but we’re excited to live through the analysis paralysis that internet shopping can spur so readers don’t have to.

The post The best Brother sewing machines of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made.

The best Singer sewing machines of 2023 Wed, 15 Jun 2022 13:00:00 +0000
Best Singer sewing machines sliced header
Stan Horaczek

For your next creative project, trust the company that’s been manufacturing high-quality sewing machines for 171 years.

The post The best Singer sewing machines of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

Best Singer sewing machines sliced header
Stan Horaczek

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Best overall SINGER Quantum Stylist 9960 Sewing & Quilting Machine is the best overall. SINGER | Quantum Stylist 9960 Sewing & Quilting Machine

A computerized machine with convenient, automatic features.

Best budget SINGER | MX60 Sewing Machine With Accessory Kit is the best for the budget. SINGER | MX60 Sewing Machine With Accessory Kit

A basic, mechanical machine that offers straightforward operating procedures.

Best for beginners SINGER | Start 1304 Sewing Machine is the best for beginners. SINGER | Start 1304 Sewing Machine

An optimal choice for teens and adult beginners or sewing hobbyists who want a simple-to-use machine.

A good Singer sewing machine is the one that meets the needs of the individual. With many models to choose from, beginning hobbyists, as well as experienced sewing artists, can find appropriate models to facilitate their creative sewing efforts and produce pleasing results. 

Since 1851, when Isaac Singer patented the first practical sewing machine, the Singer company has been serving the public with reliable sewing machines manufactured from high-quality materials with precisely functioning component parts. Innovation and creative product development mark the company’s history. In the years since that first patent, the Singer company introduced the first electronic sewing machines, the first zigzag-stitch machines, and the first sewing-assistant app for mobile devices. 

Today, Singer offers a plethora of sewing machine models for a wide range of sewing purposes. These include quilt-making, garment construction, embroidery, crafts, and fabricating home decor items such as curtains and toss pillows. Shoppers have many options to choose from when selecting the best Singer sewing machine for each individual sewer’s needs.

How we chose the best Singer sewing machines

To assemble our list of six recommended products, we took into account personal experience, peer suggestions, and user impressions to identify 13 top Singer sewing machines intended for home use. Although our selections are all available on Amazon, we did not limit our research to standard specs and basic product descriptions. Instead, we went to the source by consulting the Singer company website. There, we found more in-depth information to bring greater clarity to the selection process for our readers.

First, we distinguished between sewing machines with either computerized or mechanical operating systems and focused on products in both categories. Then, we looked for both basic and advanced features to suit the varying needs of shoppers. For example, we considered machines with a great quantity of pre-set stitch choices and programmable functions such as automatic needle threading, one-step buttonholes, and push-button stitch selection. Alternatively, we considered simple machines with basic, mechanical functions that meet the needs of many sewists and crafters, including beginners. Additionally, we considered machines in the mid-to-upper price range, as well as more budget-friendly choices. We did not consider industrial or professional machines, such as those that perform serging and overlocking functions. 

The best Singer sewing machines: Reviews & Recommendations

Best overall: SINGER | Quantum Stylist 9960 Sewing & Quilting Machine 



Why it made the cut: The Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 machine offers computerized operation with a vast array of optional functions to turn out creative, personalized sewing projects.


  • Weight: 20 pounds
  • Dimensions: 17.25 x 8.25 x 12 inches
  • Computerized or mechanical: Computerized


  • 600 built-in stitch applications
  • Automatic needle threader
  • 5 alphanumeric fonts for monogramming and personalizing projects
  • High speed, up to 850 stitches per minute


  • Somewhat expensive
  • Occasional issues with the automatic tension

Creative sewists find that this machine meets and exceeds their needs for versatility and ease of use. With the outstanding features on Singer’s Quantum Stylist 9960 machine, users are limited only by their own imaginations. The machine simplifies the processes needed to turn out beautiful quilts, crafts, home decor, and fashion projects. 

With its up-to-date, computerized operating system, the Quantum Stylist provides numerous options for sewing speed, precision, and multipurpose functioning. It offers 600 built-in stitches, ranging from basic to stretch and decorative options. The stitch choices include five alphanumeric fonts for monogramming or personalizing projects, as well as 13 alternatives for 1-step buttonholes. For ultimate ease, the machine includes a specialized underplate to successfully create perfect tailoring on every buttonhole.

The Quantum Stylist is capable of producing 850 stitches per minute, facilitating the quick completion of sewing projects. Additionally, the automatic needle threader speeds up the tedious task of threading the machine’s needle. Within seconds, users can have the entire machine automatically threaded, from the spool to the eye of the needle. This feature eliminates the frustration and eye strain associated with threading the needle by hand.

To facilitate a broad range of creative crafts and sewing projects, the Quantum Stylist 9960 includes a sizable array of accessories. These include the following attachable, working parts: All-purpose foot; Zipper foot; Buttonhole foot; Open toe foot; Overcasting foot; Darning and embroidery foot; Rolled hem foot; Cording foot; Straight stitch and quilting food; and Even-feed or walking foot.

Singer’s Quantum Stylist 9960 is suitable for creative types who design and fabricate their own fashions, as well as those who turn out heirloom-quality quilts and custom-craft handiwork. Additionally, it serves users who simply want to make clothing from commercial patterns or construct simple toss-pillows and curtains for their home decor. Overall, it’s a high-quality, multifunctional, and dependable machine.

Best for beginners: SINGER | Start 1304 Sewing Machine



Why it made the cut: Older children and teens, as well as adult beginners, might use the Singer Start 1304 machine to embark on a journey of creative discovery and productivity through sewing.


  • Weight: 9.8 pounds
  • Product dimensions: 13 x 7 x 11.5 inches
  • Computerized or mechanical: Mechanical


  • Lightweight and portable
  • Full metal frame
  • 6 built-in stitches for 57 stitch applications
  • Includes a quick-start guide and an instruction manual


  • Not for quilting
  • Not for heavy-duty fabrics

The simplified operational procedures of this mechanical sewing machine make it ideal for casual hobbyists and beginning sewers. Older children and teens might use this machine to launch a lifelong fascination with the arts of sewing, quilting, and crafting. The Singer Start 1304 offers basic features with enough variable options to facilitate creativity and versatility in sewing projects. 

A manual dial on the front of the machine displays six clearly marked stitch choices. With a simple turn of the dial, users can employ these stitches with pre-set lengths and widths to accomplish up to 57 stitch applications. In addition to straight stitches for seams and hems, beginners can experiment with decorative scallops and zigzag stitches to embellish their work.

In addition to straight and decorative stitches, the Start 1304 boasts a simple, 4-step buttonhole system with clearly marked designations on the stitch selector dial. Even beginners can turn out tailored buttonholes every time. Although the machine is lightweight, compact, and portable, it features a full metal frame inside the plastic outer casing. This construction ensures durability for years of service as well as stability on a tabletop or work surface.

For versatile use on a variety of sewing projects, the Start 1304 includes numerous attachable working parts along with other helpful accessories. These include the following: All-purpose foot; Zipper foot; Buttonhole foot; Darning plate; Pack of needles; Bobbins; Needle plate; Screwdriver; Spool pin felts; Seam ripper and lint brush; Power line cord; Foot pedal control; Quick-start guide; and Instruction manual.

Best heavy-duty: SINGER | 4423 Heavy Duty Sewing Machine



Why it made the cut: With a motor that is 60-percent more powerful than most, the Singer 4423 sewing machine handles thick seams and heavy-duty fabrics such as denim and canvas. 


  • Weight: 14.5 pounds
  • Product dimensions: 15.5 x 6.25 x 12 inches
  • Computerized or mechanical: Mechanical


  • Heavy-duty, interior, metal frame
  • Extra-powerful motor
  • High-speed performance
  • Sews lightweight, sheer fabrics as well as heavy-duty materials


  • Not the best choice for thick leather and thick canvas

Sew through denim, canvas, and heavy wool fabrics with the Singer 4423 machine. It boasts a motor that is 60-percent more powerful than standard sewing machine motors, making this model a workhorse for multiple sewing projects. Additionally, both the heavy-duty metal frame and the stainless-steel bedplate assure stability in operation along with long-wearing durability. Yet, this machine also handles lightweight, sheer materials. The smooth, stainless-steel bed plate along with the adjustable pressure for the presser-foot allow sheer fabrics to glide across the bed’s surface without snagging.

With its powerful motor, the Singer 4423 sewing machine boasts exceptional sewing speed. It’s easy to complete sewing projects in record time when the machine produces up to 1,100 precision stitches per minute. A clearly marked dial allows users to select from a variety of preset stitches to create up to 97 stitch applications. Select the 1-step buttonhole feature to save time and frustration by producing consistent buttonholes every time. Simply place the button in the buttonhole foot, and the machine automatically sews a precision buttonhole around it.

On the outer casing surface, clear markings indicate the procedure for threading the machine from the top-loading, drop-in bobbin to the needle. Then, the built-in, automatic needle threader takes over to thread the needle, thereby saving the user from annoyance and eye strain. 

The Singer 4423 heavy-duty machine includes a package of 4 interchangeable feet along with multiple accessories such as bobbins, needles, a quilting guide, and more. Additionally, a soft-sided dust cover is included to protect the machine when it’s not in use.

Best portable: SINGER | Stitch Quick + Handheld Mending Machine



Why it made the cut: The Singer Stitch Quick + is a battery-operated, handheld sewing machine that delivers meticulous results on quick repairs and hems, eliminating the need to set up a full-size machine.


  • Weight: 1.45 pounds
  • Dimensions: 9.7 x 4.1 x 6 inches
  • Computerized or mechanical: Mechanical


  • Ultimate portability
  • May be used in locations without electricity
  • No need to set up a full-size machine
  • More precise results than hand-sewing on hems and repairs 


  • Not suitable for constructing garments and full-size projects
  • Not for heavy-duty use

Save time and effort when you use this mini, handheld, cordless mending machine. With the Singer Stitch-Quick +, there’s no need to set up a full-size sewing machine when it’s time to make rapid repairs on garments and home decor items. Use it to quickly hem a pair of pants, a skirt, or household curtains. Grab this handheld tool when it’s time to mend a ripped seam in a hurry. Weighing only 1.45 pounds, the diminutive machine is easy to store and to transport. Take it along wherever it might be necessary to complete a minor sewing task. It requires only 4 AA batteries (may we suggest rechargeables).

On the other hand, the Stitch Quick + might be the ideal learning tool for an older child or teen to get started with sewing. A convenient switch on the front of the machine allows the user to choose either desktop or handheld operating modes. From there, the beginning sewer can learn many of the same procedures that pertain to standard sewing-machine operation. 

Singer designs this machine with attention to ergonomic considerations for handheld use. The handle grip is designed to offer the most advantageous balance and control. A safety lock prevents accidental operation. 

Use the Stitch Quick + for sewing paper as well as fabric. It’s useful for making crafts. The machine uses two threads to produce permanent, interlocking stitches. Replace the upper bobbin with the large spool pin to facilitate using standard-size thread spools. This diminutive machine contains many of the working parts of a standard sewing machine. These include the following: Built-in thread cutter; Drop-in bobbin compartment; Bobbin winder; Presser foot; Needle; Adjustable tension control dial; Handwheel; and Built-in storage compartment for notions.

Best for embroidery: SINGER | Legacy SE300 Sewing and Embroidery Machine



Why it made the cut: The Singer Legacy SE300 comes with 200 embroidery designs and 250 stitches, making this an ideal choice for people who love to embroider and embellish their work.


  • Weight: 20.5 pounds
  • Dimensions: 17.25 x 8.25 x 12 inches  
  • Computerized or mechanical: Computerized


  • 200 included embroidery designs
  • Fast sewing speed of 800 stitches per minute
  • Six fonts included


  • Expensive
  • Software only available for Windows

If embroidery is your thing, consider the Singer Legacy SE300. The machine comes with a large and small embroidery hoop, plus 7.25 inches of space to hold your project. The included 200 embroidery designs and six fonts will give you plenty of options. The SE300 provides basic stitches along with a wide range of decorative stitches and will automatically set the length, width, pressure, and more. It also has memory to save four individual stitching sequences. 

Capable of up to 800 stitches per minute, the SE300 can move through projects fast. To convert it from sewing to embroidery mode, just attach the embroidery foot. The LCD and touch screens help simplify the job and the machine has online training as part of the package. It also comes with software, but it’s only compatible with Windows. It’s also one of the pricier models on the list. 

Best for quilting: SINGER | Confidence 7469Q Computerized Quilting & Sewing Machine



Why it made the cut: The Singer Confidence 7469Q computerized sewing machine includes automatic functions and attachable working parts that facilitate many of the specialized sewing procedures for quilt-making.


  • Weight: 16.25 pounds
  • Dimensions: 17 x 8 x 12.5 inches  
  • Computerized or mechanical: Computerized


  • Includes 4 bonus feet designed for quilting
  • 98 built-in stitches
  • Automatic needle threader
  • Drop-feed lever for free-motion sewing


  • Not the best choice for beginners

Many quilters, crafters, and avid sewists appreciate the push-button operating ease of a computerized sewing machine. When it comes to quilting, the Singer Confidence 7469Q does not disappoint. Several features of this machine make quilting easier and more enjoyable, yielding creatively inspiring results.

These features include: Darning and embroidery foot for stippling; even-feed or walking foot for smooth fabric flow; open-toe foot for improved visibility; 0.25-inch foot for piecing together quilting blocks; large sewing surface to handle large quilts; extension table included to extend the sewing surface; programmable needle up/down feature for piecing together quilts; and drop-feed lever lowers the feed teeth for free-motion sewing.

Select from 98 built-in stitches for basic and decorative sewing and quilting projects. The most frequently used stitches are displayed on the front of the machine and available at the touch of a button. However, the lengths and widths of the preprogrammed stitches may be adjusted by the user. 

Several convenient features of this computerized machine are designed to save time and effort for sewists. The drop-and-sew bobbin system eliminates the need for raising the bobbin thread before sewing. Simply drop in the bobbin and start sewing immediately. For added convenience, the bobbin cover is transparent, facilitating continuous monitoring of the thread supply. Additionally, the machine offers an automatic needle threader to save the user time and frustration while working.

Sewing buttonholes is a breeze with the Confidence 7569Q one-step buttonhole function. Simply place the button in the buttonhole foot, and the machine sews a perfectly tailored buttonhole around it. 

Best budget: SINGER | MX60 Sewing Machine With Accessory Kit



Why it made the cut: Available at an affordable price, the Singer MX60 sewing machine is a solid choice for a lightweight, portable tool that provides reliable service for basic sewing and craft projects.


  • Weight: 12.17 pounds
  • Product dimensions: 13 x 7 x 11.5 inches
  • Computerized or mechanical: Mechanical


  • Lightweight for portability and storage
  • Full metal frame
  • 57 stitch applications
  • 4-step buttonhole function


  • Not computerized
  • Not for heavy-duty fabrics such as denim or canvas

Here’s a mechanical sewing machine that offers solid, basic features for a wide variety of sewing projects. Many users prefer mechanical machines like the Singer MX60 because the manual controls are simple to use and the machine is easy to maintain over time. Offering an array of useful features, this machine is suitable for beginners as well as experienced sewists.

With a choice of 57 stitch applications, the MX60 is capable of producing decorative sewing as well as basic seams. The stitch choices vary in both length and width. Various stitch options are suitable for piecing quilts, sewing garments, or creating crafts with decorative stitching. Moreover, the stitch selector dial is uncomplicated to use, eliminating mistakes and frustration. 

The MX60 does not boast an automatic needle threader, but it does provide easy-to-follow threading guides that are clearly marked on the machine’s outer surface. Additionally, the LED lighting saves users from straining their eyes while threading the machine. With a front-loading bobbin, the machine can be threaded and ready for use in only a few seconds. A simple lever switches from forward to reverse sewing for finishing off seams, and the tension adjustment allows users to fine-tune the machine for a variety of fabric types.

Weighing in at only 12.7 pounds and exhibiting a compact size, the Singer MX60 is ideal for users who want a portable machine. It’s easy to lift, carry, and store, making it a practical choice for those who work in small spaces. Despite its small size and minimal weight, the MX60 boasts a full metal frame inside the plastic outer shell. This substantial frame provides stability that allows the machine to sew smoothly, without skipping.

What to consider when buying the best Singer sewing machines

Before making an investment in a Singer sewing machine, shoppers might consider their individual sewing aspirations. For example, a beginner who wants to create simple crafts and home decor items will have needs that are different from those of an experienced quilter or a sewist who aspires to develop their personal fashion line. Based on the extent and complexity of their anticipated sewing projects, shoppers might consider several factors in the selection process. 

Computerized or mechanical

Computerized sewing machines offer convenience to sewers via their programmable features and push-button operating ease. However, computerized machines are more expensive than mechanical models. Avid sewing artists and quilters might be willing to pay the additional cost for the convenient, computerized functions and the precision results that they facilitate. On the other hand, beginners and hobbyists might prefer the simplicity of mechanical sewing machines. The mechanical models tend to offer more straightforward operating procedures along with easier maintenance.

Built-in stitches and stitch applications

Both computerized and mechanical sewing machines include varying quantities of built-in or pre-set stitches. These fall into three categories, including straight stitches for seams, decorative stitches for embellishments, and buttonhole stitches. With a number of built-in stitches, machines offer a broad range of stitch applications. These applications involve various sewing techniques that can be accomplished with built-in stitch selections. For example, a machine with 98 built-in stitches might facilitate up to 600 stitch applications. Alternatively, a machine with 6 built-in stitches may facilitate 57 stitch applications. 

Size, weight, and portability

Tabletop sewing machines vary in size from around 13 inches to 17 inches in length and 11 inches to 12 inches in height. Most are around 7 inches to 8.5 inches in width. Similarly, they vary in weight from approximately 10 pounds to 20 pounds. All of the tabletop machines included in this round-up may be considered portable. However, the smaller and lighter weight machines are easier to set up, move, and store. For sewers who live in small spaces, a small and lightweight machine might be the most convenient for moving from place to place in the home as well as for storage. 


Q: What is the best Singer sewing machine to purchase?

The best Singer sewing machine to purchase is the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960. This computerized machine offers multiple automatic functions to make sewing procedures easier and more convenient. Features such as push-button stitch selection, automatic needle threading, and one-step buttonholes make this machine a top choice for quilters, crafters, and sewing enthusiasts.

Q: Are Singer sewing machines good?

Singer sewing machines are good choices for home use. Many crafters, sewists, and quilters rate Singer machines as their top choices. The Singer company has earned a reputation for manufacturing reliable, high-quality sewing machines for more than 170 years.

Q: How much does a Singer sewing machine cost?

Singer sewing machines range in price from $84.99 for a simple mending machine to $1,099.99 for a sewing and embroidery machine. Mid-range prices include mechanical and heavy-duty sewing machines for around $200 to $300. Computerized machines and sergers are available in the $200-to-$500 range.

Q: What is the most reliable brand of sewing machine?

Singer is considered by many consumers to be the most reliable brand of sewing machine. With a 171-year history, the Singer company has built a reputation for selling high-quality, durable machines that the public can rely on. 

Q: Which is the best sewing machine for home use?

The best machine for home use is one that suits the purposes and level of experience of the user. For example, a sewer who creates quilts might choose the Singer Confidence 7469Q machine. It offers specific features that make quilt-making procedures easier. On the other hand, a shopper who wants to begin a new sewing hobby might be better served by choosing the Start 1304 model. It’s designed to deliver positive results to beginning sewists as they create basic sewing and craft projects. 

Q: Is Singer better than Brother?

Singer is better than Brother, according to many consumers. With a 171-year history, the Singer brand has been around for longer than the Brother brand. However, the brands are certainly competitive. For many consumers, the choice between the two brands is dictated by the distinct features of individual machines. Shoppers looking for machines with specific features might choose a Singer machine over a Brother machine. Those looking for a different set of features might select Brother over Singer.

Final thoughts on the best Singer sewing machines

The Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 is our choice for the best Singer sewing machine. It’s a computerized sewing machine that offers advanced features to make sewing easier. It’s suitable for serious and experienced quilters, crafters, and sewists, but the clearly marked design facilitates use by beginners, as well. Multiple automatic functions take the guesswork out of sewing procedures and produce consistently excellent results in finished sewing projects. 

Why trust us

Popular Science started writing about technology more than 150 years ago. There was no such thing as “gadget writing” when we published our first issue in 1872, but if there was, our mission to demystify the world of innovation for everyday readers means we would have been all over it. Here in the present, PopSci is fully committed to helping readers navigate the increasingly intimidating array of devices on the market right now.

Our writers and editors have combined decades of experience covering and reviewing consumer electronics. We each have our own obsessive specialties—from high-end audio to video games to cameras and beyond—but when we’re reviewing devices outside of our immediate wheelhouses, we do our best to seek out trustworthy voices and opinions to help guide people to the very best recommendations. We know we don’t know everything, but we’re excited to live through the analysis paralysis that internet shopping can spur so readers don’t have to.

The post The best Singer sewing machines of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made.

Make sure your computer isn’t downloading stuff you don’t want Sun, 01 Aug 2021 11:00:00 +0000
A person using a white MacBook laptop on a white table, maybe figuring out how to remove bloatware.
Take control over what gets installed on your laptop. Tyler Franta / Unsplash

Don't compromise the security of your system or the safety of your data.

The post Make sure your computer isn’t downloading stuff you don’t want appeared first on Popular Science.

A person using a white MacBook laptop on a white table, maybe figuring out how to remove bloatware.
Take control over what gets installed on your laptop. Tyler Franta / Unsplash

The fewer applications you’ve got on your laptop or desktop, the better—it means more room for the apps you actually use, less strain on your computer, and fewer potential security holes to worry about.

Taking some time to remove bloatware—pre-installed programs you don’t want on your device—is only the first step. After that’s done, it’s important to ensure your computer doesn’t get cluttered up with unwanted software in the future. Once these two tasks are completed, you should find your cleaner, more lightweight operating system runs a whole lot smoother.

Banish the bloatware

A list of Windows 10 apps inside the operating system's apps and features menu, some of which may be bloatware.
Figuring out how to remove bloatware on Windows 10 is as easy as finding the program and clicking a button. David Nield for Popular Science

Your shiny new laptop might already be weighed down by unnecessary applications. These are called bloatware, and to expand on the brief definition we offered above, they’re basically the laptop manufacturer’s attempts to push its own services. Some can be useful, but you don’t have to keep them around if you don’t want to.

On Windows, click the Settings cog icon on the Start menu, then choose Apps. Next, click Installed apps (Windows 11) or Apps & features (Windows 10) to see a list of all the applications on your system. Removal is easy: on Windows 11 click the three dots to the right of an app’s name and pick Uninstall; on Windows 10 just select any one and hit Uninstall. Most programs can be erased this way, though some can’t be removed.

Bloatware is less of a problem on macOS devices, but you might not want to keep all of the programs Apple includes. You’ve got a few different options when it comes to uninstalling programs from macOS.

You could open up the Applications folder in Finder, and then drag the app icon down to Trash to remove it from your system. Alternatively, open Launchpad from the Dock or the Applications folder, click and hold on an app icon until it starts shaking, then tap the little X icon that appears on it.

Be careful with installers

The setup process in the installer for CCleaner Business Edition.
Tread carefully through software installation routines. David Nield for Popular Science

Plenty of programs will attempt to install extra software while you’re working your way through the initial setup process. Not only will this add extra clutter to your system, it can also be risky from a security perspective—you’re granting access to apps you haven’t fully vetted.

The only way to really guard against this is to pay attention as you install new software, and don’t zone out while clicking the “next” buttons until you’ve reached the end. Watch out for boxes that are checked by default and effectively give permission for the program to install extra software.

[Related: Questions to ask when you’re trying to decide on a new app or service]

You should also be careful about the software developers you trust to install applications on your laptop. There are many honest and reputable smaller developers out there, but always do diligent research before downloading and installing something new: check the history of the developer, and read reviews of the app from existing users.

To be on the safe side, limit yourself to installing apps from the official Microsoft and Apple stores whenever possible—these programs have been vetted, and shouldn’t attempt to install anything extra. On Windows, choose Microsoft Store from the Start menu; on macOS, click the App Store icon in the Dock.

Lock down your browser

The installation process for Dropbox for Gmail extension in a Google Chrome browser.
Check the permissions given to extensions in your browser. David Nield for Popular Science

Your browser is your laptop’s window to the web, so you’ll want to make sure it’s shored up against apps and extensions that surreptitiously install themselves. Keeping your browser updated is the first step, but thankfully modern browsers take care of that automatically (so long as you close all your tabs and restart the browser every once in a while).

Avoid agreeing to install any add-ons or plug-ins you don’t immediately recognize as programs you opted to download. If you’re in any doubt, navigate away from the page you’re on or close the tab.

Watch out for extra toolbars appearing in your browser, or browser settings (like the default search engine) changing without warning—you can always head to the extensions settings page in your browser to remove add-ons you’re not sure about.

When you install a new extension in your browser, you’ll get a pop-up explaining the permissions it has—the data it can see, and the changes it can make to your system. Don’t install any extras on top of your browser without double-checking the developers behind them and reading reviews left by current users.

Practice good security

The app and browser control settings screen on Windows 10, for security.
Windows has a built-in feature guarding against unwanted installations. David Nield for Popular Science

To maximize your protection against applications that would install themselves without your permission, we recommend installing an antivirus package whether you’re on Windows or macOS—you can find a variety of independent reports online to point you towards the best choices. These packages typically include dedicated tools that watch for unexpected software installations.

If you’re on Windows, you can make use of the built-in Windows Defender software that comes with the operating system and specifically checks for the installation of authorized apps. On Windows 11, open Settings, click Privacy & security, then Windows Security, Open Windows Security, and App & browser control to make sure the feature is enabled. If you’re still using Windows 10, open Settings, then click Update & Security, Windows Security, and App & browser control.

[Related: How to make sure no one is spying on your computer]

Be very careful when installing anything you’ve found on the web. Double-check you’re accessing it from a trusted website—in the case of Office 365, for example, download it straight from Microsoft rather than a third-party website. If you are downloading applications from the internet, make sure the file you’ve got matches what you thought you were getting.

The same goes for email attachments or links sent over social media—know the warning signs of phishing and other email-based attacks. If someone sends you something you weren’t expecting, whether it’s a document or a download, check the email address (the account may have your brother’s name, but if the email address is unfamiliar, step away) before opening anything.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on February 27, 2019.

The post Make sure your computer isn’t downloading stuff you don’t want appeared first on Popular Science.

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3 ways to change how iPhone notifications appear Tue, 02 May 2023 18:39:16 +0000
An iPhone on a notebook next to a Macbook on a wooden table, showing the Count notification display option on the iPhone's screen.
That's the minimalist look. Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash; John Kennedy for Popular Science

Yes, you can customize how alerts gather on your iPhone lock screen.

The post 3 ways to change how iPhone notifications appear appeared first on Popular Science.

An iPhone on a notebook next to a Macbook on a wooden table, showing the Count notification display option on the iPhone's screen.
That's the minimalist look. Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash; John Kennedy for Popular Science

When it comes to lock screen notifications, iPhone users generally belong in one of three camps: those who must see every alert at all times, those who would rather die than glimpse a single notification, and those who like to adjust the iOS settings to find a happy medium.

Coincidentally or not, Apple also offers three different ways to display notifications on an iPhone, and you may find you prefer one over your current settings. The feature was introduced with iOS 16, the same update that moved alerts to the bottom of the display due to increased lock screen customization options that prioritize space for widgets.

How to adjust the way notifications look on your lock screen

From left to right, the lock screen notification display options for the iPhone: count, stack, and list.
From left to right: count, stack, and list. John Kennedy for Popular Science

To set your preferred notification format, open your phone’s Settings app and tap Notifications. At the top of this page, you’ll see the Display As heading, with three images that depict where your alerts will appear if you pick Count, Stack, or List.


Choose Count, and your notifications will appear at the very bottom of your screen, between the flashlight and camera shortcuts. The only trace of your alerts will be a single line that reads something like “3 Notifications.” Tap that text or swipe up to expand them. Minimalists: rejoice.

[Related: Hidden iPhone tricks that will change the way you use iOS]


Stack appears to be the default if you’ve never touched these settings, and it simply piles all your notifications on top of each other near the bottom of your screen. They don’t shrink into a single line of text, but they’re densely packed, and you can tap them or swipe up to see more details.


Definitely the most chaotic choice, the List display will display your notifications as individual alert bubbles, most recent at the top. Get enough of them, and they’ll start to overlap a bit, but this option will take up the most space on your screen.

What else to know about the iPhone lock screen notification options

No matter which option you choose, your notifications will always display first as bubbles at the bottom of your screen. Each will contain the name of the app that’s alerting you, plus a preview of what’s in that notification if you’ve allowed iOS to give you a sneak peek. If you’ve turned previews off (tap Show Previews, then Never or When Unlocked), you’ll see something generic, like  “51 text messages” or “notification.”

After your alerts sit untouched for a minute or two, they will take the form you’ve asked them to.

You can also easily move between the three options on your lock screen—the display setting you pick only controls how they build up when you’re not looking at your phone. If you chose a list, for example, you can swipe down on your screen to condense them into a stack, and swipe down again to reduce them to a mere count. This works the other way, too, and if you swipe up one more time after the list grouping, you’ll open the Notification Center, where you can see all pending notifications—which can be a lot. Maybe swipe back down and put those away for now.

The post 3 ways to change how iPhone notifications appear appeared first on Popular Science.

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The best dual-monitor stands of 2023 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 12:00:00 +0000
The best dual monitor stands offer lots of desk space
Stan Horaczek

Double the screens, double the fun, but take up less of the desk space with the best dual monitor stands.

The post The best dual-monitor stands of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

The best dual monitor stands offer lots of desk space
Stan Horaczek

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn more ›

Best overall Mount-It! (MI-1772) Dual Monitor Arm Mount-It! (MI-1772) Dual Monitor Arm

Full articulation and ease of use are what make this dual monitor arm stand out—especially if you don’t have a lot of desk space.

Best wall-mounted The Mountup Dual Monitor Wall Mount conveys is a more affordable choice if you’re okay installing a more permanent dual monitor setup. Mountup Dual Monitor Wall Mount

The Mountup Dual Monitor Wall Mount conveys is a more affordable choice if you’re okay installing a more permanent dual monitor setup.

Best budget VIVO Dual Monitor Desk Mount VIVO Dual Monitor Desk Mount

VIVO’s Dual Monitor Desk Mount has more features than its modest price suggests.

With so many people working from home, many of us are furnishing our offices on our own dime or with a small work budget rather than requesting equipment at the office—and that can mean some real makeshift monitor stands, etc. Ergonomics, however, is just as important at home as in a cubicle. Using a dual-monitor stand, whether it’s something you put on your desk, a mounted monitor arm, or a bracket you mount on your wall, gives you the freedom to place your screens as you please for both maximum comfort and efficiency. There are many ways to optimize your two-monitor setup: The best dual-monitor stands ensure maximum flexibility, regardless of your approach.

How we chose the best dual-monitor stands

To make our selections, I paired my own personal testing and experience with professional reviews and consumer feedback on Amazon. Our favorite monitor arms and monitor stands for dual-display setups provide a wide range of use cases, installation types, and prices. We also kept brand credibility in mind: Among monitor arm manufacturers, there are a handful of respected companies, and a very large number of lesser-known brands that often offer cheap prices but without the reputation or warranty to back them up.

Best dual-monitor stands: Reviews & Recommendations

So you have two monitors, and you want to put them up on a single adjustable stand. Now that you know the basics of what to look for, we have a few recommendations for the best dual-monitor stands, including desk-mounted, wall-mounted, and freestanding options. No matter your home office or PC gaming setup, there should be a decent option for you among these picks.

Best overall: Mount-It! (MI-1772) Dual Monitor Arm



Buy it used or refurbished: eBay

Why it made the cut: Mount-It’s monitor arm makes it very easy to maneuver two big displays without any friction.


  • Mount type: Desk
  • Compatible VESA mount sizes: 75mm x 75mm, 100mm x 100mm
  • Adjustment mechanism: Gas-spring mount/free moving
  • Weight range: 20lb per arm
  • Display size range: 19-32 inches
  • Available colors: Black, Silver


  • Requires very little desk space
  • Offers fine-grain control over the monitors
  • Easy-to-move displays


  • Price

We’ve had great success in our tests of Mount-It!’s single monitor arms, and feel very comfortable recommending this dual-display version to anyone who needs a lot of extra digital real estate to work. The arms can hold large, heavy displays, and each one can be twisted, tilted, and turned in several directions. This level of control can accommodate many work styles: video editors who want to see how their color grading tweaks are affecting the look of footage in real time, office workers who want to dedicate a vertically oriented monitor to their e-mail or messaging client, or gamers who want to monitor their Twitch chat.

Two features have impressed us with Mount-It!’s other monitor stands that apply to this one: The ease at which they allow you to control your monitor and how well their clamping mechanism keeps it firmly attached to your desk. We’ve had no issues moving a 27-inch monitor with one hand, and the ability to move your displays closer and further from your face comes in handy more frequently than you’d expect. If you don’t have a lot of physical desk space, this monitor’s clamp will be incredibly helpful. A monitor stand’s feet can take up a lot more room than you think, and having more area back for your go-to tech accessories is very useful.

Best desk-mounted: Ergotron LX Dual Monitor Arm



Why it made the cut: The Ergotron LX Dual Monitor Arm is a slick desk mount that balances great build quality and the price that comes with it.


  • Mount type: Desk
  • Compatible VESA mount sizes: 75mm x 75mm, 100mm x 100mm
  • Adjustment mechanism: Gas-spring mount/free moving
  • Weight range: 7-20 lbs
  • Display size range: 27 inches
  • Available colors: Black/white/silver


  • Superior build quality
  • Plenty of ergonomic options
  • Easy to install
  • Lots of color options


  • Expensive

When you think of monitor mounts, free-moving gas-spring arms typically come to mind. They offer smooth action that allows you to move your screens with precision easily. Though it costs more than many other brands, Ergotron’s LX Dual Monitor Arm dual-monitor arm has a higher quality that justifies the price. Plus, it comes with a 10-year warranty, so you know the company stands behind its product. The Ergotron LX Dual Monitor Arm doesn’t do anything flashy. It just does the basics very well.

Best wall-mounted: Mountup Dual Monitor Wall Mount



Buy it used or refurbished: eBay

Why it made the cut: The Mountup Dual Monitor Wall Mount looks sharp, and strikes a balance between price and features.


  • Mount type: Wall mount
  • Compatible VESA mount sizes: 75mm x 75mm, 100mm x 100mm
  • Adjustment mechanism: Gas-spring arms/free moving
  • Weight range: 3.3 – 17.6 lbs
  • Display size range: Up to 32-inch
  • Available colors: Chrome/Black


  • Great price
  • Very adjustable
  • Detachable VESA plates


  • Requires tools to install
  • Requires brick, concrete, or wood anchor

If you’re ready to commit to a specific home, spot, and desk setup, you can save a lot of money on a really great dual-monitor arm with the Mountup Dual Monitor Wall Mount. It looks sharp, carries a lot of weight, and costs less than half as much as our desk-mounted pick. That said, this is a heavy dual-monitor arm. Not only do you need to attach it to the wall, the manufacturer specifically calls for you to anchor it on a brick, concrete, or wooden stud. Drywall alone may not hold it up. That’s a huge limitation, but if you have the right setup, this is arguably the most stable way to mount your monitors.

Best freestanding: ErGear Dual Monitor Stand



Buy it used or refurbished: eBay

Why it made the cut: If you don’t want to mount your monitors on arms, ErGear makes a more conventional dual-monitor stand that’s sturdy and offers strong adjustability.


  • Mount type: Desktop stand
  • Compatible VESA mount sizes: 75mm x 75mm, 100mm x 100mm
  • Adjustment mechanism: Pole-adjusted height/static arm
  • Weight range: Up to 26.4 lbs
  • Display size range: 17-32 inches
  • Available colors: Black


  • Inexpensive
  • Works on glass and executive-style desks
  • Zero “install”
  • High weight limit


  • Fewer placement/ergonomic options
  • Still takes up space on your desk

We often recommend desk-clamping or wall-mounted monitor arms for their great adjustability and their ability to free up desk space. However, not all of us can use those options: We can’t all drill holes in our walls, and some desks aren’t clamp-friendly. Whether your options are limited, or you simply don’t want to install anything, a desktop or “freestanding” monitor stand is the way to go.

ErGear’s Dual Monitor Stand features a static base column with adjustable spokes for both monitors. It is as adjustable as a dual-monitor arm, but you can still adjust height, tilt, swivel, and rotation to get very good, ergonomically mind positioning. It’s all held down by a large, sturdy black glass base that has enough room under it to route some cables. While it doesn’t free up as much space as a desk-mounted stand, putting both of your monitors on a single stand still opens up your workstation quite a bit.

Best vertical: Hemudu HT05B-002 Dual Monitor Stand



Buy it used or refurbished: eBay

Why it made the cut: The Hemudu HT05B-002 allows you to set up a vertical stacking configuration without sacrificing stability.


  • Mount type: Desktop stand
  • Compatible VESA mount sizes: 50mm x 50mm, 75mm x 75mm, 100mm x 100mm
  • Adjustment mechanism: Static mount
  • Weight range: 44 lbs per arm
  • Display size range: 13-34 inches
  • Available colors: Black


  • Can handle very large and heavy displays
  • Has plenty of ergonomic options
  • Easy to move


  • Fewer adjustment options compared to free-moving arms
  • Still takes up desk space

Ergonomics are, ultimately, the core advantage of using a dual-monitor arm. Putting your displays on a single, adjustable mount allows you to position your displays to reduce the number of neck movements you have to do in your daily work. No matter what you do, though, putting two widescreen displays right next to each other ensures that you will need to turn your head to focus on one screen or the other. Suppose you are the kind of person who uses one display most of the time and only occasionally glances at screen number two. In that case, a stacking monitor stand, which mounts the two monitors in a single column, might be useful. Craning your neck to look up isn’t great, ergonomically speaking, but if you only look at that second monitor every once in a while, it may lead to a net reduction in strain.

If you want to set up a vertical stack, we recommend a desktop mount like the Hemudu HT05B-002, rather than a desk-mounted one. With a vertical setup, you’re putting a lot more stress on the stand arm, and a flat stand handles that extra weight better. The HT05B-002 can handle two 34-inch, 44-lb. screens. It features removable VESA plates for easy installation as well. A wide base limits your desk real estate gains, but you can rest easy knowing that the stand will support your monitors’ weight(s). It’s a small consolation, but the feet under the base raise up enough to fit some of your other cabling underneath.

Best premium: Ergotron HX Desk Dual Monitor Arm



Buy it used or refurbished: eBay

Why it made the cut: If you’re willing to pay a premium for a reliable brand, the Ergotron HX is as sturdy as they come.


  • Mount type: Desk-mounted
  • Compatible VESA mount sizes: 75mm x 75mm, 100mm x 100mm (More available with optional bracket adapter kit)
  • Adjustment mechanism: Gas-spring arms/free moving
  • Weight range: 35 lbs per arm
  • Display size range: Up to 32-inch
  • Available colors: White, Silver, Black


  • Killer looks
  • 15-year warranty
  • A trusted name in ergonomics


  • Very expensive

It’s easy to find a monitor arm for under $100, but they’re almost always a gamble. You’re buying a relatively untested design from a brand with little to no reputation, which can be a risky proposition with a dual-monitor stand that holds and protects two pieces of equipment that cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. If you have a pair of very expensive displays, you may want to consider spending a similarly luxurious amount on your stand. 

Ergotron is one of the oldest and most reliable names in the monitor stand game, and its HX dual-monitor arm is a deluxe desk-mounted stand. It has some of the flourishes from our other top picks, including a 15-year warranty and detachable VESA mounts for easy mounting. It also features a unique handlebar beneath the screens that allows you to adjust both displays at once. Those things are all just gravy, though. In this case, you’re spending a lot of extra money on the peace of mind that comes with buying a trusted luxury brand.

Best budget: VIVO Dual Monitor Desk Mount



Buy it used or refurbished: eBay

Why it made the cut: VIVO managed to make its dual-monitor stand comparable to more expensive models without many compromises.


  • Mount type: Desk
  • Compatible VESA mount sizes: Gas-spring arms/free moving
  • Adjustment mechanism: 75mm x 75mm, 100mm x 100mm
  • Weight range: up to 22lb per arm
  • Display size range: 13-30 inches
  • Available colors: Black, White


  • Gives you a fair amount of control over your monitors
  • Won’t take up a lot of room on your desk
  • Price


  • No automatic height adjustment

If you’ve invested most of your home office improvement budget on your new displays, it makes sense to save a little bit on a dual-monitor stand. This model from VIVO has most of the features found in our best overall pick, but at a quarter of the price. Each monitor can be tilted and twisted individually, but you can only adjust their height by loosening and tightening a screw on the back. Both monitors have to be set at the same height, which may matter depending on the type of work you do. This stand works with monitors up to 30-inches wide, but VIVO offers a model that can handle displays up to 32 inches if necessary.

We like monitor arms that can be clamped onto a desk rather than sit on top of it because of the space savings, which is why VIVO’s is especially appealing to us. We’re also impressed that it can control monitors up to 22 pounds, which means the arms on this stand are stronger than the ones on our best overall pick. If the lack of height adjustability isn’t a dealbreaker, there’s no reason to spend more money on a dual-monitor stand.

Things to consider before buying one of the best dual-monitor stands

Even if you know exactly which dual-monitor stand or arm to buy, it helps to know a bit about the basic mechanics involved. Different stands require varying amounts of installation at setup, and not every monitor can be mounted on a third-party stand. Understanding these basics will help you pick the right stand for your displays, and ensure you’re ready to install your stand (or call someone who can.)

Why should I use a dual-monitor stand?

There are many reasons to mount your monitors, ranging from purely cosmetic to enabling better ergonomics. The stands with PC monitors vary widely in construction quality, appearance, and features. Some stands take up tons of desk space without offering any additional utility. Others may not allow you to adjust them properly, forcing you to twist or crane your neck to look at them, which could lead to long-term strain. And some of them may just look ugly. When you buy a monitor for its great specs, which you should, it potentially opens the door for you to end up with a huge, ugly stand that gives you a sore neck. Luckily, most monitors allow you to remove the actual display from its stand and mount them on a third-party stand. 

A monitor stand, whether it sits on your desk, clamps on at edge of it, or bolts onto the wall behind it, can solve all of these issues at once, giving you the ability to place your monitor exactly where you want it, reclaiming your desk space for more useful tools, and swapping out what may be garish design for something more subtle and clean.

Stand, clamp, or wall mount?

When moving to a dual-monitor stand, you must choose between a conventional desktop form factor, a clamping desk-mounted design, or a wall-mounted one. Often, picking one versus another comes down to what kind of desk you have, how important it is to reclaim desk space, and the likelihood that you’ll need to move your setup.

If you have a flat desk with an edge or lip, we like clamping monitor stands that clamp to the rear edge of your desk. They’re sturdy, highly adjustable, and easy to install or remove without damaging the desk. (Some offer an option to drill a hole into your desk as an anchor, but it isn’t necessarily mandatory.)

That said, if you have a glass desk, an executive-style desk, or something with lots of cable guides built into the back, a clamp might not be a good fit. In most cases, there’s just no spot to install the clamp. With glass, it could literally shatter the desk. In those cases, a desktop stand makes more sense. Though you won’t get as much space back, a desktop with a dual-monitor stand still consolidates two screens onto a single stand, reclaiming some desk real estate. Also, desktop stands are very sturdy, so it makes sense to use them for larger, heavier screens.

Finally, there’s the wall mount. Whether you use a set of monitor arms or a bracket similar to what you’d use when mounting a TV, the wall mount is an extremely sturdy choice but requires serious installation. To install it, you’ll need to find a stud, drill some holes, and bolt your monitor stand to your wall. Once you install it, your monitor stand isn’t going anywhere, which means your desk setup isn’t going anywhere, either. That lack of flexibility makes it a very niche choice. You don’t want to have to spackle and repaint your walls every time you think your desk would look better over by the window.

Before you buy: Make sure all your monitors have VESA mounts

If you peek around the back of most computer monitors, you’ll notice that the stand for your display probably attaches via four screws in a square configuration. This is a standard configuration maintained by the Video Electronics Standards Association, commonly known as VESA, meant to make stands as close to universal as possible so users can buy new stands easily. 

VESA mounts can come in many sizes, but most PC monitors fall into one of two options, 75mm x 75mm or 100mm x 100 mm. That makes everyone’s life easier: All of our picks support both sizes, as should most third-party monitor stands of any shape and size. That said, you should still double-check your monitors’ specs to see VESA mount sizes you’ll need before buying a dual-monitor stand, if only to make sure that your monitor can be mounted at all. Some very cheap monitors (and a few very expensive ones) build their monitors permanently attached to their stands.

Double-check the weight of both of your displays

Monitors are heavy and expensive. Before mounting them, you should ensure your stand can support their weight. Make sure that your monitors are within the stands’ specified weight limit–don’t risk going above or below whatever limits the manufacturer sets. Most monitor manufacturers include the weight of the displays both with and without stands on their product pages. You have a little wiggle room on the size of the monitor, but consider the weight tolerances to be inviolable laws of nature in this case, or risk breaking hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of monitors.


Q: Does a dual-monitor arm save space?

Desk- and wall-mounted monitor arms do double duty, clearing off desktop space and improving your PC setup’s ergonomics. With your monitor on a desk-mounted stand, you can remove the original stand from your desk, giving you back some desk space. You can leave that space open for a cleaner, more minimalist look, use it as a spot to store a laptop, or maybe take advantage of it as a home for some desktop speakers? The sky’s the limit.

Q: How much weight can a dual-monitor stand hold?

The maximum weight your dual-monitor stand can hold will vary from stand to stand. The mounts we’ve selected for this list max out at anywhere from 17.6 lbs to 44 lbs per monitor, influenced by the build material, the type of arm, and mounting style. 

This is one of the most important things to check out before picking out an arm. Do not buy a stand unless you are sure it can support your monitors’ weight.

Q: Can you use a monitor arm on a glass desk?

You can use some dual-monitor arms on a glass desk. Avoid using desk-mounted monitor stands, which apply a large amount of clamping force to your desk. A clamping monitor stand may very well crack or shatter the desk. So long as your desk can handle the weight of two monitors, a desktop monitor stand should work fine. If weight is also a concern, consider a wall-mounted stand.

Q: How much should a dual-monitor stand cost?

This will vary based on the features you need, but you shouldn’t have to spend over $50 on a monitor stand if your needs are modest.

Final thoughts on the best dual-monitor stands

With so many options for mounting your monitors and such a wide range of prices, the best dual-monitor stands are a very affordable and useful upgrade for anyone using two monitors. Whether you’re rocking one display in landscape mode and one in portrait mode, pairing an ultrawide monitor with a standard one, mounting to a desk or a wall, there are dynamic stands for every type of home setup.

Why trust us

Popular Science started writing about technology more than 150 years ago. There was no such thing as “gadget writing” when we published our first issue in 1872, but if there was, our mission to demystify the world of innovation for everyday readers means we would have been all over it. Here in the present, PopSci is fully committed to helping readers navigate the increasingly intimidating array of devices on the market right now.

Our writers and editors have combined decades of experience covering and reviewing consumer electronics. We each have our own obsessive specialties—from high-end audio to video games to cameras and beyond—but when we’re reviewing devices outside of our immediate wheelhouses, we do our best to seek out trustworthy voices and opinions to help guide people to the very best recommendations. We know we don’t know everything, but we’re excited to live through the analysis paralysis that internet shopping can spur so readers don’t have to.

The post The best dual-monitor stands of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made.

Stop and ask these 5 security questions before installing any app Tue, 02 May 2023 12:23:31 +0000
A person holding an iPhone with a number of apps on its home screen. We hope they asked these security questions before installing them.
Be selective about what goes on your phone or laptop. Onur Binay / Unsplash

These simple checks will help keep your devices safe from bad apps and bad actors.

The post Stop and ask these 5 security questions before installing any app appeared first on Popular Science.

A person holding an iPhone with a number of apps on its home screen. We hope they asked these security questions before installing them.
Be selective about what goes on your phone or laptop. Onur Binay / Unsplash

There’s a wealth of software available for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS—but not all of it has been developed with the best intentions. There are apps out there that have been built to steal your data, corrupt your files, spy on your digital activities, and surreptitiously squeeze money out of you.

The good news is that a few smart questions can steer you away from the shady stuff and toward apps you can trust and rely on. If you’re not sure about a particular piece of software for your phone or computer, running through this simple checklist should help you spot the biggest red flags.

1. How old is the app?

Wherever you’re downloading an app from, there should be a mention of when it was last updated. On the Google Play Store on Android devices, for example, you can tap About this app on any listing to see when it was last updated, and what that update included. On iOS, tap Version History.

Old software that hasn’t been updated in the last year or so isn’t necessarily bad, but be wary of it: It’s less likely to work with the latest version of whatever operating system you’re on, and it’s more likely to have security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by bad actors (because it’s hasn’t been patched against the latest threats).

Don’t automatically trust brand new software either. An app may have been rushed out to cash in on a trend (whether it’s Wordle clones or ChatGPT extensions), and these types of apps are built to make money rather than offer a good user experience or respect your privacy. It may be worth just waiting until you’ve seen some reviews of the app in question.

The app info for an Android app on the Google Play store.
Look out for when the last app update was. David Nield for Popular Science

2. What are other people saying?

That brings us neatly to user reviews, which can be a handy way of gauging an app’s quality. It’s easy to use the dedicated reviews sections in official app stores to see what other people think of the software, but in other scenarios (like downloading a Windows program from the web) you can do a quick web search for the name of the app.

Be sure to check several reviews rather than just relying on one or two, and look for running themes over isolated incidents (the customer isn’t necessarily always right). See what users are saying about bugs and crashes, for example, and how any requests for support have been handled.

[Related: What to do when your apps keep crashing]

Reviews can be faked of course, even in large numbers. Don’t be too trusting of very short and very positive reviews, or reviews left by people with usernames that are generic or look like they might have been created by a bot. Place most faith in longer, more detailed reviews that sound like they’ve been written by someone who’s actually used the software in question.

3. Can you trust the developer?

It doesn’t hurt to run a background check on the person or company that made the software, and the developer’s name should be shown quite prominently on the app listing or the webpage you’re downloading from. Clearly if it’s a well-known name, like Adobe or Google, it’s a piece of software you can rely on.

If you’re on Android or iOS, you can tap the developer name on an app listing to see other apps from the same developer. If they’ve made several apps that all have high ratings, that’s positive. Developer responses to user reviews are a good sign as well, showing that whoever is behind the software is invested in it.

Checking up on the developer of an app that you’re downloading from the wilds of the web isn’t quite as straightforward, but a quick web search for their name should give you some pointers. Developers without any online or social media presence, for instance, should be treated with caution.

4. How much does it cost?

Pay particular attention to how much an app costs, both in terms of up-front fees and ongoing payments: These details are listed on app pages on Android and iOS, and should be fairly straightforward to find on other platforms too. You don’t want an app that’s going to extort money out of you, but you also need to figure out how the costs of development are being supported.

Like the other questions here, there are no hard and fast rules, but if an app is completely free it’s most likely supported through data collection and advertising—this is true from the biggest names in tech, like Facebook and Google, to the smallest independent developers. Freemium models are common too, where some features might be locked behind a paywall.

[Related on PopSci+: You have the power to protect your data. Own it.]

If you get as far as installing an app, go through the opening splash screens very carefully, and pay attention to the terms and conditions. Watch out for any free trials you might be signing up for,that could be charging your credit card unexpectedly in a month’s time (even if you’ve uninstalled the app).

The in-app pricing list for Bumble.
Check the app list for any in-app payments. David Nield for Popular Science

5. Which permissions does it need?

If you’re installing an app through an official app store, you should see a list of the permissions it requires, such as access to your camera and microphone. You’ll also get prompts on your phone or laptop when these permissions are requested. Be on the lookout for permissions that seem unreasonable or don’t make sense, as they could indicate a piece of software that’s less trustworthy.

Ideally, apps should explain to you why they need the permissions they do. Access to your contacts, for example, can be used to easily share files with friends and family, rather than to pull any personal data from them. It’s not an exact science, but it’s another way of assessing whether or not you want to install a particular program.

You can change app permissions after they’ve been installed, too, and you should check in on these every once in a while because settings may change as developers update their app. We’ve written guides to the process for Windows and macOS, and for Android and iOS. If you do think that a piece of software is reaching further than it should do in terms of permissions, you can block off its access to them rather than removing it.

The post Stop and ask these 5 security questions before installing any app appeared first on Popular Science.

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10 ways you can tell the Earth is round Mon, 07 Jan 2019 21:26:02 +0000
Earth's horizon and Pacific Ocean photographed by NASA astronauts on the International Space Station. The planet's curvature proves that the Earth is round, not flat.
This view of the Earth's horizon looks across a cloudy Pacific Ocean. Astronauts on the International Space Station have taken many similar photos of the planet's curvature, proving that the Earth is round. NASA

Test the thoroughly debunked argument for yourself.

The post 10 ways you can tell the Earth is round appeared first on Popular Science.

Earth's horizon and Pacific Ocean photographed by NASA astronauts on the International Space Station. The planet's curvature proves that the Earth is round, not flat.
This view of the Earth's horizon looks across a cloudy Pacific Ocean. Astronauts on the International Space Station have taken many similar photos of the planet's curvature, proving that the Earth is round. NASA

Moriel Schottlender is a software engineer at Wikimedia Foundation. This article was originally posted on her Smarter Than That blog in 2008 and has been lightly edited for Popular Science.

Humanity has known the world is not flat for a few millennia, and I’ve been meaning to show more methods on how to prove the Earth is round. I’ve had a few ideas on how to do that, but got an interesting incentive when Phil Plait, The Bad Astronomer, wrote about the the Flat Earth Society. He claims it’s ridiculous to even bother rebutting the Flat Earth Society—and I tend to agree. But the history of our species’ intellectual pursuit is important and interesting. You don’t need to denounce all science and knowledge and believe in a conspiracy theory to enjoy some historical factoids about humanity’s quest for space.

On we go, to the top 10 ways to unequivocally, absolutely, positively prove the Earth isn’t flat.

1. Check the shadows on the moon

Now that humanity knows quite positively that the moon is not a piece of cheese or a playful god, the phenomena that accompany it (from its monthly cycles to lunar eclipses) are well-explained. It was quite a mystery to the ancient Greeks, though, and in their quest for knowledge, they came up with a few insightful observations that helped humanity figure out the shape of our planet.

Aristotle (who made quite a lot of observations about the spherical nature of the Earth) noticed that during lunar eclipses (when the Earth’s orbit places it directly between the sun and the moon, creating a shadow in the process), the silhouette on the satellite’s surface is round. This shadow is the planet’s, and it’s a great piece of round-Earth evidence.

Since the earth is rotating (see the “Foucault Pendulum” experiment for a definite proof, if you are doubtful), the consistent oval-shadow it produces in each and every lunar eclipse proves that the earth is not only round but spherical—absolutely, utterly, beyond a shadow of a doubt not flat.

2. Follow ships on the horizon

If you’ve been next to a port lately, or just strolled down a beach and stared off vacantly into the horizon, you might have noticed a very interesting phenomenon: Approaching ships do not just “appear” out of the horizon like they should have if the world was flat, but rather seem to emerge from beneath the sea.

But, you say, ships do not submerge and rise up again as they approach our view (except in Pirates of the Caribbean, but we are hereby assuming that was a fictitious movie series). The reason ships appear as if they “emerge from the waves” is because the world is not flat: It’s round.

[Related: How old is Earth? It’s a surprisingly tough question to answer.]

Imagine an ant walking along the surface of an orange, into your field of view. If you look at the orange “head on”, you will see the ant’s body slowly rising up from the “horizon” because of the curvature of the orange. If you would do that experiment with the ant approaching along a long road rather than a round object, the effect would change: The ant would slowly “materialize” into view (depending on how sharp your vision is).

3. Look up at the stars

This observation was originally made by Aristotle (384-322 BCE), who declared the Earth was round judging from the different constellations one sees while moving away from the equator.

After returning from a trip to Egypt, Aristotle noted, “There are stars seen in Egypt and … Cyprus which are not seen in the northerly regions.” This phenomenon can only be explained if humans were viewing the stars from a round surface, Aristotle continued, claiming that the sphere of the Earth is “of no great size, for otherwise the effect of so slight a change of place would not be quickly apparent.”

The farther you go from the equator, the farther the “known” constellations go towards the horizon, to be replaced by different stars. This would not have happened if the world was flat:

4. Conduct a stick test

If you stick a stick in the (sticky) ground, it will produce a shadow. The shadow moves as time passes (which is the principle for ancient Shadow Clocks). If the world had been flat, then two sticks in different locations would produce the same shadow.

But they don’t. This, again, is because the Earth is round, and not flat.

Eratosthenes (276-194 BCE) used this principle to calculate the circumference of the Earth quite accurately. To see this demonstrated, refer to my experiment video about Eratosthenes and the circumference of the Earth.

5. Climb a hill or mountain

Standing on a flat plateau, you look ahead toward the horizon. You strain your eyes, then take out your favorite binoculars and stare through them, as far as your eyes (with the help of the binocular lenses) can see.

Next, climb up the closest tree—the higher the better, just be careful not to drop those binoculars and break their lenses. Then look again, strain your eyes, and stare through the binoculars out to the horizon.

[Related on PopSci+: How to not fear heights]

The higher up you climb, the farther you will see. Usually, we tend to relate this to Earthly obstacles—like the fact we have houses or other trees obstructing our vision on the ground, and climbing upwards we have a clear view—but that’s not the true reason. Even if you stood on a completely clear plateau with no obstacles between you and the horizon, you would see much farther from the greater height than you would on the ground.

This phenomenon is caused by the curvature of the Earth as well, and would not happen if the Earth was flat:

6. Ride a plane

If you’ve ever taken a trip out of the country, specifically long-distance trips, you could notice two interesting facts about planes and the Earth:

  • Planes can travel in a relatively straight line for a very long time and not fall off any edges. They can also circle the Earth without stopping.
  • If you look out the window on a trans-Atlantic flight, you can, most of the times, see the curvature of the Earth on the horizon. The best view of the curvature used to be on the Concorde, but that plane’s long gone. I can’t wait to see the pictures from the new plane by Virgin Galactic—the horizon should look absolutely curved, as it actually is from a distance.

7. Scope out other planets

The Earth is different from other planets, that much is true. After all, we have life, and we haven’t found any other planets with life (yet). However, there are certain characteristics all planets have, and it will be quite logical to assume that if all planets behave a certain way, or show certain characteristics—specifically if those planets are in different places or were created under different circumstances—our planet is the same.

In other words: If so many planets that were created in different locations and under different circumstances show the same property, it’s likely that our own planet has the same property as well. All of our observations show that other planets are spherical (and since we know how they’re created, it’s also obvious why they take this shape). Unless we have a very good reason to think otherwise (which we don’t), our planet is very likely the same.

In 1610, Galileo Galilei observed the moons of Jupiter rotating around it. He described them as small planets orbiting a larger planet—a description (and observation) that was very difficult for the church to accept, as it challenged a geocentric model where everything was supposed to revolve around the Earth. This observation also showed that the planets (Jupiter, Neptune, and later Venus was observed too) are all spherical, and all orbit the sun.

[Related: Why is space cold if the sun is hot?]

A flat planet (ours or any other planet) would be such an incredible observation that it would pretty much go against everything we know about how planets form and behave. It would not only change everything we know about planet formation, but also about star formation (our sun would have to behave quite differently to accommodate the flat-earth theory) and what we know of speeds and movements in space (like planets’ orbits and the effects of gravity). In short, we don’t just suspect that our planet is spherical. We know it.

8. Consider the existence of time zones

The time in New York, at the moment these words are written, is 12:00 p.m. The sun is in the middle of the sky (though it’s hard to see with the current cloud coverage). In Beijing, it’s 12:00 a.m., midnight, and the sun is nowhere to be found. In Adelaide, Australia, it is 1:30 a.m. More than 13 hours ahead. There, the sunset is long gone—so much so, that the sun will soon rise up again at the beginning of a new day.

This can only be explained if the world is round, and rotating around its own axis. At a certain point when the sun is shining on one part of the Earth, the opposite side is dark, and vice versa. That allows for time differences and time zones, specifically ones that are larger than 12 hours.

Another point concerning time zones, the sun, and Earth: If the sun was a “spotlight” (very directionally located so that light only shines on a specific location) and the world was flat, we would see the sun even if it didn’t shine on top of us (as you can see in the drawing below). Similarly, you can see the light coming out of a spotlight on a stage in the theater, even though you—the crowd—are sitting in the dark. The only way to create two distinctly separate time zones, where there is complete darkness in one while there’s light in the other, is if the world is spherical.

9. Feel the pull of gravity

Here’s an interesting fact about mass: It attracts things to it. The force of attraction (gravity) between two objects depends on their mass and the distance between them. Simply said, gravity will pull toward the center of mass of the objects. To find the center of mass, you have to examine the object.

Consider a sphere. Since a sphere has a consistent shape, no matter where on it you stand, you have exactly the same amount of sphere under you. (Imagine an ant walking around on a crystal ball. From the insect’s point of view, the only indication of movement would be the fact the ant is moving its feet—the shape of the surface would not change at all.) A sphere’s center of mass is in the center of the sphere, which means gravity will pull anything on the surface of the sphere straight down toward the center of the sphere. This will occur no matter where on the surface the object is located.

Consider a flat plane. The center of mass of a flat plane is in its center, so the force of gravity will pull anything on the surface toward the middle of the plane. That means that if you stand on the edge of the plane, gravity will be pulling you sideways toward the plane’s middle, not straight down like you usually experience when you stand on Earth.

I am quite positive that, even for Australians, an apple falls downwards, not sideways. But if you have your doubts, I urge you to try dropping something—just make sure it’s nothing that can break or hurt you.

[Related: Have we been measuring gravity wrong this whole time?]

Here is some further reading about the center of mass and distribution of mass. And if you are brave enough to handle some equations (not involving integration), you can learn more about Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation.

10. Browse images from space

In the past 60 years of space exploration, we’ve launched satellites, probes, and people into space. Some of them got back, some of them still float through the solar system (and almost beyond it), and many transmit amazing images to our receivers on Earth. In all of these photos, the Earth is (wait for it) spherical. The curvature of the Earth is also visible in the many photos snapped by astronauts aboard the International Space Station. You can see recent examples on the ISS Instagram account.

You know what they say—a picture is worth a thousand diss tracks.

This post has been updated. It was originally published on January 26, 2016.

The post 10 ways you can tell the Earth is round appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to block toxic comments everywhere Wed, 07 Jul 2021 22:00:00 +0000
A woman punching through a laptop screen while shouting.
Hit the mute button before you do this. SIphotography / Depositphotos

You don’t need to be angry or sad every time you go online—these extensions and settings can help eliminate the worst of the web.

The post How to block toxic comments everywhere appeared first on Popular Science.

A woman punching through a laptop screen while shouting.
Hit the mute button before you do this. SIphotography / Depositphotos

Some corners of the internet act as bastions of healthy discussion, but out there on the Wild Web, discourse appears worse than ever before. If you’re tired of feeling your blood boil every time you get to the bottom of an article or open up your social media app of choice, it’s time to clean up your internet conversations.

Block comments on news sites and blogs

Some sites are doing away with comments altogether, but there are plenty that have stuck by their discussion section—even if it’s littered with spam and hateful garbage. You can’t stop commenters from spewing their filth, but you can banish them from your view. Shut Up is a simple open-source tool that will automatically block most comment sections across the web. It’s available as an extension for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple’s Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Opera. Just install it on your desktop or mobile platform of choice, and comment sections will disappear as if they were never there.

If there’s a site that you actually like to read comments on—yes, there are a few decent ones out there—you can click the Shut Up button in your toolbar or press Ctrl+Shift+X to whitelist that site. It will remember your preferences, so your favorite comment sections will stay visible no matter how many times you leave and return. Sadly, there’s no way to mute certain comments based on keywords.

Note that due to the way Chrome’s annoyingly broad permission system works, this extension will request access to read and edit data on all sites you visit, but you can read the developer’s privacy policy to ensure you agree with it. Afterward, if you’re still uneasy, you can always inspect and inject the Shut Up CSS code yourself, if you have a stylesheet extension you like.

Mute words on Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks

Website and blog comments are just a small fraction of toxic internet conversation—most of it happens on social media. Shut Up will block comment sections on some networks, like Facebook and Reddit, but that defeats the purpose of using those platforms at all. Thankfully some services, like Twitter and Instagram, have caught on and built “mute” functions that let you hide comments that contain certain keywords, for more control over what you see.

On Twitter, you can mute tweets with certain words or phrases by heading to the Twitter website and clicking More on the sidebar to the left. Next, go to Settings and Support > Settings and privacy > Privacy and safety > Mute and block > Muted words. Finally, click the plus icon in the top right to add words to your list. In the mobile app, the steps are nearly identical, but you start by tapping your avatar in the upper left-hand corner of your screen and build a list of muted words by using the Add button at the bottom right.

When you add the words you want to avoid, you can also select how long you want to mute it—which is useful if you’re just trying to avoid spoilers for a few days.

[Related: How to make your Twitter account more secure]

Instagram’s Mute feature is similar, though it only applies to comments on your posts (not other people’s). Start by going to your profile in the app, then tap the three lines in the top right. Head to Settings and privacy and scroll down to Hidden words. There are a number of options on this page, but if you’re looking to mute specific words, tap Manage custom words and phrases and start adding words. Then activate the toggle switches next to Hide comments and Hide message requests, depending on your needs, to hide any of those that contain your muted words.

If you want to do a little less work, you can also turn on the switches under the Offensive words and phrases heading at the top of the page to hide comments or message requests containing any words Instagram thinks you won’t want to see.

Other social networks, like Reddit, don’t have a mute feature built-in. However, browser extensions like the ever-popular Reddit Enhancement Suite will allow you to mute comments with certain words just the same. Install the extension and open the RES Settings Console. Navigate to Subreddits > filteReddit, and create filters to your heart’s content. You can hide posts with specific terms in the title, or block posts that come from chosen websites. You can also build filters for comments, provided you know how regular expressions work—there’s a small tutorial available if you need it.

Finally, Facebook is in a weird spot when it comes to muting or filtering comments. Back in June of 2018, Facebook began testing a feature called Keyword Snooze that would allow you to hide any comment containing words you specified. It wasn’t available to everyone and that test ended in January 2021. Now, your best bet is to hit the three dots in the top right corner of any post on your News Feed and choose Hide post to see fewer posts like it. From the same menu, you can snooze and unfollow the person or page that posted it.

In the absence of a built-in mute button, a popular browser extension called Social Fixer can create powerful keyword filters from the Filters section of its settings. Like the Reddit Enhancement Suite, these can get a bit complex and require a certain syntax, but you can read more about your options on its Github page. And again, if you’re wary about installing extensions from developers you don’t know, you can browse the code yourself and install it separately.

Remember, any time you install a browser extension to gain this feature, it’ll only mute posts on that specific computer—so Social Fixer and the Reddit Enhancement Suite won’t help you in mobile apps, where the extensions can’t be installed. We can only hope that companies like Facebook continue to build these features into their apps, so we don’t have to rely on third parties and workarounds to do it for us. But for now, it’s better than nothing.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on March 1, 2019.

The post How to block toxic comments everywhere appeared first on Popular Science.

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4 ways to protect your Google search history Thu, 01 Jul 2021 14:27:25 +0000
A person using a laptop computer with Google on the screen.
We can't protect you from someone looking over your shoulder, though. Benjamin Dada / Unsplash

Consider protecting your search data with a password.

The post 4 ways to protect your Google search history appeared first on Popular Science.

A person using a laptop computer with Google on the screen.
We can't protect you from someone looking over your shoulder, though. Benjamin Dada / Unsplash

Google has become so synonymous with search that the company’s name has found its way into the dictionary as a verb—and that means your Google search history can reveal a lot about your life. If someone manages to gain access to that treasure trove of information, they could learn about everything from the medical conditions you’ve been worried about to where you’ve been on your vacations.

With so much sensitive data involved, you should make sure that your search history is safe from prying eyes. There are ways to make extra-sure that no outsiders can get a glimpse at what you’ve been looking for, and to block Google itself from knowing anything about your online queries.

Put a password on your Google search history

The Google search history password option inside the Google account settings.
Use extra verification on computers that other people have easy access to. David Nield for Popular Science

Your Google account is protected by both a password and two-factor authentication if you’ve switched that on (we recommend you do). That should minimize the risk of anyone else being able to log in and take a peek at what you’ve been searching for, but you can do more.

If you’re on a computer where you’re regularly logged into Google, your browser has your password saved, and other people (maybe housemates or colleagues) are likely to be wandering past, you might feel like an additional layer of security is required. Or maybe you’re just very private and security-conscious.

For these situations, Google has created an extra password step just for your search history. Even if someone makes it to your Google account page, they’ll need your password to enter the search history section.

You can enable this by going to your Google account page, and choosing Data & privacy from the options on the left. Scroll down to the History settings box, click Web & App Activity, and then hit Manage all Web & App Activity at the bottom of the page. Finally, click Manage My Activity verification, fill in the bubble next to Require extra verification, and hit Save.

Automatically delete your Google searches

The options to automatically delete your Google search history.
Google can clean up your search history after a set period of time. David Nield for Popular Science

Google will automatically clean up your search history, if you want it to. Go to your Google account page, click Data & privacy, find the History settings heading, and click Web & App Activity to open the Activity Controls page. There, find the Auto-delete section and click the time period underneath to open a dialog box full of customization options. Use the dropdown menu to tell Google to automatically delete search history data older than three, 18, or 36 months.

Back on the Activity Controls page, if you choose Manage all Web & App Activity instead of opening the auto-delete options, you can manually wipe everything you’ve ever searched for, or just some of it. Use the search and filter options to look for something specific, and either the Delete box directly under the search bar or the X buttons next to individual entries to get rid of what you want to erase.

[Related: How to purge all of your search histories]

You can also use the Activity Controls page to just tell Google to stop tracking your activity altogether. To do so, find the Web & App Activity heading and click Turn off. Then hit Pause, followed by Got it to confirm that this is actually what you want to do. This will remain off until you decide to turn it back on. For a clean slate, click Manage all Web & App Activity at the bottom of the page to see your activity, then hit Delete and All time to erase everything, or use whatever other options suit you.

Avoid Google entirely

The opening screen of Google's incognito mode.
Incognito mode keeps no record of your searches. David Nield for Popular Science

Another way to keep your Google search history private is not to allow Google to track it in the first place. If you open an incognito or private window in your browser of choice before visiting Google and running your search, it won’t be recorded. As soon as you close the window, the browser (and Google) will forget the query ever happened.

In Google Chrome, for example, click the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the browser interface and choose New Incognito Window from the menu that appears. In Microsoft Edge, click the three dots (top right) then New InPrivate window; in Firefox, click the three lines (top right), then New private window; and in Safari you can click File and New Private Window.

When you start off in an incognito or private browser window, you won’t be signed into any of your accounts, including your Google one. Make sure you don’t sign into Google during the browsing session though—otherwise Google will log your search requests as normal, even if you’re using a private browsing mode.

You also have the option to run your web searches elsewhere: You can pick from Microsoft’s Bing or the privacy-focused DuckDuckGo, for instance. The developers behind the browser Brave have also launched a search engine you can try, and it won’t track you or anything you’re searching for.

Manage your browsing history and syncing

The options for clearing your Google browsing history data.
Your web browser has history clean-up options of its own. David Nield for Popular Science

If you use Chrome while signed into your Google account, everything you search for on Google will be saved to the browser and your Google account. If you’ve turned off tracking in your Google account, your search history will still appear in Chrome. These lists of queries are one and the same, though the information might be presented slightly differently. You can see your history in Chrome by clicking the three dots (top right), choosing History, then History again.

This setup also means you can delete your history from your browser as well as your Google account page. From the History screen, you can select individual entries and then choose Delete, or click Clear browsing data on the left for some more comprehensive options. Select Browsing history and the time period you want to cover, then select Clear data.

[Related: How to clear your web history in any browser]

At the bottom of the dialog, you’ll see whether or not you’re signed into Google. If you want to clear the history in the local Chrome browser without affecting the history records in your Google account, you’ll need to sign out of Google first to break the sync—then repeat the steps we’ve outlined above.

If you’re using a browser other than Chrome, you’ll have two separate search and browsing histories to think about: the one stored by Google and the one stored by your browser (unless you’re using private mode for all your searches). Safari, Edge, and Firefox all have options for clearing the history logged in your browser, across whatever time period you like, but you need to remember to run these wipes regularly.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on July 1, 2021.

The post 4 ways to protect your Google search history appeared first on Popular Science.

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The best jumper cables of 2023 Sat, 03 Sep 2022 13:00:00 +0000
Best jumper cables stock image header
Daniel @

This simple tool can save the day when you find your car’s battery lets you down.

The post The best jumper cables of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

Best jumper cables stock image header
Daniel @

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn more ›

Best Overall A pair of CARTMAN jumper cables on a blue and white background CARTMAN 4 Gauge 20 Feet Jumper Cables

The Goldilocks of specs and value, these provide enough for most without breaking the bank, and they’re rated for cold weather too.

Best Budget Energizer Jumper Cables Energizer Jumper Cables

Though you might be on a budget, you can still get enough length and thickness to make the task less miserable.

Best Heavy-Duty AUTOGEN Heavy Duty Jumper Cables AUTOGEN Heavy-Duty Jumper Cables

Dealing with big diesel engines and heavy equipment? These should handle all you can throw at them.

Jumper cables may be the perfect example of a tool that you’d want to have and not need rather than need and not have. Though most of us can often go years in between using them, jumper cables are an indisputably invaluable tool that uses the electrical energy from another car to jump-start a weak or completely flat battery in another vehicle. The telltale “click click click” of a starter is a sure sign you may need a “jump” to get going. Though some good samaritans might carry jumper cables, it’s usually easiest to carry a set yourself and not rely on chance when you may be stranded. This list of the best jumper cables will help you get the right tool for your specific needs.

How we chose the best jumper cables

I’ve used more than a few sets of jumper cables in my life, and one particular set quite a few times when I owned a Square Body Chevy. My personal affinity for older—arguably, poorly maintained—project cars has led me to have plenty of personal experience jumping different vehicles in a variety of parking locations. That being said, I’ve made selections that reflect a balance of my personal experience alongside products that have been favorably reviewed online. You want to buy as much length and cable size as your budget can afford, and these picks definitely reflect that mantra. Additionally, though spending a fortune isn’t necessary, you want to buy some that are rated for the kinds of conditions you may encounter, especially on the colder side, since cold weather often takes the highest toll on a car’s starting system. Each pick in this guide would be a good choice, but some—like the motorcycle options—are going to be best for a powersports application. These selections were made at the nexus of length and cable size, as well as construction and temperature ratings, which means they should serve you well no matter the type of weather you encounter.

The best jumper cables: Reviews & Recommendations

Best overall: CARTMAN 4 Gauge 20 Feet Jumper Cables



Why it made the cut: These versatile jumper cables are a wonderful intersection of value, just-right capacity, more than enough length for most situations, and are rated to -13°F.


  • Weight: 5 lbs
  • Length: 20 feet
  • Gauge: 4 gauge


  • Rated up to a 6.0L gas engine
  • Enough length means less vehicle maneuvering
  • Rated to remain flexible down to -13°F


  • 4 gauge not suitable for biggest engines
  • Unique tooth shape might be challenging on some cars

These cables meet right at the intersection of value and capability. The 20-foot length means you can pull up alongside just about any other vehicle and not worry if you’ve got the cars positioned close enough. Sure, 8- to 10-foot-long cables take up less space, but it’s convenient to have more when these things happen. 

Next, that handy rating down to -13°F means these should remain flexible for any of the nasty inclement weather you encounter. I’ve worked outside in -20°F and, let me tell you, there are a lot of things that just aren’t “rated” for cold weather and it shows when you go to use them. 

The only downsides I can think of for this might be the fact that 4-gauge wiring just may not be heavy-duty enough for your application (see my heavy-duty choice instead) or that those unique teeth might actually hinder more than they help in some cases. The clamps have a unique design that combines a traditional jumper cable clamp with a slightly longer protruding portion. It looks like it’s perfect for the right vehicle, but the elongated section might just make it a bit harder to get a nice sturdy connection on some vehicles. Give ’em a dry run and practice hooking them up when the pressure is off.

Best heavy-duty: AUTOGEN Heavy-Duty Jumper Cables



Why it made the cut: Remember, lower is thicker when we’re talking about gauge, so these 25-foot-long 0-gauge jumper cables earned the top spot for heavy-duty applications.


  • Weight: 12.6 lbs
  • Length: 25 feet
  • Gauge: 0 gauge


  • 0 gauge suitable for jumping RVs and big trucks
  • 25 feet enough length to make hookup a cinch
  • Cable and coating rated down to -40 F


  • At 12.6 pounds, these aren’t small
  • That much copper isn’t cheap

Now, we’ve been through a good overall that will suit most drivers, but what about the guy—or gal—driving a big diesel and needing to jump-start heavy equipment from time to time? I bring you the AUTOGEN Heavy Duty 0-gauge jumper cables. These are the heaviest cables I could find outside of getting deep into triple-digit prices. 

The trouble when you’re working with big batteries, lots of amperage, and small cables is heat management. Or a lack of it. If you hook up a big battery that can push out a lot of amperage to smaller cables they could get hot. Really hot. And they can fail. The amount of power needed to turn an engine over and start it is tremendous, and even more so on larger and more powerful engines. If you’re driving or will be jump-starting a large RV or heavy equipment, 1- or 0-gauge cables are a smart choice.

The only con to heavy-duty cables is the corresponding weight increase. My budget pick weighs in at a paltry 2 pounds, while these heavy-duty jumper cables weigh in at more than 12.5 pounds! They’re bigger and longer than the others—and more expensive too—but when you’re dealing with heavy equipment, the tools do get bigger.

Best portable: Lifeline AAA Premium Road Kit



Why it made the cut: When you’re talking about portability, a carrying case is good, but having a few extra bits can make the difference when you really do need to use them for a jump.


  • Weight: 2.6 lbs
  • Length: 8 feet
  • Gauge: 8 gauge


  • Kit designed with emergencies in mind
  • Just enough length on the jumper cables to be useful
  • Extras that can help in an emergency


  • With just 8-foot cables, your cars will have to be positioned perfectly
  • A 42-piece kit might be more than you’re looking for if you have the other 41 pieces already

For years the American Automobile Association (AAA) has been helping motorists with their maps, roadside assistance services, and curated emergency car kits. At least, that’s how it looks to me. I’ve used their towing services a few times and was a member for years, so when I came across their Premium Road Kit it seemed like the perfect way to take jumper cables and make them portable. Though jumper cables are generally a fairly lightweight tool, they aren’t always the easiest to leave in the corner of your trunk. The cables can become tangled and the alligator clamps can snag on other items, making them a bit of a nuisance. Though many come with a storage bag, something like this kit can really keep things neat and tidy until they’re needed. Just make sure to open it up and get familiar with the contents before it’s dark and rainy and you’re trying to find out which pocket the flashlight batteries got off to.

The only downsides to a 42-piece kit, especially when we’re talking just about jumper cables, are if you don’t happen to need the other 41 pieces. If you don’t, then you might be best served buying a small storage bag and a cheaper (longer) set of jumper cables and making your own portable bag. Though the 8-foot-long cables in this kit will get the job done for most small-to-midsize vehicles, you won’t have much extra room to work with, so vehicle positioning is key. 

Best for motorcycles: Yuasa Jumper Cables



Why it made the cut: The idea behind these motorcycle jumper cables is simple: like motorcycle batteries, take what you know and make it smaller. 


  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Length: 8 foot
  • Gauge: 8 gauge


  • Smaller clamps are perfect for fitting onto small battery terminals
  • Compact enough to stow in saddle bags or on bike


  • Short length and smaller diameter not suitable for cars
  • Some reviewers didn’t get the storage bag

Though you can probably get by with automotive jumper cables to jump-start your motorcycle, there’s a good chance the big chunky clamps will be too big to fit in and connect to your bike’s battery for a jump start. That’s why Yuasa, among others, sells a compact set of jumper cables designed specifically for motorcycles. These cables are the perfect size to slip in and clamp onto a motorcycle’s battery terminal without coming loose. On most of the bikes that I’ve had the battery lived beneath the seat, and the terminals were so close to the sides of the battery box they would have been impossible to get a traditional automotive jumper cable onto. 

The only downside I noticed for these is that some of the reviewers didn’t get the storage bag that’s advertised with these jumper cables. Instead of a loose pair of cables getting hung up on all your stuff in your saddle bag a storage bag is really handy, so make sure yours comes with what’s advertised as well. 

Best budget: Energizer Jumper Cables



Why it made the cut: Sometimes you’re on a budget, and that’s okay! What’s not okay, however, is having to compromise unnecessarily. These sell for less than $20, are long enough to do the job, and are thick enough for most cars and small SUVs.


  • Weight: 2 lbs
  • Length: 12 feet
  • Gauge: 10 gauge


  • 10 gauge should be enough for cars, small SUVs
  • Just enough length to not be a pain to hook up
  • Rated down to -40 F


  • 10 gauge not suitable for larger vehicles
  • 12 feet may require some maneuvering to get hooked up

Sometimes it can be hard to justify spending $50 or more on something you might need, so you start looking cheaper. Honestly, a lot of the cables in this guide are less than $50, but they’re well worth the investment. The Energizer 12-foot 10-gauge jumper cables are about the smallest, and shortest, you’ll want to get, and they’re right in line with the price of even shorter cables. Now, they do offer these in different lengths and gauges, so if you’re looking for the absolute best deal you can get, make sure you size these (gauge/thickness) for your particular use. If you’re driving around an old Square Body Chevy truck like I was and needing a jump far too often, then 10 gauge is not going to be enough. But, if you drive a 10-year-old compact Honda or Toyota sedan, then these will stow nicely in the corner of the trunk for a day they’re needed. That, and the -40 F flexibility rating, are what cinched the recommendation from me since the AmazonBasics ones in this size/capacity did not carry that rating.

All that being said, 12 feet sure can feel pretty short if you find yourself parked head-first in a spot with no room to bring a car alongside you. For the majority of situations, it’s plenty, but if you know you have a problem and aren’t able to address it right away—hey, I’ve been there too—then park accordingly, with the engine bay toward the driving lane if possible.

Things to consider before buying jumper cables

Jumper cables have been around for years and, as such, the vast majority of them are incredibly simple devices. There have been some recent advances in the space in the form of jump packs, which are small battery packs—similar to the type you’d use to charge a phone that’s low on juice—that have a pair of the distinctive alligator clips hanging off the end to attach to your car’s charging system. Though you can get a simple set of jumper cables for around $15, getting a quality jump pack will often run you $100 or more. These devices truly do a good job but, for some, the cost can be hard to get over, so a traditional set of jumper cables will do just as well, just add another helpful driver.

Use caution

Remember when I said that jumper cables are simple devices? Well, unlike many of the systems that have been improved over time to be safer than ever, applying 12 volts of power directly into the engine bay of a car can be done incorrectly. Anyone who’s ever done the task can likely tell you about accidentally throwing a few sparks when they inadvertently touched the red clamp against a piece of bare metal in the engine bay, which completes the circuit and allows electricity to flow from the running vehicle through whatever it’s now touching. If this happens to be sensitive automotive electrical components, or if you wire the system up “backwards” with the positive and negative sides switched, some serious damage can happen. That being said, if done properly, jump-starting a car can be a drama-free experience that gets you on your way quickly and without too much fuss.

Shop for what you’ll encounter

When you start shopping for jumper cables you’re going to notice that there are lots of options, each with its own advantages. The only notable disadvantage is going to be cost and portability. Not everyone has enough room for 30 feet of 1-gauge jumper cables that’ll safely carry enough current to jump-start a big truck. Then again, the cheapest 10-foot jumper cables you can buy online may not be adequate if you drive a midsize SUV, or truck either. The other factor to consider is what sorts of weather the cables are rated to. Some of the picks are rated to remain flexible—and, thus, useful—down to -40 F, while others would freeze and possibly crack when unrolled after your car fails to start on an icy morning. This doesn’t necessarily mean one set is better than another—because many people will never encounter temperatures well below zero—but it just means that you should think about what you’re likely to encounter and buy accordingly.

Longer can be more convenient

When you get a set of jumper cables, the biggest two drivers of cost are the thickness of the cables themselves and their length. The lower the gauge, the thicker the cables are: the 1-gauge heavy-duty cables can handle enough current to jump-start a big truck, while an 8-gauge set might be smaller and easier to handle, it would only be best for jump-starting a compact car or small SUV. 

Jumper cables also come in a wide variety of lengths, from eight feet, all the way up to 30 feet and likely beyond. The longer ones take up more space, but if you find yourself with a shorter pair (like I have many times) then you often need to park both vehicles side-by-side with the batteries as close as possible together. A longer set means you could pull up behind a stranded vehicle without having to pull alongside, especially if the stranded car isn’t in the safest location.


Q: What gauge is best for jumper cables?

The best gauge is going to depend on your use, not the vehicle jump-starting you. Though bigger trucks and SUVs have a more powerful battery and electrical system than a compact car, the smaller starter on a Honda Civic is going to pull far less energy than that found on a big diesel truck engine. That being said, aim for between 4 and 6 gauge for most uses, and 1 or 0 gauge for heavy-duty applications.

Q: What’s the difference between jumper cables and battery jump-starters?

Battery jump-starters offer a number of distinct benefits over the traditional jumper cable, though with some downsides too. On the positive side, it allows drivers to jump-start a car without needing to find another vehicle to supply the needed power. They also often double as flashlights and power banks for mobile devices, allowing you to top off your tech if you get stranded. On the flipside, the lithium-ion batteries in them heat up significantly when used and can only be cranked for several seconds before needing to cool off between uses. That, and they have a finite capacity and could run out of “juice” before you get your car going.

Q: What happens if I connect the cables incorrectly?

Bad things, most of the time. Though you might get lucky and just blow a few fuses, it’s possible the errant electrons could do irreversible damage to your car’s computer. Make sure you connect the positive cable on the working car to the positive terminal on the car with the dead battery, and that the cable hooked to the negative battery terminal likewise goes to a properly grounded place on the dead car.

Q: Can I jump my car battery without jumper cables?

Well, there are only a few ways around this: if you’ve planned ahead and spent the money on a battery jump starter, then you’re in luck! You can jump-start your car with one of those. Aside from these, there isn’t a safe way to jump-start a car without jumper cables. Call roadside assistance or a tow truck, or wait for another motorist to come by who happens to be carrying a set of jumper cables.

Q: Can I jump-start my electric vehicle?

In an electric vehicle, there are two battery systems: a high-voltage battery that provides the power to drive the car down the road, and a traditional 12-volt system that powers the accessories when you initially turn the vehicle on. The high-voltage battery cannot be jump-started: don’t try, you could be hurt or killed. The 12-volt battery, on the other hand, can be! The process is identical to a regular car, except that it can only be done to “jump” the EV, and should not be used to export power to another vehicle. They typically have a pair of posts you can hook the jumper cables up to, which can be found by looking through the owner’s manual.

Final thoughts on the best jumper cables

Jumper cables are one of those tools that you hope you’ll never need, but are invaluable when a problem does crop up. Batteries can, and do, fail, so it’s good insurance to get a set and keep them handy for the day they’re needed. Chances are, even if you never encounter an issue, you’ll be able to help someone else at work, or at home, when a dome light gets left on and your car battery is drained.

Why trust us

Popular Science started writing about technology more than 150 years ago. There was no such thing as “gadget writing” when we published our first issue in 1872, but if there was, our mission to demystify the world of innovation for everyday readers means we would have been all over it. Here in the present, PopSci is fully committed to helping readers navigate the increasingly intimidating array of devices on the market right now.

Our writers and editors have combined decades of experience covering and reviewing consumer electronics. We each have our own obsessive specialties—from high-end audio to video games to cameras and beyond—but when we’re reviewing devices outside of our immediate wheelhouses, we do our best to seek out trustworthy voices and opinions to help guide people to the very best recommendations. We know we don’t know everything, but we’re excited to live through the analysis paralysis that internet shopping can spur so readers don’t have to.

The post The best jumper cables of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

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5 apps to organize your next group outing Fri, 28 Apr 2023 16:00:00 +0000
Three people standing on a high rock, looking at a beach downhill.
Skip all the boring parts of putting together a group trip and go straight to the fun. Tron Le / Unsplash

These apps help you collectively organize bookings, sightseeings, and even spending.

The post 5 apps to organize your next group outing appeared first on Popular Science.

Three people standing on a high rock, looking at a beach downhill.
Skip all the boring parts of putting together a group trip and go straight to the fun. Tron Le / Unsplash

There’s a lot to like about going on trips as a group—the shared experiences, the socializing, the deepening of friendships, the support and help when you need it. But it’s not without its problems either.

At the planning stage, trying to make sure everyone’s voice is heard and everyone’s ideas are accommodated can be tricky. But as with so many modern-day challenges, technology can help and group trip planner apps can help your journey go brilliantly.


With Troupe group vacation planning is simple as can be: You create your trip, invite your crew, and you’re up and running. There’s a central message board for each trip that you can use to post text and images, so even when you’re not actually making decisions you’ll all stay connected.

You’ll be able to easily manage dates, destinations, and places to stay, and the slick Troupe interface means that it’s always clear who is contributing ideas and responses in each section. There’s a really handy polls feature too, which means you and the people you’re traveling with can vote on everything from attractions to see to restaurants to avoid.

Troupe is available for free for iOS.

[Related: 5 essential road trip apps that have nothing to do with eating, sleeping, or navigating]


Wanderlog can manage every aspect of a trip, including the sights you want to see, how long it’ll take to get between them, and the flight and hotel reservations you need to sort out. You can use it for free, but you can also pay $50 a year for extras such as offline access to your plans and the ability to export itineraries to Google Maps.

It’s really simple to share your trips with other people, and you can choose to let them edit the various parts of the plans or just view them. Everyone can see what’s happening at all times, and leave comments or simple likes (just as you might on social media). There’s even a tool for managing and splitting costs.

Wanderlog is available for Android and iOS. Unlock extra features for $50 a year.


Pluto’s mission is to make trip planning as enjoyable and as stress-free as possible, and we’d say that it absolutely succeeds in its aims. Right from the opening screen there’s a feeling of calm and control, and the interface is really simple to move around. The app works with Pinterest-style pinboards and you can create one for each of your planned trips.

These pinboards can feature everything from where you want to eat and drink to the modes of transportation you’re planning to use. Pluto will even show you example pinboards for popular destinations to give you some inspiration. You can share all of your boards with other people, and they can then contribute their own ideas in each of the categories.

Pluto is available for free for iOS.


Howbout doesn’t offer as many features as some of the apps mentioned above, but that simplicity has its own appeal. You create a plan, invite your friends, and start organizing. Everyone can see at a glance what’s happening and when, and there are a number of tools for each plan—a chat thread, polls, and a neat feature for finding dates when people in the group is free.

Another nice option is countdowns, so you can all see the seconds ticking away to your big vacation. Howbout is also good at exploring possible places to go within a particular destination, like bars or notable landmarks, and managing multiple trips together is straightforward as well.

Howbout is available for free for Android and iOS.

[Related: 4 apps you didn’t know could help you explore new destinations]


Our last app pick focuses on one particular aspect of your trip: expenses. The hassle of chasing up payments and sorting out who’s paying for what can be one of the downsides of traveling in a group. But TravelSpend takes away some of that strain—you can set up a budget ahead of time, or keep track of expenses while on your trip.

The app also lets you categorize your spending so that it’s easier to see where all the money is going. When sharing the app with others, you can also quickly split bills, settle up payments, and always know who you’re in debt to. You can use the app for free, but a $4-a-month subscription removes the ads and enables you to export your expenses to other apps.

TravelSpend is free for Android and iOS. Remove ads and get extra features with a monthly $4 subscription. 

The post 5 apps to organize your next group outing appeared first on Popular Science.

Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made.

The Opt Out: Read this before sharing another photo of a kid online Thu, 27 Apr 2023 13:00:00 +0000
Teddy bear sitting in a corner and hands peeking from the corner with a phone taking pictures of the teddy bear.
Sharenting is not something only parents do. Any adult with a kid in their lives can do it. Lauren Pusateri

Adults need to do better by children in the digital world.

The post The Opt Out: Read this before sharing another photo of a kid online appeared first on Popular Science.

Teddy bear sitting in a corner and hands peeking from the corner with a phone taking pictures of the teddy bear.
Sharenting is not something only parents do. Any adult with a kid in their lives can do it. Lauren Pusateri

WITH A FEW infamous exceptions, it’s safe to say most of the content we see about children on social media has a positive spirit behind it. Your friend’s photo of their first sonogram and your cousin’s lengthy ramble about their toddler’s temper tantrums each come from a good place: the desire to mark a milestone, seek support, share happiness, or build community. But shifting the focus from the people who make the posts to the kids portrayed in them reveals a problem. 

The emotional, psychological, and developmental consequences of having one’s childhood—and all its growing pains—shared online are still unknown, as the first generation of kids conceived in the era of social media is only now coming of age. But studies and specialists are already warning that oversharing information about the kids in our lives might be fraught—both from an ethical and an online privacy point of view. 

What is sharenting and why is it problematic?

A portmanteau of share and parenting, sharenting is the common practice of creating, storing, and publishing content about kids online. And before you think being childless exempts you, know that the term is not limited to parents. If you’ve posted a TikTok dance with your nephew, made photo albums on Facebook about your students, live-tweeted your babysitting adventures, or just recounted a funny thing some kid did on the street, you’ve sharented. 

[Related: School devices are sharing your family’s data, but you can stop them]

“All of that seems innocuous, so you must be talking about influencers and mommy bloggers posting photos and videos of their children 24/7,” I hear you saying. Nope. Sharenting goes beyond the people making a profit off the content they share—the possibility of exploitation and what some may consider digital child labor is only a fraction of the problem. 

Think of it this way: A lot of the time, the kids in social media posts haven’t consented to having their picture or video taken and seen by people they know, let alone millions of others around the world. And even if they say it’s OK, they’re children. We cannot expect them to fully grasp the consequences of having their likeness and sensitive information posted online. Even educated adults have a hard time figuring out what terms and conditions and privacy policies mean, or gauging the social and psychological effects of broadcasting their lives. 

The obvious negative consequences of sharenting are the criminal and illegal activities it can lead to. Consider a post made by a new parent that includes a photo of their newborn, the kid’s full name and date of birth, and the name of the hospital. All that information will probably still be there when that infant becomes an adult, readily available for anyone who wants to bypass the security questions for one of their online accounts. And problems won’t wait for adulthood: A 2011 Carnegie Mellon CyLab study found that child identity theft was 51 times more common than adult identity theft. This is likely because a child’s identity is a clean slate with no credit history, Harvard Law School faculty member Leah Plunkett says in her book Sharenthood

Then there’s the possibility that the pictures you took of your child’s bath or your niece’s gymnastics tournament will end up on the wrong side of the internet. In 2015, an investigation by Australia’s children e-safety commissioner found that one image-sharing website for pedophiles contained at least 45 million files and “about half the material appeared to be sourced directly from social media.” 

Beyond these clear risks, the effects of sharenting on the psychosocial development of children are unclear. Data is scarce as we wait for the first children raised on social media to become adults, says Stacey Steinberg, a professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law and author of Growing Up Shared. “Research, for the most part, is anecdotal—it is desperately needed,” she says. In her book, Plunkett theorizes that sharenting may thwart a child’s essential ability to explore, and that long-lasting posts may alter their personal narrative and sense of self, as many people they meet will go online and learn about them.

Sharenting do’s and don’ts 

The battle for online privacy is ongoing, and children’s privacy is no exception. In the US, laws and regulations like the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment aim to safeguard the data of minors on the internet, but privacy advocates still consider them insufficient

Some states are moving to pass their own laws in this regard, and the US Senate itself has its eye on the parenting influencer industry. But as of today, the country has no comprehensive statute that protects children’s privacy in all contexts. Still, adults have the choice and power to help. 

“Most parents do not overshare because they are trying to be malicious,” Steinberg says. “Most just have not yet considered the importance of their child’s digital footprint.” On the contrary, adults generally sharent with good intentions. Studies show sharenting is a way for parents to find validation and social support, and to help each other in an increasingly isolating landscape for child rearing. So instead of stopping everything and eliminating even the benefits of sharenting, Plunkett suggests four ways to post about the kids in your life in a more responsible way.

Share offline

First, go analog when possible. This is especially important if you’re sharing private information about a child. It’s important to you, as a person in charge of a minor, to receive support and validation from the people around you, and even though posting about it online may be the most immediate option, there are other ways to go about it. If you want people to see a cute picture of your baby to mark their first year, consider printing and mailing copies to your family and loved ones. If you need help managing a child’s temper tantrums, maybe pick up the phone and call or text your pediatrician instead of writing a lengthy Facebook post about it. 

Keep super-sensitive details to yourself

When it comes to sensitive information, just don’t share it. The things we post online have much longer lives than we realize, and details such as birth dates or the name of a child’s middle school could eventually make it easier for criminals and creeps to act against today’s children in the future. It’s unlikely these bits of information will unlock an account on their own, but they could be the missing piece that helps a hacker validate someone’s identity or answer a security question. 

Make sure the kids are fully clothed

One of the most disturbing uses of sharents’ photos and videos of children is their storage and reposting on file-sharing sites that cater to pedophiles. Most of the time, these pictures show kids in common situations like playing at the beach, running around in the park, or practicing cartwheels in the backyard. But the truth is that a lot of these innocent images get sexualized by twisted people. This is why Plunkett recommends only posting images of fully clothed children. The Innocent Lives Foundation, which seeks to protect children against predators online, provides more guidelines on particular outfits they search for (costumes, tutus, and bathing suits, for example) and hashtags to avoid when posting.

Don’t include the child’s face

Finally, ask yourself if a kid’s face actually has to be in the photo. You can always use an emoji or a scribble to cover their features, but if that goes against your aesthetic, consider posting only pictures showing the back of their head or a slight profile. This will help them stay anonymous in the real world.

Get the kids involved

It’s easy to think of the internet as a sea of data where everything will eventually get lost, but reality suggests otherwise. Those of us who remember living without the World Wide Web can confirm: Everything we posted during the early days haunts us, just as the content you share today might haunt the children in your life several years down the road.

[Related: When to have the online-security talk with your kids]

This is why getting kids involved in the decision-making process before you post something online can be formative in their digital education. Steinberg advocates giving children veto power over what you post about them online. Meanwhile, Plunkett says doing research with them and explaining—in a developmentally appropriate way—how social media works “models and supports practical and ethical digital citizenship.” This could also help them grow into adults who know the consequences of oversharing and have healthier relationships with online platforms. But whatever approach you take, keep in mind that as the only grown-up in this situation, you’re the one making the call to share or not to share. Kids are minors, and by definition, they cannot grant informed consent. 

It helps to think about children not as a source of entertainment or an opportunity to harvest likes, but as individuals who will one day face the consequences of our decisions to share moments of their lives. You might think you shared something silly or cute, like a video of them falling asleep on the toilet when they were three, but for them it may turn into a social debacle in the school cafeteria. Or maybe you run into an issue with something else—something you can’t even think of right now—that prevents them from getting into the college of their dreams. That’s the scary part: the not knowing. 

Read more PopSci+ stories.

The post The Opt Out: Read this before sharing another photo of a kid online appeared first on Popular Science.

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You should back up your Blu-rays and DVDs before they break Thu, 27 Apr 2023 12:08:44 +0000
A person putting a DVD or Blu-ray disc into a black laptop, potentially to back it up.
Time's running out to back up your collection. racorn / Depositphotos

This free program will help you move data from discs to a safe place.

The post You should back up your Blu-rays and DVDs before they break appeared first on Popular Science.

A person putting a DVD or Blu-ray disc into a black laptop, potentially to back it up.
Time's running out to back up your collection. racorn / Depositphotos

Entropy is, sadly, our reality. Everything eventually breaks down; everything eventually stops working. That includes your Blu-ray and DVD collection.

Sure, in a well-maintained archive, a Blu-ray is a great long-term option, but your shelves (or worse, haphazardly packed box) aren’t a well-maintained archive, sorry. Whether by natural disaster, kids finding and deciding to play with your discs, or just good old-fashioned wear-and-tear, all of your Blu-rays will stop working someday. Back them up now before they do.

If nothing else, take some time to save any home videos you only have on Blu-ray or DVD—a wedding recording, say, or anything else you wouldn’t be able to replace. But even things you can replace, like movies, are frustrating to buy again just because a disk got scratched. This is why I like to back up my discs to a computer hard drive—so I have a redundant copy.

To back up a Blu-ray or DVD, you will need a Blu-ray drive for your computer and enough hard drive space to store your collection.

Just a reminder: ripping TV shows or movies from protected discs may be a copyright violation, depending on where you live, and it’s almost certainly not legal if you intend to share the files with others.

How to rip Blu-ray to video files

The MakeMKV beta interface.
MakeMKV can help you rip DVDs and Blu-rays onto a hard drive. Justin Pot

The simplest tool for copying Blu-rays is MakeMKV, which is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It’s relatively simple to use, and it’s free. OK, it’s only free while it’s in beta, but it’s been in beta for over a decade and there’s no reason to think that’s going to change anytime soon. The company posts working license keys on the forum every month. Just copy this code, click Help, hit Register, and paste the code to register the application. Keep that link handy: the beta codes expire every couple of months.

With MakeMKV open, insert your DVD or Blu-ray and click the big button that looks like a disc drive. The program will scan the disc and give you a list of video files. Check the boxes next to the videos you want to rip. You sadly can’t preview the files, but you can see how long they are—this should help you determine which video is which. For a movie, the longest video will generally be the feature presentation, while shorter ones tend to be special features. For discs containing TV shows, the episodes will generally be in order. This can all vary, though, so be sure to check your videos afterward just to make sure.

[Related: How to back up and protect all your precious data]

Note that you can select which audio tracks you want to rip—commentary tracks, for example, or dubbed audio for other languages. By default, the program grabs all of them, but you can uncheck any track you don’t want.

Finally, pick a folder where you’d like your ripped files to end up. After everything looks right, click the large MakeMKV button. Note that, in some cases, a disc that plays fine may fail to rip—this is fairly standard. A Blu-ray or DVD player simply skips over dirt or scratches; ripping software can’t do that for various reasons. If this happens, clean the disc with a microfiber cloth and try again—in most cases that should work.

A note on UHD (4K) Blu-rays

For DVDs and most Blu-rays, the above is all you need to know. For newer, ultra-HD Blu-rays, however, things get more complicated because of the copy protection. To oversimplify, only certain drives will work for actually ripping the files, and you may need to install custom firmware. You can find a list of supported drives on the MakeMKV forum. The post also includes instructions for flashing your drive (replacing its firmware), if necessary.

How to play MKV files

MakeMKV, as its name suggests, turns ripped video files into MKV files. The simplest way to play this format is to install VLC, a free media player that runs on every major operating system. You can also stream your MKV files from anywhere using Plex or Jellyfin.

If there’s a particular player you prefer, however, and it doesn’t support MKV files, you can always convert your files from MKV to another video format using Handbrake, which has the added benefit of producing smaller files. Just point the application to your MKV files, decide which format you’d like to convert them to, and let Handbrake do the work. 

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A beginner’s guide to visiting national parks Sat, 24 Apr 2021 17:00:00 +0000
The view of Zion National Park from Lava Point.
National Parks offer many stunning views, like this one in Zion National Park. National Park Service

Transportation tips, lodging advice, and other details you need to know before you go to a national park.

The post A beginner’s guide to visiting national parks appeared first on Popular Science.

The view of Zion National Park from Lava Point.
National Parks offer many stunning views, like this one in Zion National Park. National Park Service

Summer is almost here, and for many Americans, that means it’s time to start planning that long-awaited road trip. With 312 million visitors in 2022, national parks are some of the most popular destinations for this kind of travel, as they provide a unique opportunity to connect with nature while, ideally, avoiding crowds. But there are nuances that can make or break your visit to a national park, and they don’t reveal themselves until you’re actually there—which can be too late.

On my first trip to Zion National Park in Utah, I expected serene hikes with birds chirping among towering red rock. Instead, I found myself surrounded by people packing into shuttles; the vibe more theme park than nature-y. 

Although I left feeling a bit underwhelmed, my second visit to Zion, during the off-season, was a completely different experience. I arrived the week before peak-season shuttle service began, allowing me to tour the park’s main road (Zion Canyon Scenic Drive) in my own vehicle. I camped on-site, rolling out of bed early for hikes, and experienced the Zion I had imagined—tranquil and sublime. 

They say hindsight is 20/20. Here’s hoping by borrowing ours you can plan a memorable trip.

How to get around national parks

There’s no way around it—whether it’s your own car, a rental, or a recreational vehicle, you’ll absolutely need wheels to explore. National parks can cover vast swaths of land, and some, like Yellowstone National Park, even stretch across multiple states.

When planning your park visit, take time to look at maps of your destination on the National Park Service website. These maps generally do a good job of letting you know how many miles separate different points, and sometimes include time estimates for traveling between various park entrances.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. A notable one is Zion National Park, which is so swarmed with adoring visitors that you’re not allowed to drive along the popular scenic road in your own vehicle for most of the year. Outside of winter, you’ll have to use the park’s shuttle system to travel that route.

Give yourself multiple days to explore

As you pore over maps, you may notice that national parks have distinct areas. Sometimes they connect, but sometimes they don’t. You may also be surprised to find you could lose most of a day moving between them.

In Utah’s Canyonlands National Park, for example, it can take six hours to drive between Island in the Sky and the Maze. Most people only make it to Island in the Sky, but self-sufficient, experienced trail drivers with high-clearance, four-wheel drive vehicles and off-road recovery gear may also want to experience the remote beauty of the Maze. If that’s you or a friend, plan for a minimum of three days.

[Related: 5 activities to show kids that maps can be fun]

But at Joshua Tree National Park in California, two deserts run into each other. It’s hard to tell the difference unless you know that the park’s namesake trees don’t grow in the Colorado Desert, but their Seussian forms scatter the Mojave. Absent that indicator, though, the transition between the neighboring ecosystems is seamless as you drive along the main road.

Check vehicle restrictions if you’re driving an RV

Some national parks are marvelously suited for RVs. Arches, White Sands, and Joshua Tree, for example, are easy to explore in an RV, as the elevation gain is gentle and it’s easy to stop at overlooks and points of interest along the way.

Other parks, however, may not allow large vehicles in certain sections, especially roads with switchbacks and hairpin turns. While you can usually avoid these areas, you may want to reconsider the size of the RV you’re renting, or avoid driving a motorhome altogether, as it may mean a must-see feature will have to come off your itinerary.

Going-to-the-Sun Road in Montana’s Glacier National Park is a great example. There, all vehicles (including any attached trailers) can only be up to 21 feet long and 10 feet tall, which is smaller than most RVs. If traveling Going-to-the-Sun Road and road-tripping in an RV are both on your bucket list, fear not, we have advice: Find an outfitter that rents short wheelbase Sprinters or small Class B RVs like the Winnebago Travato. 

No matter what park you’re visiting, renting a small RV may also make it easier to park at trailheads, where designated spots for RVs can be scarce or non-existent. Going small just might save you from having to park in a different lot. Nothing against shuttles, but you’d better check the schedule before you wind up stranded after a sunset hike.

Tips for staying inside national parks

Among the most convenient, immersive ways to see a national park is to actually stay in it. Doing so makes it easier to go on night hikes or do some stargazing. 

Make sure you have the right gear if you’re camping in a tent

If you want to go full-on outdoors enthusiast, you can try tent camping at a national park campground. The key is to book your spot as soon as reservations open to the public, if not shortly thereafter—available sites will quickly become scarce. 

For an experience you’ll remember for the right reasons, start with the right gear. But before you become REI’s best customer, consider your options. You can get second-hand gear in great condition from thrift shops or platforms such as Geartrade, Facebook Marketplace, and even Reddit. Renting gear is a handy solution as well, especially if you don’t normally camp or aren’t sure how much you’ll like the great outdoors.

[Related: How to make your outdoor gear last longer]

It’s also important to note that depending on where you are and the elevation, nights can get very cold––even in the summer. If you have an improperly rated sleeping bag, or you’re using it wrong, you’ll be falling asleep to the sound of your chattering teeth. The best way to prepare is to consult an outfitter near the park of interest. They’ll know exactly what you’ll need to keep dry, stay warm, and, most importantly, help ensure you don’t advertise your campsite as a bear-friendly buffet

If traveling by RV, confirm your campsite has what you need

Touring a national park in an RV can make for an iconic vacation. But before you start browsing for rentals, make sure the park you want to visit accommodates RVs and snag a spot as quickly as you can.

When it comes to on-site RV camping, first-trip fails tend to center around electric hookups. Depending on your vehicle, you may need a campsite with power, but some campgrounds only offer “dry camping” sites with no electricity.

If you’re planning a multi-night stay without power, ask your outfitter lots of questions. You’ll need to know if the RV is equipped with solar panels, or if the house batteries charge up while you drive. Find out if the refrigerator runs on propane in addition to electric power, and if there is an onboard generator. At sundown, when the temperature drops, your furnace can drain your RV battery overnight. This can happen even if your furnace runs on propane, as its fan still runs on electric power. 

Not all lodges are made equal

If dragging your house around like a crustacean is not your thing, you can always opt for an in-park lodge, should the park of your choice have one. 

Lodge accommodations vary greatly though, and you won’t want to be surprised by a lack of air conditioning in the middle of July. When considering any booking, search online for visitor reviews and discussions on message boards. In some cases, you’ll even be able to ask specific questions to people who have stayed there, which may be the best way to make sure reality matches your expectations. 

What to know about accommodations outside national parks

While staying on-site is a unique experience, your road trip can still be amazing if you stay off-site. For best results, give yourself more time than you think you need. If you choose to stay in a charming town near your chosen park, for example, you’ll have to account for travel time between the two, plus the much slower speed you’ll drive in the park itself.

Always bring food 

Given the amount of time you’ll spend inside your chosen park, there’s no guarantee you’ll find something to eat. At some parks, you’ll be lucky to locate a lone protein bar at the visitor’s center, while others have their own grocery stores.

So whether you’re staying on-site or traveling by car, make sure to bring a packed cooler and extra food. If you’re touring in an RV, stock the fridge. 

[Related: Once you know what happens to food you leave outdoors, you’ll stop doing it]

Even if you find your park has provisions available, you probably won’t want to spend precious time standing in line for the register when you could be out there becoming one with nature.

Timing your visit

Expectations go a long way toward a great first experience, and timing is key.

Seasonal closures happen, and you’ll also want to check for any permits or waiting lists for famous hikes. About a week before you set out, scan the websites for the parks you’ll be visiting to avoid disappointment. 

Even if you can’t time your trip for when your chosen park is fully open, its beauty will still shine through—just a glimpse is enough to know you’ve visited a special place on Earth.

Correction April 26, 2021: The story previously suggested all of Zion National Park was inaccessible to private vehicles during peak season, instead of only the main scenic road.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on April 24, 2021.

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Your Mac’s trackpad doesn’t have to be basic. Here’s how to customize it. Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Zoom into the trackpad on a MacBook Pro
You can do way more with your MacBook's built-in trackpad. Martin Katler / Unsplash

You can go way beyond the default settings ruling your MacBook's trackpad.

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Zoom into the trackpad on a MacBook Pro
You can do way more with your MacBook's built-in trackpad. Martin Katler / Unsplash

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If you own an Apple MacBook, then the built-in trackpad might be your way of doing just about everything except typing. It’s an essential input device for your laptop, so you’ll need to know how to make the best of it.

Not only are there a ton of configuration options to personalize the gestures you use with your MacBook trackpad, but there are also third-party apps to help you do more clicking, selecting, zooming, and scrolling.

Get to know the trackpad settings in macOS

You can find the trackpad settings in macOS by opening System Settings and then scrolling down the sidebar all the way to the bottom to select Trackpad. The first tab, Point & Click, lets you adjust how fast the cursor moves across the screen (from Slow to Fast) and how hard you have to press the trackpad for the computer to register it as a click (from Light to Firm).

If you have a MacBook made in 2015 or later, you have a Force Touch trackpad that features Force Click and haptic feedback. This means you can firmly press and hold on the trackpad to trigger certain actions, such as previewing an address in Maps or the attachments in Messages. For most of these features you’ll also need to enable Look up & data detectors, but you can leave Force Click off and use a three-finger click to look up information instead. You can check out more examples of how this feature works on Apple’s website.  

[Related: Apple MacBook Air M2 review: Semi-pro]

Next is Secondary click, also known as right-click: You can turn this off completely or choose to enable it with a two-finger click, or a click on one of the bottom corners of the trackpad. The final option on this screen, Tap to click, means you can register a click with a light tap on the trackpad rather than a full press.

Switch to the Scroll & Zoom tab and you can set which direction the screen scrolls when you move two fingers up or down the trackpad (Natural scrolling), enable a pinch with two fingers to make things on screen appear larger (Zoom in or out), enable a two-finger double-tap for a quick zoom in or out (Smart Zoom), and enable the ability to rotate objects with two fingers (Rotate). Hover over any option to see a preview of how it works at the top of the dialog box.

Lastly, there’s the More Gestures tab, which offers a total of seven different gestures you can enable. Some of these just have a simple switch you can toggle to turn them on and off, with the gesture action explained underneath, while others have a drop-down menu where you can pick the gesture you want to trigger the action.

For example, turn on the Notification Center toggle switch and you’ll be able to swipe left from the right edge of the screen with two fingers. Meanwhile, for the Swipe between full-screen applications gesture, you can choose to do this by swiping left or right with either three fingers or four fingers on the trackpad. Or you can turn the gesture off completely.

Customize your MacBook’s trackpad gestures with third-party apps

Besides the options built into macOS, you can enlist the help of various third-party apps to customize the trackpad and its gestures even further. 

One such app is BetterTouchTool, which will set you back $10 with two years worth of updates, or $22 with updates for life. There’s also a 45-day free trial you can use to see if you like the software before you part with your money.

The program covers a whole host of customizations you can do on your Mac, but pick Trackpad from the menu at the top to start building your own personalized gestures. 

[Related: Apple now offers the MacBook Pro and Mac Mini with M2 chips inside]

First, click the + (plus) icon underneath Groups & Top Level Triggers, and pick your gesture—you can do something like 3 Finger Double-Tap or whatever else you want to do with your fingers to trigger the action. You can also combine a keyboard shortcut if you want, and choose whether macOS acknowledges the trigger with a visual alert. 

Then, click the + (plus) icon underneath Actions Assigned to Selected Trigger. This determines what happens next: you can choose from a long list of supported actions, including app navigation, window resizing, and system actions such as powering down the Mac. Once you pick the one you want, your gesture will be ready to use. 

Another trackpad app worth checking out is Swish which you can test for free for 14 days before having to pay $16 to keep using it. Unfortunately, this app doesn’t allow you to create your own gestures but comes with a list of custom ones that expands on the built-in trackpad functionality in lots of new and useful ways. You’ll be able to maximize and minimize windows, snap them to a grid on screen, move open windows between different monitors, or quickly view the desktop by minimizing every currently open window.

You can see the various supported gestures by going down the navigation pane on the left of the app interface: General, Windows, Snapping, Apps, Menubar, and Advanced. Swish also has a few other interesting settings you might want to turn on, like setting up a modifier key on your keyboard to enable gestures.

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A 1967 foot-powered tool you could build today—if you wanted to Tue, 25 Apr 2023 13:00:00 +0000
collage made from old magazine photograph and blueprints
Popular Science

This vintage Popular Science tutorial invokes spinning wheels and DIY guitar pedals.

The post A 1967 foot-powered tool you could build today—if you wanted to appeared first on Popular Science.

collage made from old magazine photograph and blueprints
Popular Science

FROM ANCIENT treadwheel cranes to modern guitar effects pedals, the creative energy of our feet has come a long way. Roman aqueducts, medieval castles, and Gothic cathedrals were raised, mega-stone by mega-stone, by machines powered by human-size hamster wheels. Treadles, or foot levers, made their debut in the Middle Ages to power looms and spinning wheels. The stair climber got its start in 1818 as a prison treadmill—not to intentionally torment England’s inmates (as sometimes alleged), but to put their feet to work, turning gears to pump water and grind corn. In the late 19th century, pedal power took a fresh turn as artisans used the wheels of stationary bikes to spin up their wood lathes, bandsaws, drill presses, and knife grinders. By the early 20th century, even percussionists were getting in on foot action, adding pedals to drum sets and possibly taking pedal-effects cues from the centuries-old piano.

By 1967, when Popular Science electronics editor Ronald M. Benrey offered instructions for building a footswitch to control handheld electric tools, pedal power looked altogether different. When electricity and combustion engines had rolled out half a century earlier, our feet could suddenly spin up powerful cranes or propel cars at dizzying speeds with little more than a tap. No more sweating, huffing, and puffing. But even in 1967, using footswitches in home workshops was something of a novelty, especially the speed-control variety. Of course, some stationary home tools, like sewing machines, had standardized footswitches decades earlier.

In fact, Benrey wasn’t the first Popular Science editor to offer pedal-power DIY instructions. In December 1943, longtime contributor Walter E. Burton explained how to motorize a treadle sewing machine. His instructions include an electric motor controlled by a mechanical footswitch that worked like a clutch, engaging and disengaging the motor from the sewing machine’s flywheel. Burton’s design might have been inspired by a Popular Science contributor who, nearly a decade earlier (October 1935), had shared how he’d used a fan motor to automate his sewing machine, connecting it to the treadle. Perhaps the most innovative use of pedal power comes from a December 1880 Popular Science story that describes the use of wind- and water-powered motors (electricity was not readily available then) controlled by foot pedals to drive a variety of home workshop tools, including sewing machines. (Alternative energy DIYers might be inspired by 1880 domestic motor designs.)

Popular Science cover February 1967
The cover of the February 1967 issue of Popular Science put the pedal to the metal with car-centric stories and plenty of DIY projects. Popular Science

What makes Benrey’s 1967 foot pedal unique is its speed-control feature. In addition to a simple on-off switch (referred to as “full” power), Benrey describes how to add a variable setting. When the switch is flipped to “variable,” the speed of the tool, such as the electric drill featured in the story, can be controlled with your foot. The catch is that in variable mode, the foot pedal delivers only about three-quarters of the electric current required to run the tool at full speed—a limitation of the added electronics. For full power, Benrey’s added switch must be flipped from variable to full. 

Today, footswitches, including the variable-speed variety, like Benrey’s, can be purchased, ready to use, for under $20. Of course, DIY enthusiasts can build one using any number of instructional videos. And throwback DIYers nostalgic for 1960s-style ingenuity could even build Benrey’s model. When looking for a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR), which varies the tool’s speed by translating foot pressure to a corresponding amount of electric current, today there are a variety of thyristors that will do the trick. Plus, being handy with a soldering iron and comfortable with wiring diagrams is really a prerequisite. Whether you choose to build your own switch or not, if you’re the creative type who regularly works with power tools, you might want to add pedal power to your arsenal—you’ll probably wonder why it took you so long to unleash the power in your feet. 

Read more PopSci+ stories.

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Free up space on your laptop by moving all your files to the cloud Sun, 27 Feb 2022 02:39:37 +0000
A person in a tan sweater sitting at a laptop computer on a wooden table.
Having everything you want to save readily at hand is not always the most practical choice. Better back up some of your stuff to the cloud instead. Christin Hume / Unsplash

Treating the cloud as your basement or attic will help you keep your files organized.

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A person in a tan sweater sitting at a laptop computer on a wooden table.
Having everything you want to save readily at hand is not always the most practical choice. Better back up some of your stuff to the cloud instead. Christin Hume / Unsplash

Disk space is always at a premium, so you should take every opportunity to free up as much of it as you can. One of the best ways to do this is to back up a bunch of files to the cloud, then remove them from your computer entirely.

Stashing your data in the cloud will allow you to access your files while still having hard drive space on your computer. The process is relatively easy, but don’t let this be your only form of backup: keep your files on another cloud service or an external hard drive (or two) in case something catastrophic happens.

How does the cloud work?

Understanding the cloud can be a little confusing at first, but platforms like OneDrive, iCloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive keep two identical folders—one in your computer and one in the cloud. They’re in sync by default, which means that when you change something on your laptop, it changes in the cloud, and vice versa. If you have these apps installed on multiple computers, the changes propagate across all of them allowing you to access latest version of your files from any device.

You can also set certain folders to be online-only, meaning they only live in the cloud and take up no space on your hard drive. When you want to access these files, you’ll need an internet connection, but that’s really the only catch.

[Related: How to move your photos to and from any cloud service]

Cloud storage and syncing apps can help you manually choose which files live locally on your computer, but they can also do the job automatically. In some cases, you can keep a folder online-only, but still have placeholders for its contents on your hard drive. As soon as you try to access them, they’ll download from the cloud and open as normal.

All these services also have web interfaces, which allow you to log in and view your files on any computer with a web browser and an internet connection. In some cases, web access might be all you need.

When deciding what kind of files to store where, think of the cloud as your basement—a place where you store things you don’t want to throw away, but wouldn’t keep in the middle of your living room. As such, it’s best to make older files and folders online-only—those you want to keep backed up but don’t need to access regularly, such as vacation photos and videos. You should locally store any files you constantly need access to, especially if you can’t rely on internet connectivity.

How to save computer space with OneDrive

If you run Windows and use OneDrive, certain folders on your computer and in the cloud will sync by default. You can also designate specific files as online-only to save local storage space. If you need them, you’ll have to download them with a couple of clicks, but this is not something you’ll want to do often with large files—it’s time-consuming.

To make some files online-only, right-click on the OneDrive icon (a cloud) in the Windows taskbar notification area, then choose Help & Settings and open up the Settings tab. Go to Sync and backup, then open the Advanced settings. Finally, locate Files On-Demand and select Download files as you use them.

You’ll find there are three types of files in OneDrive. First, there are online-only documents, which you’ll recognize by the blue cloud badge that sits on top of the file icon in File Explorer. These live in the cloud, but open normally as long as you have an internet connection. The second type are locally available files, which have a green check mark on them and live both on your device and in the cloud. Finally, there are locally stored files. These are marked by a white check mark in a green circle and they stay on your computer no matter what.

The last two types are practically the same, and you’ll be able to open and edit them normally, even if you’re offline. The only difference is that locally available files will automatically become online-only after a set period of time if you enable a Windows 10 and 11 feature called Storage sense, which uploads files to the cloud when you’re running out of space on your computer.

OneDrive will handle some of this automatically (by downloading files when you open them, for example), but you can also manually set up what the platform does with specific files and folders by right-clicking on them in File Explorer.

How to save space with iCloud

The iCloud interface.
If iCloud is your cloud of choice, it’ll work with all your Apple devices. David Nield

Apple has two different storage systems: iCloud and iCloud Drive. The first one syncs information on your Mac devices, including music and videos purchased through the iTunes Store, plus contacts, calendars, and pictures. The second, iCloud Drive, is Apple’s version of OneDrive or Dropbox. You can install it on Apple and non-Apple tech, use it to store any file or folder, sync that data across devices, and share your files with anyone.

To see how much of your iCloud storage you’re using on your Mac, open the Apple menu, choose About This Mac, click More info, and scroll down to click Storage Settings. Under Recommendations, you’ll see a Store in iCloud button. Click it, and you’ll have the option to save all the files and documents from your Desktop and Documents folders in the cloud so you can access them from any Apple device where you’re signed in with your Apple ID. You can also move all your messages to the cloud rather than storing them locally.

Under Optimize Storage, click Optimize to remove any local iTunes movies and TV shows you’ve got on your Mac that are marked as watched—you can always download them again if you need to. 

Finally, open System Settings, go to the Apple ID tab, and choose iCloud. If you toggle the switch next to Optimize Mac Storage, macOS will start to clear your hard drive of older files you haven’t opened in a while, whenever you start to run out of space. These files won’t disappear from iCloud and you can always redownload them.

How to free up space on your computer with Dropbox

Dropbox offers two ways to keep files in the cloud and off your hard drive until you need them. The first is Selective Sync, and it’s available to users of both the free and paid tiers. Simply open the Dropbox Preferences panel on your computer, and under Selective Sync (if you’re a Windows user), or Select folders to sync to this Mac (for Mac users), click Select folders.

This feature will let you uncheck some or all of the folders in your Dropbox to prevent the platform from downloading and syncing them to your computer. If you uncheck a folder, it will disappear from that device, but will remain in the cloud and on any other computers you’re using Dropbox with. You can follow the same path and undo this preference if you want to restore access and syncing capabilities to certain folders. 

Then there’s the feature formerly known as Smart Sync, which is only available to paying Dropbox customers. It works like Selective Sync but it’s more automatic: it lets you move files to the cloud, making them online-only, but the platform will put placeholders for them in the Dropbox folder on your computer. You can easily view online-only documents when you’re offline, but if you need to edit them, you’ll need an internet connection to download them. Changes will sync to the cloud, but if you want to keep the file online-only after that, you’ll need to manually enable the feature again.

[Related: 6 essential Dropbox tools you might be missing]

To make a file or folder online-only, go to your Dropbox folder, right-click on the file or folder you want to only store in the cloud and choose Make online-only. You can also make all new files online-only by default: go to Dropbox Preferences, click Sync, open the dropdown menu next to New files default, and select Online-only.

How to save space on your device with Google Drive

On Google Drive, you pick which folders live both on your computer and in the cloud, and which you just want in the cloud. If you use Google Drive on more than one computer, you can keep different folders on different devices. All users, whether they pay for the service or not, have access to the Google Drive for Desktop app, which is the easiest way to manage your files if you’re using this service.

With the app installed on your computer, click the Drive icon in the menu bar, then the gear icon, followed by Preferences. On the sidebar, choose Google Drive and check the bubbles next to Stream files (so they’ll only exist in the cloud) or Mirror files, meaning they’ll live in both locations at the same time. To sync folders from your local drive, select the option for your computer and hit Add folder to start syncing.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on July 10, 2019.

The post Free up space on your laptop by moving all your files to the cloud appeared first on Popular Science.

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The best inverter generators of 2023 Mon, 29 Aug 2022 19:00:00 +0000
Best inverter generators sliced header
Tony Ware

Get fuel-sipping performance that's portable.

The post The best inverter generators of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

Best inverter generators sliced header
Tony Ware

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Best overall The Generac GP3500iO delivers solid power and unrivaled reliability. Generac GP3500iO

This is a solid all-around option for just about any home.

Most sustainable The Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro offers sustainable, best-in-class performance. Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro

Go solar if you want to save the environment and some money.

Best for home backup The Briggs & Stratton Q6500 will keep your lights on, quietly. Briggs & Stratton Q6500 QuietPower Series

Don’t worry about blackouts with this powerful-but-quiet model.

The issue with old-school generators is that they always operated at full bore, burning fuel and pumping out power at the highest possible capacity at all times, but inverter generators solve the problem. They offer a throttle that adjusts engine speed to meet actual electrical needs. This greatly improves fuel efficiency, reduces emissions, and decreases operating volume. Inverter generators also provide an extremely clean source of electricity that won’t harm sensitive devices with unpredictable and inconsistent power output. Whether you’ve got hurricane preparedness or just generally useful home appliances on your mind, the best inverter generators offer solid efficiency and runtime, rock-solid craftsmanship, and deliver the reliability you need when the lights go out.

How we picked the best inverter generators

As a tech enthusiast and camping addict, I’ve looked at a wide range of mobile power products for the likes of Popular Science, Scientific American, The Daily Beast, and more. I’ve researched each of these selections extensively via a combination of first-hand trials, input from experts, and reviews from real-world consumers. We focus on generators that offer solid build quality, powerful performance, and reliability. A generator isn’t worth much if you can’t be sure it will work when you really need it.

The best inverter generators: Reviews & Recommendations

Our top-rated inverter generators represent a range of uses and budgets. Some are designed to provide full-fledged backup power for an entire home. Others are more portable for camping, worksites, or other smaller-scale intentions. In any case, below you’ll find something that fits your circumstances.

Best overall: Generac GP3500iO



Why it made the cut: Solid performance, superior reliability, and outstanding versatility make the Generac GP3500iO a great all-around inverter generator.


  • Rated output: 3,000W
  • Peak output: 3,500W
  • Gas tank capacity: 2.37 gallons
  • Weight: 74.3 lbs
  • Runtime: 11 hours at 25 % rated load
  • Price: $839


  • Outstanding reliability
  • Solid output
  • Quiet
  • Relatively light


  • No wheels
  • Not enough output for a whole house

When it comes to building an inverter generator that delivers a lifespan worthy of the investment, Generac is as good as they come. The GP3500iO is built to last and will provide many years of reliable power.

Speaking of which, its power output is no slouch either. While its 3,000-3,500W operating range isn’t large enough to keep an entire house powered, it is more than enough to keep key appliances operating or to keep a campsite, RV, or off-grid worksite fully electrified. It’s also parallel-ready, so if you do need more power you can chain a second unit in to double the output. And at a surprisingly competitive price of just over $800, buying two isn’t all that much of a stretch.

It’s 50% quieter than most comparably sized generators, making it perfect for hauling out into nature. That being said, it’s a bit lighter than many similar models, it isn’t exactly featherweight and it doesn’t come with wheels, so some may find it somewhat challenging to wrangle in and out of the RV.

For all intents and purposes, however, we think the GP3500iO is the best inverter generator for the money thanks to its outstanding build quality, performance, and versatility.

Most sustainable: Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro



Why it made the cut: If you’re looking for plenty of sustainable, portable power, the Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro delivers.


  • Rated output: 2,200W
  • Peak output: 4,400W
  • Gas tank capacity: N/A
  • Weight: 43 lbs
  • Runtime: 2,160 Watt hours
  • Price: $2,099


  • Super portable
  • Easy to use
  • Solid output
  • Super fast charging 


  • Not enough output for a whole house
  • Can only be charged in the sun

In its own offshoot class of inverter generators—that of the electric generators, meaning that it requires no gas at all—the Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro offers substantial, sustainable, highly portable power. In fact, we like the 2000 Pro so much that we named it the top solar generator of the year.

With output ranging between 2,200-4,400 watts, the 2000 Pro delivers more power than virtually any other solar power generator on the market. While the runtime of its 2,160 Wh capacity depends entirely upon how much you ask of it, it’s capable of powering a full-sized fridge for over three hours, a portable electric cooler for 15 hours, a hand drill for 60 hours, and can charge small devices like a smartphone or laptop dozens and dozens of times. It also recharges fast, going from empty to 100% in under two hours when plugged into a wall outlet or in just 2.5 hours when plugged into its solar array.

The Jackery 2000 Pro is also super portable and super user-friendly, making it an ideal choice for camping or vanlifing. While it’s not powerful enough to keep an entire house juiced, it will serve as a solid source of backup power in the event that the lights go out, allowing you to keep a few key appliances and devices running.

Best for home backup: Briggs & Stratton Q6500 QuietPower Series

Briggs & Stratton


Why it made the cut: For emergency backup power at home, the Briggs & Stratton Q6500 delivers solid yet quiet performance.


  • Rated output: 5,000W
  • Peak output: 6,500W
  • Gas tank capacity: 2.37 gallons
  • Weight: 128 lbs
  • Runtime: 14 hours at 25% load 
  • Price: $1,399


  • Solid output
  • Quiet
  • Easy to move and store
  • Power usage meter


  • Some buyers report customer service issues

When you need an inverter generator to power your entire home, power output is your foremost concern. The Briggs & Stratton Q6500 QuietPower Series delivers more than enough output capacity and runtime to suit the average homeowner’s needs. What’s more, it’s also quieter than most other generators, making about as much noise as a dishwasher.

All of that makes it ideal for at-home emergency backup power use, but the deal is sweetened thanks to its highly mobile, highly storable design. Its telescoping handle sets flush into its square shape, making it easy to store in the garage. When it’s time to deploy, the inclusion of sturdy wheels makes it easy to roll into place.

Some users have reported issues when seeking customer service from the company, but their experience seems to be in the minority. Generally speaking, this is an outstanding generator to have on hand for when the lights go out.

Best for RVs: Honda EU2200i



Why it made the cut: If you need a tough, reliable source of power on the go, the Honda EU2200i is the best recreational inverter generator out there.


  • Rated output: 1,800W
  • Peak output: 2,200W
  • Gas tank capacity: .95 gallons
  • Weight: 47.4 lbs
  • Runtime: 8.1 hours at 25 % rated load
  • Price: $1,199


  • Outstanding portability
  • Outstanding reliability
  • Solid power output
  • Quiet


  • Not powerful enough for a while house

Fun fact: Honda actually released the first inverter generator ever back in 1987. That being the case, it should come as no surprise that they’ve had plenty of time to perfect the art.

And perfect the Honda EU2200i is—at least for the purposes of RVing or camping. It weighs less than 50 pounds and can easily fit in most common car trunks, it’s as portable as generators come. At the same time, it offers a solid 1,800-2,200W of power, which is enough to run virtually any RV air conditioner with room left over to charge an array of devices.

What’s more, the EU2200i is one of the most solidly built generators on the market. With a typical lifespan of somewhere between 1000-2000 operating hours, a properly maintained EU2200i should last some 10-20 years.

Best dual-fuel: DuroMax XP13000HX



Why it made the cut: With its high output and solid construction, the DuroMax XP13000HX is as reliable as they come.


  • Rated output: 10,500W
  • Peak output: 13,000W
  • Gas tank capacity: 8.3 gallons
  • Weight: 238 lbs
  • Runtime: 13 hours at 25 % rated load
  • Price: $1,499


  • Dual-fuel versatility
  • Massive power output
  • Rock-solid construction
  • Wheel kit included


  • Very heavy
  • Very expensive

We like the DuroMax XP1300HX so much that we placed it at the top of our roundup of the best dual-fuel generators. Not only does it produce an enormous amount of power—more than enough to power an entire house—but its dual-fuel versatility allows it to run on both gas and propane. This makes it easier to find fuel sources in a pinch, and when fueled by propane means that it will be quieter and produce fewer emissions. It’s also as solidly built as any machine most humans will ever own.

That solid build does translate into weight—a hefty 238 pounds of it. The wheels do make it easy to move around wheel-barrow-style, but you definitely won’t be bringing it camping. As far as emergency home backup power goes, however, the XXP1300HX is outstanding.

Best budget: WEN 56203i Super Quiet



Why it made the cut: The WEN 56203i Super Quiet offers substantial quality at a low price.


  • Rated output: 1,700W
  • Peak output: 2,000W
  • Gas tank capacity: 1 gallon
  • Weight: 38 lbs
  • Runtime: 10.8 25% rated load
  • Price: $429


  • Rock-bottom price
  • Quiet
  • Great runtime
  • Super portable


  • Relatively low power output

At $340, the WEN 56203i Super Quiet is about as budget-friendly as generators get. What makes it stand out is that it offers significantly better performance than every other generator in its class.

Capable of churning out a steady 1,700-2,000W, this generator isn’t going to power your house but it will serve as a decent source of emergency power in a pinch, and it serves as a great camping option. Its campability is accentuated by its quiet performance and outstanding portability. It also sips fuel efficiently, delivering a great runtime for its fuel capacity.

What to consider when buying inverter generators

There are a lot of inverter generators out there, but they tend to come with lofty price tags. It requires hardware to actually invert the current, which allows it to avoid voltage spikes that could harm devices plugged into it. Many subpar brands simply don’t offer the build quality that you would expect from such a high-value piece of equipment, while others fall short of delivering the performance you need for reliable power. To make a smart buy, here are a few important considerations to keep in mind so that you can be sure of getting the best inverter generator for the money:

Power output

If a generator doesn’t produce enough power to meet your needs, what good is it? Generators are rated by the number of watts they can produce in any given moment, which is often accompanied by a peak performance rating that represents the maximum power they can deliver in short bursts. To determine how much juice you need, add up the operating wattage for all the devices and appliances you expect to power, then find a generator that delivers accordingly. The average 5000-7500W generator, for example, will generally provide enough power for most of the key items in your home, including the fridge, TV, lighting, well pump, and a smattering of small devices.


If you expect to be using your inverter generator for long periods at a time—if you live somewhere with frequent or prolonged power outages, for example, or if you’ll be needing off-grid power all day long—you don’t want to be refueling it again and again. Runtimes are determined by how large a generator’s fuel tank is combined with its operating efficiency. Most inverter generators have runtimes of roughly 5-6 hours, though a few highly efficient models can stretch that to nearly a full day.

Fuel type

While the majority of inverter generators run on gasoline, many also run on propane or natural gas, and a few can even be powered by the sun. Gas offers the most power output but it’s also the loudest and causes the most emissions. Propane and natural gas shave off a bit of the output in favor of quieter, cleaner operations. Solar generators are emission-free and just shy of silent, but they can only be recharged if the sun is out (or a wall/car socket is handy).

Size and weight

Inverter generators come in a variety of sizes and weights, resulting in varying degrees of portability. Some are large and essentially immobile, which means they’re designed to be set in place and forgotten about until the need arises. Others are more portable thanks to reduced size, weight, or the addition of handles and wheels.


A generator doesn’t do much good if it breaks down when you need it. Reliable craftsmanship is essential, but it can be difficult to determine at a glance or by reading a spec sheet. We’ve verified the reliability of our picks via reviews from owners who have used specific models over time.


Q: What is best, an inverter or a generator?

An inverter is a component in an inverter generator that converts AC power into DC power and then “inverts” it back into cleaner AC power. That might sound technical but the important thing is that it results in power that is “safer” for sensitive devices like laptops or smartphones, and it throttles the engine to match your actual power demands, which improves a generator’s efficiency.

Q: What is the highest-watt inverter generator?

While industrial-grade inverter generators can get quite large, the highest wattage you’ll find at the consumer level is about 15,000-17,500. That’s wildly unnecessary for the typical user. The largest generator we’ve suggested is the DuroMax XP13000HX, which can produce up to 13,000 watts—more than enough for the average home.

Q: What is the most reliable inverter generator?

All of the generators we’ve recommended above offer outstanding reliability. In terms of lifespan, most will last upwards of 10 years with proper maintenance.

Q: Is an inverter generator good for home use?

Absolutely. The “clean” power produced by an inverter generator ensures that all your electronics can operate safely. As long as you buy a model that offers the appropriate level of power for your needs, it is perfectly suited for the task.

Q: How big of an inverter generator do I need?

That depends on how you intend to use it. To power the majority of your home—including a fridge, lights, TV, and a smattering of other small appliances and devices—you’ll want at least 4,000W. If you’ll be camping and powering an RV, shoot for at least 1,800 watts as most RV air conditions require around 1,500W and you’ll want a little leftover for lights and charging your phone.

Final thoughts on the best inverter generators

If you live in an area where power cuts are frequent, an inverter generator will be a game-changer. It will ensure that you have plenty of reliable power while everyone else on the block sits in the dark. And if you’re looking to power an RV, an inverter generator will keep you living in comfort while off the grid. While the best inverter generators are no small investment, one will pay for itself in the long run in terms of comfort and peace of mind.

Why trust us

Popular Science started writing about technology more than 150 years ago. There was no such thing as “gadget writing” when we published our first issue in 1872, but if there was, our mission to demystify the world of innovation for everyday readers means we would have been all over it. Here in the present, PopSci is fully committed to helping readers navigate the increasingly intimidating array of devices on the market right now.

Our writers and editors have combined decades of experience covering and reviewing consumer electronics. We each have our own obsessive specialties—from high-end audio to video games to cameras and beyond—but when we’re reviewing devices outside of our immediate wheelhouses, we do our best to seek out trustworthy voices and opinions to help guide people to the very best recommendations. We know we don’t know everything, but we’re excited to live through the analysis paralysis that internet shopping can spur so readers don’t have to.

The post The best inverter generators of 2023 appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to use Little Snitch Mini to see which Mac apps are connected to the internet Mon, 24 Apr 2023 12:11:47 +0000
The Little Snitch Mini interface showing a list of Mac apps that are connecting to the internet, and a map of Earth showing where those internet locations physically are.
Hopefully all the locations make sense to you. Justin Pot

This lil' app is an internet detective.

The post How to use Little Snitch Mini to see which Mac apps are connected to the internet appeared first on Popular Science.

The Little Snitch Mini interface showing a list of Mac apps that are connecting to the internet, and a map of Earth showing where those internet locations physically are.
Hopefully all the locations make sense to you. Justin Pot

You probably know that the applications on your Mac are constantly connecting to the internet, but what exactly are they connecting to? Little Snitch Mini is a free app you can use to find out.

This simple program will show you, at a glance, which apps are connected to the web and where those connections are in the world. This can help you spot fishy situations. If you live in the United States, for example, there’s a good chance that relatively few of the services you use are based in places like Russia. Noticing an app keeps connecting to servers in an unexpected country could be the first sign that you have a security issue. And even if everything looks OK now, familiarizing yourself with your computer’s normal connections may help you quickly spot any suspicious changes.

There have always been applications like this, but Little Snitch Mini is different because of how comprehensible it is. The interface is entirely free of jargon and technical terms, meaning anyone can use it and learn about what their computer is doing.

Snitches get detailed information

When you open Little Snitch Mini, you’ll see a panel on the left-hand side of the window with the list of programs running on your Mac. Beside each app is a bar graph highlighting recent network activity. The taller the bar, the more bandwidth the app is currently using. Click any app, and the map to the right of the panel will show you where, on Earth, the services that app is connecting to are physically located.

How many locations an application connects to can vary wildly, and can give you a good idea of how companies end up with your data. Your web browser, for example, is probably connected to not only the websites you’re looking at, but also to the companies serving ads on those websites, a few tracking services, and possibly more. If you have multiple tabs open, there’s probably going to be ongoing connections related to each of those tabs.

[Related: Small, game-changing utilities for macOS and Windows]

For single-purpose applications, though, what you see should be a lot more straightforward. Dropbox, for example, only connects to and on my device, as well as to a few devices on my network. This makes sense. Plexamp, my music player, mostly just connects to my Plex server with occasional callbacks to the Plex service.

Little Snitch Mini also offers a menu bar icon, which will show you your device’s network usage in real time. Click this icon (it’s a row of seven bars) to see current network usage along with a list of any apps that have recently used your network.

You don’t need to check it obsessively, but it’s a nice way to passively monitor which apps are using your network.

The Little Snitch Mini menu bar icon on a Mac computer.
What you’ll see if you click on the Little Snitch Mini menu bar icon. Justin Pot

Block apps from connecting with Premium

The free version of Little Snitch Mini just gives you information—it can’t do anything about what’s happening. The premium version, which starts at $1.49 per month or $13.49 per year, allows you to stop your computer from connecting to specific websites. So, if you notice a URL that seems sketchy, you can block that URL entirely.

Even better, the premium version can use community-maintained blocklists to stop entire categories of crap—tracking, phishing, malware, and cryptocurrency miners—from ever connecting to your computer. There are also lists for blocking things like pornography and gambling, if giving up those things is something you’d like to do. It’s worth noting that, unlike browser extensions, Little Snitch Mini’s blocking works across every application on your system—not just a single browser. It’s a nice upgrade, but the app is worth checking out for the free version alone.

The post How to use Little Snitch Mini to see which Mac apps are connected to the internet appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to start mountain biking this summer Sun, 23 Apr 2023 13:00:00 +0000
Person rides a mountain bike on an outdoor trail.
This is your sign you've been waiting for: it's never too late to get into mountain biking. Tobias Bjerknes / Unsplash

Every mountain biker was a beginner once. This is how you start your journey.

The post How to start mountain biking this summer appeared first on Popular Science.

Person rides a mountain bike on an outdoor trail.
This is your sign you've been waiting for: it's never too late to get into mountain biking. Tobias Bjerknes / Unsplash

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There’s nothing like the adrenaline-pumping thrills and the sense of childlike joy that comes with mountain biking. For beginners, however, getting into the sport as an adult can be daunting. Aside from the physical demand and the inherent risk involved, collecting the necessary gear, procuring an appropriate bike, and locating suitable trails nearby is enough to deter many would-be enthusiasts.

Fortunately, if you take it step by step and listen to the experts, you can start tearing up single track in no time.

How to find a beginner mountain bike

The one piece of gear you can’t go mountain biking without is—you guessed it—a bike. But before you order the coolest-looking one within your price range, it’s important that you take the time to find the right mountain bike for you.

There are many types of mountain bikes, but you’ll mostly see one of two options. Hardtails feature suspension only on the front, so they won’t be able to fully absorb the impact when you’re riding on rough trails. On the flip side, hardtails come with the benefit of being easier to maintain and having a smaller price tag. But this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re cheap: You could find a used one in good condition for $500 or spend more than $2,000 for a new, high-end model.

[Related: The best electric mountain bikes of 2023]

If the thought of a hardtail doesn’t convince you, maybe you’ll want to go for a full-suspension one. As the name suggests, this type of bike has suspension in the front and the rear, which offers a cushier ride with less jostling and softer landings. But as you’d expect, comfort comes at a price, and a full-suspension bike could leave a hole in your wallet of anywhere between $1,500 and $8,000.

Dwight Follien, president of Groveland Trail Heads, an organization that builds and maintains mountain bike trails in Groveland, California, implores beginners not to assume one type of bike is better than the other. Instead, he recommends considering what types of trails you’ll be riding and how often. For example, if you’ll only be riding occasionally and almost always on smooth or non-technical trails, you may not need to splurge on a pricey full suspension.

On the other hand, if you’re sure mountain biking is going to become a full-time hobby and you hope to start conquering difficult trails sooner rather than later, it may make sense to invest in a nice full-suspension.

Get the right size bike

Don’t shell out for the first shiny metal steed that catches your eye. Bikes come in different sizes, typically ranging from extra small to extra large. Finding the right fit is important when choosing a road bike, but it’s crucial when it comes to mountain bikes, as you’ll be out of your seat and moving around a lot more.

“You could have the nicest bike in the world but you’re not gonna have much fun if it’s not the bike for you or it doesn’t fit right,” says Tom Fure, owner of MQT Bike Rentals in Marquette, Michigan.

If you have no idea what size bike you should ride, online size charts can be helpful. But to ensure you get the best fit, Follien says going to a local bike shop and getting sized by experienced staff members is a great idea. Whether you buy used or new, they’ll be able to help you dial in the perfect dimensions by measuring your height, and the length of your legs and torso. 

Go for a lot of test rides

Before you commit, Fure recommends test riding several bikes. Going for a spin around the parking lot or borrowing your friend’s for the weekend will help you find out what features you like, what size you’re most comfortable with, and if any particular brands stand out.

Hitting the trails with a rental a couple of times will not only help you get a feel of what you like in a bike, but it’s also a great way to see if you enjoy the sport before making the investment. Just look for a reputable company that will help get you fitted and is on call in case you run into a problem or overestimate your abilities on your first time out.

Pack the essentials

In addition to a bike, there are a few other things you’ll need to bring on every ride, says Follien. These include a helmet, pads for knees and elbows, and a compact multi-tool for quick repairs. Complete your kit with a spare tube, tire levers, a patch kit for small punctures, and a portable bike pump.

You’re more likely to get a flat if you’re mountain biking on rough trails, so having a way to perform repairs yourself is a must. Plus, getting stranded in a hard-to-access area is no joke, as friends and family won’t likely be able to swing by and pick you up in a car if something goes wrong.

Plenty of snacks and water are also important, as is a small first aid kit for if (and when) you suffer scrapes or other injuries.

The secret to mountain biking is starting small

When you’re ready for your first ride, Follien recommends sticking to easy, flat trails until you gain confidence, build endurance, and get comfortable with your bike. Mountain bike trails are rated with colors and shapes, like ski slopes: Green circles are the easiest, followed by blue squares, black diamonds, and finally double black diamonds. You’ll also occasionally see white markers, which indicate extremely easy trails or adaptive trails for differently-abled riders. To find trials near you, ask around at bike shops or use apps like TrailForks (available for Android and iOS), AllTrails (available for Android and iOS), or MTB Project (available for Android and iOS).

For safety reasons, you should always hit the trails with friends—ideally ones that have more experience than you but remember that you’re still learning. 

“The worst thing that happens to beginners is going out with advanced friends,” Follien warns. You may not be able to keep up, tackle advanced features, or have the endurance for long climbs. Getting left behind can be frustrating, but trying out jumps and drops you’re not yet ready for could be dangerous.

Taking a beginner-friendly mountain bike course and joining group rides can also help build both skills and confidence. To find one, look for local mountain biking groups that state if and when their rides or classes are appropriate for beginners. As a bonus, Fure says group rides often attract experienced riders, mechanics, and bike shop employees who may be able to answer questions or give you a hand.

Follow the rules of the trail

Once you’re ready to put tire to track, make sure you know the rules of the trail, which you’ll likely find posted at the trailhead. Typically, other than following leave-no-trace principles, the main thing bikers need to be aware of is the right-of-way.

In general, riders should yield to hikers and horses on multi-use trails. If a hiker or trail runner steps out of their way for you, make sure to thank them and let them know how many riders are coming behind you if you’re riding in a group.

[Related: Meet the mountain bikes built to survive a backflip off a cliff]

Trail etiquette also dictates that riders headed downhill should yield to those riding uphill, explains Follien. Sure, racing downhill is fast and fun, but it’s a lot harder for a rider going against gravity to start again after they’ve stopped.

Then all that’s left is to get out and have fun. “You don’t have to be an all-star or pro rider to enjoy the trails,” Fure says. “The more time on a bike you have the more comfortable you get and the more fun it becomes.”

The post How to start mountain biking this summer appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to stream movies and shows without destroying your sleep Tue, 22 Jun 2021 01:00:00 +0000
A TV with the Stranger Things title screen on it, in a dark room bathed in purple light. Exactly what you might see if you're binge-watching instead of going to sleep.
We know you want to keep watching, but your body needs sleep. Toby Osborn / Unsplash

Have your screen time and sleep well too.

The post How to stream movies and shows without destroying your sleep appeared first on Popular Science.

A TV with the Stranger Things title screen on it, in a dark room bathed in purple light. Exactly what you might see if you're binge-watching instead of going to sleep.
We know you want to keep watching, but your body needs sleep. Toby Osborn / Unsplash

If you subscribe to Netflix, Amazon Prime, or any other streaming service, you’ve probably found yourself gazing at the screen as episode after episode autoplays, until you check the clock and realize you wanted to go to sleep more than an hour ago. But series like Stranger Things are seriously good television—so where’s the harm in binge-watching a bit?

The problem is that a growing body of evidence suggests the various demands of a modern-day lifestyle, including hours of late-night streaming, are seriously disrupting human sleep patterns. This, in turn, can damage our overall health. But just try telling people to give up their Netflix—it’s a recipe for failure.

With that in mind, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, a professional society founded in 1975, has taken it upon itself to set some guidelines for enjoying top-notch shows while making sure your body and brain get enough rest. We can show you how to use them to properly balance binge-watching and sleep.

Take breaks between episodes

The AASM recommends getting out of “the autoplay loop,” where you watch episode after episode because it takes less effort than stopping the playback. Luckily, Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services give you the option to turn autoplay off. The idea is that manually loading the next episode can prevent you from mindlessly gluing your eyes to the screen. However, it’s still easy for you to click, click, click through the episodes. Which is why you should also…

Set an episode limit

Don’t fire up Bridgerton and then wait to see how the evening goes. Decide in advance how much you’re going to watch before bed and then stick to that limit, regardless of cliffhangers. (By the way, this is the same principle you should use for a night of boozing.)

If you have trouble obeying this type of limit, you might have to trick yourself. One way to do so is by downloading episodes onto your phone. Because Netflix and other services support offline downloads for many shows, you can pre-load all the television you’ve decided to watch in advance. Then put your phone in airplane mode to stop yourself from exceeding your limits. Downloading also lets you catch up with Yellowjackets on the train ride to work, instead of staying up watching it the night before.

The Netflix user interface for the show Bloodline, showing offline download options, which can help you balance binge-watching and sleep.
Downloading episodes can help you stick to your limits. David Nield

Stressed about finishing an episode on your commute? Try reserving some daylight hours when you’ll be able to watch without worrying about missing your stop or blowing past your bedtime. The AASM advises you to resolve the conflict between binge-watching and sleep by setting aside relaxed viewing time over the weekend.

[Related: How to add subtitles to Netflix and other apps]

Avoid using your phone in bed

Sure, few places provide a comfier binge-watching location than your bed. But again, it’s all too easy to keep watching for one more episode when you and your phone are cozily tucked in. Using screens in bed can keep your mind active for longer than is healthy—so keep the gadgets away from your sleeping area.

Another problem with phones is that their glowing displays strain our eyes. All that staring at your phone is unhealthy, and one way to limit its impact on your sleep is to watch on a bigger, more distant screen instead. So instead of using your phone in bed, try streaming that media to a television.

Control the light

Bright blue light, like the wavelengths emanating from your video screen, will keep you alert and suppress the chemicals supposed to send you to sleep. To make sure you’re able to drop off when you want to, you should stop binge-watching about half an hour before your desired bedtime. In fact, the AASM recommends turning off all screens at least 30 minutes before you sleep.

[Related: There’s a lot to learn about how blue light affects our eyes]

In fact reducing any blue light exposure after sunset could help steady your sleep cycle. So you should try cutting down on the amount of blue light your smartphone or laptop emits—and yes, there’s an app for that. Several apps, in fact.

For iPhone users, there’s a blue-light-reduction feature called Night Shift built right into iOS. It can automatically adjust the color of the screen during evening hours so that the display will emit reddish rather than bluish light. To find it, open the Settings app and head to Display & Brightness.

The Night Shift option on an Apple iPhone with iOS.
Use Apple’s Night Shift option to get ready for sleep. David Nield

Apple has also included the same feature in macOS. To set it up on your computer, open the Apple menu, choose System Settings, and open the Displays tab. Click the Night Shift button in the bottom right, and you’ll be able to set the color change schedule and strength as you see fit, just as on iOS.

Android phones have a similar feature called Night Light, though the setup process may be different depending on which version of the mobile operating system you’re using. To activate it on a Pixel phone, go to SettingsDisplay, and tap Night Light. You can schedule a daily start and end time, and customize the intensity by dragging the slider.

The last thing you should remember every time you find yourself choosing between binge-watching and sleep is that AASM recommends adults rest for seven hours or more per night. Anything less than that can cause problems with work or school performance, cognitive abilities, and mood. You don’t need to stop watching movies and shows to reach this goal, but these tips should let you get a handle on your viewing habits, and make you feel a lot better.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on June 8, 2017.

The post How to stream movies and shows without destroying your sleep appeared first on Popular Science.

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6 Gmail sorting tips for a more efficient and less chaotic inbox Tue, 10 Aug 2021 14:30:24 +0000
An empty Gmail inbox.
Gmail has different inbox types that allow you to sort by unread and otherwise organize your emails. Krsto Jevtic / Unsplash

Don't settle for the default Gmail inbox view. You can do better.

The post 6 Gmail sorting tips for a more efficient and less chaotic inbox appeared first on Popular Science.

An empty Gmail inbox.
Gmail has different inbox types that allow you to sort by unread and otherwise organize your emails. Krsto Jevtic / Unsplash

For a lot of us, checking our Gmail inbox is a daily ritual, and Google’s email client comes packed with labels, filters, stars, and other features meant to help you sort and manage your messages as quickly as possible. But those are just surface-level—you can go deeper.

Experimenting with Gmail’s layout is a powerful, but often overlooked way to boost your email productivity. It can surface the most important messages first, help you avoid inbox clutter, and give you a different perspective on your mountain of emails.

1. Sort unread emails to the top

Deal with your unread messages before anything else by clicking the cog icon (top right) in the main Gmail interface to open the Quick Settings menu. Then scroll down to the Inbox type heading and select Unread first. This will separate unread emails from everything else, putting the messages you haven’t opened yet at the top.

After Gmail creates this divide, click the three dots in the top right corner of your inbox to choose how many unread emails appear on screen at once (up to 50). From the same menu, you can also select Hide section when empty to have it disappear when all your emails are read.

You can also type “is:unread” into the search box at the top of the page to sort by unread Gmail messages. This will display everything from your inbox and archive that you haven’t opened yet, in reverse chronological order, while hiding all your other emails from view. It also won’t change the layout of your main inbox, so it’s a good option if you just want to have a quick look instead of making a lasting change.

2. Show important emails first

A Gmail inbox sorted to display important emails first.
Anything important should be at the top. David Nield

If simply sorting by unread isn’t enough, you can choose to have Gmail bring the most important emails to the top of your inbox. Importance is judged by Google’s artificial intelligence algorithms, and those algorithms are based on indicators such as who you email most frequently and the keywords inside your messages. Emails that Gmail thinks are important have a small yellow arrow next to their subject headers.

Click the cog icon (top right) in the main Gmail interface, scroll down to Inbox type, and choose Important first. Emails deemed to be important will appear in the top section, in reverse chronological order, and everything else will show up below. Click the three dots (top right) to choose how many important emails appear on screen at once, and whether or not the section should be hidden when it’s empty.

Irrespective of your inbox layout, you can run an “is:important” search to see all the important emails in your Gmail account, in reverse chronological order, without changing how everything looks. You can also click the arrow markers to the left of email subject headers to mark the messages as important or unimportant.

3. Display starred emails first

You might not have realized how comprehensive the stars system in Gmail is: Click the cog icon (top right), See all settings, and make sure you’re in the General tab. Scroll down to find Stars, and you’ll see there are 12 types to choose from (you don’t have to use them all).

Make your choices and click Save Changes to lock them in. Back in your Gmail inbox, click the cog icon again, find Inbox type, and select Starred first. All the messages you’ve put a star next to will go right to the top of your inbox. They will appear in reverse chronological order by date, with each star type from a given date grouped together. Click the three dots (top right) to set how many starred messages appear on screen at once.

[Related: 4 tips to bring your Gmail inbox to zero]

You can search for starred emails too, which won’t change the layout of your Gmail inbox. Run a query for “is:starred” to see everything with a star next to it, or use a search like “has:orange-star” to find specific star types (hover over the stars in the General tab of Gmail’s settings to see what their individual labels are).

4. Switch to the Priority Inbox

Another alternative Gmail layout is the Priority Inbox: This splits your inbox into sections that include important, unread, or starred emails. You get to choose the sections and how they’re arranged.

To do so, click the cog icon on the main Gmail interface (top right), go to Inbox type, and select Priority inbox. Click Customize just underneath, and you can decide how many sections show up on screen, as well as what gets put in them.

One of the most useful sections is Important and unread, which shifts every, well, important and unread email up to the top of the conversation list (click the three dots in the top right to choose how many emails are shown in each section). Any label you’ve set up in Gmail can be used to fill out one of your sections.

5. Tweak the default setting

The tabs view setting window for the default inbox layout in Gmail.
If you like the default view, you can choose what tabs appear. David Nield

You can make adjustments to the default Gmail layout too, which uses tabs at the top of the inbox to split your emails into categories. If you’ve never explored these options, they’re worth experimenting with to see which setup suits you best.

Click the cog icon (top right) from the main Gmail interface, find the Inbox type heading, locate Default, and choose Customize. From there, you can pick which tabs show up on screen—from Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates, and Forums—and Gmail will try to sort your messages into these tabs as they come in.

[Related: Dig up any old email in your inbox, even if it’s in the trash]

Based on our experience, this sorting works pretty well, but Gmail can occasionally get a category wrong. You can always drag emails between tabs to tell Google where a certain type of email should go, and this should improve its future classification decisions.

6. Opt for a multi-pane view

Traditional email clients usually show your list of messages alongside the body of the currently selected email, and Gmail can do this too. Click the cog icon in the top right corner of the interface and scroll down to the Reading pane heading. Here you can choose between No split, Right of inbox, and Below inbox. After you make a choice, Gmail may ask you to reload the page.

Using “right of inbox” as an example, as soon as you select an email, it will appear in the pane alongside your inbox and you can keep browsing the message list on the left while you read. This layout can save you some time jumping between individual emails and your main list of messages, and should make it easier to triage emails as they arrive.

If you don’t currently have any of your conversation threads selected, the second pane will show the amount of free storage space in your Google account, which is shared between Gmail, Google Photos, and Google Drive.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on August 10, 2021.

The post 6 Gmail sorting tips for a more efficient and less chaotic inbox appeared first on Popular Science.

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20 essential Windows keyboard shortcuts that will make you forget your mouse Wed, 24 Mar 2021 21:00:30 +0000
A Dell laptop compatible with Windows keyboard shortcuts on a wooden table with a coffee mug beside it.
The more Windows keyboard shortcuts you know, the faster you'll be able to move around your computer. XPS / Unsplash

Let your fingertips fly, you Microsoft magician.

The post 20 essential Windows keyboard shortcuts that will make you forget your mouse appeared first on Popular Science.

A Dell laptop compatible with Windows keyboard shortcuts on a wooden table with a coffee mug beside it.
The more Windows keyboard shortcuts you know, the faster you'll be able to move around your computer. XPS / Unsplash

Whatever familiarity you think you have with Windows keyboard shortcuts, think again. The nearly 40-year-old operating system has so many hotkeys that it can be easy to miss some surprisingly useful ones, and if you recently switched from Windows 10 to Windows 11, some shortcuts have changed.

No matter how often you’re using these efficient key combinations in your day-to-day work, it’s in your in interest to learn as many as possible. A single shortcut will shave a mere moment off a task, but you’ll save a substantial chunk of time over weeks, months, and years. To get you started, we’ve gathered 20 of the most indispensable keyboard commands for the latest Microsoft Windows computers.

Basic Windows keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl+Z: Undo

  • No matter what program you’re running, Ctrl+Z will roll back your last action. Whether you’ve just overwritten an entire paragraph in Microsoft Word or deleted a file you didn’t mean to, this one is an absolute lifesaver.

Ctrl+W: Close

  • Another shortcut that works just about everywhere, Ctrl+W will close down whatever you’re viewing. Shut that File Explorer window, eliminate that browser tab, or shelve that image file without bothering to hone in on the close button.

Ctrl+A: Select all

  • This command lets you highlight all the text in a document or select all the files in a folder. Hitting Ctrl+A can save you time you’d otherwise spend clicking and dragging your mouse.

Alt+Tab: Switch apps

  • This baby is one of the classic Windows keyboard shortcuts, and it can be hugely useful when you’re running multiple applications. Just press Alt+Tab and you’ll be able to quickly flick through all your open windows.

Alt+F4: Close apps

  • Another old-school shortcut, Alt+F4 shuts down whatever app you’re using so you can skip the process of hunting down its on-screen menu. Don’t worry about losing unsaved work with this command—it will prompt you to save your documents before closing them.

Windows navigation shortcuts

Win+D: Show or hide the desktop

  • This keyboard combo minimizes all your open windows, bringing your home screen into view. If you store rows and rows of files and shortcuts on your desktop, Win+D will let you access them in moments.

Win+left arrow or Win+right arrow: Snap windows

  • Snapping a window simply keeps it open on one side of the screen (left or right, depending on which arrow you hit). This allows you to compare two windows side-by-side and keeps your workspace organized.

Win+Tab: Open the Task view

  • Like Alt+Tab, this shortcut lets you switch apps, but it does so by opening an updated Windows application switcher. The latest version shows thumbnails of all your open programs on the screen.

[Related: The fastest way to install Windows software]

Tab and Shift+Tab: Move backward and forward through options

  • When you open a dialog box, these commands will move you forward (Tab) or backward (Shift+Tab) through the available options, saving you a click. If you’re dealing with a dialog box that has multiple tabs, hit Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab to navigate through them.

Ctrl+Esc: Open the Start menu

  • If you’re using a keyboard that doesn’t have a Windows key, this shortcut will open the Start menu. Otherwise, a quick tap of the Windows key will do the same thing. From there, you can stay on the keyboard and navigate the Start menu with the cursor keys, Tab, and Shift+Tab.

Advanced Windows shortcut tricks

A black-haired woman with glasses using a computer with two monitors—an excellent use-case for Windows keyboard shortcuts.
You don’t need to be someone with multiple monitors and a sweet setup to take advantage of these advanced keyboard shortcuts. Patrick Amoy / Unsplash

F2: Rename

  • Simply highlight a file and hit F2 to give it a new name. This command also lets you edit text in other programs—tap F2 in Microsoft Excel, for example, and you’ll be able to edit the contents of the cell you’re in.

F5: Refresh

  • While you’re exploring the function key row, take a look at F5. This key will refresh a page—a good trick when you’re using File Explorer or your web browser. After the refresh, you’ll see the latest version of the page you’re viewing.

Win+L: Lock your computer

  • Keep your computer safe from any prying eyes by using this keyboard combo right before you step away. Win+L locks the machine and returns you to the login screen, so any snoops will need your user account password to regain access.

Win+I: Open Settings

  • Any time you want to configure the way Windows works, hit this keyboard shortcut to bring up the Settings screen. Alternatively, use Win+A on Windows 11 to open the Quick Settings panel. On Windows, 10, Win+A brings up the Action Center panel, which shows notifications and provides quick access to certain settings.

[Related: How to use File Explorer tabs on Windows 11]

Win+S: Search Windows

  • The Windows taskbar has a handy search box that lets you quiz Cortana or sift through your applications and saved files. Jump straight to it with this keyboard shortcut, then type in your search terms.

Win+PrtScn: Save a screenshot

  • No need to open a dedicated screenshot tool: Win+PrtScn grabs the whole screen and saves it as a PNG file in a Screenshots folder inside your Pictures folder. At the same time, Windows will also copy the image to the clipboard. If you don’t want to snap the whole screen, the Alt+PrtScn combination will take a screenshot of just the active window. Just know that this command will only copy the image to your clipboard, so you won’t get a saved file.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc: Open the Task Manager

  • The Task Manager is your portal to everything running on your Windows system, from open programs to background processes. This shortcut will call up the Task Manager, no matter what application you’re using.

Win+C: Open Microsoft Teams chat (Windows 11); start talking to Cortana (Windows 10)

  • This shortcut has changed a bit since Microsoft deemphasized its virtual assistant, Cortana. On Windows 11, Win+C opens Microsoft Teams chat. But if you have a Windows 10 computer, this puts Cortana in listening mode as long as you’ve activated this ability. To do so, open Cortana from the taskbar search box, click the cog icon, and turn on the keyboard shortcut. Once you’ve enabled the shortcut, hit Win+C whenever you want to talk to the digital assistant. You can do this instead of, or in addition to, saying, “Hey Cortana.”

Win+Ctrl+D: Add a new virtual desktop

  • Virtual desktops create secondary screens where you can stash some of your open applications and windows, giving you extra workspace. This shortcut lets you create one. Once you have, click the Task View button to the right of the taskbar search box to switch from one desktop to another. Or stick with shortcuts: Win+Ctrl+arrow will cycle through your open desktops, and Win+Ctrl+F4 will close whichever one you’re currently viewing and shift your open windows and apps to the next available virtual desktop.

Win+X: Open a hidden menu

  • Windows has a hidden Start menu, called the Quick Link menu, that allows you to access all the key areas of the system. From here, you can jump straight to Device Manager to review and configure any hardware, such as printers or keyboards, that are currently attached to the system. Or you can quickly bring up the PowerShell command prompt window to access advanced Windows commands.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on September 30, 2017.

The post 20 essential Windows keyboard shortcuts that will make you forget your mouse appeared first on Popular Science.

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Facebook probably owes you money. Here’s how to get it. Thu, 20 Apr 2023 18:30:00 +0000
Facebook loading screen

You can now submit a claim to get compensation from the Cambridge Analytica privacy suit.

The post Facebook probably owes you money. Here’s how to get it. appeared first on Popular Science.

Facebook loading screen

US Facebook users can now apply for their share of the settlement from the Cambridge Analytica class action lawsuit. Meta, Facebook’s parent company, settled the suit last December, agreeing to pay $725 million—although it didn’t have to admit any wrongdoing. If you reside stateside and had an active Facebook account any time between May 24th, 2007, and December 22nd, 2022, you are entitled to a part of the multi-million dollar payout even if you have since deleted your account. You just have to submit a claim before August 25th, 2023.

The settlement all stems from the 2018 revelations that Facebook allowed Cambridge Analytica, a now-defunct British consulting and data mining company, to improperly access personal information from up to 87 million users and use it to target voters during Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign. The data was purportedly collected for academic purposes using a personality quiz app. Even though only 270,000 people took the quiz, because of Facebook’s lax privacy policies, the app was able to scrape personal information from their Facebook friends. 

The fall out at the time was pretty severe. Facebook CEO (and now Meta CEO) Mark Zuckerberg was called before Congress to answer questions related to the scandal, and the company agreed to voluntarily enforce GDPR-like privacy rules globally to prevent something similar from happening again.

After an investigation, the Federal Trade Commission fined Facebook a record-breaking $5 billion. The SEC also fined the company $100 million for misleading investors. And, of course, there was this class action lawsuit—which was later expanded to encompass any other third parties Facebook had allowed to improperly access user data. 

Unfortunately, whatever sum of money you get from this settlement will likely be pretty small. As the FAQs explain, every claimant will be given one point for each month they used Facebook between 2007 and 2022. The full settlement, minus administrative fees, legal costs, and a few other expenses, will then be divided by the total number of points and shared out accordingly. If you have only used Facebook for a few years, you’ll get less than someone who has used the service for the full 15-year claim period.

It’s impossible to know the exact amount that anyone will get until the claim period has passed, but we can do some quick calculations to get a rough range. There were 240 million US Facebook users in 2022. If all of them submitted a claim and they’d all (impossibly) been using monthly Facebook since 2007, assuming the lawyers received 33 percent of the settlement, then you would be entitled to just around the $2 mark. 

At the other end of things, let’s say that just 10 percent of the 50 million users on the site in October, 2007 bother to apply for the settlement and the lawyers only take 25 percent as fees, you’d be entitled to something north of $100. 

So, depending on how active you’ve been on Facebook over the past 15 years, it seems likely that class action participants will get enough for a meal out—though whether that’s at McDonald’s or a local steakhouse remains to be seen. (Of course, if only a handful people bother to fill in Facebook’s claim form, then you could walk away with a few hundred thousand dollars. That seems unlikely, but you never know.)If you want to submit a claim, Facebook has set up a dedicated website. Once you (ironically) fill in a few personal details and select whether you want to be paid with a prepaid gift card, through PayPal or Venmo, or directly into your bank account, all you have to do is wait for your money.

The post Facebook probably owes you money. Here’s how to get it. appeared first on Popular Science.

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On 420, learn more about weed with these carefully cultivated science stories Thu, 20 Apr 2023 13:08:19 +0000
Cannabis plant under purple weed grow light
Keep the weed growing to the experts. Deposit Photos

Light up your life with these highly educational articles on cannabis in its many forms.

The post On 420, learn more about weed with these carefully cultivated science stories appeared first on Popular Science.

Cannabis plant under purple weed grow light
Keep the weed growing to the experts. Deposit Photos

Today is a very special holiday where a skunky smell permeates the air. If you’re celebrating 4/20, Popular Science has the perfect lineup of dope science stories to make you everyone’s favorite bud. Don’t puff puff pass on this one!

Essential cannabis accessories

First things first, everyone needs some cannabis supplies before lighting up. But with so many twists on glassware and other options, how do you decide? From vaporizers to grinders to pen batteries, PopSci’s roundup of essential cannabis accessories will walk you through the choices.

A step-by-step guide to rolling a joint

Rolling a joint can’t be that hard, right? Wrong. Thankfully, in honor of 4/20, our DIY step-by-step guide will explain both the art and the science of rolling a joint, with advice straight from some of New York City’s expert budtenders. It’s the perfect refresher for veterans and crash course for newbies, complete with photos, detailed instructions, and material recommendations.

Can CBD help you chill? Here’s what we know so far.

CBD, THC’s sister molecule, has been working its way into various products as part of a budding industry. CBD is legal in more US states than cannabis, and can be added to almost any product as long as it has less than 0.3 percent THC. It’s a great alternative for those looking for stress relief, or don’t want the psychoactive effects of cannabis itself. Still have some questions about CBD? It’s not a panacea, but it may be worth trying out.

Is growing weed sustainable? The answer is complicated.

Using cannabis products to ease climate anxiety might be a Catch-22. Researchers say it’s hard to measure the environmental impact of today’s celebrated plant: Grow operations across the US take up a lot of water, land, and energy. Here’s what we know about the sustainability of cannabis.

Can you overdose on weed?

All substances have their risks, what about weed? Well, thankfully its not possible to overdose in the traditional sense, but overdoing it does pose some safety threats. Before you celebrate 4/20, listen to this Ask Us Anything podcast on the side effects of weed to gain some insights on responsible consumption.

The tasty chemicals flavoring the edible cannabis boom

Cannabis may have a distinctive smell, but a little-known aspect to users and non-users alike is that each strain has a special chemical composition. Like wine with its various aromas (such as floral, fruity, or earthy) different strains of cannabis possess a signature scent and taste. What makes them unique? Terpenes, or “terps,” are aromatic compounds found in many herbs and flowers. There are hundreds of known kinds that yield diverse flavors and effects. PopSci reported a comprehensive overview on the science of terpenes, ending with a list of the most buyable varieties.

Is marijuana a performance-enhancing drug? The best evidence says no.

Unfortunately for many athletes, cannabis use still falls on the list of prohibited substances. These regulations are in place to prevent the use of performance-enhancing drugs and ensure fair competition, but does cannabis really belong on the same list as steroids? Learn why the scientific reasoning behind cannabis regulations in sports might be lacking.

Cannabis gets its high-inducing power from ancient viruses

The next time a friend thanks a higher power for cannabis, remind them to appreciate viruses for their genetic contributions. (At the very least, it was a joint effort.) The psychoactive and medicinal effects of cannabis probably evolved from ancient viruses Mapping the genome of the plant posed a challenge to researchers as an illicit substance, but as it slowly became legal in different states over the past two decades, they dove deep into its background. What better time than 4/20 to learn the evolutionary history of cannabis.

Why German scientists got cows stoned

Nobody wants animals to get high on our supply, but these German scientists did it on purpose with cows. Not to laugh at the animals’ “pronounced tongue play,” as researchers described: They wanted to test if leftover organic matter from the hemp industry could be fed to livestock, reducing waste and curbing methane emissions from regular hay and soy. The German study led to some especially silly bovine behavior and THC-spiked milk.

Does CBD show up on a drug test?

Using cannabis products might lead to a positive drug test that could cost you a job or other opportunities. For those that want the stress-reducing effects of cannabis, but have to keep off the grass, consider quality products with this CBD drug test and product guide.

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How to use Jellyfin to stream movies, music, and more right from your hard drive Thu, 20 Apr 2023 12:47:37 +0000
The main Jellyfin interface on a web browser.
Jellyfin can handle all of your media. Jellyfin

This open-source program help you build your own Netflix or Spotify.

The post How to use Jellyfin to stream movies, music, and more right from your hard drive appeared first on Popular Science.

The main Jellyfin interface on a web browser.
Jellyfin can handle all of your media. Jellyfin

If you have movies, TV shows, and music stored on your computer that you want to stream to other devices inside and outside of your home, there aren’t too many options purpose-built for the job. You’ve probably heard of Plex, but there’s another option: the open-source Jellyfin.

Both Jellyfin and Plex turn your computer into a media server, allowing you to send any media stored there to any other device where you have them installed. It’s like having your own personal Netflix or Spotify. Jellyfin, though, is completely free to use (some Plex features, like downloading to mobile devices, require a $5-per-month Plex Pass subscription).

Whether you’re a seasoned Plex user looking for an alternative or are just getting started with this kind of technology, Jellyfin is worth a look. It’s not difficult to configure: All you need to get started are some folders of locally stored movies, TV shows, and music.

How to set up Jellyfin

The setup screen inside Jellyfin.
Jellyfin Server is the tool you need for setup. David Nield

Whether you have a bunch of home movies, burned CDs from your teenage years, or recordings you just can’t get anywhere else anymore, Jullyfin supports all of the most common formats. These include H.264 for video and MP3 for audio, and there is a format compatibility list you can check. If a file type is supported, you can stream it straight from your Windows or macOS computer.

When setting up Jellyfin, you’ll first need to make sure all your locally stored content is indexed and available. Click Download Now from the Jellyfin homepage and pick the software that matches the desktop operating system you’re using—just make sure Server is selected at the top, as this is the program that will get your files ready to stream. Here we’re looking at the Windows server tool, but it’s similar on other platforms.

[Related: How to stream your personal video collection to any device]

Run the Jellyfin Server tool after installation and its interface will pop up in your default web browser. Most of Jellyfin’s setup steps are quite straightforward, and you’ll quickly come to an Add Media Library button: Click this, and you can point the program toward the media storage folders on your computer by using the plus icon next to Folders. Check the Enable real time monitoring box, and whenever you add new files to your selected folders, Jellyfin will automatically put them in your media library.

After a few seconds (or minutes, depending on how many files you’ve got), your library should be scanned and ready to access—you can access it from the Libraries option on the left of the main Jellyfin interface. The same screen lets you add more folders to your library: Just click on one of the existing collections, like Shows, Movies, or Music. Further options on the same screen let you choose whether or not Jellyfin automatically pulls imagery like album art from the web.

That’s all that’s really required to set up a Jellyfin library. There are a range of other options available in the various screens within the Jellyfin Server tool, but you can leave most of them in the default configuration until you get more familiar with the software. However, if you want to stream files outside of your local network, you’ll need go to the Networking page and enable Allow remote connections to this server.

Tips for using Jellyfin

Jellyfin watch history.
Your Jellyfin watch history will be synced across devices. David Nield

On the computer where your media files are stored, you can use any media player you like to watch or listen to them. The Jellyfin Server program can do the job as well, if needed. To use it, open the app in your web browser, and you’ll see your media library on the first screen. Click on anything you see to browse the folder or play the file.

Your watching and listening history will sync across devices—so you can, for example, start watching a film on your laptop and finish it on your phone. If anything is labeled incorrectly, click the three dots next to the file and choose Edit metadata. For TV shows, for example, that would be the episode title and the year of release. If you add a link to the relevant listing on the IMDb website, some of this information will be filled out automatically.

[Related: 6 streaming tools to help you watch TV better]

For other computers, you can use the same Jellyfin Server tool to watch content over the web: Just skip the adding a library part of the setup process. As long as you log in using your Jellyfin username and password, you’ll see the files you added on the other computer. Bear in mind that the original computer—the one acting as the media server—has to be switched on if you want to do any streaming.

Head back to the Jellyfin downloads page, and you’ll see there are apps available for Roku, Android TV, and the WebOS software that runs on LG TVs. It’s not quite as comprehensive a selection as you get with Plex, but Jellyfin is getting there. There are also official apps available for Android and iOS, for getting your content on phones and tablets, and you can also use these apps to make playlists with your files.

There’s lots more to dig into with Jellyfin, and we’d recommend checking out the official documentation and the Jellyfin subreddit for more information. You should find everything you need there for going beyond the basics with the software, whether that’s accessing your content remotely over the web or filtering through your library (by genre, for example) as it starts to grow in size.

The post How to use Jellyfin to stream movies, music, and more right from your hard drive appeared first on Popular Science.

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PopSci has been making it work for 150 years—and we’re not stopping now Wed, 19 Apr 2023 17:00:00 +0000
Different images from Popular Science Spring 2023 issue on a purple background. From left: a soapy poop emoji, a pill with multiple tools popping out, a group of Roman builders with Poseidon, beech mushrooms. At the center is a mug with a pink frosted donut in place of its handle with the text "Make It Work."
Introducing Popular Science's Spring 2023 issue. Clockwise starting from center: Kevin Van Aelst; Andre Ducci; Ted Cavanaugh; Andre Rucker; Christine Rösch

Want to read about a future with recycled poop, mushroom architecture, and infinite data storage? Subscribe to PopSci's spring issue.

The post PopSci has been making it work for 150 years—and we’re not stopping now appeared first on Popular Science.

Different images from Popular Science Spring 2023 issue on a purple background. From left: a soapy poop emoji, a pill with multiple tools popping out, a group of Roman builders with Poseidon, beech mushrooms. At the center is a mug with a pink frosted donut in place of its handle with the text "Make It Work."
Introducing Popular Science's Spring 2023 issue. Clockwise starting from center: Kevin Van Aelst; Andre Ducci; Ted Cavanaugh; Andre Rucker; Christine Rösch

Last year, Popular Science celebrated 150 years with an abundance of pomp and circumstance. We paid homage to our founders, poked fun at zany old experiments, corrected the record, and nerded the heck out.

But change is inevitable, even for a magazine with a mighty legacy. In a world that craves newness, our age is showing. As AI upheaves the internet, gene therapy reshapes medicine, and electric batteries bring transportation up to speed, PopSci needs to evolve to keep our readers entertained and informed. People consume far more information than they did a century-and-a-half ago, with vastly different channels—and we’re challenging ourselves to bring rigorous, creative storytelling to as many of those as possible. Our all-digital publication will now be published on PopSci+ first, giving subscribers access to features, galleries, and columns before the entire issue releases on our apps, on your ereader, or on Apple News+.

In other words, we’re making it work, which is why our spring 2023 issue hits exceptionally close to home. When PopSci editors brainstormed its theme last year, we were thinking something along the lines of “hacks” or MacGyver. But the message we landed on is so much stronger. 

“Make it Work” is a nod to all the tinkering and ad-libbing that comes with a scientific breakthrough; a salute to those who won’t quit until they’ve solved society’s most frustrating riddles; an ode to the understated inventions that make life run a little smoother. It’s also a sobering walk on the wild side, where we’re forced to wonder, “What happens if it doesn’t work?” The theme takes us to the “land of lost toys,” where stacks of magnetic tape gather dust; it sends us to the solar system’s edge, where two space probes are wandering beyond expectations. 

We see this kind of do-the-best-with-what-you-got attitude in our online coverage often. Whether it’s a computer scientist fusing mushrooms with motherboards or the simple ways to beef up a password, humans constantly want to make improvements. As a publication that’s lasted 150 years—and would like to survive 150 more—we share the same drive to adapt, succeed, and race to the front. Our new editor-in-chief, Annie Colbert, is taking the steering wheel to get us there; look out for her wise reflections and cultural witticisms in each issue going forward. 

The future looks bright, probably because modern LEDs use a fraction of the energy lightbulbs used to. What should the world upgrade next?

Read more PopSci+ stories.

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Get ready to watch the Lyrid meteor shower peak this weekend Wed, 19 Apr 2023 15:00:00 +0000
Meteorites fall during a meteor shower.
The annual Lyrid meteor shower is set to peak over Earth Day weekend. NASA

This annual event should bring 10 to 20 meteors per hour, but you could see an outburst of up to 100.

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Meteorites fall during a meteor shower.
The annual Lyrid meteor shower is set to peak over Earth Day weekend. NASA

Of all the celestial events lighting up the sky this month, the Lyrid meteor shower has the potential to be one of the most spectacular. The annual event began on April 16 and will peak this weekend before wrapping up on April 25. You won’t need any special equipment to catch a glimpse—just your eyes and a clear night sky—but it helps to know when and where to look.

When to watch the meteor shower

In the northern hemisphere, you can look skyward beginning around 10 p.m. local time on Friday, April 21 and Saturday, April 22 into the early morning hours of the 23rd. The predicted peak is for Sunday, April 23 at 9 p.m. Eastern Time (1:06 Universal Time). This year, the Lyrids’ peak is quite narrow, but moonlight will not interfere with the meteor shower like it did in 2021 and 2022.

[Related: How to photograph a meteor shower]

“Serious observers should watch for at least an hour, as numerous peaks and valleys of activity will occur,” the American Meteor Society recommends.  “If you only view for a short time it may coincide with a lull of activity. Watching for at least an hour guarantees you will get to see the best this display has to offer.”

Where to look for the Lyrids

The Lyrids are named after the constellation Lyra, which is the constellation closest to their radiant—where the meteors appear to originate. Look toward a blue-white star named Vega, the brightest glimmer in the constellation. In the northern hemisphere this time of year, Lyra appears almost directly overhead around midnight. In southern latitudes, Lyra appears lower in the northern part of the sky. 

Once you’ve spotted Vega or Lyra, start to look for streaks of light in the night sky. It is best to watch from a location away from city lights and to let your eyes adjust to the darkness for at least 30 minutes beforehand. The International Dark Sky Association has an online tool to help locate designated dark sky parks that protect nocturnal environments.

What you may see… including fireballs

In a dark sky with no moon, you may be able to glimpse 10 to 20 meteors per hour. The Lyrids can have uncommon surges in activity that bring rates up to 100 meteors per hour. The Lyrid meteor shower appears to outburst, or produce an unexpectedly large number of meteors, about every 60 years, with the next outburst expected in 2042

During the last half of April in recent years, irregular numbers of very bright meteors have been observed coming from the southern part of the sky during the Lyrids. Sometimes, these fireballs drop as meteorites, and could be the remnants of a broken-up asteroid instead of a comet. An asteroid is a small, rocky object that appears as a point of light in a telescope. Comets are also planetary objects that orbit the sun, but they’re composed of ice and dust that vaporize when they get closer to the sun. This makes comets appear more fuzzy or with a tail in a telescope.

[Related: Scientists finally solve the mystery of why comets glow green.]

This year, a “window of opportunity” for a possible fireball sighting may be between 5 p.m. ET on April 23 and 7 p.m. ET on April 25, according to

Most meteor showers are the result of debris from a passing comet, and the Lyrids are no different. The source of these space rocks is Comet Thatcher, which astronomers first noticed in 1861. At that time, the comet was at its most recent perihelion—its closest point to the sun. It will reach its farthest point from the sun close to 2070 and will hit perihelion again around 2283.

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A step-by-step guide to rolling a joint Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Hand holding a joint,
Not the best-looking joint you've ever seen, but that's the whole point: practice makes perfect. Sandra Gutierrez

“How hard could it be,” they say before giving up entirely.

The post A step-by-step guide to rolling a joint appeared first on Popular Science.

Hand holding a joint,
Not the best-looking joint you've ever seen, but that's the whole point: practice makes perfect. Sandra Gutierrez

When you finally decide to settle in and figure out how to roll a joint, it will seem simple enough—until you try and realize it’s way more complicated than you expected. Even when you succeed, you’ll discover there’s a huge difference between a joint that holds together and one that’s actually good.

We’re not going to lie: it’s a long way between weed wrapped in a piece of paper and your first properly rolled joint. But everyone’s got to start somewhere, and the right tips and tricks can help you make joints with precisely ground cannabis within perfectly rolled rice paper. Consider this guide the first stop on your trip to better trips. Just make sure marijuana use is legal where you are before you start rolling.

Get the right implements 

A good joint will smoke evenly and allow for enough airflow to carry every taste note into your mouth with each drag. Crafting one requires technique and a bit of dexterity, but you can make things easier for yourself by using the right tools. As you’ll see, a lot about rolling joints is personal preference, but the following advice will help you know where to start.  

Rolling paper

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the paper options you’ll see online or at your local smoke shop, but there are some characteristics you’ll want to look out for. 

A smoking paper pack next to a sheet of smoking paper.
When it comes to rolling paper, the experts agree: the thinner, the better. Sandra Gutierrez

“The most important factor in choosing a paper is getting the thinnest one, so you can taste the flower better,” says Ta’Lor (who prefers to go only by her first name), a budtender at The Astor Club, a hidden cannabis smoke lounge in New York City.   

[Related: Can you overdose on weed?]

Ta’Lor, who’s the weed equivalent of a sommelier, recommends rice paper from popular brands such as OCB and Vibes. Ali Jamalian, founder and owner of Sunset Connect, a cannabis product manufacturer in California, says your choice of paper will be personal preference, but that thin rice paper is a great place to start. 

Then there’s size. Some brands have several dimensions to choose from but if you want to make a classic cone-shaped joint, you’ll need king-size paper. The exact length will depend on the brand, but it’ll always be somewhere around 10 centimeters, which is a little under 4 inches. 


You can definitely roll a joint without a tip, or choose your favorite from a large range of materials, from glass to cotton—it’s all personal preference. That said, both Jamalian and Ta’Lor advise using a tip, and recommend beginners stick to the classic cardboard ones. Glass is a bit too heavy and cotton requires a stronger draw. 

Hands holding a cardboard tip for smoking.
Glass tips are hard to roll with because they’re a bit heavy. Better to stick to the classic cardboard ones. Sandra Gutierrez

Tips play multiple roles in smoking. The first is to provide a barrier between you and the cannabis, which will prevent weed from getting into your mouth. They will also save you from charring your lips and fingers as you finish your joint. Finally, a tip will be indispensable while rolling a joint, as it will provide structure and shape.  

You can buy a bag of pre-rolled tips or a booklet of perforated tips you can roll yourself. Both offer about the same smoking experience, and the one you choose will come down to personal preference. The main difference between these two types of products is cost—a few cents per tip depending on brand and quantity. Buying in bulk, of course, is cheaper. 

If you don’t have a tip, Jamalian says you can use whatever piece of soft cardboard you have at home as long as it’s not laminated or printed on. But the budtenders at The Astor Club are even more cautious.

“Honestly, if you don’t have a tip, don’t use one, because you don’t necessarily know what paper you’re gonna be burning,” says Ta’lor. Her coworker, Calia, who also prefers to go by her first name, agrees: “When high heat hits something and then enters your lungs, you’re smoking those particles and that could affect you in the long run. We’re already smoking—you want to keep your smoke as clean as possible.” 


Cannabis is a multibillion-dollar industry worldwide, so you’re sure to find a wide range of gizmos that promise to improve your smoking experience. Technology has certainly created gadgets that can enhance your trip, but beginners should stick to the essentials at first.

Other than rolling paper and tips, the sources we talked to recommended having a rolling tray and a good grinder at hand. You can use almost anything as a rolling tray (a plate, a cutting board, or an actual tray), but make sure you clean it before every use. Its main purpose is to catch any weed that falls out while you roll—and that will happen if you’re a beginner. Since you’ll either put that cannabis back into your joint or smoke it later, you don’t want there to be any crumbs, dust, or gunk that could eventually make it into your lungs or ruin the taste of good weed. 

As for a grinder, Jamalian recommends using a three-chamber one made out of metal instead of plastic, because tiny pieces of the latter can break into your cannabis.

“You should definitely always look at your grinder to see if all the little teeth are still there, that nothing is broken,” he adds.

Calia stresses that contrary to popular belief, grinders are absolutely reusable, and if you think it’s not shredding as well as it used to, it probably just needs a good cleaning. She suggests separating the grinder into as many pieces as possible and letting them soak in alcohol for a day. To clean hard spots or difficult nooks and crannies, like the rim, she recommends using a paper towel with alcohol. 

Finally, get some good weed

The best implements in the market will do absolutely nothing to improve your smoking experience if you don’t roll quality weed. Which type you get, again, is a matter of personal preference, but you’ll need to make sure it’s fresh and hasn’t been sitting around in your big brother’s drawer for a year. 

[Related: The tasty chemicals flavoring the edible cannabis boom]

Old weed will crumble to dust when you grind it, which, according to Ta’Lor, makes it harder to put into a joint. “When you roll with a really great, really fresh bud that sticks together and forms itself, it’s way easier,” she says. 

To test your cannabis, Ta’Lor says you should squeeze the bud between your thumb and index finger. If it bounces and there’s little to no fallout, you should be good to go. 

How to roll a joint

Now that you’re fully prepared to roll a joint, let’s go through the actual rolling process. 


  • Time: 1 to 2 minutes, depending on your dexterity
  • Material cost: around $18 for implements
  • Difficulty: easy


  • 1 gram of cannabis
  • 1 king-size rolling paper 
  • 1 tip


  • Grinder
  • Rolling tray
  • (Optional) small tube (or slim pencil) 


1. (Optional) Roll your tip. If you’re using a pre-made tip, you can skip this step. Otherwise, start by ripping a tip from your booklet. If you chose tips with perforations, you’ll be able to make folds where the dotted lines are and roll the rest of the tip around that shape. 

Series of three photos showing hands rolling a smoking tip out of cardboard.
Even if you don’t have perforated smoking tips, you can easily roll your own. Sandra Gutierrez

If your tip doesn’t have any guides, you’ll need to pick the shape you want to start with—the classics are an “S” or a “W.” For either one, you’ll need to start by making a tiny fold of around 1/8 of an inch (around 3 millimeters) on one of the short ends of the paper and then make an equal fold in the opposite direction: it should feel like you’re folding a very tiny accordion. 

Make one more fold (three in total) for an “S” shape, and two more (four in total) for a “W” shape. Jamalian says the difference between them is how much they protect the cannabis from falling out and into your mouth while you smoke. An “S” shape should do the trick, but if you’re dealing with finer weed (read: not that fresh) you’re better off making a “W.” Once that’s done, roll the rest of the cardboard around it. 

Don’t worry if it bounces back into a looser roll the moment you let go—you’ll be able to adjust it later if you need to. 

  • Pro tip: Jamalian says he doesn’t like the thought of burning weed (a “hot cherry,” as he puts it) half an inch from his face. If you don’t like this either, try doing what he does: use longer tips. You can buy them as wide or king-size—they’re around an inch long—or you can make them yourself with the correct paper.

2. De-stem your cannabis and grind it. A king-size paper should be big enough to roll a gram of weed, which is approximately two to three buds, depending on the size. Starting with that amount is a good baseline, but don’t be surprised if you can’t fit it all in there at first—more on that later. 

Take a close look at your buds and pick out any stems you might find. These will not only ruin your joint by possibly puncturing the paper or interrupting an otherwise even burn, Ta’Lor says, but might also damage your grinder in the long run. If it’s plastic, a stem might break the little teeth inside, and if it’s metal, it might blunt them quicker.

All of our experts agree that the cannabis you want in a joint should be on the finer side but not totally pulverized. The latter is more likely to happen if you’re grinding old weed. If you’re nervous about overgrinding, check on it as you go.

3. Clean your cannabis. Dump the weed onto your rolling tray (or whatever you’re using as one) and lightly roll it between your fingers. You’ll be feeling it out for any particles that are not supposed to be there: stems you might have missed in the previous step, plastic teeth or bits that might have broken off your grinder, seeds, and seed shells. 

“When seeds pop—oh, it’s the worst smell in the world. You don’t want that in your joint,” says Calia. 

Hand sifting through oregano leaves.
Oregano, you say? No, of course it’s not. Sandra Gutierrez

4. Set up your paper. When you tug your rolling paper out of its packaging, you’ll notice it has a crease. This is where you’ll place the cannabis. Position the paper, making sure the glue line is on the inside of the folded paper and facing you the entire time. Handle the paper with both hands by placing the tips of your index fingers on the inside of the crease and using your middle fingers and thumbs on the outer sides of the paper. Your thumbs and index fingers should hold the paper tight, while your middle fingers act as supports to keep the glue side of the paper upright. 

Before you place any weed on the paper, get a feel for tension—the paper should be taut, but not so much that it feels like it’s going to rip. If it does (and the budtenders at The Astor Club say this will happen a couple of times) don’t get discouraged—just grab another paper and try again until you establish some muscle memory. 

Hands holding smoking paper ready to roll
Getting the tension right is important to roll as tight as possible. Sandra Gutierrez
  • Pro tip: Take the folded paper between your thumbs and index fingers and roll it up and down to curl it along the crease, leaving a margin of around 1/8 of an inch on each side. This will give the paper more of a “U” shape that might help you roll the joint later. If the paper keeps slipping and you need more grip, lightly wet the tips of your index finger and thumb. If you lose any trace of the original crease, find it again by rolling the paper so that the front side facing you is only slightly below the glue line on the back side. 

5. Add your tip. With the paper between your fingers as explained in the previous step, choose a side to place your tip—this will be the bottom of the joint. A lot of people choose their dominant hand side, Jamalian says, but you should do whatever feels comfortable. For example, even though he is right-handed, he likes to place the tip on the left side of his joints. 

Put the tip on the paper so both edges are aligned, and use the index, middle finger, and thumb on one hand to keep it in place. 

Hand holding a smoking paper with a cardboard tip on the left side.
Inserting the paper into the rolled cardboard will stabilize the tip and keep it in place. Sandra Gutierrez
  • Pro tip: If you have a hard time keeping the tip in place, slightly lift the loose end of your tip and slide a half an inch of the paper into the roll. Finish by slightly rolling the tip upward. This will prevent the tip from moving around and will provide structure, which will later make the rolling easier. If you’re rolling a straight joint, though, this technique will leave you with less space to put your cannabis in and will make it a bit harder to pack it tightly toward the tip. If you want to create a cone shape, insert the rolling paper into the tip at a slight angle.

6. Add the cannabis. With your fingers holding the tip in place inside the rolling paper, use your other hand to put the weed in. From time to time, stop to secure it in place and pinch the joint to give it shape. Using fresh cannabis will make this a lot easier, as it’ll stick to itself and quickly take whatever shape you give it. 

Make sure you get rid of any air pockets, especially around where the cannabis and the tip meet. Any empty space will make for an uneven burn, creating what is known in the weed world as a canoe: when one side of the paper burns before the other because there’s nothing there to stop the heat from consuming the paper. This not only wastes cannabis, but will also ruin your experience as the smoke from the burning paper will alter the taste of your weed. 

Hand holding an unfinished joint while the other hand adds oregano into it.
If rolling oregano taught us anything, it was that, indeed, using non-sticky weed to roll a joint is incredibly challenging. Sandra Gutierrez

Take your time shaping your joint. The ultimate goal is to pack it tight and evenly, which will come more easily with practice, Calia says. If you notice cannabis falling onto your tray from the top of the joint, Jamalian suggests you leave it there for the time being. “Beginners should know it’s totally ok to have half of it fall out while you’re learning. Eventually, it’ll stop happening,” he says. 

7. Roll your joint. Now is the moment you’ve been waiting for: the rolling. Using your middle fingers as support, use your indexes and thumbs to roll the front side of the paper down so it can only cover the weed and tip. 

Reposition your index fingers to cover the insides of the joint with the front side of the paper and slightly roll it up upward. This is by far the hardest part: Your goal is to securely tuck the front side of the paper between the cannabis and the back of the paper as tightly as possible, so you can continue rolling up. While you try this, you’ll probably lose a lot of the tension you’ve been building up to this point, so don’t be afraid to go back and forth until you get the tucking right. Just know that it’s OK if you can’t make it as tight as you want: this is all part of the process and it’ll become easier with practice.

Series of three photos showing how to roll a joint.
Pinch the paper close, cover the joint’s innards, and tuck in the front side of the paper. Easy peasy… right? Sandra Gutierrez

Once the front of the paper is tucked behind the cannabis as tightly as you can, release your index fingers and continue rolling your joint up to the glue line. Finish by licking the line and securing the joint by rolling it until the end. 

8. Pack your joint. It’s possible that your joint is still not nearly as tight as you’d like it to be, but that’s OK. First, it’s part of learning, and second, you can still make it a bit tighter if you want. 

Hand holding a joint while the other stuffs more weed into it.
As you become more of an expert, you won’t need to stuff your joint too much. But in the meantime, there’s no shame in some post-roll stuffing. Sandra Gutierrez

Pick up your joint by its tip and light tap it against a flat surface. Gravity will push the cannabis farther down. Here you can also pick up some of that fallout from Step 6 and put it back into the joint. Use your fingers to fit as much of it as you can through the opening at the top, and then use a toothpick, a slim pencil, or any sort of thin tube to gently push it down. You’ll want to be delicate and work slowly, as any aggressive move can throw away all the effort you’ve made so far to roll a quality joint. 

9. Finish by twisting the top. When you feel like you cannot put more cannabis into your joint and it’s as tight as it’ll ever be, it’s time to close up shop and enjoy. Use your index finger and thumb to twist the paper at the top of your joint. The more you twist, the farther down you’ll push the weed, so be careful not to do it too much—you might rip the paper. 

Hand holding a joint while the other twists the tip.
Pinch and roll. That’s the only technique you need. Sandra Gutierrez

If you had a lot of paper left over and now you have a long tail at the top of your joint, you can cut it before you light up.

[Related: Is growing weed sustainable? The answer is complicated.]

Everyone we spoke to emphasized that a lot of personal preference goes into rolling a joint. If you later find that something in this guide doesn’t apply to you, go ahead and change it up. They also underscored the importance of being patient and practicing. At the end of the day, there’s a reason why there are so many tutorials on how to roll a joint: as simple as it looks, it’s definitely not easy. So do it repeatedly and try new implements now and then. It’ll serve as a helpful learning experience, but also a process where you find out what you really like in the end.

The post A step-by-step guide to rolling a joint appeared first on Popular Science.

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This is the safest way to sleep with your baby Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:00:00 +0000
Baby with brown eyes and brown hair laying on their back. The baby is sleeping in a crib, not a bed, to prevent SIDS.
There's an important difference between a crib mattress and any other mattress. Gustavo Cultivo/Unsplash

You and an infant can share a bedroom, but never a bed.

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Baby with brown eyes and brown hair laying on their back. The baby is sleeping in a crib, not a bed, to prevent SIDS.
There's an important difference between a crib mattress and any other mattress. Gustavo Cultivo/Unsplash

In early April, Cook Children’s Medical Center in Texas sounded the alarm on a possible surge in infant deaths. Since January 2022, the hospital reported 30 mortalities stemming from unsafe sleeping situations. And while the cause of death may not have been the same for every baby, most involved sharing a bed with a caregiver.

“We’re doing a better job at identifying what the causes are,” says Susan Katz, a nurse practitioner and the infant apnea program coordinator at Stony Brook Medicine in New York, about the report. In regards to bed-sharing, she and other experts say that though there are many reasons why parents might end up sleeping with their newborn, it’s never recommended. “The scream of a mom or dad who’s lost their baby because of something like bed-sharing outweigh any benefits,” adds Gina Posner, a pediatrician at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in California.

[Related: How to get your kids on a healthy sleep schedule]

About 3,500 babies in the US die each year from sleep-related incidents, including from suffocation and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Bed-sharing increases the chance for these fatal events. And while the number of sleep-related infant deaths has gone down since the 1990s, reports like the one from Cook Children’s Medical Center are a reminder that there’s still work to do in preventing these accidents. 

Why is sleeping in a bed with a baby dangerous?

First off, babies need to lie on firm surfaces, like a crib pad, says Posner. A soft adult mattress can be harmful because it conforms to the shape of the baby’s head, creating pockets of space that can cover their nose and mouth if they turn over in their sleep. A 2019 study published in the journal Pediatrics reported 14 percent of SIDS cases were from suffocation. Of these, 69 percent of the suffocations were from regular mattresses.

Bed sharing also exposes infants to other soft materials like pillows and blankets that can easily smother children, explains Posner. What’s more, pillows that are slightly elevated can force a baby’s head down so their chin rests on their chest. This position can block the baby’s tiny airways and make it hard for them to breathe. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that any surface inclining over 10 degrees is not safe for a baby.

Another danger is the adult itself. A lot of accidental deaths happen when a caregiver rolls over on a baby, pins the baby down under blankets, or traps the baby between a wall and a bed. “I’ve seen even the best of parents who are just exhausted accidentally suffocate their child,” says Posner.

Is there any way to make bed-sharing safer?

There are multiple reasons why people might want to sleep in the same bed as their child. For example, some caregivers find that infants sleep better when next to them. “Sometimes [the babies] really do,” explains Posner. “They were inside you for nine months and it can be a hard transition to be outside.” Other parents might do it for the convenience of breastfeeding and immediately getting to go back to sleep. For sleep-deprived adults, a few extra minutes of sleep matter.

But both Katz and Posner say there’s no way to keep your infant completely safe when bed-sharing and caution against it, at least until the child turns one. The American Academy of Pediatrics also doesn’t recommend bed-sharing with infants “under any circumstance,” and recommends other alternatives.

How to practice safe sleep

Instead of bed-sharing, Katz advises caregivers to keep the baby’s crib or bassinet in the room that they’re sleeping in. Room-sharing might make it easier to breastfeed; if you prefer to do it in bed, Katz says there should be another support person awake and keeping eyes on the baby to make sure no one accidentally falls asleep.

One downside to room-sharing is that babies—and by extension, caregivers—don’t sleep well. A 2017 study in the journal Pediatrics found that infants who slept in separate rooms from their parents before the age of four months rested longer than those who shared a room (and got fed more throughout the night). The solo-napping babies also slept up to 100 minutes longer at the age of nine months. 

[Related: Improving your baby’s bone health starts in the womb]

The idea of losing a few winks might make room-sharing an unappealing option. However, waking up from your baby’s cries could be a way of making sure they’re protected against SIDS. A 2014 study in the journal Acta Neuropathologica found that nearly 42 percent of infants who died from SIDS—which includes causes beyond bedsharing—had brain abnormalities that affected the hippocampus, an area in charge of controlling breathing and heart rate during sleep. Spending the night in the same room but in different sleeping areas gives adults the opportunity to check on babies and ensure there are no hazards nearby that would compromise their breathing. 

The post This is the safest way to sleep with your baby appeared first on Popular Science.

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PlayStation voice commands will change how you use your console Tue, 18 Apr 2023 12:23:02 +0000
Person wearing official PlayStation headset while gaming against a purple background.
You can use any headset with a microphone to control your PS4 and PS5 with your voice. Sony

Get your PlayStation to do what you want only by using your voice.

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Person wearing official PlayStation headset while gaming against a purple background.
You can use any headset with a microphone to control your PS4 and PS5 with your voice. Sony

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The bundled gamepad isn’t the only way to control your PlayStation. Not only can you use a mouse and keyboard, but you can also use voice commands like you would with a smart speaker. Simply say your instructions out loud and your console will obey.

Voice control is a quick and convenient way of performing functions like turning off your PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5, and launching games. And there are plenty more voice commands to explore.

How to use voice commands on the PlayStation 4

On the PlayStation 4, voice control works via the official PlayStation Camera accessory or any connected headset with a microphone, but you’ll need to enable the feature first. Press and hold the PlayStation button to bring up the quick menu, choose Settings, and then pick System and Voice Operation Settings to turn on Operate PS4 with Voice.

[Related: Best PS4 games to play on PS5]

Before you start talking to your console, you need to say “Playstation” and wait for the microphone icon to appear on screen. You can also press and hold L2 on the DualShock controller to get the console to start listening, but this only works on the home screen. When the mic shows up you can start talking and say multiple instructions in a row.

There are some basic commands that are going to work just about everywhere, including “yes” to agree to a confirmation prompt, “cancel” to reject a confirmation prompt, and “back” to return to a previous screen. You’ll also be able to say the name of any game or app on your console to launch it, but this will only work from the PS4 home screen.

To turn your console off with your voice, open the power options by saying “start power” and then either use the “enter rest mode” command (to put the PS4 into rest mode) or say “turn off PS4” (to turn the console off completely). Unfortunately, no matter whether the console is in rest mode or fully switched off, there’s no way to turn on the PlayStation 4 using your voice as there is on the Xbox.

You can also get around the various different screens in the console interface with your voice—just say “start…” followed by the name of the screen you want to jump to. Available options here include the PlayStation Store, settings, notifications, friends, messages, party, profile, and trophies. You can manage gameplay captures with voice commands as well: say “take screenshot” to do just that, or “start video clip” to begin recording gameplay.

At the time of writing, Sony doesn’t have an official full list of all the PS4 voice commands you can use, but you can see them all through the Voice Operating Settings page under System in Settings: Just choose Commands for Voice Operation. Alternatively, use the voice command “all commands” to see the list.

How to use voice commands on the PlayStation 5

Using your voice to control the PS5 is currently labeled as a “preview” feature, which makes us think it’s perhaps not fully finished, or at least there’s more functionality to come. But it works well already, and there are plenty of voice commands for you to play around with. Unfortunately, they’re not exactly the same as on the PS4.

For the PlayStation 5, you can use the PlayStation Camera (PS5 edition) as a mic, or any connected headset with a mic. As the bundled DualSense controllers also have a mic on them, you can just talk into that as well. Just make sure the microphone is turned on, which you can do by pressing the small button between the joysticks, right under the PS button—it lights up orange when enabled.

To activate this preview feature on your PS5, get to the main Settings page by selecting the cog icon in the top right corner of the home screen, then choose Voice Command (Preview) and turn on the Enable Voice Command toggle switch. It’s a good idea to enable Listen for “Hey PlayStation!” too, otherwise you’ll have to tap the PS button and select Voice every time you want to talk.

[Related: Video games feel different on the PlayStation 5 and that’s a good thing]

The “Hey PlayStation” command will get your console listening, and then you’ve got lots of options. For a start you can say “open…” followed by the name of any app or game you’ve got installed—it’s a quick and convenient way of launching something, especially if it’s got a short name that’s simple to say. You can also use “find…” followed by a game or app title if you’re looking for something in the PlayStation Store.

You’ll also be able to control media playback on any app playing movies or music through your console: For example, commands such as “pause”, “resume” and “fast forward” will do exactly what you’d expect. If you want to make a gameplay video, “capture that” will record the last few minutes of action. You can be more specific by adding a time period to the command (just say “capture the last five minutes”), but if you don’t, the PS5 will use the default duration of 30 seconds instead.

As with the PS4, there’s no official list on the web of all the voice commands supported by the PS5 at the time of writing, but a quick search will reveal plenty of unofficial ones. You can also choose Voice Command (Preview) and then Learn More from Settings on the console itself to see a list of some of the supported commands.

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How to grow plants in the dark Tue, 18 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
Person in a dark room watering a houseplant with a beam of light. Illustrated.
The sun is optional. Christine Rösch

A greenhouse owner in Iceland and a horticulturist on the ISS share their best tips for low-light gardens.

The post How to grow plants in the dark appeared first on Popular Science.

Person in a dark room watering a houseplant with a beam of light. Illustrated.
The sun is optional. Christine Rösch

PLANTS ARE CRUCIAL to human survival, even when there’s no sunlight. But dealing with darkness is second nature for someone with a green thumb like Howard Levine, chief scientist for NASA’s International Space Station (ISS) Research Office. Nurturing leaves outside Earth’s atmosphere is not only important for cycling nutrients and water during future space voyages, but also helps alleviate the cooped-up feeling astronauts experience. “On the ISS, you’re up there for six months at a time. People often say it’s like being in the bathroom with six of your best friends,” says Levine, who has been growing plants in orbit for decades.  

Space might be an extreme example, but cramped, dark dwellings exist on the ground too. Keeping your houseplants alive in windowless rooms, in shadowy corners, or during short winter days can be a challenge. Luckily, there are strategies to help your flora stay lush and verdant, even when their sunny source of energy is limited. 

Mini indoor greenhouses

Darkness usually means a dip in natural heat. Colder temperatures slow our bodies down, and that’s true for plants too. The chemical reactions that control their growth decelerate and sometimes stop.  

In Iceland, horticulturist James McDaniel uses geothermal heat in his greenhouses to protect his plants from the wintry cold. Each of the structures has holes beneath that stretch deep to a pocket of steaming-hot water, he explains. “You can funnel that [steam] into the pipes through the greenhouse and use natural ventilation to keep the temperature a set range.” 

But you don’t need volcanic energy to run a mini indoor greenhouse, which can be as simple as a repurposed IKEA cabinet. A heater can add warmth, although you might want to pair it with a humidifier to keep from drying your houseplants out. For individual plants, glass dome cloches can trap heat from limited sunlight and also enclose water vapors, which protect plants from the crisp air conditioner in the summer and the prickly heater in the winter. 

Grow lights

Plant grow lights provide an easy and accessible energy boost in dim or pitch-black spaces. These specialized beams sport different features, colors, and prices. LEDs, for instance, are the cheapest and most energy-efficient option, using about a third of the electricity of old sodium lightbulbs.

While most devices stick to a warm white spectrum, plants respond differently to various illuminating hues. In Levine’s experiments on Earth, red light worked well for the slender flowering plants Arabidopsis. But in the ISS’s weightless environment, they stretched into funny shapes until he started adding blue lights. He eventually found a middle ground and doused the plants in green light at the request of astronauts who missed the familiar color.  

Bright surfaces

If electricity is a limiting factor, you can try to reflect light with mirrors or aluminum foil. Even brightening up your space with white decor, like a light-colored tablecloth, will cast a little glow onto your plants. While it’s not comparable to using a grow lamp or the sun (reflections don’t deliver as much energy), it could offer plants an extra boost. 

The makeup of your indoor garden will dictate how much brightness you need to add, Levine explains. Some flora, including lettuce and tomatoes, need more light than those like Arabidopsis; new seedlings need less light than fully grown plants. As you choose your seeds and seedlings, research their native ranges to learn how much sunshine they’d naturally get.

Plants are ultimately adaptable. They can stretch their stems toward available light sources or produce extra chlorophyll, the pigment that absorbs whatever luminescence is available. “Even though they may not be getting all the light that they would like for optimum growth, they’ll still grow,” says Levine. With only a little extra help, you and your plants can conquer the darkness. 

Read more PopSci+ stories.

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Watch this week’s rare solar eclipse from anywhere in the world Mon, 17 Apr 2023 19:04:12 +0000
A group of people outside their cars along a closed road, wearing eclipse glasses to watch a solar eclipse.
Never look directly at the sun unless you're wearing eclipse glasses. Adam Smith / Unsplash

Thanks to livestreams, you don't have to wait for an eclipse to come to you.

The post Watch this week’s rare solar eclipse from anywhere in the world appeared first on Popular Science.

A group of people outside their cars along a closed road, wearing eclipse glasses to watch a solar eclipse.
Never look directly at the sun unless you're wearing eclipse glasses. Adam Smith / Unsplash

On Wednesday and Thursday, a particularly strange “hybrid” eclipse is coming to Australia, Indonesia, and some other parts of Southeast Asia, but you don’t have to be there to watch. Don’t miss it—the next one won’t happen for nearly another decade.

An astonishing one in 10 people on Earth will be in the path of this celestial event—and thanks to the internet, even more can watch the moon pass in front of the sun on April 20, between 1:30 and 7 a.m. universal time (UTC). In the US, that’s 9:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, April 19 and 3 a.m. on Thursday, April 20.

As a hybrid eclipse, the moon will either cover the full sun or appear haloed by a “ring of fire,” depending on where it is along the eclipse’s path. In-person viewers will only be able to see one of these sights and will have to track down video to see the other. The next hybrid eclipse won’t occur again until November 31, 2031.

How to see the April 20 solar eclipse in person

The exact time of the eclipse will vary depending on your location, so you’ll need to check when it will be visible for you. has a particularly handy tool for figuring this out. To use it, click Path Map at the top of the page and see if you’re going to be under any part of the eclipse’s path. If so, zoom in to pinpoint where you are and click on the map to bring up an information box that shows when the event will be visible in local time.

Even if you’re in the partial eclipse zone, it’s worth stepping outside to take a peek at this celestial happening. “We are going to get coffee and freak out about the sky. It’s going to be fun,” says University of Melbourne astronomer Benji Metha about his eclipse plans. The moon will cover only about 10 percent of the sun where he is in southeastern Australia.

[Related: April 2023 stargazing guide]

If you’re in the eclipse’s path, be sure to come prepared. Never look directly at the sun. Eclipse glasses are readily available online, but make sure the ones you’re buying aren’t fake. Too late to buy? You can make your own eclipse projector instead. Unlike almost every other astronomical event, solar eclipses happen in the daytime, so you won’t really be able to spot other stars or deep sky objects at the same time. The sun and moon will be the only ones on stage.

How to view the April 20 hybrid eclipse online

Just because you’re in the United States or anywhere else outside of the eclipse’s path doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the action. The Gravity and Discovery Centre and Observatory will be livestreaming from Exmouth, Australia, where every bit of the sun will be covered for 58 seconds at 11:30 a.m. local time (11:30 p.m. ET on April 19). For viewers on the US East Coast, the full show will run from roughly 10 p.m. on April 19 to 1 a.m. on April 20. 

Timeanddate is also hosting an eclipse livestream in collaboration with Perth Observatory in western Australia, where roughly 70 percent of the sun will be covered. Like Exmouth, Perth is 12 hours ahead of New York City, so live video will start at 10 p.m. ET on April 19 and continue until the partial eclipse ends around 12:46 a.m. ET on April 20.

Tune in, and you’ll be joining solar scientists around the world who are particularly interested in this event and the data they can gather from it. “I look forward to this eclipse, because it is a long-anticipated party,” says Berkeley heliophysicist Jia Huang. “A hybrid eclipse is very rare.”

When is the next eclipse?

If you miss the show, there are sure to be some incredible photos posted from the event, and you will be able to watch recordings online afterward. But if you want to see an eclipse in person, a few are coming to the States soon enough.

First, an annular solar eclipse will travel from Oregon to Texas on October 14, 2023, followed several months later by the next North American total solar eclipse from Texas up through Maine on April 8, 2024.

What to know about the four types of solar eclipses

On the left, a total solar eclipse with the moon blocking out the sun, in black and white. Center: an annular solar eclipse, with the sun forming an orange "ring of fire" around the moon. Right: a partial solar eclipse at sunset with the sun in a crescent shape.
From left to right: a total, annular, and partial solar eclipse. A hybrid eclipse may appear as either a total or annular one, depending on where you are. Total eclipse (left): NASA/MSFC/Joseph Matus; annular eclipse (center): NASA/Bill Dunford; partial eclipse (right): NASA/Bill Ingalls

Solar eclipses happen whenever Earth’s moon gets between us and the sun, aligning to block out the sunlight and cause an eerie daytime darkness. Eclipses are predictable, thanks to centuries of observational astronomy across many cultures, and “we can now forecast these events with incredible accuracy,” Metha says. It’s a good thing we know when they’re coming so we’re not surprised. “Imagine how many car accidents a sudden solar eclipse would cause if people were not expecting it,” he adds.

These celestial events come in a few flavors: total, partial, annular, and hybrid. In a total eclipse, the moon fully blocks out the sun. For a partial eclipse, the sun and moon aren’t quite lined up, so only a chunk of the sun is covered. Similarly, for an annular eclipse, some of the sun remains exposed—but this type happens when the moon is at its farthest point from Earth and appears smaller, creating a ring of light when it lines up with the sun. Hybrid eclipses, like the one happening this week, shift between total and annular due to the curvature of Earth.

Solar eclipses trace paths along Earth’s surface, with a path of totality—where you can see a total eclipse—in the center, surrounded by various shades of partial eclipse. The upcoming April 20 eclipse path of totality clips the northwestern corner of Australia and passes through the islands of Timor, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. The entirety of Australia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and parts of other Southeast Asian countries will experience at least a partial eclipse.

[Related: How worried should we be about solar flares and space weather?]

This is such a large and populous region that nearly 10 percent of the world’s population will be able to experience the upcoming eclipse, though only 0.004 percent (about 375,000 people) will be able to see the full total or annular view.

Whether you catch this one or not, make sure you write down the upcoming eclipses we mentioned above—maybe you’ll be one of the lucky few right underneath the next time around.

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Use email aliases to organize your inbox—and stay private Sun, 22 Aug 2021 11:00:00 +0000
Two women using one laptop at a wooden table. One woman is wearing a black hat.
With an email alias, you can pretend to be two different people, if you want. Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

Creating an alias is easier than setting up a new email address.

The post Use email aliases to organize your inbox—and stay private appeared first on Popular Science.

Two women using one laptop at a wooden table. One woman is wearing a black hat.
With an email alias, you can pretend to be two different people, if you want. Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

We all deal with a daily deluge of email, which means we jump at anything that can improve the efficiency of our inboxes. In that spirit, consider creating at least one email alias, and you should find that your organization and, in some cases, privacy, improve immediately.

Aliases are useful features found in popular services such as Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, and Apple Mail that serve as alternative addresses for when you don’t want to give out your main one. They still direct messages to your original inbox, so you essentially get a new address without having to go through the hassle of setting up a new account with its own login credentials.

What is an email alias?

A Gmail alias being used as an email filter to sort incoming messages.
An alias makes it easy to filter incoming messages. David Nield

In general, email aliases act as “fronts” to your main email address, although the exact details vary from service to service. Anything sent to these variations will arrive at the same inbox as messages meant for your main address, while keeping your original moniker hidden from view. That said, the real application here is not anonymity, but easy filtering.

For example, if you sign up for a lot of email newsletters, consider doing so with an alias. That way, you can quickly filter the incoming messages sent to that alias—these are probably low-priority, so you can have your provider automatically apply specific labels, mark them as read, or delete them immediately. Alternatively, a filter might prioritize messages sent to the alias you give out to friends and family, or those sent to the alias you use for work emails. This approach gives you a lot of flexibility for managing your inbox.

Bear in mind that recipients can usually look at one of your aliases and use it to figure out your main email address. So in situations where anonymity is critical, you might need to start fresh with a new address. Still, if hiding your identity doesn’t matter as much, aliases are much easier to configure than whole new accounts.

How to create a Gmail alias

Adding another email alias to a Gmail account.
It’s fairly easy to add an alias to your Gmail account. David Nield

You don’t need to jump through any hoops to set up a Gmail alias. Just add some periods and plus symbols to the addresses you give out. When you tack on a plus sign followed by a word, the Google service will ignore the added text, and it overlooks periods altogether. For example, let’s say your email is “” Messages addressed to “,” “,” “,” and “” will all show up in your usual Gmail account.

Although the end result is the same, this gives you a quick and effective way of filtering messages. Going back to the John Smith example, you might always do your online shopping through the “” alias. When these messages arrive, Gmail might automatically label them “shopping” or “receipts.” You could sign up for email newsletters with the moniker “,” and a filter might mark them read and send them straight into the Updates tab.

[Related: 4 tips to bring your Gmail inbox to zero]

To set up a filter, head to your Gmail settings: Open the web portal, click the cog icon in the top right corner, and pick See all settings. Choose Filters and Blocked Addresses, Create a new filter, enter your chosen alias in the To field, and hit Create filter. Use the next dialog to decide what should happen to messages sent to this address—you can add labels, flag them with stars, mark emails as important, mark them as read, or instantly archive messages, among other options. Finally, click Create filter.

Giving out aliases is easy, but if you want to send Gmail messages from these addresses, you’ll have to tweak the settings once more. Open Settings, go to Accounts, find Send mail as, and click Add another email address. Then type out the email address, tick the Treat as an alias box, and click Next Step. From now on, whenever you compose an email, you’ll be able to select your alias in the From field.

How to create an email alias in Outlook

The web page for creating a Microsoft Outlook email alias.
You can create a new Outlook alias from Microsoft’s website. David Nield

Outlook aliases are similar to the ones you can build in Gmail. You can also create completely new “” addresses within your primary account, which gives you more options if you want to use aliases to maintain anonymity.

With Microsoft’s free webmail service, you can still make up variations on your full address using plus symbols, but periods won’t work the way they do in Gmail. For example, you can use aliases such as “” and “,” but you can’t rely on “john.smith.” Again, you don’t have to specifically create these aliases—just hand them out, and they’ll work automatically.

To set up a filter for your tweaked email addresses, click the cog icon in the top right, hit View all Outlook settings, make sure you’re in the Mail tab, select Rules, and choose Add new rule. Name your rule whatever you want, go to the dropdown menu under Add a condition, and pick To from the list of options. Another text box will appear to the right—enter your email alias there. Finally, use the Add an action dropdown menu to decide on an action to take. For instance, you might tell Outlook to immediately delete alias-addressed messages, move or copy them to certain folders, mark them as read, label them as spam, categorize them, forward them to another email address, and so on. Click Add another action to process the incoming message in multiple ways, or Add an exception to exclude certain messages from the filter. When you’re happy with the actions an alias-addressed email will receive, click Save.

[Related: How to secure your Microsoft account]

Unlike with Gmail, you won’t be able to send messages from these variations on your original email address. However, Outlook does let you add a completely new address inside your primary account. If your requested address is available, you’ll get to manage both “” and “” from the same account—messages addressed to both will arrive at the same inbox, and you can send messages from both as well. So if you want to use aliases to achieve anonymity, Microsoft’s email service has an edge over Gmail in this department.

To add this kind of alias, you’ll need to visit a specific web page within your Microsoft account ( Look under the Create a new email address and add it as an alias heading and enter your new address there. You can choose pretty much any alias you want, as long as you pick addresses that nobody else has claimed first. Once you’ve established an email alias or two (or more), they will work in the desktop version of Outlook, as well as the Mail application that comes with Windows. To create new ones though, you’ll need to follow these steps in your web browser, not the desktop app.

You can filter incoming messages sent to these aliases the same way you filter those sent to DIY aliases made with plus signs. To actually send emails from your added addresses, just click From when you’re composing a message and select whichever moniker you prefer.

How to create an iCloud email alias for Apple Mail

Creating an iCloud email alias for Apple Mail.
You can create email aliases in the iCloud web interface. David Nield

The Apple Mail alias system works very much like the Outlook one. Without changing any settings, you can toss pluses into your address, and messages sent to “” will still end up in the “” inbox. However, you can’t send emails from these aliases. To get that ability, you can create up to three completely new email addresses that funnel messages into your original inbox.

Let’s start with those plus-sign aliases. To filter messages sent to those addresses, head to iCloud Mail’s web portal, click the cog icon, and choose Preferences. Select Rules, then Add rule. Enter your alias in the top field, change the label to is address to via the dropdown menu, and decide what you want to do with the message: You can send it to a folder, forward it, mark it as read, and more.

Those DIY aliases are easy to set up, but you can’t send messages from them. For that, you can create a brand-new alias—a different email address managed from your original account—and send messages from it. First, click the cog icon, followed by Preferences. From the Accounts tab, choose Add an alias, and enter your chosen address. If it’s available, it’s yours. Finally, you can tell Mail to apply a label to any messages that arrive at this address.

That’s not the only filter, of course—the same rules you applied to plus-sign aliases will also work for standalone ones. And you can send messages from them: When you compose a new email, your available aliases will appear as options in the From box. This holds true whether you’re writing a message from the web or from the macOS desktop app. To further add and manage aliases from your Mac, open the Mail app and choose Mail, then Settings.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on November 11, 2018.

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Hidden Netflix codes and 5 other streaming tools to make TV simpler, smarter, and more fun Tue, 01 Jun 2021 19:01:07 +0000
A woman wearing a baggy black shirt lounging on a couch, eating a bowl of popcorn, while holding a TV remote with popcorn all over her chest.
Sorry, we don't know of any apps that will help you eat popcorn without making a huge mess. JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

You've got better things to do than scroll endlessly in search of something to watch.

The post Hidden Netflix codes and 5 other streaming tools to make TV simpler, smarter, and more fun appeared first on Popular Science.

A woman wearing a baggy black shirt lounging on a couch, eating a bowl of popcorn, while holding a TV remote with popcorn all over her chest.
Sorry, we don't know of any apps that will help you eat popcorn without making a huge mess. JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

The sheer number of streaming services available today means more content to watch, more places to watch it, and a growing number of tools and add-ons that can improve your viewing experience beyond what’s built into the likes of Netflix, Disney Plus, and Apple TV Plus.

From working out how long a binge-watching session is going to take, to randomly choosing what to watch, these out-of-the-box features can augment your favorite streaming apps in a variety of useful ways.


If you’ve got something specific in mind that you definitely want to see, JustWatch will tell you which streaming services currently have the show or movie you seek. It taps into the databases for Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, Apple TV Plus, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, YouTube TV, and others so you’ll always know where something is showing. If the film or series you’re after is available to rent or purchase digitally, JustWatch can direct you to the right platforms (the Amazon, Apple, or Google stores online, for example).

[Related: 9 ways to get the most out of Prime Video]

Can I Binge?

The user interface for Can I Binge? streaming tool showing that it's possible to watch Mare of Easttown in one week.
One episode per day sounds pretty reasonable. David Nield

Before you sit down to start streaming a new show, it’s useful to know how long it will take you to cruise from start to finish—you might be after something you can wrap up in a week, or an epic tale that takes months to watch in full. Can I Binge? is perfect for this: Type in a show and how much time you can commit to it, and it will tell you how many episodes you’ll have to watch each day, week, or month, so you can pace your bingeing accordingly. For example, if you want to get through the entirety of Twin Peaks in a month, you’ll need to settle in for two episodes a day.


You can’t always be in the same physical space as other people when you want to watch something on a streaming app together, and that’s where Teleparty comes in. Formerly known as Netflix Party, this browser extension for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Opera can set up virtual watch parties in minutes and sync content across services including Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, and HBO Max. It also includes a chat box so you can discuss what’s happening with your friends or family members. The core features are free, but throw the developers $5 a month and you’ll unlock the ability to use emojis in the chat box and participate in real-time voice chat for an even more intimate feel.


The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) remains one of the best tools on the web for the serious viewer, whether you want to check up on an actor’s name or need to find out when a particular movie or show first aired. You can access IMDb from your laptop or your phone, putting a wealth of information at your fingertips that can help you choose something to watch (genre categories and user ratings), keep track of your viewing (the watchlist feature), and poke around behind the scenes of movies and shows (despite its name, the site covers everything on the small screen, too).

[Related: Hack Netflix with these add-ons and tricks]


The user interface for the Reelgood streaming tool, showing the options for spinning a wheel to watch a random episode or movie.
Reelgood Roulette: For those who really can’t choose. David Nield

Reelgood acts as a command center for all the streaming services that you’re signed up to. Covering platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and HBO Max, it lets you keep track of what’s available on each service—including what’s just arrived and what’s about to leave. You can use Reelgood to discover new movies and shows to watch, and to keep track of everything you’ve seen to date as well. We particularly like the Reelgood Roulette feature, which picks a movie or show for you to watch based on filters such as genre and viewer rating—perfect for those times when you’re looking for something new.

Netflix Codes

This is just for Netflix, but it’s a good one: Netflix Codes gives you access to a host of hidden categories that Netflix uses to sort its library, from sports documentaries to experimental movies. All you need to do is type the URL “” into your browser’s address bar, followed by the category code. Netflix Codes makes it easy to see what’s available (with direct links to the categories so you won’t actually need to do any typing), and these semi-secret codes can lead you to content you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise—from movies with martial arts in them to flicks based on children’s books.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on June 1, 2021.

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Control your Xbox by using your voice Fri, 14 Apr 2023 16:00:00 +0000
An Xbox One S with a controller sitting on a white table.
Louis-Philippe Poitras / Unsplash

Don't stop your gameplay and control your Xbox with your voice instead.

The post Control your Xbox by using your voice appeared first on Popular Science.

An Xbox One S with a controller sitting on a white table.
Louis-Philippe Poitras / Unsplash

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You can go the traditional way of controlling your Xbox by using a gamepad or a mouse and keyboard. But you can also use your voice—just speak out the correct commands to easily open up menus and launch apps.

Voice control is managed through either Amazon’s Alexa (available for Android and iOS) or the Google Assistant (available for Android and iOS), so you’ll need to pick one and get the appropriate app installed on your phone.

Setting up your Xbox for voice control

If you have a Microsoft console launched at any point since 2013 (the list includes the Xbox One, the Xbox One S, the Xbox Series X, and the Xbox Series S), you’ll be able to set it up to react to voice commands.  

From the front page of the Xbox interface, pick Settings, go to Devices & connections, and then Digital assistants. Check the box marked Enable digital assistants and you’ll be ready to turn your attention to the Alexa or Google Home apps. Keep in mind that if you regularly use both platforms, there’s no need for you to pick only one, as you can use them in tandem if you want to.

[Related: Xbox Series X vs. PS5: How to pick between the two biggest new game consoles]

If you’re using Alexa, open the app and choose More and Skills & Games. Search for the Xbox skill and when you find it pick Enable to use. Amazon’s assistant will ask you to log into your Microsoft account to give it permission to interact with your console.

If you’re using the Google Assistant through the Google Home app, tap the + (plus) button in the top left corner, then choose Set up device and Works with Google. Search for and select the Xbox option, then link your Microsoft account.

Bear in mind that you won’t be directing your voice commands to your Xbox: You’ll be speaking to Alexa or the Google Assistant, and they will control the console based on your instructions. You can use your phone for this or, if you have one, you can also use another connected device like a smart speaker, as long as it’s connected to the same Amazon or Google account as the app on your phone.

There’s a nice bonus if you use the Google Assistant: Open the Google Home app, pick Xbox from the front page, and you’ll get an Xbox remote control on screen. You can use it to navigate around menus, adjust the volume, and turn the console on and off.

Using voice commands on your Xbox

The trigger words for your voice commands will depend on the digital assistant you’re using: it will either be “Alexa…” or “Hey, Google…”, followed by your instructions. You’re also going to need to include “Xbox” somewhere in there so the digital assistant knows what you’re referring to.

The simplest commands you can use are “turn Xbox on” or “turn Xbox off”. The only caveat is that for the former to work, your console needs to be in Sleep rather than Shutdown mode—you can set this up by going to General and Power options in Settings.

You can save yourself some time by using voice commands to launch games and apps as well. Just say “open [app or game] on Xbox” to have it come up on screen. Games with longer titles can be a bit of a mouthful, but Alexa and the Google Assistant are usually pretty good at understanding what you mean.

[Related: The best Xbox One controllers of 2023]

Another area where voice control can be really useful is in taking screenshots and capturing videos of gameplay. Just say “tell Xbox to take a screenshot” or “tell Xbox to record that” to launch the capturing features. You can also start and stop a live stream using your voice by saying “tell Xbox to start broadcasting” or “tell Xbox to stop broadcasting”.

When you’re not gaming, you can also use Alexa and the Google Assistant to control media playback. Say “pause Xbox” or “play Xbox” while watching movies or videos on streaming apps such as Netflix or YouTube. You can also control the volume with the commands “volume up on Xbox” or “volume down on Xbox”.

It’s also possible to see which of your friends are online, send messages, and set your online status. The only problem here is that the supported commands aren’t all the same on Alexa and the Google Assistant. For a full list of everything you can do on an Xbox with both digital assistants, check out Microsoft’s official command list.

The post Control your Xbox by using your voice appeared first on Popular Science.

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Go ahead, leave your fresh eggs on the counter in this handmade wooden tray Thu, 13 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Twelve fresh eggs in a DIY wooden egg holder on a granite countertop.
You can put all your eggs in this holder (or build more). Jean Leavasseur

Newly laid, unwashed eggs can be kept out, but store-bought or washed eggs should go in the fridge.

The post Go ahead, leave your fresh eggs on the counter in this handmade wooden tray appeared first on Popular Science.

Twelve fresh eggs in a DIY wooden egg holder on a granite countertop.
You can put all your eggs in this holder (or build more). Jean Leavasseur

One of the perks of living in a semi-rural area is the availability of fresh eggs. At least four people I know have hens roaming their yards, so my wife and I get all the eggs we can use, and then some. They end up in a wooden egg holder that sits right out on the counter.

That’s right, freshly-laid eggs don’t have to be refrigerated and can be kept at room temperature for weeks. Indeed, in many places around the world, eggs typically aren’t refrigerated at all. In the US, though, both the Federal Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend always refrigerating eggs. However, that’s not directly because of the eggs themselves—it’s to prevent bacterial illnesses, specifically salmonella.

Do eggs need to be refrigerated?

Although they seem solid, eggshells are actually porous, says Cole Trager, supply and quality specialist at Walden Local Meat Co. in Massachusetts. These pores let gases into and out of the shell, but can also allow bacteria like salmonella to get inside, causing the egg to spoil faster and potentially sickening anyone who eats it. 

Freshly laid eggs have a natural defense against bacteria: a protective protein coating called the cuticle, or “bloom,” says Jacob R. Tuell, assistant professor of animal science and food science at Northwest Missouri State University. The bloom seals up those pores, preventing bacteria from sneaking inside. Research has shown that the cuticle is effective at keeping salmonella at bay for about three to four days after laying, he explains. After that, its effectiveness begins to deteriorate. In the US, commercially produced eggs are washed to eliminate any possible salmonella, but that washing process also removes the protective bloom. This, in turn, speeds up the spoiling process and necessitates refrigeration. Elsewhere, eggs often aren’t washed before being sold, so the bloom remains in place, sealing out any bacteria. In short: if you bought your eggs at a store, are unsure how fresh they are, or don’t know if they’ve been washed, put them in the fridge.

However, flocks raised in US backyards don’t have the same washing requirements, Trager says. “If you keep the coop clean and have good bedding, there’s really no reason to refrigerate or wash the eggs.” As long as the bloom remains intact, eggs can last for weeks at room temperature without spoiling, he explains.

[Related: Why you should build a swing for your chickens]

As your eggs age, you can test them for spoilage in a bowl of water before cooking them, says Tuell, who’s also a member of the Institute of Food Technologists’ Muscle Foods Division. “An egg has an air cell that gradually increases in size during storage. When placed into water, an older egg may float, while a fresher egg would sink.”

And of course, there’s no reason you can’t store fresh eggs in the refrigerator if that makes you more comfortable, washed or unwashed. Once they go in, though, they have to stay there. However, Trager cautions against storing washed eggs on a wooden tray. Wood is too porous to be properly sterilized and may transfer contaminants through the pores of the bloom-less eggs, he explains. So if you’re planning to make this wooden egg tray, only use it for fresh, unwashed eggs.

Warning: DIY projects can be dangerous, even for the most experienced makers. Before proceeding with this or any other project on our site, ensure you have all necessary safety gear and know how to use it properly. At minimum, that may include safety glasses, a face mask, and/or ear protection. If you’re using power tools, you must know how to use them safely and correctly. If you do not, or are otherwise uncomfortable with anything described here, don’t attempt this project.

How to build a wooden egg holder


  • Time: 1 to 2 hours
  • Material cost: $5 to $20
  • Difficulty: easy


  • A 2-foot-long, 1-by-4-inch board (any kind of wood you like)
  • Wood glue
  • (Optional) ¼-inch dowel



1. Mill your lumber to size. This is one of those projects where having flat, square boards will make your life easier. We have a comprehensive guide to milling lumber, but it’s a straightforward process. Start by cutting the pieces of the egg holder to rough length on your miter saw: one board of 13 inches and two of about 5 inches each. Then run them over your jointer to flatten one face, and again to flatten and square one edge. 

Next, take them to your planer to flatten the remaining face, and trim them down to final width and length on your table saw. When you’re done, you should have three boards, all between ½ and ¾ inches thick: 

  • 1 (12½-by-4-inch) board
  • 2 (5–by-4-inch) boards

If you purchased pre-milled, square wood, you may be able to skip this step. But double-check that everything actually is flat and square.

2. Measure and mark the egg hole locations on the longest board. Before measuring the centers of the 12 holes on this board, use a square to draw a line across what will be the top of your egg holder, parallel to the end of the board and a quarter-inch in. This represents the depth of the dado where this piece of wood will sit inside the two shorter boards—we’ll worry about cutting that slot in Step 6. The distance between those two lines should be exactly 12 inches.  

Using your square and a tape measure or ruler, draw lines 1 inch, 3 inches, and 5 inches from those dado lines, moving toward the center of the board. Then make two marks on each of these new lines, 1 inch in from the long edges of the board. Those 12 intersections are where the centers of the egg holes belong.

A man holding a piece of wood over a workbench, showing it to the camera. The board has a pattern for an egg holder on it, a two-by-six gird.
Your pattern should look like this. Courtesy of Jean Levasseur

3. Drill pilot holes in the board. Anytime you use a Forstner bit to drill all the way through a board, start with some pilot holes. Forstner bits are known to blow out or chip wood as they exit, so the best practice is to drill halfway through from the top, then turn the board over and drill the rest from the bottom to prevent tear-out. The easiest way to line those two cuts up is with a pilot hole.

If you have a drill press, drill the 12 small holes with that, using a ⅛-inch bit, or whatever size in that range you have. If you use a hand drill, make sure it’s straight up and down. You can use a speed square as a visual reference, or you can make a quick drill guide to keep the hole perpendicular to the face. If the drill bit wanders or leans, the two Forstner holes may not line up properly, and you’ll have to do a lot of sanding to fix it. No one wants to do any more sanding than they need to.

4. Drill the full holes. Change the ⅛-inch bit out for the 1 ¼-inch Forstner bit. Again, a drill press is best for this cut, but a handheld drill can do the job if you’re careful and use a jig for alignment. Center the bit in a pilot hole, and start to drill. Stop when you get just past halfway. Drill all the holes halfway through on one face of the board, then flip it over and drill from the other side.

5. (Optional) Chamfer the edges of the holes. To help the eggs sit better and reduce the chances that they’ll crack on sharp edges, chamfer the top edges of each hole. The easiest way to do this is with a router and a chamfering bit. I used a router table to make this cut, but if you don’t have access to one, you can use a palm router. Make sure to clamp your board securely to the work bench if you do. 

  • Note: If you don’t chamfer the hole edges, at least thoroughly round them over with sandpaper.

6. Cut dado slots into the legs. There are many ways to cut dado slots. My preferred method, and the one accessible to most people, is on the table saw with a crosscut sled. If you have a flat-cut table saw blade, like one that comes with a dado stack, use that, but it’s fine if you just have a normal blade. You can use a full dado stack to make this cut faster, but I wasn’t comfortable using mine on such a small board so I made multiple passes with a single blade.

[Related: How to refinish a scratched wooden cutting board]

Mark a line ¾ of an inch from the bottom of the leg, then make another line above it so the distance between the two is the thickness of the tray board. Set the height of your blade to a quarter-inch, and start removing the material between those lines by making one cut on your crosscut sled. Keep moving the leg over about ⅛-inch to make additional cuts. Repeat this as many times as you need to in order for the tray to fit in the slot. 

If you use a standard blade for this, you’ll probably wind up with little wedges on the bottom of the slot. Trim those flat with a chisel.

A man cutting a dado in a wooden egg holder leg piece using a crosscut sled on a table saw.
Just a tiny bit of the saw blade and methodical work will result in a nice dado. Courtesy of Jean Levasseur

7. (Optional) Cut curves on the corners of the legs. This is purely for aesthetics, but I love the way it looks. Draw a small arc at each corner of every leg board. You can use any cylindrical object to trace these—I used a spray paint bottle cap. Then remove the wood outside of that arc. I cut mine first with a band saw, then rounded it over with a sander, but a jig saw or coping saw will work as well. You can even just jump right to the sander, though that will take a bit longer.

8. (Optional) Add dowels for stacking. If you’re planning to make more than one tray, you may want to consider stacking them. Of course, you can place one on top of the other, but there’s always the risk that it will slide off and splatter your eggs. To give it some support, drill a ¼-inch hole in the top and bottom centers of the legs. Insert a dowel in the top of the bottom tray legs, and then you can slide the top tray onto that dowel, locking it into place. Round over the ends of the dowels with 120-grit sandpaper to make them easier to slide in and out. 

9. Sand everything to 220-grit. You’ve heard me say it before—sanding is the difference between a good product and a great product. Sand all of the pieces with an orbital sander, working through the grits—start with 120 and finish with 220. The hard part of this build is sanding the holes and chamfers, if you made them. You can use your fingers to get inside everything, or you can use a piece of sandpaper wrapped around a dowel. Of course, if you have a spindle sander, use that and save your fingers.

  • Pro tip: If you use a dowel, you can open the chuck of your power drill all the way, stick the dowel in, and tighten it up. Then you can wrap the dowel in sandpaper and use the drill to spin it quickly inside the holes.

Before you finish sanding, slightly round over all sharp edges with 220-grit sandpaper to keep them from splintering or breaking later. 

10. Apply the finish of your choice. I used spray-on shellac for this project, because it’s easy, cures well, and there should be no reason it will come in contact with alcohol, which ruins a shellac finish. And most importantly, I had a can left over from another project that I needed to use up. The type of finish doesn’t matter much on a low-contact build like this, so use what you like and have available, making sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.  

And with that, you’re done. Load it up with a dozen fresh, unwashed eggs, and be amazed by what a talented woodworker you are every time you go to make an omelet.

The post Go ahead, leave your fresh eggs on the counter in this handmade wooden tray appeared first on Popular Science.

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5 ways to get started with Freeform, Apple’s app for creative thinkers Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000
iPad Pro showing a Freeform canvas on screen
Yes, Freeform gives your thoughts the aesthetic of those 90s Jazz design paper cups. Tony Sebastian / Unsplash

Freeform just kinda showed up one day, so you might as well learn how to use it.

The post 5 ways to get started with Freeform, Apple’s app for creative thinkers appeared first on Popular Science.

iPad Pro showing a Freeform canvas on screen
Yes, Freeform gives your thoughts the aesthetic of those 90s Jazz design paper cups. Tony Sebastian / Unsplash

If you’ve upgraded your Apple devices to iOS 16, iPadOS 16, or macOS Ventura 13, you may have seen a new app floating around. It’s the collaborative Freeform, and it’s essentially a blank canvas. You just have to know how to make it come alive. 

The tool was announced at the 2022 Worldwide Developers Conference and hit iPhones, iPads, and Macs six months later. You can use it for brainstorming, journaling, stylized note-keeping, or just plain old doodling. Freeform, as its name suggests, lets you do pretty much whatever you want, but if you get a bit overwhelmed, we’ve chosen five ways to start exploring the app. 

1. Create customized shapes

Screenshot of star-shaped elements on Apple's Freeform.
These all came from the same basic shape. Sandra Gutierrez

Just like Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint before it, Apple’s Freeform has a wide range of shape presets you can use as if they were digital stamps. You can browse the available options by tapping the shapes icon at the top of the screen—it looks like a square in front of a circle. Choose a category by sliding their names to the left or right along the top of the window, select the shape you want, and move it around the canvas as you see fit. You’ll be able to easily resize it and change its color by tapping on it and tweaking the options on the emerging menu. 

Out of all the available categories, Basic (which you’ll find all the way to the left) has the fewest shapes to pick from, but it offers many more customization options. For example, choose a star and notice that, when you select it on the canvas, two green dots appear on top of it. The one closest to the center of the shape will allow you to edit its radius—slide it all the way inward to get a small star with very long points; slide it all the way out outward to get a decagon

[Related: Right on cue, Apple Music Classical is here to liven up your music library]

You can use the other green dot as a dial to edit the number of points on your star—slide it clockwise to get up to 20 points, and counterclockwise to go as low as three. Using these two functions, you’ll be able to create a wide range of stars and sparks to customize your canvas. 

All shapes in the Basic category will have one or more green dots: the ones on dialogue bubbles allow you to round up corners and play around with the shape and width of its point, while the one on arrows will let you adjust the thickness of the shaft. 

2. Add descriptions for a more accessible Freeform file

Screenshot of the description box on Apple's Freeform.
Yes, you can also insert links into your Freeform canvas. Sandra Gutierrez

To make your Freeform canvas more accessible, you can write descriptions for each item you add to it. This allows Apple’s VoiceOver to help people with visual impairments navigate Freeform documents by using Siri to describe what’s on the screen.  

To create a description, tap on any element on your canvas. From the emerging menu, tap the three dots on the right to see more options. Pick Description, and a text box will emerge where you can add details about the selected element. You can do this at any time and can always go back to edit your description as necessary. 

3. Break shapes apart

Screenshot of a shape broken apart on Apple's Freeform.
Freeform has a lot of shapes to choose from, a selection you can easily expand by breaking shapes apart. Sandra Gutierrez

While the elements in the Basic category are the most customizable, the “break apart” function will let you play around with shapes in other categories as well. 

As you might imagine, this option lets you treat each piece of a shape independently, so you can color, resize, reshape, and relocate them around your canvas. This feature is not available for all shapes though—you’ll only find it associated with objects made from multiple, smaller pieces. 

To use it, pick a breakable shape. The Geometry category, for example, has a bunch of fun ones you can choose from. Insert the element into your canvas, tap it, go to the three-dot menu, and choose Break Apart. Immediately, Freeform will give each piece of the shape its own customizable features. Notice that once you tap the option, all the pieces will be selected, so trying to move one will move all of them. Deselect everything by tapping on blank space, then tap a piece individually to work on it. As with any shape, you can tug the corners of the selected piece to resize it and tap on it to summon a menu that will let you add an outline, change its color, and even add text on top of it. 

4. Use Freeform in Split View

Screenshot of Apple's Freeform app used in Split View with Apple's Photo app.
Split View is especially handy if you need to insert a lot of pictures into your canvas. Sandra Gutierrez

Apple introduced Split View for iPadOS in 2015, and four years later expanded support for it to macOS. The feature allows you to use two apps at once, and if both are native to the company’s ecosystem, you can seamlessly drag elements from one to the other. 

Using Freeform in tandem with Apple’s Photo app, for example, allows you to insert images and videos from your local storage. To open Split View on an iPad, open Freeform and tap the three dots at the very top of the screen and choose Split View from the emerging menu. On a Mac computer, open Freeform and hover over the green button in the top left corner of the window. Then, from the emerging menu, choose either Tile window to the left of screen or Tile window to the right of screen, depending on what you want. On both operating systems, your screen will unsurprisingly split in two, and on the second half you’ll see your desktop (macOS) or your home screen (iPadOS), where you’ll be able to choose the Photos app. 

From there, you can use the grid view on Photos to choose whatever item you want to use in Freeform and just drag it into place. As you’d expect, you’ll be able to reposition and resize it however you want. Opening other native Apple programs will give you similar options. For example, open Notes and you’ll be able to select text or images and drag them into Freeform.

5. Select multiple elements at once

Screenshot of the bulk selection feature on Apple's Freeform.
Organize that Freeform chaos with the app’s bulk selection tool. Sandra Gutierrez

Your Freeform canvas will likely get pretty busy pretty quickly. With all the shapes and color options you get, plus anything you scribble on your iPad with the Apple Pencil, being able to edit elements in bulk can make your work a lot easier. 

[Related: Which iPhone 14 should you pick for your next upgrade?]

To do this, tap and hold on an item, then use your free hand to select other elements. Once you’re done, let go of your selection and tap it again to see what you can do with it. Tap the three-dot menu and go to Select Objects to add more elements to the group—this comes in handy if you realize you forgot something and you’ve already let go of your selection. Just tap on anything you want to add and finish by touching Done.

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Right on cue, Apple Music Classical is here to liven up your music library Tue, 11 Apr 2023 12:52:35 +0000
The Apple Music iPhone app icon, red.
Apple Music now has a separate Apple Music Classical app. Brett Jordan / Unsplash

Apple Music's new sibling is both independent and integrated with the streaming platform.

The post Right on cue, Apple Music Classical is here to liven up your music library appeared first on Popular Science.

The Apple Music iPhone app icon, red.
Apple Music now has a separate Apple Music Classical app. Brett Jordan / Unsplash

The new Apple Music Classical is an extension of Apple’s existing music platform and offers more than 5 million pieces of music. If you’re a fan of Beethoven, Mozart, or any other composers, take a few minutes to learn how the app works.

Apple Music Classical is free as part of a standard Apple Music subscription, and it’s not available to buy separately. It does, however, have a separate app for iOS. Apple says an Android version is “coming soon” but there’s no word on a web player.

Having its own app means that this classical component is both a part of Apple Music and exists in its own independent space. That may be different from what you’re used to, and there are a few things to know about integrating its classical tracks into your existing music library.

Navigating Apple Music Classical

Fire up the Apple Music Classical app for iOS and it’s clear why a separate app was necessary: classical music compositions are generally longer and feature multiple movements, and that requires a different approach to search and organization.

Tap the Browse icon to see what we mean: You can navigate the catalog by composer, time period, genre, conductor, orchestra, soloist, and even the type of instrument featured most prominently. Follow any of these links to see new releases and popular picks, and in some cases curated Editor’s Choices.

A listing for a composition in Apple Music Classical.
Apple Music Classical will give you a host of information about each piece. David Nield

With a track playing, pull up the “now playing” card from the bottom of the screen, then tap the small info button (or “i”) for further details. From this screen you’re able to navigate to pieces from the same composer, conductor, or orchestra, or from the same overall work. Apple Music Classical will also show you related works (linked by similar composers or orchestras, for example).

Also on the now playing screen, you’ll see a Dolby Atmos label if a piece is available in Spatial Audio with Dolby Atmos—the surround sound technology that’s designed to create a more immersive experience. Enabling this depends on your device, but on iPhones and iPads you can go to Music, Audio, and Dolby Atmos inside the Settings app to turn it on or off.

The browsing section of Apple Music Classical.
You can browse through Apple Music Classical in a variety of ways. David Nield

Open the Search tab in the Apple Music Classical app and your options are wide open. You can search based on any of the criteria we’ve already mentioned, or even look for the nickname of a particular piece—try searching for “emperor” to get to Beethoven’s Concerto No. 5 if you want to test it out. You can look for the name of a recording, its composer, or someone involved in its production.

As in the main Apple Music app, you can listen to tracks without adding them to your library so you can easily get back to them later on. If you do want to add something to your library, tap the plus icon that appears on search results and individual listing pages. You can also create playlists by tapping the three dots next to pieces or on listing pages and choosing Add to a Playlist.

Using both apps together

Apple Music can be confusing at the best of times—not least as it boldly tries to mix locally stored tracks with a cloud streaming service—and there are a few extra complications that Apple Music Classical brings along with it. Most of these involve your saved music library and the different places you can access it from.

[Related: Why and how to set up a second Apple Music library]

Tap Library in the Apple Music Classical app and you’ll only see classical music. However, tap Library in the original Apple Music app and you’ll see everything from your regular music library and your classical music library—this applies to everywhere Apple Music is available, including on Android, the web, and macOS.

A piece by Johann Sebastian Bach in Apple Music.
The shuffle feature is one reason to switch over to the Apple Music app. David Nield

One of the reasons you would want to access a classical music playlist through the main Apple Music app is that there’s no shuffle feature in the Apple Music Classical app: These compositions don’t really lend themselves to being shuffled anyway, but if you want to shuffle the tracks in a playlist, you’ll need to switch to Apple Music.

The same is true for downloading pieces for offline listening. At the time of writing at least, you can’t do this in the Apple Music Classical app, so again you’ll need to go to the Library tab of the Apple Music app to save classical works to your iPhone or iPad. To do so, open the playlist or album, then tap the download button (the downward arrow in the top right corner) to save the tracks.

The iPhone settings for Apple Music Classical.
It’s up to you if playlists are also added to your library. David Nield

You don’t get the same library navigation options in the Apple Music app as you do in the Apple Music Classical app, so you won’t be able to drill down into your saved pieces based on composer, conductor, or orchestra. As your music collection gets bigger, you’ll probably want to stick to the Apple Music Classical app for listening to classical music most of the time.

As in Apple Music, you can choose to add classical works to playlists in Apple Music Classical without adding them to your library (handy if you want to check out some new recordings without cluttering up your library). On an iPhone or an iPad, you can set this up by opening Settings and choosing Music and Add Playlist Songs (the same toggle switch controls the behavior across both apps).

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How to break your toxic infinite scroll habit on TikTok Tue, 11 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
Teen in green sweatshirt with long brown hair against a bright yellow background scrolling through TikTok on a smartphone
A 2022 Pew Research Center survey suggests 16 percent of teens use TikTok constantly. Deposit Photos

Excessive social media scrolling is linked to poor mental health, especially in teens. But there are better ways to enjoy the stream of videos and other content.

The post How to break your toxic infinite scroll habit on TikTok appeared first on Popular Science.

Teen in green sweatshirt with long brown hair against a bright yellow background scrolling through TikTok on a smartphone
A 2022 Pew Research Center survey suggests 16 percent of teens use TikTok constantly. Deposit Photos

Picture this: You’re at your desk working on a project when your phone chimes. A quick glance tells you a friend sent over a video on TikTok. Convinced you’re due for a break, you click the link to find a new dance video from Charli D’Amelio. Fast forward an hour later, and you’re still on your phone, except now you’ve gone from viral dances to animal videos to fitness gurus raving about a weight loss hack. 

If this scenario hits too close to home, you’re not alone. Most people on social media check it daily, and younger people are likelier to return to their favorite platforms multiple times a day. TikTok is especially popular with teenagers: A 2022 survey from the Pew Research Center suggests 67 percent of teens use it, while 16 percent use it almost constantly. 

So why do people spend so much time online? One underlying reason is that platforms like TikTok promote infinite scrolling. You might start off in one video only for the page to continuously load a never-ending stream of content. Absent-mindedly scrolling through content might seem like an innocent activity and a great excuse to waste time. However, research suggests it can negatively influence the brain and mental health.

Anyone can fall prey to mindless scrolling. Younger people are especially vulnerable since the brain is not fully developed until age 25, says Lisa Pion-Berlin, a psychologist and president of Parents Anonymous, a child abuse prevention nonprofit. While limiting access to social media (like this Utah bill requiring parental permission is trying to do) is one option, learning how to be a more active user can help anyone stop infinite scrolling and still enjoy social media.

Why infinite scrolling is bad for you

Social media platforms like TikTok are not comprehensively bad for you. Several studies suggest social media can prompt feelings of connectedness and positive well-being. Further, they allow for personal expression, which fosters positive mental health.

Ultimately, how social media makes people feel depends on how they use it. For example, excess social media use is associated with feeling more anxious, lonely, and generally bad about yourself

“The more attached we are to our devices, the more problematic it becomes,” says Lisa Strohman, a psychologist and the founder of Digital Citizen Academy, an education program that teaches children and teens how to have a healthy relationship with technology. 

[Related: Do you never feel FOMO? Time to meet its twin, JOMO.]

Moreover, Strohman says watching pictures and videos of everyone living their best life might make you worried or sad that you’re missing out. Some research suggests that comparing yourself to others on social media can result in aggression and anxiety, while other studies suggest a link between negative comparisons on social media and suicidal ideation.

Meanwhile, mindless scrolling can result in a state of mind similar to being in a trance state, says Pion-Berlin. She’s concerned that “mindless scrolling is a way to tune out” or dissociate from reality. Some research suggests that overuse of social media can result in negative psychological impacts: A 2023 study in the journal JAMA Pediatrics found that middle schoolers who constantly checked their social media feeds showed changes in how their brains responded to feedback and criticism from peers.   

Infinite scrolling can also lead to disrupted sleep patterns in adolescents and adults. The screen’s blue light can make it difficult to fall asleep, and the constant content prevents your brain from shutting down for the night. 

When we sleep, the brain sorts through and categorizes the information from the day and commits the vital stuff into long-term memory, explains Strohman. But mindless social media surfing before bedtime keeps giving it more data for the brain to process throughout the night, “and that’s what tends to lead to that insomnia,” she explains.

TikTok app for you feed on three smartphone screens
TikTok’s For You feed will give you a constant stream of recommendations—but you can customize the settings for healthier viewing. TikTok

How infinite scrolling can hijack the brain

Mindless scrolling helps make social media an addicting habit because it takes advantage of the brain’s reward system, says Strohman.

An enjoyable TikTok, for example, can trigger the brain’s reward pathway. Subsequently, this causes the brain to release a chemical called dopamine, which Strohman describes “as a hit or a high” for the brain. The dopamine surge tells the brain that scrolling through social media is pleasurable and that we should do it again. Because another attention-grabbing Tiktok plays immediately when the first is over, this process starts all over again immediately. 

“The brain is rewarded every time because of how the feeds and algorithms are set up so that anytime we’re not on the app, we think we’re missing something,” explains Strohman. “That makes us want to go back on it again.:

The same process applies to adolescents—possibly to a more significant effect. Pion-Berlin explains that because the prefrontal cortex is one of the last brain areas to mature fully, younger people are more impulsive and have less self-control than adults. With less self-control, it may be easier for teens to fall into this rabbit hole of social media content, she says. In addition, the limbic system—a part of the brain involved in behavioral and emotional responses—is also more sensitive during our teenage years, which makes them likelier to prioritize pleasurable and desirable activities.

What are some ways to stop infinite scrolling?

While infinite scrolling isn’t great, that does not mean you need to quit social media altogether. On the contrary, there are some benefits to staying on the apps, such as building communities among people with a shared hobby or interest, maintaining relationships with family who live miles away, raising awareness for a particular cause, and learning from credible experts.

[Related: All the ways you can reduce screen time across your devices]

To make the most of your time, you’ll want to become an active rather than a passive user. Active users interact with others— in practice, this could look like commenting on posts or creating content. The high engagement gives you a specific purpose for being on the app, allows you to nurture and maintain online friendships, and is associated with improved well-being

Meanwhile, infinite scrolling is a passive activity because you’re socially disconnected from others and lurking in the background. Of course, sometimes you just want to take a break from life and watch some mind-numbing videos. In these situations, you’ll want to set a timer to limit the time you spend online and know when it’s time to log off, Strohman says. 

Another suggestion from Strohman is turning off notifications. People often fall into mindless surfing when notified or tagged in something. And while you might start out looking at the relevant post, you can easily find yourself lost in a comment thread or other recommended videos. 

“Have a clear purpose when accessing social media,” Strohman says. If a friend shares a post, tell yourself you will only watch this one video and not spend the next two hours on TikTok. 

“The more you scroll, the less settled you’ll be,” advises Strohman. “Be mindful, recognize your part in it, and try to do what you can to manage yourself in those online worlds.”

The post How to break your toxic infinite scroll habit on TikTok appeared first on Popular Science.

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Set your computer to turn on and off on a schedule Thu, 29 Apr 2021 19:14:56 +0000
A person sitting in front of a desktop computer in an office, using a laptop. She should learn to schedule a shutdown on Windows.
When you've got a lot of work to do, you might not want to wait for your computer to turn on. Mimi Thian / Unsplash

Save some energy and give your poor computer a break by getting it to run on a set timetable.

The post Set your computer to turn on and off on a schedule appeared first on Popular Science.

A person sitting in front of a desktop computer in an office, using a laptop. She should learn to schedule a shutdown on Windows.
When you've got a lot of work to do, you might not want to wait for your computer to turn on. Mimi Thian / Unsplash

Maybe you’re used to turning your computer on every day with the power button and off every evening with a few clicks—or perhaps you just leave it running around the clock. Instead, save yourself some time by making your computer turn on and shut down on a schedule.

Not only will you save money on energy bills, but you’ll also have your PC or Mac booted up and waiting for you in the morning when you reach the office (or home office). You can also leave your computer working on a task (like a hefty download or a long video encoding process) knowing that it will switch off when it’s done. Or maybe you just want to fall asleep to some streaming video, without leaving your laptop or desktop running all night—there are lots of ways to use this superpower.

How to automatically turn on a Windows PC

The screen you'll see when trying to schedule a shutdown in Windows 10.
If only we had an automatic shutdown program to help us sleep. David Nield

Powering up a PC on a schedule requires a bit of digging around in the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) that launches before Windows does. On computers sold in the last few years, the BIOS has been replaced by the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), but they do a very similar job.

To get to the BIOS or UEFI, you’ll need to press a specific key while your computer is booting up. Which one varies from device to device, but it’s usually F2, F8, Delete, or Esc. The key you’ll need should be displayed on screen during the startup process, but if you’re really stuck, try looking for documentation for your PC’s make and model on the web.

[Related: Small, game-changing utilities for Windows and macOS]

Different manufacturers configure their BIOS or UEFI differently, so we can’t give you exact instructions for how to find the scheduling feature, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to track down—look for some kind of advanced settings or power management menu after you press the proper key. If you can’t find anything, your PC might not have this feature at all, but you should check the web to make sure.

The Dell desktop we used as a test machine for this guide was running Windows 10, and we pressed F2 to enter the BIOS screen. There, we found an Auto Power On option under the Power menu. This gave us the choice to turn the computer on at a certain time every day or on one particular day, but as we’ve said, your PC may be slightly different.

Alternative ways to enter the Windows BIOS/UEFI

On a Windows 11 Lenovo laptop, we were able to access the BIOS/UEFI mode while the computer was still on by navigating through its settings. You can also use the Windows Terminal app. Just know that these two methods are somewhat more complicated and you’ll want to make sure you save all your work before you proceed. Although you’ll be starting with a device that’s already on, you’ll still have to reboot it in the end.

From the Settings app, choose System on the left, then scroll down to click on Recovery. Under the Recovery options heading, find Advanced startup and hit Restart now. Here, Windows will warn you to save your work, but if you’ve already done so you can click Restart now from the dialog box. On the next screen, go to Troubleshoot, Advanced Options, UEFI Firmware Settings, and hit Restart to enter BIOS/UEFI.

If you’d rather use the Terminal app, search for it via the Start menu. Open it and enter this command (without the period at the end): shutdown /r /o /f /t 00. Hit Enter to restart your computer. From the “Choose an Option” screen that appears, click Troubleshoot, Advanced Options, UEFI Firmware Settings, and then Restart.

How to schedule a shutdown on Windows 10 or 11

Shutting down a Windows computer on a schedule is much more straightforward. Use the taskbar search box or Start menu to look for and launch the Task Scheduler program, then click Create Basic Task and give it any name you like.

Work through the task creation process, using the Next buttons to move through the steps. Along the way, you can pick the days and times you want the scheduled shutdown to occur, and have it repeat automatically or leave it as a one-off action. When you get to the Action screen, choose Start a program and enter shutdown.exe as the program to launch. You’ll see a summary, and can click Finish to confirm the scheduling.

To see all the tasks you’ve set up, go back to the main Task Schedule interface and click Task Scheduler Library. You can edit and delete them from here using the options on the right side of the panel. Note that you can configure multiple tasks for multiple times on multiple days if you need to (so your PC automatically shuts down at a different time on a Sunday than a Monday, for example).

How to automatically turn a Mac on and off

The screen you'll see when you schedule an automatic startup or shutdown on macOS.
Make sure your Apple computer is only on when you want it to be on. David Nield

If you’re using a version of macOS that predates Ventura, you’ve got it easy and can skip to the following subsection. But if you’ve upgraded to Apple’s latest operating system, scheduling automatic shutdowns and boots is quite a bit more complicated than it used to be.

You used to be able to tell your Mac to shut down and start up on a schedule by clicking through obvious options in the macOS system settings, but all of those are gone in Ventura. Now, you’ll have to use the Terminal app. To find it, search for it on your computer using Spotlight search or your preferred app-locating method.

Inside this app, you’ll be using a “pmset” command, and there are a few things you’ll need to know before you build one:

  • Dates are formatted as MM/DD/YY, so April 10, 2021 would be 04/10/21.
  • Time is formatted as HH:MM:SS, so 9 a.m. would be 09:00:00.
  • Days of the week are generally formatted using their first letter (Monday is “M”, but there are two exceptions: Thursday is “R” and Sunday is “U”.

Whether you’d like to schedule your Mac to shut down, start up, or reboot, the commands follow a similar pattern. You may also need to enter your password before your computer will complete the task. Use these examples as guides to create your own schedule:

  • Automatic startup: To get your device to turn on every weekday at, say, 8:59 a.m. (the minute before you sit down at your desk), enter sudo pmset repeat poweron MTWRF 08:59:00 into the Terminal. If you’re someone who puts your computer to sleep instead, you can replace “poweron” with “wake”.
  • Automatic shutdown: If you want your Mac to shut down every Friday at 5 p.m., enter sudo pmset repeat shutdown F 17:00:00 into the Terminal. This may just stop you from working into the weekend.
  • Schedule restart: For an automatic macOS restart every other day at 3 a.m., enter sudo pmset repeat restart MWFU 03:00:00 into the Terminal. Maybe now you won’t keep putting off those updates.

How to schedule a Mac shutdown, startup, or reboot in older versions of macOS

Unlike with macOS Ventura, you don’t need to bother with the Terminal app to schedule various tasks in older versions of the OS. Instead, open the Apple menu, then choose System Preferences. To get to the scheduling screen, click Energy Saver and Change Settings (on a desktop Mac), or Battery and Schedule (on a MacBook).

Check the Start up or wake box, and you can set a startup time for every day, only weekdays, just the weekend, or on a single day of your choosing—just use the drop-down lists to set your preference.

[Related: 23 useful Mac settings hiding in plain sight]

The next check box has three options: Sleep, Restart, or Shut Down. Once you’ve made your selection, you’ll get the same choices you do with starting up the Mac. Click Apply to confirm your choices.

A few notes to remember: You can’t have multiple timings for different days, just one startup and one shutdown time for each day you scheduled automation. On a MacBook, startup scheduling will only work if the laptop is plugged in and charging.

Scheduled shutdowns only work when you’re logged into your Mac or MacBook and it’s awake (so you can’t go from a sleep state to a full shutdown). Plus, as with any manual shutdown, certain apps might stop it—like if you have unsaved work open and a save box pops up.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on April 29, 2021.

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Easy ways to stop carpenter bees from remodeling your home Thu, 02 Sep 2021 15:41:17 +0000
A carpenter bee on a white flower. If you're trying to figure out how to get rid of carpenter bees, it's best not to kill these crucial pollinators.
You can get all the pollination benefits of carpenter bees without the burrowing problems. Diane Helentjaris / Unsplash

None of these tips for getting rid of carpenter bees involve extermination.

The post Easy ways to stop carpenter bees from remodeling your home appeared first on Popular Science.

A carpenter bee on a white flower. If you're trying to figure out how to get rid of carpenter bees, it's best not to kill these crucial pollinators.
You can get all the pollination benefits of carpenter bees without the burrowing problems. Diane Helentjaris / Unsplash

Carpenter bees are some of the largest bees native to the US. They resemble bumblebees, but you’ll be able to tell them apart because they will burrow in fences, telephone poles, dead trees, and other types of wood. These insects are major pollinators, but they’ve earned a bit of a bad rap thanks to the damage they do to human structures.

If these bees have decided to call your home their home, it can be tempting to simply exterminate them, but you should take a more peaceful route. Because of how hugely beneficial they are to local ecosystems, many beekeepers say it’s important to safely move them instead.

Where to find carpenter bees and how to identify them

Unlike honeybees, carpenter bees do not live in large groups. They tend to make individual nests in which to lay their eggs and nurture new generations. Although there are some ground-dwelling species, most do what their name suggests: they burrow into soft, untreated wood like redwood, cedar, and pine.

The female bees start crafting these nests in the spring, laying their eggs inside for the males to visit and fertilize. The hatchlings emerge in late summer and leave the nests in search of flowers, before spending the winter inside the nest tunnels. You can identify a carpenter bee’s nest by the sawdust around or below it.

[Related: City gardens are abuzz with imperiled native bees]

The bees themselves are generally larger than bumblebees, often between a half-inch and 1 inch long, and do not have yellow stripes. You’re more likely to see the male bees, especially during mating season because they’re extremely territorial and hover around the nests. They can be intimidating, but they have no stingers and are unlikely to hurt you—the aggressive buzzing is all an act to protect their nests. Female carpenter bees, on the other hand, do have stingers, but won’t attack unless confronted directly.

Because they create tunnels, and may come back to them year after year, these bees can cause structural damage to load-bearing fence posts and other wooden constructions. They may also cause indirect damage, as woodpeckers like to go after carpenter bee larvae and can splinter the wood in their search for food.

How to safely get rid of carpenter bees

Despite the issues carpenter bees can cause, they are extremely effective pollinators. Nick Hoefly, a beekeeper at Astor Apiaries in Queens, New York, says that thanks to their size, these hefty bugs are excellent “buzz” pollinators. “This is a type of pollination where the insect vibrates the blossom to dislodge pollen, allowing it to fall onto the female parts of the plant,” he says. “Many vegetables and fruits, including tomatoes and some berries, rely on this type of pollination.”

Use almond, citrus, or another scented oil

That’s why it’s best to get rid of carpenter bees without hurting them. Hoefly recommends applying a drop of almond or citrus oil inside any nest holes you find. Since they don’t like the smell, they will most likely vacate and search elsewhere for a less-stinky place to build a nest. After they leave, you’ll need to fill the holes with wood putty or steel wool. If you have wood the bees haven’t found yet, take some time to sand it down, wipe away any excess sawdust with a wet sponge, and then paint it. Carpenter bees are attracted to unfinished wood.

Install wind chimes

If you have no interest in keeping these pollinators around, Hoefly suggests using wind chimes. The bees don’t like the noise and the constant jangling might convince them to seek other accommodations. If you’ve been reading a lot about how to get rid of carpenter bees, you may have seen suggestions involving loud music. Although doing so may bother the bees, it may also bother you (and your neighbors). Wind chimes are a more peaceful option that you’ll never have to turn on or off.

Give them a home of their own

But if you do want them to stay, you can provide homes specifically for them. This will keep them around, pollinating your garden and local plants. You can place simple blocks of wood around that you wouldn’t mind them burrowing into, but Bruce Shriver, a beekeeper at the Gowanus Apiary in Brooklyn, New York, prefers “insect hotel-style habitats.” 

You can find these at any home goods or hardware store or even make them yourself out of scrap wood and naturally hollow material. “As long as the habitat includes a block of soft wood in addition to the reeds, bamboo, straw, and other materials… it should serve well as a decent carpenter bee habitat,” Shriver says. You’ll have all the benefits of these super-pollinators without them hovering around and burrowing into your fences.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on September 2, 2021.

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Install a virtual machine to put a computer inside your computer Sat, 08 Apr 2023 15:00:00 +0000
A desktop Mac computer running Windows 11 in a virtual machine. The computer is on a desk in front of a window that looks out onto a grassy field.
Get Windows 11 on your Mac computer. Patrick Ward / Unsplash; Justin Pot

There's no need to buy a whole new device to try a different operating system.

The post Install a virtual machine to put a computer inside your computer appeared first on Popular Science.

A desktop Mac computer running Windows 11 in a virtual machine. The computer is on a desk in front of a window that looks out onto a grassy field.
Get Windows 11 on your Mac computer. Patrick Ward / Unsplash; Justin Pot

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Mac users sometimes need to use Windows software. Windows users might want to see what Linux is like. You might think, in both cases, that the only choice is to buy another computer (expensive) or set up dual-booting (complicated). There’s a third choice: virtual machines.

A virtual machine is exactly what it sounds like: an entire computer running virtually on your laptop or desktop. You can install whatever operating system you want and run it inside its own window, which really comes in handy. For example: my main computer is a Mac, but I have a Windows 11 machine set up on it to test software for reviews and tutorials. Others might use a virtual machine to access older software that can’t otherwise run on modern computers. There are all kinds of uses.

How do virtual machines work?

Virtual machine software allows you, in just a few clicks, to create a computer that lives on your computer. That sounds like a magic trick but it isn’t—it’s all software.

Your computer has several components inside it: the CPU, the motherboard, the memory, the hard drive, and so on. Virtual machine software creates software versions of these, all of which borrow resources from your actual computer. You can configure how much of your device’s resources these virtual computers have access to, like what percentage of your CPU they can use and how much hard drive space they can take up. These programs typically refer to your actual computer as the “host” and any virtual machines as “guests.” You can create as many guests as you want, depending on how much hard drive space you have.

Note that this is not an emulator, like the ones you’d use to load up retro games. Those programs are attempting to reverse-engineer the environment that a particular piece of software would run in. A virtual machine isn’t that—it’s a full system, complete with an operating system.

This can be Windows 11, though you’ll have to pay for a copy of Windows in order to do that. Those start at $139

Linux is free to run, and some virtual machine software for Mac systems can also create virtual versions of macOS. Just know that it’s not legal to run a macOS virtual machine on a Windows computer—the macOS software license agreement clearly states the software can only be run on Apple hardware. Some people do it anyway, but it’s not simple.

How to set up a virtual machine

To get a virtual machine on your computer, you’ll need to install virtualization software. VirtualBox, maintained by Oracle, is completely free and open source. You can download this application, install it on your Windows, macOS, or Linux computer, and start creating virtual machines. It helps to be relatively tech savvy—you’ll need to make a few choices, including how much memory and storage to dedicate to the machine—though there’s an in-depth manual available online if you get confused. This is the DIY route.

[Related: How to set up a second monitor for your computer]

If you’re on a Mac or a Chromebook, though, there’s a much easier option: Parallels. This application can guide you through downloading and installing Windows and other operating systems, so you won’t have to do much thinking yourself. The downside: it costs $100, and if you want to run Windows you’ll also have to buy a license if you don’t already have one. I recommend those merely curious about a virtual machine play around with VirtualBox first—it will get you familiar with the concept. If you need a virtual machine for work, though, Parallels is the simpler and more dependable option.

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7 things to know about Amazon’s new gaming service, Luna Fri, 07 Apr 2023 16:00:00 +0000
Amazon Luna controller hovering in front of a purple background.
You don't need a Luna controller to get the most out of the service—but you should still consider it. Amazon

Smoother graphics and phone controls can help you get more from Amazon Luna.

The post 7 things to know about Amazon’s new gaming service, Luna appeared first on Popular Science.

Amazon Luna controller hovering in front of a purple background.
You don't need a Luna controller to get the most out of the service—but you should still consider it. Amazon

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Amazon Luna finally came out of beta to be widely available in March 2022, immediately impressing users and reviewers. Like competitors such as Xbox Cloud Gaming and Nvidia GeForce Now, the platform streams games straight to your TV, laptop, or phone—think Netflix, but for video games.

To get access to Amazon Luna, you either need to be a Prime subscriber—which gets you a limited number of free games per month—or sign up for one of the specific Luna subscription plans starting at $10 a month. 

1. Amazon’s Fire TV stick is the easiest way to game on a big screen

Amazon Luna streams straight to browsers on phones, tablets, and computers, but the easiest way to get Luna on your big-screen television is with a Fire TV stick. But before you get one, make sure to check if your set is on the list of compatible devices. If you already have Amazon’s TV dongle, just install the Luna app and you’re ready to go. 

[Related: Sign up (and save money) on Amazon’s new Luna game streaming service]

If your TV has a game mode, Amazon recommends turning it on for the best experience. The location of this setting depends on the make and model of your TV, so you’ll have to dig in a bit. If you still can’t find it, we recommend searching for the user manual online.

You’ll also need to connect a compatible controller to enjoy Luna. You can use the official gadget (you can get it bundled up with a Fire TV stick) or one from your Xbox or PlayStation. But those are not your only options.

2. You can optimize your connection on Amazon Luna

For a smooth Luna experience at a 1080p resolution, Amazon recommends an internet speed of at least 10 Mbps. You can optimize your connection and try to hit this target by turning off VPNs and using a wired internet connection where possible.

If you’re seeing buffering and lag, you can scale down the resolution of Luna games to 720p, which uses a more modest 5 Mbps. To do this, on the home page of Luna on the web or in the desktop app, click Settings then Audio & video quality to make the change.

3. You can use your phone as a controller on Amazon Luna

Controller scheme of the Luna controller on a phone screen.
With the Amazon Luna app you can use your phone screen as a controller. Amazon

Whichever device you’re using with Amazon’s gaming service, you can control it using the Luna Controller app (available for Android and iOS). Your handheld device will provide you with a full set of virtual controls to work with, including a d-pad and trigger buttons.

As long as you are signed into the same Amazon account on your phone and on whatever device you’re streaming Luna to, the devices should connect automatically, even if you’re not on the same Wi-Fi network.

You can also use the Luna Controller app to have guests join in your gameplay using their own phones—this is extremely useful if you’re playing a multiplayer title. The only drawback is that they’ll need to sign into the app using your Amazon credentials.

4. You can invite more players with Luna Couch

Luna Couch is one of the more interesting features Amazon’s game streaming service has to offer: it lets you play with friends or family members across the internet with the minimum hassle. Your fellow players don’t need a Luna subscription, but they’ll need an Amazon account to join in. 

From the Luna interface, select Couch on the left and pick a game. Once in it, open the Luna menu—Tab+Shift on a keyboard or the Luna (or Xbox or PlayStation) button on your controller—and pick Start Luna Couch Session.

The platform will give you a code that you can share with other people. All players need to do is head over to the Luna Couch website and enter that code.

5. You can optimize your gameplay by tweaking your device settings

Amazon offers specific advice for certain devices and platforms to help you get the best Luna experience possible. If you’re gaming in the Google Chrome browser, make sure to switch on hardware acceleration—this means the browser will use your computer’s full graphics capabilities.

To access this feature, type “chrome://settings/?search=hardware” into the Chrome address bar and hit Enter. The Use hardware acceleration when available toggle switch should be set to on.

For some unspecified reason, having location services enabled on Fire tablets and macOS can cause performance issues on Luna. You can turn this setting off on Fire tablets by picking Location-based Services from the Settings menu. On macOS, go to System Settings and then choose Privacy & Security and Location Services.

6. Amazon Luna can seamlessly broadcast games to Twitch 

As you might expect, Luna works very well with Twitch, seeing as they’re both run by Amazon. If you’ve never tried live streaming your gaming exploits before, using Luna with Twitch is a great way to start.

From Luna’s web or desktop app, choose Broadcast and Connect with Twitch to get started. You’ll need to sign in or create a Twitch account, then follow the instructions on screen.

You’ll be able to manage your stream from a separate window that will pop up. It includes controls to allow you to share (or not) your audio and webcam feeds, and stop or pause the broadcast at any time.

7. You should think about investing in a Luna controller

As we mentioned, you don’t need an official Luna Controller to use Amazon’s game streaming service: an Xbox or PlayStation controller or your phone will do just fine. You can even use the mouse and keyboard on a computer if you don’t care much for console gaming.

[Related: The best Xbox One controllers of 2023]

However, there are reasons to splash $70 on Amazon’s own gamepad: It’s designed specifically for cloud gaming and has its own direct Wi-Fi connection, so you can easily switch between Luna games on multiple devices.

Its Bluetooth and USB support give the Luna controller versatility, and as you’d expect, it also comes with Amazon Alexa on board. If you’re going to get serious about your Luna gaming, then it’s worth picking up.

The post 7 things to know about Amazon’s new gaming service, Luna appeared first on Popular Science.

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4 common myths about Narcan, the ‘antidote’ to opioid overdose Thu, 06 Apr 2023 19:38:30 +0000
Narcan naloxone nasal spray vending machine in Illinois to fight opioid overdoses
Narcan nasal spray for the treatment of opioid overdoses is made available for free in a vending machine by the DuPage County Health Department at the Kurzawa Community Center on September 01, 2022 in Wheaton, Illinois. Scott Olson/Getty Images

The FDA-approved nasal spray can even be used on and by children.

The post 4 common myths about Narcan, the ‘antidote’ to opioid overdose appeared first on Popular Science.

Narcan naloxone nasal spray vending machine in Illinois to fight opioid overdoses
Narcan nasal spray for the treatment of opioid overdoses is made available for free in a vending machine by the DuPage County Health Department at the Kurzawa Community Center on September 01, 2022 in Wheaton, Illinois. Scott Olson/Getty Images

When it comes to tackling the opioid crisis in America, there is no single solution. Public health officials have taken measures to prevent future overdoses by reducing the number of opioid prescriptions, curbing the flow of illicit drug trafficking, and raising awareness of the dangers of opioids. But for the three million people already addicted to this class of drugs, the emphasis has turned to a quick-working treatment: naloxone.

It’s possible to reverse an opioid overdose with an injectable or single-dose nasal spray called naloxone (also known by the brand name Narcan). Street drugs and prescription painkillers like heroin, morphine, and codeine target opioid receptors in the brain to induce a pleasurable high. But they can also affect neurons that control respiration, causing a person to stop breathing if they overdose. Naloxone blocks the brain receptors so that the drugs can’t reach them, preventing this deadly side effect. “There are very few things I would call a perfect antidote, but, in this case, Narcan is one of them,” says Ryan Marino, a medical toxicologist and addiction medicine specialist at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He adds that naloxone works against synthetic opioids like fentanyl.

[Related: At-home test strips for fentanyl are just the first step to preventing overdoses]

In response to the growing number of opioid overdose deaths—75 percent of drug overdose deaths in the US in 2020 involved an opioid—the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved an over-the-counter version of naloxone. The decision makes the drug more accessible: People will be able to buy the nasal spray at places like their local pharmacy or gas station without a prescription. But while medical experts have lauded the FDA’s ruling, not everyone is happy with the news. There have been some concerns from the public about distributing naloxone and whether it encourages more drug use. PopSci spoke with medical experts on common misconceptions surrounding naloxone and its safety.

Myth 1: Naloxone encourages people to do more drugs

A common objection to expanding naloxone access is that it acts as a safety net for people with addiction to continue their drug habits with few repercussions. But Kathryn Cunningham, director of the Center of Addiction Research at the University of Texas Medical Branch, says research has shown no evidence that naloxone leads to more drug use. 

A well-known 2013 study in The BMJ journal found the number of opioid-related hospital visits did not increase in communities with programs distributing naloxone and those with less access to the nasal spray. Instead, naloxone helped in reducing the amount of risky drug activity in 19 communities that distributed it to residents.

Myth 2: Naloxone prevents users from getting treated for addiction

Think of naloxone as a fire extinguisher in your house, Marino says. You’ll likely use it if there’s a small blaze. But if you have repeated incidents or if your house becomes engulfed in flames, the fire extinguisher can only help so much. Eventually, you’ll have to call the fire department for help. Simply put, naloxone may actually convince people to find professional help because it gives them more opportunities to seek treatment and rehabilitation later in life. “You can’t seek medical services if you’re dead,” Cunningham explains. 

If there’s any deterrent to getting treatment, it’s the stigma surrounding substance use disorders. Research suggests laws hampering access to care and discrimination from medical professionals against patients with a history of drug use may discourage people from opening up about their addiction. Even when they seek out help, patients have reported being treated as if they were untrustworthy, intimidating, and immoral.

Myth 3: Only medical professionals can use naloxone safely

You do not need medical training to give naloxone to someone who’s overdosed. Marino says the over-the-counter nasal spray that the FDA approved was designed to be easy enough to be used by a child as young as 6. The box also has step-by-step instructions printed on the side. “It comes with this little nasal atomizer,” Marino adds. “You just take it out of the package, put it in someone’s nose, and press the pointer. That’s all there is to it.” If a person accidentally applies naloxone to someone who hasn’t overdosed, it will be benign.

[Related: How to break free of the bystander effect and help someone in trouble]

There is no age limit for being treated with naloxone. You can use it on a newborn with opioids in their system or even a toddler who’s exposed to fentanyl patches. The nasal spray expires after three years, and should be stored in temperatures between 77 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Naloxone freezes at temperatures below 5 degrees Fahrenheit, making it unusable until it thaws out.

Myth 4: Naloxone makes users violent

It’s been rumored that the sudden onslaught of withdrawal symptoms caused by naloxone might cause a person to become aggressive or lash out when they gain consciousness. That’s not typically the case. Cunningham says common side effects after treatment include headaches, disorientation, vomiting, and nausea—all of which are temporary, because it’s a short-acting drug. “Withdrawal is not life-threatening,” Cunningham notes. “Not breathing because of an opiate is life-threatening.”

Fact: Naloxone could save many lives if more people have it

The FDA’s decision (which doesn’t mention exact rollout dates) makes it so that anyone can be ready to jump in and prevent deaths from opioid overdoses. Marino says it’s best to think of naloxone as another item in your first aid kit in case of emergencies. “We might tell ourselves that no one in our life is using drugs or going to overdose, but you never want to have a situation where you need it and not have it.”

The post 4 common myths about Narcan, the ‘antidote’ to opioid overdose appeared first on Popular Science.

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The button that will put your Instagram feed in chronological order Tue, 29 Mar 2022 12:00:00 +0000
A person with red nail polish scrolling through their Instagram feed in chronological order.
Goodbye old algorithmic feed, hello new chronological feed. Cottonbro / Pexels

You can view the most recent posts, but Instagram's chronological feed feature is limited.

The post The button that will put your Instagram feed in chronological order appeared first on Popular Science.

A person with red nail polish scrolling through their Instagram feed in chronological order.
Goodbye old algorithmic feed, hello new chronological feed. Cottonbro / Pexels

After years of Instagram users pining for the return of chronological feeds, the app has finally made a change that lets you put the most recent posts at the top. There is a catch, though: your choice to sort your homepage chronologically is temporary, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

How to see the most recent Instagram posts first

Organizing your feed chronologically is simple. From the Instagram app’s home screen, tap the Instagram logo in the top left to open a dropdown menu with two options: Following and Favorites. Tap Following to see the most recent posts from your followers. That’s all.

As we mentioned above, this change will not stick. If you close the app and reopen it, you’ll be right back on Instagram’s algorithmic feed. You also won’t be able to see Stories in this view, so it feels very much like a sub-feed. But if you tap any of the icons at the bottom of the screen (search, Reels, shop, and profile), then go back to the homepage, it should still be sorted chronologically. To get back to the standard feed, tap the back arrow in the top left.

This feature isn’t available if you’re using Instagram in a web browser, but if you don’t see these options on your mobile device, try updating your app. The Meta-owned platform launched this feature almost a year ago, so getting the most recent version should give you the ability to make your feed chronological. The pre-update workaround still helps, too: tap View Older Posts wherever you see it to gaze upon posts you may have missed.

How to set up Instagram’s chronological Favorites feed

If you follow a lot of accounts, a chronological Instagram feed can become tedious. When Instagram head Adam Mosseri announced the change in January 2021, he noted that most people don’t get through most of their feeds. You can use the Favorites sorting option to only see the most recent posts from select accounts.

[Related: How to delete one photo from an Instagram carousel]

It’s the second option on the dropdown menu under the big Instagram name on the app’s home screen, but selecting it will display an empty feed unless you’ve chosen your favorite accounts. Take the app’s suggestion to Add favorites to start, and use the Search, Remove, and Add functions on the next page to set your list—Instagram won’t notify people when you add or remove them. Tap Confirm favorites to finish, and you’ll see all the posts from your chosen accounts in chronological order.

Posts from accounts on your Favorites list will be starred and appear higher up on the standard Instagram feed, Mosseri said in a post on Meta’s official blog.

There are a few ways to manage your Favorites list after you’ve created it. If you’re viewing the Favorites feed, tap the starred list icon in the top right to add or remove accounts. You can also tap the star icon next to a post from a favorited account wherever you see it, then hit Manage favorites to get to the same screen. Or tap the three lines in the top right corner of your profile page, then choose Favorites. It’s a great way to keep only the best posts on your sparkling new chronological Instagram feed.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on March 29, 2022.

The post The button that will put your Instagram feed in chronological order appeared first on Popular Science.

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How to move your photos to and from any cloud service Wed, 29 Jan 2020 17:06:23 +0000
Pile of print photos
It's like picking these up and putting them in another box... only it's not. Volodymyr Nikitenko via Deposit Phoyo

Moving your images from cloud to cloud is not as tedious as it seems.

The post How to move your photos to and from any cloud service appeared first on Popular Science.

Pile of print photos
It's like picking these up and putting them in another box... only it's not. Volodymyr Nikitenko via Deposit Phoyo

Pictures and videos are likely to be some of your most precious digital possessions. They represent snapshots of loved ones, special places, memorable events, incredible trips, and even some moments that will have you laughing for years to come. We take a lot of these with our smartphone cameras, so we might as well make sure they’re safe and looked after.

Moving your photos and other files to cloud storage is a great idea if you want to protect them, and there are numerous apps and services that will take good care of your images. Even better, if you decide to, say, transfer your Amazon photos to iCloud, it is possible to switch platforms without too much of a hassle.

Get comfortable and open your laptop—phone apps are simply less capable than full-blown computers when it comes to downloading and uploading entire archives of images and videos. And no matter how much you trust your cloud storage provider, always back up your photos and other data somewhere else.

Google Photos

If you have an Android phone, your images likely reside in Google Photos. You can keep them ‘there if you like, but you can always switch.

Importing images to Google’s cloud storage

Google Photos lives on the web, and you’ve got a couple of options for getting pics and vids up into the cloud. First, load up Google Photos in your browser, then simply drag files and folders across from File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS). If you’d rather do this another way, click Upload, then Computer at the top of the Google Photos web interface, and upload your files.

[Related: Google Photos is better at image editing than you think]

For an even easier way to move your photos to the cloud, download the Google Drive desktop app (free for Windows and macOS). It lets you specify certain folders on your computer that will automatically sync with Google Photos, which means that everything you add to those folders will have a copy in the cloud you can access from anywhere. Just open the app, click the cog icon in the top right and go to Preferences. Click Add folder and choose the location you want synced to the cloud. The app will ask where you want the copies of your pics to live—check the box next to Back up to Google Photos and finish by hitting Done.   

Finally, if you’re moving images from Facebook, iCloud, Pixieset, or Pic-Time, Google Photos has a built-in feature to make the switch seamless. Click Upload and from the emerging menu pick Copy from other services. Choose the platform you want to source your stuff from and Google will redirect you to that platform’s login page, where you’ll have to type in your credentials. What you see on the next page will depend on the service you’re dealing with. For example, if you’re moving content from iCloud, Apple’s platform will show you its “Manage your data” menu, where you’ll have a list of options, not all of them related to what you want to do. To move your photos and videos, select Request to transfer a copy of your data, choose Google Photos as the destination for your files on the next page, and hit Continue

Before you seal the deal, make sure you have enough space in your Google Photos account for the incoming files—if you don’t, nothing will transfer and you’ll have to repeat the process all over again. Follow the prompts to give iCloud access to your Google account and hit Confirm transfer to finish. 

This process is not immediate and you may have to wait up to a week for it to complete, depending on the number and heft of the files you’re moving. In the case of iCloud, you’ll receive a confirmation email, but you may have to check your account regularly if you’re using other services. 

How to export Google Photos files to a computer

Downloading one or two photos from Google’s image storage service is easy enough—just select the files from the web interface, click the Menu button (three dots), and choose Download. If you’ve chosen multiple files, they will be wrapped up in a ZIP file. When you’ve downloaded what you need, you can move those photos and videos somewhere else.

If you need to export absolutely everything out of your Google Photos account, head to the Google Takeout service on the web. This tool will help you move all your Google data to another cloud platform, but you can also specify what you want to take with you and what to leave behind. By default, all the boxes on the list of services will be selected, so you’ll want to first make sure Google Photos is the only one—you can do this quickly by hitting Deselect all and checking the box next to Google Photos. Then choose Next step and select Send download link via email from the drop-down menu. If you don’t want to deal with one huge file, you can also choose the frequency of downloads, the maximum heft of each bundle of files, and whether you want to compress your images in a ZIP or TGZ file. Once you’re done customizing, click Create export and wait for the link to that archive (including your selected photos and videos) to appear in your Gmail inbox.

Apple iCloud Photo Library

Screenshot of the iCloud Photo Library wizard
To sync iCloud photos to Google’s platform there’s a built-in tool you can use. David Nield

Contrary to what you might think, Apple does play nice with other cloud services—but only some of them. With the rest, you’ll have to export your photos and videos before you can upload them to other platforms.

How to sync photos to iCloud

The Photos app on Mac takes care of moving files between your computer and the cloud. To add new pictures and videos to your iCloud Photo Library, first open the Photos menu in the Photos app, choose Settings, find General, and make sure the box marked Copy items to the Photos library is checked. Then, choose File, Import, and pick the relevant files.

If you’re using iCloud on the web, you can import photos and videos to iCloud Photo Library by clicking the Upload button (an arrow pointing up into a cloud), then choosing the files you want to grab from your disk. If you’re on Windows, the iCloud for Windows app does a basic, but competent, job—you can specify which photo and video folders on your computer should sync to the cloud by clicking Options (next to Photos) in the main dialog.

Exporting pictures from iCloud

If you’re using a Mac, the iCloud Photo Library on your computer will sync to the cloud in a bespoke Apple-designed database that doesn’t play nice with some apps and services. To get your files into workable formats that other platforms will recognize, you’ll need to export them. Choose File, Export, then Export Unmodified Originals, and pick a new location on your disk. You can export individual files, groups of files, or entire albums. 

If you’re exporting content to Google Photos, that platform has a built-in tool you can use to easily move your images from iCloud. You can check the specific instructions in the section above. 

The iCloud web interface for Photos lets you export images and videos in standard formats as well, but it’s a slow process—you’ll need to individually select files, then click Download (an arrow pointing down out of a cloud). The iCloud for Windows program can help with that: if you click Options (next to Photos in the main dialog), you can specify a folder on your computer to save all your iCloud photos and videos.


Facebook privacy settings
There are multiple ways to upload photos to Facebook. David Nield

Technically, Facebook is a social media platform, but if you tweak your privacy settings, you can use it to manage your photos and videos as well.

How to upload photos to Facebook

If you’ve chosen Facebook as the place to host your most precious pictures, you can get them onto the site via your web browser: head to your profile page, then click Photos. From there, choose Add Photos/Videos or Create Album to upload one or more pictures.

Facebook is built around sharing, but you don’t have to share uploaded images and videos with the wider world if you don’t want to. The key tool here is the Default audience box that will pop up as soon as you select your files—this determines who can see what you’re uploading. It’s usually set to Friends by default, but you can change it to Only Me (or whatever audience you want).

How to download all your Facebook photos

Downloading individual photos and videos from Facebook is easy enough: open up the file in your web browser, right-click on it, and choose Save as. You can also open the photo, go to Options (the three dots in the top right corner of your screen) and choose Download.

To save all the photos and videos you’ve ever uploaded to the world’s biggest social network, head to the Facebook settings page on the web and select Your Facebook information. Find Download your information, click View, and check the box marked Posts (this includes photos and videos you’ve shared to the platform, along with other data). At the top of the page, make sure the Media quality setting is High, then scroll all the way to the bottom and select Request a download. You will get an email to your registered address with a download link containing a ZIP file with all of your photos and videos, ready to be uploaded to another platform.

Amazon Photos

Screenshot of the Amazon Photos wizard
You can easily transfer Amazon photos to another account by downloading everything from the cloud. David Nield

If you have an Amazon Prime account, you have unlimited space to store your photos. Yes, you read that right.

The Amazon Photos upload process

If you’re a Prime subscriber, you get unlimited online storage for your photos and 5GB for videos as part of the deal. To get files into your Amazon Drive, you can download the desktop app for Windows or macOS. From the Backup pane, you can have the app scan your computer for photos and videos, or point it toward specific folders to sync to the cloud. Any new files you add to those folders will automatically be uploaded to the web.

Alternatively, open the Amazon Photos web interface and click Add, then Upload photos or Upload folder. If you want to create albums, though, you’ll need to do so manually: click Add, then Create album.

The Amazon Photos download process

To get your movies and pictures out of Amazon Photos and transfer them somewhere else, the best option is the desktop app. Switch to the Download pane inside the app, pick Download folder(s), and assuming you want to download everything, select the Pictures folder from your Amazon Drive. Click Download to and pick a folder on your computer for the files.

You can download photos and videos from the web interface as well, but this is more for one or two files at a time. Select one or more files, then hit Download, and your browser will start saving the chosen files to your disk. If you’ve picked several files, the platform will package the photos together in a ZIP file.


Flickr file quality picker
Learning how to download Flickr photos is intuitive. David Nield

Downloading individual photos from Flickr is easy enough. Just hit the download button, select your quality, and you’re done.


If you need to get photos or videos onto Flickr, one way is to click the little Upload button on the toolbar at the top of the Flickr web interface (the button looks like an up arrow going into a cloud). Choose some files from your computer or drag them into the browser to add them to your Flickr library.

[Related: Your Flickr photos could help scientists keep tabs on wildlife]

Another option, which is easier if you’ve got dozens or hundreds of images and clips to move around, is to use Flickr Uploadr for Windows or macOS. This is only available to those with a Pro account ($8.25 a month or $72 a year), but if you need to shift a substantial number of photos, it’s probably worth the investment.

How to download Flickr photos

To get everything out of your Flickr account, you’ll need to go to your account settings page on the web, then click Request my Flickr data. You’ll get an email with a download link you can click on to save a ZIP file with all your images to your computer.

Alternatively, you can download your pictures and videos through the standard Flickr web interface. Click the download icon (a down arrow) on an album, a picture, or a video—if you’ve chosen an album, the system will pack your images into a ZIP file and send an email to your registered address with a link to download it.

Bonus: Get your content from Instagram and Snapchat

Yes, these apps are social media platforms, not storage services, but we still keep a lot of our photos and videos on them. If you already have a substantial part of your life living on Instagram and Snapchat, you can download it and back it up wherever you want. On Instagram, tap your Profile (bottom right), then the Menu button (top right), followed by Settings. Go to See more in Accounts Center, then Your information and permissions. Once you’re there, tap Download your information and Request a download. On Snapchat, go to the photo library page (tap the button in the bottom left corner of your screen—it’s a small preview of your latest snap.  Select your images and videos, and then choose Export.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on January 20, 2020.

The post How to move your photos to and from any cloud service appeared first on Popular Science.

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Tweak these settings for better-sounding phone calls Wed, 05 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Person holding phone to their ear in a phone call
There are several variables you can control to improve the quality of your phone calls. Zen Chung / Pexels

Summon all the help you can get to make your calls sound loud and clear.

The post Tweak these settings for better-sounding phone calls appeared first on Popular Science.

Person holding phone to their ear in a phone call
There are several variables you can control to improve the quality of your phone calls. Zen Chung / Pexels

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You’ve probably had to ask  “Can you hear me?” more than once while on a phone call. One of the most vexing frustrations of the modern age is that, despite the rapidly evolving technological landscape, we still have a hard time clearly getting words across during a voice conversation.

Fortunately, your phone is here to help. While your device can’t magically improve your connection, it can help you get more out of it and deploy a few tricks to ensure that you and the person on the other end of the line can hear each other properly.

Phone settings to improve the audio quality of your calls

With iOS 16.4, Apple introduced a new voice isolation feature for phone calls. The smart tech prioritizes the sounds coming from your mouth and automatically blocks out the ambient noise around you. When on a call, activate it by swiping down from the top right corner of the screen to open the Control Center, and then tapping Mic Mode and Voice Isolation.

This feature doesn’t just work in calls made through the Phone app: You can access and apply it in the same way if you’re making voice calls in FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or any other calling app on your device.

[Related: How to make voice calls from any device]

When it comes to properly hearing the person you’re speaking to, there’s a volume slider on the Control Center as well, which you can also access simply by using the buttons on the side of your iPhone. Switching to speakerphone might help: On the call screen, choose Audio then Speaker. If you’ve got other Apple devices like iPads or Macs on the same Wi-Fi network and logged into the same Apple ID, you’ll be able to switch to these too via the Audio option on the call screen—a bigger device might have better mics and speakers than your iPhone.

You can also boost call volume on Android via the buttons on the side of your phone, and switching to speakerphone is as easy as on iOS: just tap Speaker on the call screen. If you’re using a Samsung Galaxy phone, you can also head to Settings, then Sounds and vibration, and Sound quality and effects to access two useful features: Dolby Atmos and Adapt sound. The former optimizes voice audio, while the latter tunes the sounds from the phone to your specific hearing abilities.

Pick the Adapt sound option, then tap Adapt sound for and make sure to select either Media and calls or Only calls to make sure you get the benefit on phone calls. Further down you can pick from one of the presets to better match your phone to your hearing—Under 30 years old, 30 to 60 years old, or Over 60 years old—or you can tap Test my hearing to create a customized profile through a series of tests your device runs through connected headphones.

Android has a similar feature to iOS’s Voice Isolation to reduce background noise on calls, but at the time of writing it’s only available with the latest Android 13 update and on the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro. To access it, head to the Sound & vibration section of Settings, and then tap Clear calling.

Audio quality doesn’t only depend on the settings or hardware on your phone. If cell reception in your area isn’t great, your call won’t sound crisp and could even drop out. If that’s the case, you can make calls over Wi-Fi instead, as long as your carrier supports it (most do). To turn it on on iOS go to Settings, select Phone, and then Wi-Fi Calling.  On Android, go to Settings and tap Network and Internet, Calls and SMS, and then the name of your carrier. Just make sure you’re already logged into whatever Wi-Fi network you want to use before placing the call.

Set up calling apps to improve audio quality in your calls

Most messaging apps can make voice calls now, and if you dig around in the settings for your favorite platform, you may find a few features to optimize the audio on it. We can’t cover every app here, but we can highlight a few.

Some apps have audio optimization on by default. For calls made through Zoom, for example, echo cancellation and background noise suppression are the standard: If you think the feature is interfering too much or the app is applying it too aggressively, you can disable it by going to Settings, Meetings, and turning on Use Original Sound.

Messaging apps often have data-saving features that can reduce the bandwidth audio calls use. If you’re in an area with a strong signal, you’ll want to turn off this option to maximize audio fidelity. However, if your phone has a spotty connection, turning these features on can help. They work exactly like lowering the quality of a YouTube video while on a bad Wi-Fi signal—you don’t get an HD image, but at least the footage doesn’t stop to buffer every 3 seconds.  When you turn on data-saving features, your phone will compress and optimize the audio to get it through entirely, albeit in a lower quality. This will allow you to hear more of the conversation instead of having the audio constantly break up, improving the overall quality of the call.

In WhatsApp, for example, tap the three dots (top right) and go to Settings (Android), or tap the Settings button at the bottom right of the screen (iOS). From there, choose Storage and data to find the Use less data for calls toggle switch. Meanwhile, on Signal, tap the three dots (top right) and then go to Settings, Data and storage, and Use less data for calls.

[Related: How to fix spotty cell service in your home]

Signal also has a call relay feature that protects your privacy by rerouting audio calls through Signal’s servers. This makes it harder for someone to tell where you’re calling from, but it also reduces call quality. It’s not on by default, but if you’ve turned it on for any reason, you can disable it by going to the Settings menu and tapping Privacy, and then Advanced.

Microsoft Teams has a noise suppression option that cuts out unwanted background noise from voice calls. Inside the mobile app, tap your avatar (top left), then choose Settings and Calling. You’ll see under the Noise suppression heading there are several options to pick from, depending on how aggressive you want the suppression to be.

As always, keeping your apps and your mobile operating systems up to date is important in terms of making sure you have the latest bug patches and audio optimizations, which often run in the background without you even noticing. To check for Android updates go to System and System update from Settings. Apple users can check for iOS updates by going to General and Software Update from Settings.

The post Tweak these settings for better-sounding phone calls appeared first on Popular Science.

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5 ways to deal with financial anxiety before it seriously harms your health Tue, 04 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Person crying over bills and a calculator on a desk.
Talking (and thinking) about money can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. In fact, the more you know about your finances, the better. Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Stressing over money shouldn’t stop you from living your best life.

The post 5 ways to deal with financial anxiety before it seriously harms your health appeared first on Popular Science.

Person crying over bills and a calculator on a desk.
Talking (and thinking) about money can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. In fact, the more you know about your finances, the better. Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Adulting is hard. On top of paying your bills and rent on time, you also have to factor in childcare, insurance, and student loan repayments, which are set to resume later this year. With inflation raising the cost of living, mass job layoffs, and the threat of a recession, it’s understandable if you feel like you’re spreading your money a bit too thin.

Everyone worries about money—and the lack of it—every once in a while. But constantly stressing out about your finances can manifest into a more debilitating mental health condition called financial anxiety.

 “It’s a fear-driven attitude towards money whether that’s money management or talking about money,” says Megan Ford, a financial therapist, and advisor for the financial wellness app Stackin. Fortunately, there are ways to change your relationship with cash and healthy ways to cope when thinking about personal finances.

How financial anxiety affects your wellbeing

Going through an economic hardship like losing your job would evidently increase a person’s tendency to worry over money. Others might experience financial anxiety in certain situations such as the holidays when they feel pressured to spend a lot on gifts. Other experiences, such as foreclosure or child poverty, might have left a more traumatic impact on your psyche. 

About 23 percent of Americans have experienced financial stress at levels that meet the criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder, explains Joyce Marter, a psychotherapist, and author of The Financial Mindset Fix: A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life. The number is even higher among millennials, where it goes up to 36 percent. “It’s very common for people to have symptoms of trauma while dealing with financial stress,” she says.

[Related: How to spend your money for maximum happiness]

Like any mental health disorder, financial anxiety affects your well-being. This condition can leave you feeling overwhelmed and in a state of self-imposed helplessness, here you feel like your actions won’t change the outcome so you give up and avoid it. With your mind preoccupied with money, there is only so much mental space for you to focus on other matters. A September 2022 study published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior showed that people suffering from financial anxiety have lower work performance as they tend to get distracted more easily, and emotionally exhausted from constantly worrying. 

This level of stress can also manifest itself in physical health problems. Research has previously linked financial anxiety to trouble sleeping, a greater risk of heart disease, and increased inflammation, which is associated with multiple health conditions: from gastrointestinal disorders to depression. Financial anxiety also has social repercussions with negative emotional consequences, especially when people choose to isolate themselves from loved ones only to avoid spending money, Marter says. 

Some might address their financial anxiety with unhealthy coping mechanisms, like totally refusing to look at their bank accounts, overspending and hoarding, or even avoiding spending money on things they actually need. The answer to overcoming this kind of stress lies somewhere in between splurging and extreme frugality and comes from nurturing your financial education.

Help yourself by brushing up on your financial literacy 

Creating a stable life means making smart decisions about your money. Financial literacy courses can teach you the best way to save, invest, and budget your spending. 

“The more information you have, the more empowered and capable you’re going to feel in correcting your financial situation,” says Marter.

This doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars on a financial literacy college class. Marter says reading books on the topic, listening to money podcasts, and following money experts on social media, all help in learning how to best manage your personal finances. Following this approach also lets you digest small nuggets of information instead of trying to cram everything about money management from a single crash course. 

Just make sure the advice you’re getting is coming from a reputable source. Marter recommends financial experts such as Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman who offer online personal finance classes for under $100.

Split your income with the 50/30/20 rule

Ford and Marter say an important part of money management is making a plan that helps you save more than you’re spending. This is because financial anxiety is all about the uncertainty of the future. If you’re not sure how much money is coming in and out on a monthly basis, it can feel distressing to think about not making ends meet this month. 

The first step is having a record of your income and setting a budget of how much you’re willing to spend each month. A popular method is to split your money by the 50/30/20 rule, which states that you should distribute your funds according to your needs, wants, and savings. 

First, about 50 percent of your finances should go towards your needs—this includes items such as your rent, insurance, and loan payments. These costs are often fixed expenses, which means that they tend to stay the same month over month, making it easier to plan ahead. Other essentials like groceries and utilities also fall into this category, but they provide more wiggle room for savings. For example, you can always opt for more store brands versus name brands when it comes to foods, or turn off the heat at home before leaving for work.

The next 30 percent of your income should go towards your wants—this is everything that’s optional, like dining out, movie tickets, and shopping. This is the area where you can cut back the most on your spending because they are variable expenses. Even though their price doesn’t change from month to month, subscriptions such as streaming services and gym memberships, also fall under this category, as they are optional.

The last 20 percent of your income should go to your savings. This will help with setting money aside in case of emergencies such as unexpected medical bills, or cushioning periods in between jobs. Unforeseen expenses may prevent you from putting this 20 percent straight into your savings account, but that’s ok. Just try to get this area of your budget back into shape as soon as you can. And even in the tightest of months, make the effort to save some money—experts say that even one percent can help you keep the habit

Be realistic about your budget

The 50/30/20 rule is only one of many money management strategies, but whichever one you use, the most important thing is creating a budget you can realistically live on. If you have issues saving money, Ford says making a budget where you save $2,000 each month might be difficult and could discourage you from budgeting altogether. Instead, she recommends starting small, maybe saving $100 from every paycheck and eventually making your way up to put away a bit more. 

It’s also important to set up a budget that allows you to spend on the items that matter most to you. For example, some people may not think twice about cutting out rock climbing classes in favor of a lower-priced gym. But for someone else with a passion for the sport, there might be other budget areas they’re willing to modify to afford this activity. 

Everyone’s budget will look different. If you’re having trouble coming up with a plan, Marter recommends seeking support from organizations like the Consumer Credit Counseling Foundation which provides free assistance with creating a budget. Your bank or credit union may also have someone you can talk to in person for budgeting advice as well.

Have an accountability partner

Inconsistency and quitting too soon are two common reasons people fail at budgeting. Marter says having an accountability partner to check in on you every month can help you keep track of your financial goals. You would want to choose someone who can support you in making hard adjustments like paying in cash instead of using credit cards. 

Your money buddy should be someone who can provide some tough love if and when you go over budget. Some people might choose their spouse or best friend as their accountability partner. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your finances with your friends or family, Ford says you might want to consider seeing a financial therapist.

Shift your money management mindset

You can budget and save all you want, but financial anxiety will not go away unless you change how you think about money. 

People with financial anxiety often experience negative or catastrophic thinking even if it’s illogical: losing your job does not necessarily mean you’ll never find another one and end up losing your house, for example. Financial anxiety also promotes a scarcity mindset, where you see limited opportunities to make money, resulting in a feeling that you’ll never have enough. 

[Related: 3 tech-savvy ways to boost your credit score]

Marter says the best way to shift your mindset is through cognitive behavioral therapy. The approach teaches you to restructure your negative and irrational thoughts around money into more neutral or positive ones. An effective technique is thought-stopping. “When you have money anxiety and are worried about being homeless or some other catastrophic fear, literally say to yourself: stop. Then reroute your attention to a positive thought,” explains Marter. The latter could involve practicing gratitude and thinking about the all good things in your life—not just the material ones. 

You could also try calming techniques when you feel yourself spiraling. Mindfulness practices like deep breathing and meditation act as a reboot for the mind and shifts the focus to the present moment, helping you let go of negative thoughts. Marter recommends a deep breathing technique called square breathing, where you inhale through your nose, hold your breath, and exhale through your mouth all in counts of four. 

Ultimately, tuning into any shifts in your mind and body when talking and thinking about money, can better equip you for sticking to a budget strategy. “Turning up your awareness of your financial landscape is an important aspect of managing financial anxiety, but also a good money management habit in general,” Ford says. Because when it comes to your spending habits, the saying still rings true: knowledge is power. 

The post 5 ways to deal with financial anxiety before it seriously harms your health appeared first on Popular Science.

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4 tips to help you achieve ‘Inbox Zero’ in Gmail Sun, 04 Apr 2021 21:42:02 +0000
A Macbook laptop with Gmail loading in a browser. If you're lucky, you'll reach Inbox Zero in Gmail.
Reaching Inbox Zero in Gmail will be much easier if you follow this advice. Solen Feyissa / Unsplash

If you're looking for some advice on how to clean up your Gmail inbox, look no further.

The post 4 tips to help you achieve ‘Inbox Zero’ in Gmail appeared first on Popular Science.

A Macbook laptop with Gmail loading in a browser. If you're lucky, you'll reach Inbox Zero in Gmail.
Reaching Inbox Zero in Gmail will be much easier if you follow this advice. Solen Feyissa / Unsplash

Often, email is a case of can’t live with it, can’t live without it. These messages are an essential part of modern-day communications, but sorting through them takes up an inordinate amount of time—time that could be spent doing something more productive.

Fortunately, if Gmail is your email service of choice, it has a number of features that will help you blast through your incoming messages. On top of that, there are plenty of add-ons that will assist you in getting down to an empty inbox—the coveted “Inbox Zero”—as efficiently as possible.

The key is offloading as much work as possible to automatic filters and other tools that will do some organizing for you, leaving you to deal with what’s really important. When you’re done, you should have a nice, clean Gmail inbox.

1. Get Gmail to prioritize your messages

If you haven’t set up tabs in Gmail, now’s the time to do it. Click the cog icon (top right in the web interface), choose See all settings, select Inbox from the labels at the top of the page, and find the Categories heading. For each box you check next to the options here, Gmail will add a new tab with that title to your inbox and sort all relevant emails into it. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the options screen to lock in your edits. As time goes on, Google will also try to guess which messages are important, and you can help it by clicking the importance marker (a right-pointing arrow) to the left of any truly significant conversation.

Gmail's categories, which can help you reach Inbox Zero.
Gmail categories are one way you can sort emails automatically. David Nield

What’s more, you can drag emails between tabs to teach Google how to sort your messages in the future based on type or sender. How can this help you reach Inbox Zero in Gmail? Well, you can ignore the less important categories (like Social and Updates) until the end of the day, then spend a few minutes managing and processing these messages in bulk.

[Related: How Google Tasks can help you organize your Gmail inbox]

2. Set up your own filters

Filters are one of the key ways you can automatically organize your incoming messages. Click the filters icon (three sliders) on the right end of the Gmail search box to set up some search terms. Then click Create filter to set it up. You can also create new filters from individual messages by clicking the three vertical dots in an email’s top right corner and choosing Filter messages like this.

Filters, which can help bring your Gmail inbox to zero.
You can create filters based on sender, subject, size, and various other criteria. David Nield

If you’ve got multiple email addresses coming into your Gmail account, for example, you can mark messages sent to other addresses as less important. Another option is to immediately archive certain emails and mark them as read—they won’t appear in your inbox, so less work for you, but they will still be available via search if you need them.

3. Get creative with Gmail stars

Right from the beginning, Gmail has avoided offering a folder system. Instead, you can use labels and stars to sort your messages. On the web, click the cog icon, then See all settings, and make sure you’re in the General tab. You’ll see a total of 12 types of stars you can use. To make more available inside your Gmail inbox, drag them from the Not in use row to the In use row.

Gmail stars, which can be used to clean up a messy inbox.
Don’t limit yourself to just one star for organizing your messages. David Nield

How does this bring you and Gmail closer to Inbox Zero? By starring and archiving messages, you can clean out your inbox without losing track of important messages. You can view each star category with a simple search, such as “has:yellow-star” or “has:green-check“. To see the search term associated with each star, hover the mouse over the relevant icon on the Settings screen.

[Related: 29 Gmail keyboard shortcuts to help you power through your inbox]

4. Unsubscribe from everything you can

Gmail has a built-in unsubscribe feature to quickly get yourself off newsletter and notification lists you don’t want to be on. You should see an Unsubscribe link in the header of any compatible message. Essentially, Gmail is scanning messages for “unsubscribe” links and making them easier for you to find right up at the top.

The unsubscribe button Google provides for certain emails, which can be helpful in reaching Gmail Inbox Zero.
Unsubscribing from emails makes a bigger difference than you might think. David Nield

At the start, this may feel tedious, but you’ll be amazed at the amount of time you can save by being ruthless with your subscriptions—all those seconds clicking the Delete button really add up. For something even more comprehensive, you can make use of an unsubscribe service that works with Gmail. is one of the best, and also lets you combine multiple incoming messages into a single newsletter.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on March 6, 2017.

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Dehydrating food can save you money and reduce waste Sat, 01 Apr 2023 15:59:52 +0000
A wooden serving tray with a variety of dehydrated fruit and herbs on it, along with fresh fruit and herbs.
When those fresh fruits start to get old, you can dehydrate them too. Jhunelle Francis Sardido / Unsplash

Each US household loses about $2,000 a year in wasted food.

The post Dehydrating food can save you money and reduce waste appeared first on Popular Science.

A wooden serving tray with a variety of dehydrated fruit and herbs on it, along with fresh fruit and herbs.
When those fresh fruits start to get old, you can dehydrate them too. Jhunelle Francis Sardido / Unsplash

In the United States, almost 32 percent of the average household’s purchased food goes to waste, a total annual loss of around $240 billion. All that squandered sustenance is hard on a household budget, as the moment spoiled food hits the trash can or compost heap, your money goes with it. But if you want to, you know, get what you paid for and eat your groceries instead, consider dehydrating them before they go bad.

Dehydrating food is not some new trend; Indigenous people in pre-colonial North America created a dried food called pemmican, and cultures around the world have used similar techniques for generations. It’s easy to see why: removing moisture from something edible prolongs its shelf life and makes it easier to transport.

Today, there are environmental benefits as well. Food decaying in landfills generates a significant amount of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and climate change is one of the biggest risks to American agriculture. Of course, composting can help, but you (and everyone else) may benefit more from dehydrating or otherwise preserving food to eat later.

How to make dehydrated food

Safely dehydrating food is fairly straightforward, according to Bryan Mayer, a butchery educator based in Kailua, Hawaii. He points out that safe dehydration techniques predate the Industrial Revolution by centuries.

“This has been a part of how we’ve made food safe to eat pre-refrigeration and certainly pre-canning, so it’s something that’s totally within reach for most people,” he explains. “It’s certainly something fun to do and something that I think we can use on an individual basis to reduce waste, keep things out of compost.”

Dehydrating meat, poultry, and fish

Mayer says the main thing to know about drying raw meat, poultry, and fish is that you’ll need to first cook it to a food-safe temperature specific to that protein before reducing the heat to a level more appropriate for dehydrating. If you need a reference, the US Department of Agriculture has a list of safe minimum internal temperatures for various foods.

Beyond that, start with the best-quality cut you can get, Mayer says. He recommends leaner cuts because you’ll have less overall work to do, since you’ll want to remove the fat if there is any.

“You’ll want to slice it however thick or thin you want, and then you’ll want to marinate it, usually up to 24 hours,” he says. The longer you marinate, the more any salt within your spice mix will seep into the meat, which means more time for the salt to penetrate cells and break things down.

[Related: Your food could be better if you salt it at the right time]

Any other spices will just sit on the surface of the meat, not making molecular changes like salt will, Mayer adds. There are no rules for what spices or other flavorings you can add to your meat jerky; you can go for tried-and-true options like barbecue sauce or mustard, or add something less likely to be in store-bought varieties, like Dr. Pepper or red wine and fish sauce. The People’s Choice Beef Jerky, a jerky purveyor, has a long list of possible meat jerky flavor combos.

Once you’ve decided the meat has marinated for long enough, line up the strips on a dehydrator rack or on a pan rack in your oven. Experiment with different lengths of time and temperatures, adding more time for lower temperatures (but always make sure as much moisture has been sucked from the meat as possible before you stop).

Dehydrating fruits, vegetables, herbs, and mushrooms

If you’re dehydrating fruits, vegetables, herbs, or mushrooms, it’s important to wash or brush them to remove any dirt, dust, or other contaminants, and prevent new ones, like insects, from getting into your newly dehydrated goods. That will help prevent the food from spoiling.

You’ll then want to cut everything into same-size pieces to ensure dehydration occurs evenly across your rack; a mandoline will help keep your cuts consistent.

Colorado State University recommends choosing one of several fruit pretreatment methods, using pure ascorbic acid crystals, citric acid, or other similar substances to help break down tough skins, prevent discoloration and kill off unhealthy bacteria. 

Because home-dried produce may not dehydrate evenly, you should mitigate mold growth by “conditioning”—loosely packing it in a shakeable container every day for a week—to help distribute any remaining moisture, according to the National Center for Home Food Preservation at the University of Georgia.

For vegetables, cut off any inedible parts, like stems or rot, before washing and thoroughly drying. Different vegetables dehydrate more easily after blanching, or briefly boiling then dunking in an ice bath, according to the Food Network. 

Herbs get a similar treatment: trim off any bruised, discolored, or inedible bits, as well as thicker stems, before you arrange them on the dehydrating rack. But you’ll have less room for temperature and time experimentation with the herbs, so set your dehydrator or countertop oven to the lowest possible setting and let them bake until they’re crumbly. You can also microwave smaller amounts sandwiched between paper towels for two or three minutes, then 30-second intervals until they’re dry.

[Related: Grow long and healthy hair with this DIY rosemary water]

If you don’t want to mechanically dry your herbs, sage, thyme, rosemary and other sturdy herbs can be bundled and air-dried indoors, according to the Oregon State University Master Food Preserver Program. Tender herbs, like basil and mint, can also be bundled and air dried, but OSU recommends hanging them inside a paper bag with vent holes cut in the top and side, closing the top, and placing it somewhere warm with good air circulation.

Dehydrating mushrooms is similar to other types of food dehydration, except you won’t need to think about pretreatment. You’ll want to clean them thoroughly, ensure no bugs are present, and trim off any inedible or tough bits before cutting them into even-size pieces. Different mushrooms will have different dehydrating times based on how moist they are, so a dryer mushroom won’t need as much time in the heat. Like fruits and vegetables, you’ll want to condition your mushrooms by storing them loosely in a sealed container and shaking them daily for a week.

How much food can I dehydrate at once?

At the height of mushroom season, Rob Rubba, a plant-based chef and co-owner of Oyster Oyster in Washington, D.C., says his restaurant “easily” receives deliveries of 100 pounds of local mushrooms each week. Not all of that will look pretty enough to be plated, so the less-attractive items end up dehydrated for use in future recipes.

That’s to say, there’s no maximum amount to how much food you can dehydrate—as long as you have enough space, heat, and time. But best practice is to lay everything out in an even layer with nothing overlapping on a rack on a sheet pan to maximize heat and air flow. Reasonably speaking, you can dehydrate as much as you can fit in your oven or on your dehydrator racks. You can also dehydrate different types of foods at once, but Rubba recommends considering flavor pairings in case of contamination. Apples and garlic, for example, wouldn’t taste great together.

Do I need a food dehydrator?

If you have an oven (countertop or otherwise) that can reach a low enough temperature (around 200 degrees Fahrenheit), you shouldn’t need to buy a food dehydrator. It’s also possible to sun-dry some produce, like tomatoes, apricots, peppers, grapes, or any fruits with high sugar and acid content. This requires an elevated rack or screen that allows air to pass on all sides, and avoiding materials that could stain or contaminate the food. Produce only, though: the Department of Agriculture doesn’t recommend sun-drying meat because it’s harder to keep everything healthy and hygienic. 

That being said, while a dehydrator will cost money and take up space, having one means you can multitask in the kitchen by dehydrating while you use the oven for other tasks. A food dehydrator is also purpose-built, so you’ll be able to fine-tune your temperature settings, keep the heat and dryness consistent, and use levels of racks to dehydrate more than you could inside a single-rack countertop oven. In a pinch, you may also be able to build your own dehydrator.

But if you’re really low on space for a new kitchen appliance and feel like using a full oven would be a waste, Rubba suggests using the waning heat from cooking or baking in the oven to dehydrate food.

“As the oven cools, there’ll be a declining temperature that will be slowly drying it out,” he explains, adding that this is also a great way to make breadcrumbs. “The next day, you could pull [the food] out and have something dehydrated—and that’s a good way of just utilizing leftover energy.”

What to do with dehydrated foods

Some items, like dried meat sticks, are probably best as quick snacks and meal supplements. But you can do a lot with dried fruits, vegetables, herbs, and mushrooms to make meals prettier or tastier.

Dehydrated mushrooms can become vegan jerky, but they can also be remoistened and used in stocks, stews, or anywhere you would use a regular mushroom. Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health recommends rehydrating mushrooms for 15 to 20 minutes in boiling water.

[Related: 4 benefits of eating mushrooms]

Other dried produce can be rehydrated too. Generally, you’ll need to soak 1 cup of dried food in 1 to 3 cups of water for 30 to 90 minutes, and the University of Georgia has a handy chart you can refer to when rehydrating fruits and vegetables (page 7 of the linked PDF).

Slices or pieces of dried pineapple, oranges, kiwis, or other fruits can be used to garnish drinks and meals, or be eaten as a snack. Veggies can be dried into chips that can be eaten as-is or crushed into other things, like pasta dough and salads, or as a topping. Herbs can be dehydrated and ground into homemade spice mixes.

For bread service at Oyster Oyster, Rubba’s team makes a vegan marigold butter with “an abundance of marigold flowers that we dehydrate to garnish that and give it these pops of lemony, fragrant flavor on the butter,” he explains.

Another benefit of dehydrating foods is the flavor concentration that occurs when the water is stripped out, which Rubba, a 2023 James Beard award finalist, says can lead to “amazing” complexity.

“We’ve boiled and smoked whole pumpkins and then dehydrated those for a week to get this solid, giant piece that we can grate onto dishes, kind of reminiscent of a bonito [flake],” he explains. Rubba’s restaurant has also “reduced cucumber juice slowly in the dehydrator, and it takes on these wild, spicy flavors that you wouldn’t expect from a cucumber.”

How long you can keep dehydrated food

Proper storage is key to making dehydrated foods last. Rubba recommends using an airtight container to loosely pack anything you dehydrate and popping a silica packet inside to wick away any remaining moisture. Just make sure the packet isn’t broken and that you clean or thoroughly check the food when you use it again—silica beads are generally nontoxic but can be a choking hazard.

That’s going to give anything dehydrated a longer life, especially if you live in a humid climate, he explains, adding that dried fruits, veg, and ‘shrooms are shelf-stable but shouldn’t be exposed to moisture, so they’re better stored in the pantry than in the fridge.

Dried herbs, fruits, and vegetables should last up to a year but will not keep as long under hotter conditions; the National Center for Home Food Preservation says most dried fruits can be stored for one year at 60 degrees Fahrenheit, six months at 80 degrees, and that vegetables will last about half as long as fruits.

Properly dried meat won’t last nearly as long, according to the center—only about two weeks in a sealed container at room temperature, although you can refrigerate or freeze it to increase its shelf life. But odds are you’ll eat it long before two weeks pass.

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Take advantage of all of Android Auto’s new customizations Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:00:00 +0000
Car dashboard screen showing Android Auto's new interface with Google Maps.
Now Android Auto supports more widgets to give you easy access to everything you need while on the move. Google

The system's latest update comes with a wide range of new settings to play with.

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Car dashboard screen showing Android Auto's new interface with Google Maps.
Now Android Auto supports more widgets to give you easy access to everything you need while on the move. Google

The latest Android Auto update is one of the biggest yet for Google’s in-car interface, giving users more control than ever over how the software looks on their car dashboard.

If you’re completely new to the Android Auto and Apple CarPlay experience, these are the interfaces that pop up in compatible vehicles when you connect your Android or iPhone device. They’re essentially extensions of your phone, giving you access to select apps including maps, music, and messaging.

The internal Google codename for this latest Android Auto update is Coolwalk, though you won’t see it mentioned anywhere officially. It brings with it a split-screen design, streamlined widgets, and a new app launcher.

Changing the layout of Android Auto

By default, the Android Auto interface will show you three widgets: A larger maps panel, a smaller area with media playback controls, and a shortcuts panel displaying recent destinations in your preferred maps app. These widgets represent the apps you’ve used most recently in each category, and if you want to make either of them go full-screen, you can just tap them.

[Related: The new Android 13 features you need to be using]

The interface will also give whatever media playback app you’re using a second screen typically showing recommendations for what to play next. You can access it by swiping left or right on the corresponding icon. As you drive, if you don’t use any of the map destination shortcuts, the media app widget will expand to fill that space.

Depending on your car’s dashboard screen you’ll also see shortcuts to your most-used apps on the side of the widgets or underneath them. Tap any of these shortcuts to make the selected app fill the screen. You’ll also recognize the colorful microphone icon, which you can tap to give voice commands to the Google Assistant.

In the lower-left corner of the Android Auto screen, you should also see a monochrome icon that will either show nine dots or two squares and a rectangle, depending on what’s on screen. Tap this to cycle between the widget view, the full-screen view, and the app launcher, which shows all of the apps available inside Android Auto.

Choosing your Android Auto apps

The apps that you see in Android Auto will be the same apps installed on your phone, but only if they support a car interface. Google Maps is a good example: It’s crucial to the Android Auto experience, so you’ll always see it available through the interface in your vehicle.

But maybe you don’t want to see all the Android Auto-supporting apps you have on your phone crowding your car’s dashboard screen. If there are some you know will never use while on the move, you might want to declutter the app launcher by hiding them from view. You’ll need to set this up on your phone, so don’t do this while driving. From Settings, pick Connected devices, Connection preferences, Android Auto, and Customize launcher. From there, uncheck the box next to any app you don’t want to see in the dashboard interface. You’ll notice some tools, like Google Maps, Phone, and Settings, are not optional, so you won’t be able to hide them from the app launcher.

Go back to the Android Auto menu to switch between night and day (dark and light) modes for maps and customize the interface in various other ways. From this menu, you’ll also be able to enable Taskbar widgets, which will display a new bar along the bottom of the interface so your media playback controls are available at all times.

Customize your Android Auto settings

Screenshot of Android Auto's app launcher.
You can use your phone to pick and choose which Android Auto-supporting apps appear in the car’s interface. David Nield

The renewed Android Auto also offers a selection of customizations you can access from the interface itself. Again, toggling them will require some concentration and focus, so make sure not to play around with them while your vehicle is moving. Get to the app launcher by tapping the nine-dot icon (you may have to access it by touching the widget icon first), and pick Settings.

The first selection of settings covers notifications, so you can choose whether or not you get alerts whenever there’s an incoming message on your phone. There’s also the option to show the first line of conversations and to play a chime on these alerts. Turn off the Suggestion cards setting and you won’t see smart prompts like the option to call a contact you communicate with a lot or navigate to a specific home or work address.

[Related: Your Android phone may soon be able to start your car]

Further down you can set whether Android Auto starts up automatically when it connects and whether the audio you were playing most recently starts up automatically. In our experience, not all media apps obey the rules set down by this setting, so you might still find audio playing (or not playing) no matter what this option is set to.

As well as accessing settings you can get on the phone (such as day and night mode for maps), there’s also a Wallpaper option. Tap this and you’ll be able to access a selection of different patterns and photos. Wallpaper doesn’t show up on the widgets view, but you will see it when you’re accessing menus and the app launcher.

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April’s skies boast the full pink moon, Lyrid meteor shower, and a total solar eclipse Fri, 31 Mar 2023 12:00:00 +0000
A total solar eclipse, a bright ring of sunlight around a dark moon on July 2, 2019.
A total solar eclipse from July 2, 2019 showing when the moon passes directly in front of the sun from the Earth’s perspective. ESA/CESAR/Wouter van Reeven, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

We're about to experience some epic sky events, just in time for Global Astronomy Month.

The post April’s skies boast the full pink moon, Lyrid meteor shower, and a total solar eclipse appeared first on Popular Science.

A total solar eclipse, a bright ring of sunlight around a dark moon on July 2, 2019.
A total solar eclipse from July 2, 2019 showing when the moon passes directly in front of the sun from the Earth’s perspective. ESA/CESAR/Wouter van Reeven, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
April 5 and 6Full Pink Moon
April 734P/PANSTARRS comet at closest flyby
April 20Total solar eclipse
April 21, 22, and 23Lyrid meteor shower

April is officially Global Astronomy Month, a month-long celebration of all things celestial by Astronomers Without Borders, a US-based club that connects global skywatchers. The event features a Global Star Party and Sun Day and online lessons to highlight the conjunction of art and astronomy. April also happens to be an exciting month for space happenings in general. If you happen to get any stellar sky photos, tag us and include #PopSkyGazers.

[Related: Your guide to the types of stars, from their dusty births to violent deaths.]

April 5 and 6 – Full Pink Moon

The first full moon of spring in the Northern Hemisphere will reach peak illumination at 12:37 AM EDT on April 6. First glimpses of the full Pink Moon will be on April 5, but because it reaches peak illumination so early in Eastern Time, Western time zones will see it peak on the night of April 5.

April’s full moon also goes by many names. The “pink” references early springtime blooms of the wildflower Phlox subulata found in eastern North America. This month’s moon is also the Paschal Full Moon, which determines when the Christian holiday Easter is celebrated. Easter is always celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring, so this year Easter will be on Sunday, April 9.

Every year, the April full moon is also called the Frog Moon or Omakakiiwi-giizis in Anishinaabemowin/Ojibwe, the It’s Thundering Moon or Wasakayutese in Oneida, and the Planting Moon or Tahch’atapa in Tunica, the language of the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana.

April 7 – 34P/PANSTARRS comet at its closest point in flyby

The Jupiter-family comet 364P/PANSTARRS will pass within 11 million miles (0.12 AU) of the Earth in early April. The comet will be in the “foxy” constellation Vulpecula and is expected to have a high brightness magnitude of about 12.3. It will be visible in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, but those in Northern latitudes will be able to see it better. 

[Related: A total solar eclipse bathed Antarctica in darkness.]

April 20 – Total solar eclipse

Eclipses are always an exciting event, but this one comes with a twist. A total solar eclipse occurs during a rare cosmic alignment of the Earth, moon, and sun. The next solar eclipse will be the first of its kind since 2013 and the last until 2031.

On April 20, a new moon will eclipse the sun, but it will falter a bit. Since it is slightly too far away from the Earth in its elliptical orbit to fully cover all of the sun, the moon will actually fail to cause a total solar eclipse for a brief moment. A ring of fire will be visible for a few seconds over the Indian Ocean, but the moonshadow will completely cover the sun and cause a total solar eclipse by the time it reaches Western Australia. Eclipse chasers in the town of Exmouth and on ships in the Indian Ocean will likely experience about one minute of darkness during the day.

A long display of Baily’s beads around the New Moon and a view of the sun’s pink chromosphere could also appear around the moon during totality on eclipse day. While this eclipse won’t really be visible in the US, we’re only a few months away from the 2023 annular solar eclipse, which will reach totality in the western part of the country this October. 

April 21, 22, and 23 – Lyrid meteor shower

The Lyrids are predicted to start late in the evening of April 21 or April 22 and last until dawn on April 23. The predicted peak is 9:06 EDT on April 23. While the peak of the Lyrids is narrow, the new moon falls on April 19, so it will not interfere with skygazing

Ten to 15 meteors per hour can be seen in a dark sky with no moon. The Lyrids are even known for some rare surges in activity that can sometimes bring them up to 100 per hour. The meteor shower will be visible from both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, but is much more active in the north.

The same skygazing rules that apply to pretty much all space-watching activities are key this month: Go to a dark spot away from the lights of a city or town and let the eyes adjust to the darkness for about a half an hour. 

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The easiest ways to recover deleted files Sun, 06 Feb 2022 01:11:18 +0000
A man sitting in a study cubicle, holding his head in frustration as he looks at his laptop, which has a lot of stickers on it.
No worries, mate. Tim Gouw / Unsplash

There's more than one way to recover the files you think are forever lost.

The post The easiest ways to recover deleted files appeared first on Popular Science.

A man sitting in a study cubicle, holding his head in frustration as he looks at his laptop, which has a lot of stickers on it.
No worries, mate. Tim Gouw / Unsplash

Now that we’re living in a mostly digital world, it’s a lot easier than it used to be to accidentally delete that precious family photo or important bank statement. One slip of the finger and whole folders of files can disappear into the digital ether.

If you’re hit by such a mishap, don’t panic. If you keep calm and act fast, you might be able to get your files back. In fact, you can explore a few different methods in your quest to restore your data. From tools built into your operating system to third-party apps you can download for free, here’s how to rescue those files.

Keep a backup

Screenshot of a Dropbox interface
You can recover deleted files from Dropbox with a couple of clicks. David Nield

Nowadays, you really have no excuse for not backing up everything that’s on your computer and phone. The available backup and cloud storage apps are so comprehensive and easy to use that you barely have to do anything to update the spare copies of your data. What’s more, backups are your best protection against any accidental file deletion, not to mention other potential problems like ransomware.

If you don’t already have a backup system in place, it won’t be much help if you’ve arrived here in a panic. But you can at least make sure you set something up to protect your future files. On your computer, look at the options built into Windows (OneDrive) and macOS (iCloud), as well as independent apps such as Dropbox and Google Drive.

All of these services sync your files between computers and the cloud. So when a file disappears from one place, you can restore it from another. For example, in the Dropbox web interface, just click the Deleted files link and then restore whichever file or folder you want back. For even more protection against data loss, consider a service like Crashplan or Backblaze.

Check the Recycle Bin or Trash

Windows 10 Recycle Bin
On a Windows computer, the Recycle Bin should be the first place you check. David Nield

Many people will have already thought of this one. But if you’re not aware, both Windows and Apple computers have folders that keep all deleted files for a short while—just in case you want them back.

A Windows machine calls this folder the Recycle Bin. Its icon might already be on your desktop, but if not, simply open File Explorer, click the drop-down menu at the start of the file path field, and choose Recycle Bin. You can click on individual items and restore them one by one, or select Restore all items to undelete them en masse. Files will return to their original location, though you can copy and paste them somewhere else if you prefer.

[Related: The recycle bin settings you didn’t know you needed]

If you’re on a macOS computer, deleted files will end up in the Trash, and this folder appears on the right-hand end of the dock by default. Again, you can drag files out of the Trash folder, or right-click on a file and choose Put Back from the options menu to restore them to their former location.

Both of these options are time-sensitive. On a Mac, files stick around in the Trash for 30 days. But on a Windows machine, they only stay in the Recycle Bin until the folder exceeds a certain size—so the sooner you act, the better.

Use a third-party app

The interface for Disk Drill.
Third-party apps will tell you if there’s any chance of getting your files back. David Nield

A host of third-party applications promise to at least try to bring back your files from the digital grave—though none are guaranteed to work. These programs scour a specified disk to look for file fragments that haven’t been overwritten yet. Then, they (hopefully) piece those bits back together to make a coherent file again.

Options include EaseUS Data Recovery (for both Windows and macOS), Active@ Undelete (Windows only), Disk Drill (both Windows and macOS), and Recuva (Windows only). You can download and run all of these programs for free, though in some cases, you will have to pay to actually get your data back. Don’t part with any cash until a scan has actually run, and the program has confirmed that it can recover your important files.

All of these choices and most other reputable options are simple to use. And they don’t require much configuration either: Simply choose the drive you’d like to search through and let the app get to work. It’s a good idea to run more than one undelete program on your system, as different apps might be able to detect different sets of files.

How to recover files from phones or tablets

The Recently Deleted folder for the iOS Photos app for an iPhone.
You can recover your deleted photos on an iPhone, but you might have to dig through all those discarded screenshots. David Nield

Phones and tablets handle file storage differently than computers, making it harder to recover deleted information. On the other hand, a lot of mobile apps have an undelete feature built right in, so you might well be able to restore that erased file with just a few taps.

Take photos, for example—they’re the most common type of file you’ll be trying to get back from your phone. In Photos for iOS, tap Albums and then find the Recently Deleted album, which saves erased pictures for 30 days. In Google Photos for iOS and Android, open the menu and tap Library, then Trash to see recently deleted pictures, which stick around for 60 days before they disappear forever.

If your deleted files were erased from a memory card inside your phone, try plugging the card into a card reader attached to your computer and using one of the desktop applications we mentioned above. Again, there’s no guarantee that those files will be recoverable, but these tools are your best bet for getting your data back.

This story has been updated. It was originally published on May 30, 2017.

The post The easiest ways to recover deleted files appeared first on Popular Science.

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The Opt Out: When you should and shouldn’t accept a website’s cookies Thu, 30 Mar 2023 13:00:27 +0000
A number of fortune cookies on a green surface, three of which have exposed fortunes reading "Where you go, your username will follow," "You will buy black shoes next week," and "This site is the anti-political space you seek."
We're not so sure about some of these cookies. Lauren Pusateri for Popular Science

There's a difference between filling your browser with a fine selection of cookies and just taking what everyone throws your way.

The post The Opt Out: When you should and shouldn’t accept a website’s cookies appeared first on Popular Science.

A number of fortune cookies on a green surface, three of which have exposed fortunes reading "Where you go, your username will follow," "You will buy black shoes next week," and "This site is the anti-political space you seek."
We're not so sure about some of these cookies. Lauren Pusateri for Popular Science

IT MAY SEEM as if websites suddenly started displaying banners telling us they were using cookies and asking if we were cool with it. Maybe you didn’t think too much about it—just clicked “accept all” and moved on. And maybe that’s what you’ve been doing ever since.

But you really should stop and think about it. We’ve been dealing with these notifications for almost five years now, and some folks still don’t know what it means to accept or reject all cookies, or even what those yummy-sounding files do. Tech companies don’t make it easy to understand either (perhaps on purpose). But consent isn’t really consent if we don’t know what we’re saying yes to.

Cookies 101

It’s right there in the Cheers theme song: Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. And if the internet were your friendly neighborhood bar, having folks greet you and hand you your favorite drink before you order would be possible only with cookies.  

These small text files are generated on websites and saved in your browser. When you return to a site, the page will retrieve the relevant cookies from your computer to provide a more seamless experience—your preferences will be the same as the last time you were there, the weather information will match your location, and the shoes you were not so sure about two nights ago will still be waiting in your virtual shopping cart. These cookies, also known as HTTP or first-party cookies, are incredibly convenient, and since they’re typically a data transaction between you and the website you’re visiting, they’re mostly harmless (unless a hacker intercepts them via an unsecured website or public WiFi network, but that’s rare).

Cookies in general get a bad rap because of one type: third-party cookies. These are usually generated not by the website you’re visiting but by the advertising networks and data brokers working within that site. These cookies are designed to gather marketable information about you (what you like, what catches your eye, what ads you click on) that can be used to sell you stuff. This data can also be sold to other actors, potentially with nefarious results. “That’s part of the magic of big data,” says Carissa Véliz, author of the book Privacy is Power. “It draws out inferences that we would’ve never guessed. So it’s very hard to predict what the consequences are for sharing that personal data.”  

What’s worse is that third-party cookies can track you across the internet. Let’s say you are a stylish baseball fan with a weakness for high-quality perfume. So you wake up, and the first thing you do is go to your favorite sports website to check the scores of yesterday’s games. Two hours later, while on a break between meetings, you browse a perfume blog to read a review. What you don’t know is that the ads on the sports website were managed by the same company that showed you ads on the blog, so now the advertising network knows you’re willing to splurge on a nice woody scent and also good seats for the next Mets game. Because advertising networks work with countless websites, those third-party cookies keep adding up, feeding more data to advertisers and their clients.

When the European Parliament approved the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018, this bill teamed up with previous regulation to, in part, give EU citizens the right to be informed about a website’s use of any unnecessary cookies, consent to the tracking and use of their data, withdraw that consent whenever they want, and access platforms even after rejecting all cookies. What makes the GDPR different from earlier rules is that it protects EU citizens no matter where they are, where tech companies are headquartered, or where data is processed.  

[Related: When it comes to privacy, smart devices are not the smarter choice]

Because there’s no way to determine if a user is an EU citizen, and running two versions of a website is hard and expensive, tech companies avoided million-dollar fines by adopting a “better safe than sorry” approach, which meant they started asking everyone for consent to use cookies on their websites. That resulted in everyone in the world getting a bit more control over their data online. But know this: Unless you’re an EU citizen, or some other privacy regulation applies to you (like the California Privacy Rights Act), you do not have the right to withdraw consent when it comes to tech companies or data brokers collecting and using your data. Jon Callas, director of public interest technology at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, says some companies, like Twitter and Apple, decided to make things easier for everyone by providing GDPR rights to all their users no matter their nationality. But those are the exceptions. In most cases, if you’ve consented to data collection, a company can use whatever it already has on you however it likes—no law allows you to demand the immediate and total deletion of that data just because you want to. 

You can, however, turn off the informational faucet and sever websites’ access to more of your data. 

The best cookies are the ones you choose

Start by clearing the cache on your browser. This will get rid of all the cookies currently stored on your device and will prompt websites to ask you about cookies again, giving you a chance for a semifresh start. The steps will be different depending on your browser, but you can check out our guide to clearing cookies and web history on all the major browsers. 

With a clean slate in your browser, you’ll want to be more selective when it comes to consenting to cookies in the future. When deciding whether to accept cookies, the fastest, easiest, and most secure answer is to always reject them all. Most of the time, you’ll have to dig into the pop-up banner’s options and find your way to the right button, but you can also use your browser’s settings to reject all cookies from all websites all the time.

You’ll notice most browsers will try to warn you against rejecting all cookies. This is not only because doing so will prevent them from serving you personalized ads and will make your online experience a little less streamlined. They warn you because some websites were built with cookies in mind, and rejecting them all may result in glitches or limited functionality. This is where you must gauge your personal situation and decide what level of risk you’re comfortable with. 

After you reject all cookies, most sites will still be fully functional, just slightly harder to use than you’re used to. You may have to set your preferences every time you visit a page, remember your username, and scroll down to the exact point where you left off reading that lengthy article at lunch. Maybe that sounds like a price you’re willing to pay to protect your data from malicious third parties, but it may also sound absolutely unbearable. Neither response is wrong—you just have to do what’s best for you.

If banning all cookies forever seems right for you, follow these steps:

  • On Chrome: Settings > Privacy and security > Cookies and other site data > check the box next to Block all cookies.
  • On Safari: Settings > Privacy > check the box next to Block all cookies.
  • On Firefox: Settings > Privacy & security > find Enhanced tracking protection > choose Custom > find Cookies > open the drop-down menu > All cookies.
  • On Microsoft Edge: Settings > Privacy, search, and services, find Tracking prevention > Strict.

Microsoft’s browser is different in that it doesn’t let you block all cookies, only “the majority” of them “from all sites.” This doesn’t give you a lot of control over or transparency about what cookies Edge is actually blocking—but this may just be its way to prevent some sites from breaking without them.

Not willing to live in a cookie-free world but still want to protect your data? You’ll likely need to take time to personalize your privacy settings whenever you visit a new website. There’s no one way to do this, as every website is different. But the main strategy is to reject anything that says “tracker,” “third-party,” “targeting,” or “social media” next to it. 

You’ll also have to beware of dark patterns—weaponized web design elements meant to sway your behavior one way or another, sometimes without you noticing. For example, placing a big, noticeable “accept all” button next to a tiny link in a noncontrasting color that says “reject all” is a dark pattern. These can be even more subtle, like when your only options are “accept all” or “edit preferences.” “It’s not giving you the choice of ‘yes’ versus ‘no’—they’re making you look for ‘no’ so you’re more likely to click ‘yes,’” says Callas. “Close” or “X” buttons may also be considered a dark pattern. Because these notifications act as a final hurdle between you and the content you’re interested in, it’s natural for you to click that “X” as soon as possible to get past the banner. But some sites might consider that consenting by omission. Callas says some websites are explicit about this, but others might not tell you what you’re actually doing when you close the disclosure notice without making a choice. That would not be considered proper consent under GDPR, but Callas says some might be willing to take the risk: “The websites are gaming the rules to get the most information out of you, because information is money.” 

Keep in mind that the GDPR forces companies to provide options only when there are unnecessary cookies involved. So if you stumble upon a page that is not explicitly asking for your consent, that’s because there’s nothing to consent to—only information about the site’s use of HTTP or first-party cookies.

As with most things in life, there’s no right or wrong answer to the cookie dilemma. If you find value in targeted ads and are OK with companies potentially abusing the data they collect, you can accept all cookies forever. But there is certainly a middle ground where it’s possible to enjoy a streamlined experience online and still keep your data out of the reach of bad actors. Tech companies don’t make it easy (privacy policies are somehow both dense and vague, Véliz says), which makes us wonder if the GDPR-given right to consent is real and not an illusion. Whichever the case, one thing is still true: Those cookie notifications can be annoying, but they sure are better than nothing.

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